// Recursively traverse the Executor struct, building "/"-delimited strings that resemble snap metric types. If a given
// feature is not enabled on a Mesos agent (e.g. the network isolator), then those metrics will be removed from the
// metric types returned by this function.
func GetMonitoringStatisticsMetricTypes(host string) ([]string, error) {
	log.Debug("Getting monitoring statistics metrics type from host ", host)
	// TODO(roger): supporting NetTrafficControlStatistics means adding another dynamic metric to the plugin.
	// When we're ready to do this, remove ns.InspectEmptyContainers(ns.AlwaysFalse) so this defaults to true.
	namespaces := []string{}
	err := ns.FromCompositeObject(
		&mesos_pb2.ResourceStatistics{}, "", &namespaces, ns.InspectEmptyContainers(ns.AlwaysFalse))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Avoid returning a metric type that is impossible to collect on this system
	flags, err := GetFlags(host)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Isolators are defined using a comma-separated string passed to the "--isolation" flag on the Mesos agent.
	// See https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/0.28.1/src/slave/containerizer/mesos/containerizer.cpp#L196-L223
	isolators := strings.Split(flags["isolation"], ",")

	if str.Contains(isolators, "cgroups/perf_event") {
		log.Debug("Isolator cgroups/perf_event is enabled on host ", host)
		// Expects a perf event from the output of `perf list`. Mesos then normalizes the event name. See
		// https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/0.28.1/src/linux/perf.cpp#L65-L71
		namespaces = deleteFromSlice(namespaces, "^perf/.*")
		var normalizedPerfEvents []string
		perfEvents := strings.Split(flags["perf_events"], ",")

		for _, event := range perfEvents {
			log.Debug("Adding perf event ", event, " to metrics catalog")
			event = fmt.Sprintf("perf/%s", normalizePerfEventName(event))
			normalizedPerfEvents = append(normalizedPerfEvents, event)
		namespaces = append(namespaces, normalizedPerfEvents...)
	} else {
		log.Debug("Isolator cgroups/perf_event is not enabled on host ", host)
		namespaces = deleteFromSlice(namespaces, "^perf.*")

	if !str.Contains(isolators, "posix/disk") {
		log.Debug("Isolator posix/disk is not enabled on host ", host)
		namespaces = deleteFromSlice(namespaces, "^disk_.*")

	if !str.Contains(isolators, "network/port_mapping") {
		log.Debug("Isolator network/port_mapping is not enabled on host ", host)
		namespaces = deleteFromSlice(namespaces, "^net_.*")

	return namespaces, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func TestGetMetricTypes(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Tesing GetMetricTypes", t, func() {

		newPlg := new(Mock)
		So(newPlg, ShouldNotBeNil)

		Convey("with missing on-load plugin config entry", func() {
			cfg := plugin.Config{"test-fail": true}
			_, err := newPlg.GetMetricTypes(cfg)

			So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)

		Convey("with 'test' config variable", func() {
			cfg := plugin.Config{"test": true}

			mts, err := newPlg.GetMetricTypes(cfg)

			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(len(mts), ShouldEqual, 4)

			Convey("checking namespaces", func() {
				metricNames := []string{}
				for _, m := range mts {
					metricNames = append(metricNames, m.Namespace.String())

				ns := plugin.NewNamespace("intel", "mock", "test")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = plugin.NewNamespace("intel", "mock", "foo")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = plugin.NewNamespace("intel", "mock", "bar")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = plugin.NewNamespace("intel", "mock").AddDynamicElement("host", "name of the host").AddStaticElement("baz")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

		Convey("without config variables", func() {
			mts, err := newPlg.GetMetricTypes(plugin.Config{})

			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(len(mts), ShouldEqual, 3)

			Convey("checking namespaces", func() {
				metricNames := []string{}
				for _, m := range mts {
					metricNames = append(metricNames, m.Namespace.String())

				ns := plugin.NewNamespace("intel", "mock", "foo")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = plugin.NewNamespace("intel", "mock", "bar")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = plugin.NewNamespace("intel", "mock").AddDynamicElement("host", "name of the host").AddStaticElement("baz")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

Exemplo n.º 3
func TestGetMetricTypes(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Tesing GetMetricTypes", t, func() {

		newPlg := new(AnotherMock)
		So(newPlg, ShouldNotBeNil)

		Convey("with missing on-load plugin config entry", func() {
			node := cdata.NewNode()
			node.AddItem("test-fail", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: ""})

			_, err := newPlg.GetMetricTypes(plugin.ConfigType{ConfigDataNode: node})

			So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)

		Convey("with 'test' config variable", func() {
			node := cdata.NewNode()
			node.AddItem("test", ctypes.ConfigValueStr{Value: ""})

			mts, err := newPlg.GetMetricTypes(plugin.ConfigType{ConfigDataNode: node})

			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(len(mts), ShouldEqual, 4)

			Convey("checking namespaces", func() {
				metricNames := []string{}
				for _, m := range mts {
					metricNames = append(metricNames, m.Namespace().String())

				ns := core.NewNamespace("intel", "anothermock", "test")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = core.NewNamespace("intel", "anothermock", "foo")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = core.NewNamespace("intel", "anothermock", "bar")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = core.NewNamespace("intel", "anothermock").AddDynamicElement("host", "name of the host").AddStaticElement("baz")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

		Convey("without config variables", func() {
			node := cdata.NewNode()
			mts, err := newPlg.GetMetricTypes(plugin.ConfigType{ConfigDataNode: node})

			So(err, ShouldBeNil)
			So(len(mts), ShouldEqual, 3)

			Convey("checking namespaces", func() {
				metricNames := []string{}
				for _, m := range mts {
					metricNames = append(metricNames, m.Namespace().String())

				ns := core.NewNamespace("intel", "anothermock", "foo")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = core.NewNamespace("intel", "anothermock", "bar")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

				ns = core.NewNamespace("intel", "anothermock").AddDynamicElement("host", "name of the host").AddStaticElement("baz")
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, ns.String()), ShouldBeTrue)

func (s *CollectorSuite) TestGetMetricTypes() {
	Convey("Given config with enpoint, user and password defined", s.T(), func() {
		cfg := setupCfg(s.server.URL, "me", "secret", "admin")

		Convey("When GetMetricTypes() is called", func() {
			collector := New()
			mts, err := collector.GetMetricTypes(cfg)

			Convey("Then no error should be reported", func() {
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			Convey("and proper metric types are returned", func() {
				metricNames := []string{}
				for _, m := range mts {
					metricNames = append(metricNames, m.Namespace().String())


				So(len(mts), ShouldEqual, 12)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/demo/snapshots/count"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/demo/snapshots/bytes"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/demo/volumes/count"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/demo/volumes/bytes"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/demo/limits/MaxTotalVolumeGigabytes"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/demo/limits/MaxTotalVolumes"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/admin/volumes/count"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/admin/volumes/bytes"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/admin/limits/MaxTotalVolumeGigabytes"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/admin/limits/MaxTotalVolumes"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/admin/snapshots/count"), ShouldBeTrue)
				So(str.Contains(metricNames, "/intel/openstack/cinder/admin/snapshots/bytes"), ShouldBeTrue)
// CollectMetrics returns list of requested metric values
// It returns error in case retrieval was not successful
func (c *collector) CollectMetrics(metricTypes []plugin.MetricType) ([]plugin.MetricType, error) {
	// get admin tenant from configuration. admin tenant is needed for gathering volumes and snapshots metrics at once
	item, err := config.GetConfigItem(metricTypes[0], "tenant")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	admin := item.(string)

	// populate information about all available tenants
	if len(c.allTenants) == 0 {
		c.allTenants, err = getTenants(metricTypes[0])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// iterate over metric types to resolve needed collection calls
	// for requested tenants
	collectTenants := str.InitSet()
	var collectLimits, collectVolumes, collectSnapshots bool
	for _, metricType := range metricTypes {
		namespace := metricType.Namespace()
		if len(namespace) < 6 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Incorrect namespace lenth. Expected 6 is %d", len(namespace))

		tenant := namespace[3].Value

		if str.Contains(namespace.Strings(), "limits") {
			collectLimits = true
		} else if str.Contains(namespace.Strings(), "volumes") {
			collectVolumes = true
		} else {
			collectSnapshots = true

	allSnapshots := map[string]types.Snapshots{}
	allVolumes := map[string]types.Volumes{}

	// collect volumes and snapshots separately by authenticating to admin
		if err := c.authenticate(metricTypes[0], admin); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		provider := c.providers[admin]

		var done sync.WaitGroup
		errChn := make(chan error, 2)

		// Collect volumes
		if collectVolumes {
			go func() {
				defer done.Done()
				volumes, err := c.service.GetVolumes(provider)

				if err != nil {
					errChn <- err
				for tenantId, volumeCount := range volumes {
					tenantName := c.allTenants[tenantId]
					allVolumes[tenantName] = volumeCount
		// Collect snapshots
		if collectSnapshots {
			go func() {
				defer done.Done()
				snapshots, err := c.service.GetSnapshots(provider)
				if err != nil {
					errChn <- err

				for tenantId, snapshotCount := range snapshots {
					tenantName := c.allTenants[tenantId]
					allSnapshots[tenantName] = snapshotCount


		if e := <-errChn; e != nil {
			return nil, e

	// Collect limits per each tenant only if not already collected (plugin lifetime scope)
		var done sync.WaitGroup
		errChn := make(chan error, collectTenants.Size())

		for _, tenant := range collectTenants.Elements() {
			_, found := c.allLimits[tenant]
			if collectLimits && !found {
				if err := c.authenticate(metricTypes[0], tenant); err != nil {
					return nil, err

				provider := c.providers[tenant]

				go func(p *gophercloud.ProviderClient, t string) {
					defer done.Done()
					limits, err := c.service.GetLimits(p)
					if err != nil {
						errChn <- err
					c.allLimits[t] = limits
				}(provider, tenant)


		if e := <-errChn; e != nil {
			return nil, e

	metrics := []plugin.MetricType{}
	for _, metricType := range metricTypes {
		namespace := metricType.Namespace().Strings()
		tenant := namespace[3]
		// Construct temporary struct to accommodate all gathered metrics
		metricContainer := struct {
			S types.Snapshots `json:"snapshots"`
			V types.Volumes   `json:"volumes"`
			L types.Limits    `json:"limits"`

		// Extract values by namespace from temporary struct and create metrics
		metric := plugin.MetricType{
			Timestamp_: time.Now(),
			Namespace_: metricType.Namespace(),
			Data_:      ns.GetValueByNamespace(metricContainer, namespace[4:]),
		metrics = append(metrics, metric)

	return metrics, nil