Exemplo n.º 1
func (r *Requirement) Values() sets.String {
	ret := sets.String{}
	for k := range r.strValues {
	return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
// Index returns a list of items that match on the index function
// Index is thread-safe so long as you treat all items as immutable
func (c *threadSafeMap) Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
	defer c.lock.RUnlock()

	indexFunc := c.indexers[indexName]
	if indexFunc == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Index with name %s does not exist", indexName)

	indexKeys, err := indexFunc(obj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	index := c.indices[indexName]

	// need to de-dupe the return list.  Since multiple keys are allowed, this can happen.
	returnKeySet := sets.String{}
	for _, indexKey := range indexKeys {
		set := index[indexKey]
		for _, key := range set.List() {

	list := make([]interface{}, 0, returnKeySet.Len())
	for absoluteKey := range returnKeySet {
		list = append(list, c.items[absoluteKey])
	return list, nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) KindFor(resource unversioned.GroupVersionResource) (unversioned.GroupVersionKind, error) {
	kinds, err := m.KindsFor(resource)
	if err != nil {
		return unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}, err

	// TODO for each group, choose the most preferred (first) version.  This keeps us consistent with code today.
	// eventually, we'll need a RESTMapper that is aware of what's available server-side and deconflicts that with
	// user preferences
	oneKindPerGroup := []unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}
	groupsAdded := sets.String{}
	for _, kind := range kinds {
		if groupsAdded.Has(kind.Group) {

		oneKindPerGroup = append(oneKindPerGroup, kind)

	if len(oneKindPerGroup) == 1 {
		return oneKindPerGroup[0], nil

	return unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}, fmt.Errorf("%v is ambiguous, got: %v", resource, kinds)
Exemplo n.º 4
func (g *conversionGenerator) RepackImports(exclude sets.String) {
	var packages []string
	for key := range g.imports {
		packages = append(packages, key)
	g.imports = make(map[string]string)
	g.shortImports = make(map[string]string)
	for _, pkg := range packages {
		if !exclude.Has(pkg) {
Exemplo n.º 5
func ValidateThirdPartyResource(obj *extensions.ThirdPartyResource) field.ErrorList {
	allErrs := field.ErrorList{}
	allErrs = append(allErrs, apivalidation.ValidateObjectMeta(&obj.ObjectMeta, true, ValidateThirdPartyResourceName, field.NewPath("metadata"))...)

	versions := sets.String{}
	for ix := range obj.Versions {
		version := &obj.Versions[ix]
		if len(version.Name) == 0 {
			allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Invalid(field.NewPath("versions").Index(ix).Child("name"), version, "must not be empty"))
		if versions.Has(version.Name) {
			allErrs = append(allErrs, field.Duplicate(field.NewPath("versions").Index(ix).Child("name"), version))
	return allErrs
Exemplo n.º 6
// Test public interface
func doTestIndex(t *testing.T, indexer Indexer) {
	mkObj := func(id string, val string) testStoreObject {
		return testStoreObject{id: id, val: val}

	// Test Index
	expected := map[string]sets.String{}
	expected["b"] = sets.NewString("a", "c")
	expected["f"] = sets.NewString("e")
	expected["h"] = sets.NewString("g")
	indexer.Add(mkObj("a", "b"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("c", "b"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("e", "f"))
	indexer.Add(mkObj("g", "h"))
		for k, v := range expected {
			found := sets.String{}
			indexResults, err := indexer.Index("by_val", mkObj("", k))
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Unexpected error %v", err)
			for _, item := range indexResults {
			items := v.List()
			if !found.HasAll(items...) {
				t.Errorf("missing items, index %s, expected %v but found %v", k, items, found.List())
Exemplo n.º 7
func NewDefaultRESTMapper(defaultGroupVersions []unversioned.GroupVersion, interfacesFunc meta.VersionInterfacesFunc,
	importPathPrefix string, ignoredKinds, rootScoped sets.String) *meta.DefaultRESTMapper {

	mapper := meta.NewDefaultRESTMapper(defaultGroupVersions, interfacesFunc)
	// enumerate all supported versions, get the kinds, and register with the mapper how to address
	// our resources.
	for _, gv := range defaultGroupVersions {
		for kind, oType := range Scheme.KnownTypes(gv) {
			gvk := gv.WithKind(kind)
			// TODO: Remove import path prefix check.
			// We check the import path prefix because we currently stuff both "api" and "extensions" objects
			// into the same group within Scheme since Scheme has no notion of groups yet.
			if !strings.HasPrefix(oType.PkgPath(), importPathPrefix) || ignoredKinds.Has(kind) {
			scope := meta.RESTScopeNamespace
			if rootScoped.Has(kind) {
				scope = meta.RESTScopeRoot
			mapper.Add(gvk, scope, false)
	return mapper
Exemplo n.º 8
// Test public interface
func doTestStore(t *testing.T, store Store) {
	mkObj := func(id string, val string) testStoreObject {
		return testStoreObject{id: id, val: val}

	store.Add(mkObj("foo", "bar"))
	if item, ok, _ := store.Get(mkObj("foo", "")); !ok {
		t.Errorf("didn't find inserted item")
	} else {
		if e, a := "bar", item.(testStoreObject).val; e != a {
			t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)
	store.Update(mkObj("foo", "baz"))
	if item, ok, _ := store.Get(mkObj("foo", "")); !ok {
		t.Errorf("didn't find inserted item")
	} else {
		if e, a := "baz", item.(testStoreObject).val; e != a {
			t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", e, a)
	store.Delete(mkObj("foo", ""))
	if _, ok, _ := store.Get(mkObj("foo", "")); ok {
		t.Errorf("found deleted item??")

	// Test List.
	store.Add(mkObj("a", "b"))
	store.Add(mkObj("c", "d"))
	store.Add(mkObj("e", "e"))
		found := sets.String{}
		for _, item := range store.List() {
		if !found.HasAll("b", "d", "e") {
			t.Errorf("missing items, found: %v", found)
		if len(found) != 3 {
			t.Errorf("extra items")

	// Test Replace.
		mkObj("foo", "foo"),
		mkObj("bar", "bar"),
	}, "0")

		found := sets.String{}
		for _, item := range store.List() {
		if !found.HasAll("foo", "bar") {
			t.Errorf("missing items")
		if len(found) != 2 {
			t.Errorf("extra items")
Exemplo n.º 9
// NegotiateVersion queries the server's supported api versions to find
// a version that both client and server support.
// - If no version is provided, try registered client versions in order of
//   preference.
// - If version is provided, but not default config (explicitly requested via
//   commandline flag), and is unsupported by the server, print a warning to
//   stderr and try client's registered versions in order of preference.
// - If version is config default, and the server does not support it,
//   return an error.
func NegotiateVersion(client *Client, c *Config, requestedGV *unversioned.GroupVersion, clientRegisteredGVs []unversioned.GroupVersion) (*unversioned.GroupVersion, error) {
	var err error
	if client == nil {
		client, err = New(c)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	clientVersions := sets.String{}
	for _, gv := range clientRegisteredGVs {
	groups, err := client.ServerGroups()
	if err != nil {
		// This is almost always a connection error, and higher level code should treat this as a generic error,
		// not a negotiation specific error.
		return nil, err
	versions := ExtractGroupVersions(groups)
	serverVersions := sets.String{}
	for _, v := range versions {

	// If no version requested, use config version (may also be empty).
	// make a copy of the original so we don't risk mutating input here or in the returned value
	var preferredGV *unversioned.GroupVersion
	switch {
	case requestedGV != nil:
		t := *requestedGV
		preferredGV = &t
	case c.GroupVersion != nil:
		t := *c.GroupVersion
		preferredGV = &t

	// If version explicitly requested verify that both client and server support it.
	// If server does not support warn, but try to negotiate a lower version.
	if preferredGV != nil {
		if !clientVersions.Has(preferredGV.String()) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("client does not support API version %q; client supported API versions: %v", preferredGV, clientVersions)

		if serverVersions.Has(preferredGV.String()) {
			return preferredGV, nil
		// If we are using an explicit config version the server does not support, fail.
		if (c.GroupVersion != nil) && (*preferredGV == *c.GroupVersion) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("server does not support API version %q", preferredGV)

	for _, clientGV := range clientRegisteredGVs {
		if serverVersions.Has(clientGV.String()) {
			// Version was not explicitly requested in command config (--api-version).
			// Ok to fall back to a supported version with a warning.
			// TODO: caesarxuchao: enable the warning message when we have
			// proper fix. Please refer to issue #14895.
			// if len(version) != 0 {
			// 	glog.Warningf("Server does not support API version '%s'. Falling back to '%s'.", version, clientVersion)
			// }
			t := clientGV
			return &t, nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to negotiate an api version; server supports: %v, client supports: %v",
		serverVersions, clientVersions)