Exemplo n.º 1
func checkChangePassword(c *gc.C, stub *testing.Stub) error {
	// We prepend the unauth/success pair that triggers password
	// change, and consume them in apiOpen below...
	//errUnauth := &params.Error{Code: params.CodeUnauthorized}
	//allErrs := append([]error{errUnauth, nil}, errs...)
	//stub := &testing.Stub{}
	expectConn := &mockConn{stub: stub}
	apiOpen := func(info *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (api.Connection, error) {
		// ...but we *don't* record the calls themselves; they
		// are tested plenty elsewhere, and hiding them makes
		// client code simpler.
		if err := stub.NextErr(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return expectConn, nil

	entity := names.NewApplicationTag("omg")
	connect := func() (api.Connection, error) {
		return apicaller.ScaryConnect(&mockAgent{
			stub:   stub,
			model:  coretesting.ModelTag,
			entity: entity,
		}, apiOpen)

	conn, err := lifeTest(c, stub, apiagent.Alive, connect)
	c.Check(conn, gc.IsNil)
	return err
Exemplo n.º 2
func (s *ClientSuite) TestActionFinishSuccess(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewActionTag(utils.MustNewUUID().String())
	status := "stubstatus"
	actionResults := map[string]interface{}{"stub": "stub"}
	message := "stubmsg"
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.ActionExecutionResults{
			Results: []params.ActionExecutionResult{{
				ActionTag: tag.String(),
				Status:    status,
				Results:   actionResults,
				Message:   message,
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.ErrorResults{})
		*(result.(*params.ErrorResults)) = params.ErrorResults{
			Results: []params.ErrorResult{{}},
		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	err := client.ActionFinish(tag, status, actionResults, message)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *ClientSuite) AssertModelCall(c *gc.C, stub *jujutesting.Stub, tag names.ModelTag, call string, err error) {
	expectedArg := params.ModelArgs{ModelTag: tag.String()}
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{
		{"MigrationTarget." + call, []interface{}{"", expectedArg}},
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "boom")
Exemplo n.º 4
func (s *ClientSuite) TestActionFinishTooManyResults(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewActionTag(utils.MustNewUUID().String())
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.ActionExecutionResults{
			Results: []params.ActionExecutionResult{{
				ActionTag: tag.String(),
				Status:    "",
				Results:   nil,
				Message:   "",
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.ErrorResults{})
		res := result.(*params.ErrorResults)
		res.Results = make([]params.ErrorResult, 2)
		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	err := client.ActionFinish(tag, "", nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "expected 1 result, got 2")
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 5
func (s *ClientSuite) TestActionFinishResultError(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewActionTag(utils.MustNewUUID().String())
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.ActionExecutionResults{
			Results: []params.ActionExecutionResult{{
				ActionTag: tag.String(),
				Status:    "",
				Results:   nil,
				Message:   "",
	expectedErr := &params.Error{
		Message: "rigged",
		Code:    params.CodeNotAssigned,
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.ErrorResults{})
		*(result.(*params.ErrorResults)) = params.ErrorResults{
			Results: []params.ErrorResult{{expectedErr}},

		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	err := client.ActionFinish(tag, "", nil, "")
	c.Assert(errors.Cause(err), gc.Equals, expectedErr)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 6
func (s *ClientSuite) TestGetActionSuccess(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewActionTag(utils.MustNewUUID().String())
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.Entities{
			Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: tag.String()}},
	expectedName := "ack"
	expectedParams := map[string]interface{}{"floob": "zgloob"}
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.ActionResults{})
		*(result.(*params.ActionResults)) = params.ActionResults{
			Results: []params.ActionResult{{
				Action: &params.Action{
					Name:       expectedName,
					Parameters: expectedParams,
		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	action, err := client.Action(tag)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(action.Name(), gc.Equals, expectedName)
	c.Assert(action.Params(), gc.DeepEquals, expectedParams)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 7
func (s *ClientSuite) TestExport(c *gc.C) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		out := result.(*params.SerializedModel)
		*out = params.SerializedModel{
			Bytes:  []byte("foo"),
			Charms: []string{"cs:foo-1"},
			Tools: []params.SerializedModelTools{{
				Version: "2.0.0-trusty-amd64",
				URI:     "/tools/0",
		return nil
	client := migrationmaster.NewClient(apiCaller, nil)
	out, err := client.Export()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{
		{"MigrationMaster.Export", []interface{}{"", nil}},
	c.Assert(out, gc.DeepEquals, migration.SerializedModel{
		Bytes:  []byte("foo"),
		Charms: []string{"cs:foo-1"},
		Tools: map[version.Binary]string{
			version.MustParseBinary("2.0.0-trusty-amd64"): "/tools/0",
Exemplo n.º 8
func (s *ClientSuite) TestRunningActionSuccess(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewMachineTag(utils.MustNewUUID().String())
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.Entities{
			Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: tag.String()}},
	actionsList := []params.ActionResult{
		{Action: &params.Action{Name: "foo"}},
		{Action: &params.Action{Name: "baz"}},
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.ActionsByReceivers{})
		*(result.(*params.ActionsByReceivers)) = params.ActionsByReceivers{
			Actions: []params.ActionsByReceiver{{
				Actions: actionsList,
		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	actions, err := client.RunningActions(tag)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Assert(actions, jc.DeepEquals, actionsList)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 9
func (s *ClientSuite) TestModelInfo(c *gc.C) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	owner := names.NewUserTag("owner")
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, v int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		*(result.(*params.MigrationModelInfo)) = params.MigrationModelInfo{
			UUID:         "uuid",
			Name:         "name",
			OwnerTag:     owner.String(),
			AgentVersion: version.MustParse("1.2.3"),
		return nil
	client := migrationmaster.NewClient(apiCaller, nil)
	model, err := client.ModelInfo()
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{
		{"MigrationMaster.ModelInfo", []interface{}{"", nil}},
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(model, jc.DeepEquals, migration.ModelInfo{
		UUID:         "uuid",
		Name:         "name",
		Owner:        owner,
		AgentVersion: version.MustParse("1.2.3"),
Exemplo n.º 10
func stubCallNames(stub *jujutesting.Stub) []string {
	var out []string
	for _, call := range stub.Calls() {
		out = append(out, call.FuncName)
	return out
Exemplo n.º 11
func (s *ClientSuite) TestRunningActionsResultError(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewMachineTag(utils.MustNewUUID().String())
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.Entities{
			Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: tag.String()}},
	expectedErr := &params.Error{
		Message: "rigged",
		Code:    params.CodeNotAssigned,
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.ActionsByReceivers{})
		*(result.(*params.ActionsByReceivers)) = params.ActionsByReceivers{
			Actions: []params.ActionsByReceiver{{
				Error: expectedErr,
		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	action, err := client.RunningActions(tag)
	c.Assert(errors.Cause(err), gc.Equals, expectedErr)
	c.Assert(action, gc.IsNil)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 12
func (s *ClientSuite) TestWatchResultError(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewMachineTag("2")
	expectErr := &params.Error{
		Message: "rigged",
		Code:    params.CodeNotAssigned,
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.Entities{
			Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: tag.String()}},
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.StringsWatchResults{})
		res := result.(*params.StringsWatchResults)
		res.Results = make([]params.StringsWatchResult, 1)
		res.Results[0].Error = expectErr
		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	w, err := client.WatchActionNotifications(tag)
	c.Assert(errors.Cause(err), gc.Equals, expectErr)
	c.Assert(w, gc.IsNil)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 13
func (s *ClientSuite) TestActionBeginSuccess(c *gc.C) {
	tag := names.NewActionTag(utils.MustNewUUID().String())
	expectedCalls := []jujutesting.StubCall{{
		[]interface{}{"", params.Entities{
			Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: tag.String()}},
	var stub jujutesting.Stub

	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		c.Check(result, gc.FitsTypeOf, &params.ErrorResults{})
		*(result.(*params.ErrorResults)) = params.ErrorResults{
			Results: []params.ErrorResult{{}},

		return nil

	client := machineactions.NewClient(apiCaller)
	err := client.ActionBegin(tag)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, expectedCalls)
Exemplo n.º 14
func (s *facadeSuite) TestReportKeys(c *gc.C) {
	stub := new(testing.Stub)
	apiCaller := basetesting.APICallerFunc(func(
		objType string, version int,
		id, request string,
		args, response interface{},
	) error {
		c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "HostKeyReporter")
		c.Check(version, gc.Equals, 0)
		c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "")
		stub.AddCall(request, args)
		*response.(*params.ErrorResults) = params.ErrorResults{
			Results: []params.ErrorResult{{
		return nil
	facade := hostkeyreporter.NewFacade(apiCaller)

	err := facade.ReportKeys("42", []string{"rsa", "dsa"})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	stub.CheckCalls(c, []testing.StubCall{{
		"ReportKeys", []interface{}{params.SSHHostKeySet{
			EntityKeys: []params.SSHHostKeys{{
				Tag:        names.NewMachineTag("42").String(),
				PublicKeys: []string{"rsa", "dsa"},
Exemplo n.º 15
func (s *ClientSuite) getClientAndStub(c *gc.C) (*migrationtarget.Client, *jujutesting.Stub) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		return errors.New("boom")
	client := migrationtarget.NewClient(apiCaller)
	return client, &stub
Exemplo n.º 16
func checkCalls(c *gc.C, stub *testing.Stub, names ...string) {
	stub.CheckCallNames(c, names...)
	for _, call := range stub.Calls() {
		c.Check(call.Args, jc.DeepEquals, []interface{}{
Exemplo n.º 17
func checkRemovalsMatch(c *gc.C, stub *testing.Stub, expected ...string) {
	var completedRemovals []string
	for _, call := range stub.Calls() {
		if call.FuncName == "CompleteRemoval" {
			machineId := call.Args[0].(names.MachineTag).Id()
			completedRemovals = append(completedRemovals, machineId)
	c.Check(completedRemovals, gc.DeepEquals, expected)
Exemplo n.º 18
func (s *FacadeSuite) TestAddress(c *gc.C) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, arg)
		c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "")
		*result.(*params.SSHAddressResults) = params.SSHAddressResults{
			Results: []params.SSHAddressResult{{Address: ""}},
		return nil
	facade := sshclient.NewFacade(apiCaller)
	expectedArg := []interface{}{params.Entities{[]params.Entity{{

	public, err := facade.PublicAddress("foo/0")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(public, gc.Equals, "")
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{{"SSHClient.PublicAddress", expectedArg}})

	private, err := facade.PrivateAddress("foo/0")
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(private, gc.Equals, "")
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{{"SSHClient.PrivateAddress", expectedArg}})
Exemplo n.º 19
func (*ScaryConnectSuite) assertChangePasswordSuccess(c *gc.C, stub *testing.Stub) {
	err := checkChangePassword(c, stub)
	c.Check(err, gc.Equals, apicaller.ErrChangedPassword)
		"Life", "ChangeConfig",
		// Be careful, these are two different SetPassword receivers.
		"SetPassword", "SetOldPassword", "SetPassword",
	checkSaneChange(c, stub.Calls()[2:5])
Exemplo n.º 20
func makeStubUploadBinaries(stub *jujutesting.Stub) func(migration.UploadBinariesConfig) error {
	return func(config migration.UploadBinariesConfig) error {
		return nil
Exemplo n.º 21
func (s *FlagSuite) TestClaimError(c *gc.C) {
	var stub testing.Stub

	worker, err := singular.NewFlagWorker(singular.FlagConfig{
		Facade:   newStubFacade(&stub),
		Clock:    &fakeClock{},
		Duration: time.Hour,
	c.Check(worker, gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "squish")
Exemplo n.º 22
func apiCaller(c *gc.C, stub *testing.Stub, set func(interface{}) error) base.APICaller {
	return basetesting.APICallerFunc(func(
		objType string, version int,
		id, request string,
		args, response interface{},
	) error {
		c.Check(objType, gc.Equals, "MigrationFlag")
		c.Check(version, gc.Equals, 0)
		c.Check(id, gc.Equals, "")
		stub.AddCall(request, args)
		return set(response)
Exemplo n.º 23
func (s *ClientSuite) TestPrechecks(c *gc.C) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		return errors.New("blam")
	client := migrationmaster.NewClient(apiCaller, nil)
	err := client.Prechecks()
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "blam")
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{
		{"MigrationMaster.Prechecks", []interface{}{"", nil}},
Exemplo n.º 24
func (s *ClientSuite) TestReap(c *gc.C) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		return nil
	client := migrationmaster.NewClient(apiCaller, nil)
	err := client.Reap()
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{
		{"MigrationMaster.Reap", []interface{}{"", nil}},
Exemplo n.º 25
func strategyTest(stub *testing.Stub, strategy utils.AttemptStrategy, test func(api.OpenFunc) (api.Connection, error)) (api.Connection, error) {
	unpatch := testing.PatchValue(apicaller.Strategy, strategy)
	defer unpatch()
	return test(func(info *api.Info, opts api.DialOpts) (api.Connection, error) {
		// copy because I don't trust what might happen to info
		stub.AddCall("apiOpen", *info, opts)
		err := stub.NextErr()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return &mockConn{stub: stub}, nil
Exemplo n.º 26
// newMockWatcher consumes an error from the supplied testing.Stub, and
// returns a state.NotifyWatcher that either works or doesn't depending
// on whether the error was nil.
func newMockWatcher(stub *testing.Stub) *mockWatcher {
	changes := make(chan struct{}, 1)
	err := stub.NextErr()
	if err == nil {
		changes <- struct{}{}
	} else {
	return &mockWatcher{
		err:     err,
		changes: changes,
Exemplo n.º 27
func apiCaller(c *gc.C, stub *testing.Stub, setResult setResultFunc) base.APICaller {
	return basetesting.APICallerFunc(
		func(objType string,
			version int,
			id, request string,
			args, response interface{},
		) error {
			stub.AddCall(objType, version, id, request, args)
			result, ok := response.(*params.ErrorResults)
			c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
			return setResult(result)
Exemplo n.º 28
func (s *ClientSuite) TestSetPhase(c *gc.C) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, id, arg)
		return nil
	client := migrationmaster.NewClient(apiCaller)
	err := client.SetPhase(migration.QUIESCE)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	expectedArg := params.SetMigrationPhaseArgs{Phase: "QUIESCE"}
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{
		{"MigrationMaster.SetPhase", []interface{}{"", expectedArg}},
Exemplo n.º 29
func checkProxy(c *gc.C, useProxy bool) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
		stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, arg)
		*result.(*params.SSHProxyResult) = params.SSHProxyResult{
			UseProxy: useProxy,
		return nil
	facade := sshclient.NewFacade(apiCaller)
	result, err := facade.Proxy()
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	c.Check(result, gc.Equals, useProxy)
	stub.CheckCalls(c, []jujutesting.StubCall{{"SSHClient.Proxy", []interface{}{nil}}})
Exemplo n.º 30
func makeClient(results params.InitiateMigrationResults) (
	*controller.Client, *jujutesting.Stub,
) {
	var stub jujutesting.Stub
	apiCaller := apitesting.APICallerFunc(
		func(objType string, version int, id, request string, arg, result interface{}) error {
			stub.AddCall(objType+"."+request, arg)
			out := result.(*params.InitiateMigrationResults)
			*out = results
			return nil
	client := controller.NewClient(apiCaller)
	return client, &stub