Exemplo n.º 1
// createStageFile stages the src configuration file by processing the src
// template and setting the desired owner, group, and mode. It also sets the
// StageFile for the template resource.
// It returns an error if any.
func (t *TemplateResource) createStageFile() error {
	t.Src = filepath.Join(config.TemplateDir(), t.Src)
	log.Debug("Using source template " + t.Src)
	if !isFileExist(t.Src) {
		return errors.New("Missing template: " + t.Src)
	// create TempFile in Dest directory to avoid cross-filesystem issues
	temp, err := ioutil.TempFile(filepath.Dir(t.Dest), "."+filepath.Base(t.Dest))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer temp.Close()
	log.Debug("Compiling source template " + t.Src)
	tplFuncMap := make(template.FuncMap)
	tplFuncMap["Base"] = path.Base

	tplFuncMap["GetDir"] = t.Dirs.Get
	tmpl := template.Must(template.New(path.Base(t.Src)).Funcs(tplFuncMap).ParseFiles(t.Src))
	if err = tmpl.Execute(temp, t.Vars); err != nil {
		return err
	// Set the owner, group, and mode on the stage file now to make it easier to
	// compare against the destination configuration file later.
	os.Chmod(temp.Name(), t.FileMode)
	os.Chown(temp.Name(), t.Uid, t.Gid)
	t.StageFile = temp
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// createStageFile stages the src configuration file by processing the src
// template and setting the desired owner, group, and mode. It also sets the
// StageFile for the template resource.
// It returns an error if any.
func (t *TemplateResource) createStageFile() error {
	t.Src = filepath.Join(config.TemplateDir(), t.Src)
	log.Debug("Using source template " + t.Src)
	if !isFileExist(t.Src) {
		return errors.New("Missing template: " + t.Src)
	temp, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Debug("Compiling source template " + t.Src)
	tmpl := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(t.Src))
	if err = tmpl.Execute(temp, t.Vars); err != nil {
		return err
	// Set the owner, group, and mode on the stage file now to make it easier to
	// compare against the destination configuration file later.
	os.Chmod(temp.Name(), t.FileMode)
	os.Chown(temp.Name(), t.Uid, t.Gid)
	t.StageFile = temp
	return nil