Exemplo n.º 1
// RenderWith renders the template(s) using the locator to fill in variable references and writes to the
// writer. 'templates' is an array of SilverStripe templates minus the ".ss" extension. If there is one template,
// it is assumed to be in the base templates folder. If two are present, the first is the base template, the
// second is the $Layout template.
func RenderWith(w http.ResponseWriter, templates []string, context interface{}, require goss.RequirementsProvider, request *http.Request) error {
	if require == nil {
		require = requirements.NewRequirements()

	// make templates relative to templates folder
	if len(templates) > 1 {
		templates[1] = "Layout/" + templates[1]

	// corresponding compiled templates will go in here for execution.
	var compiled []*compiledTemplate
	first := true
	for _, t := range templates {
		template, e := compileTemplate(t, first)
		first = false
		if e != nil {
			return e
		compiled = append(compiled, template)

	// execute the template using the data locator
	r, e := executeTemplate(compiled, context, require, request)
	if e != nil {
		return e

	// finally write the result
	_, e = w.Write([]byte(r))
	return e
Exemplo n.º 2
// utility function to compile and execute template source using the given context
func compileAndExecute(source string, context interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
	compiled, e := newParser().parseSource(source, true, "")
	if e != nil {
		return nil, e
	exec := newExecuter([]*compiledTemplate{compiled}, context, requirements.NewRequirements())
	return exec.render()
Exemplo n.º 3
// @todo refactor into a number of case-specific tests
func TestExec(t *testing.T) {
	e := configure()
	if e != nil {

	source := `this is some markup for $name, with gratuitous nested var: {$parent.child}. $function1(name)  $function0
	<%if v1==v2 %>rhubarb equal bananas<% else %>of course a banana is not rhubarb.<% end_if %>  we like food
	$salutation(title, name)`
	compiled, e := newParser().parseSource(source, true, "")

	if e != nil {

	context := make(map[string]interface{})
	context["foo"] = "bar"
	context["name"] = "mickey mouse"
	sub := make(map[string]interface{})
	sub["child"] = "foobar!"
	context["parent"] = sub
	context["function0"] = func() string {
		return "hey, function with zero parameters"
	context["function1"] = func(s string) string {
		return "hello '" + s + "' from function 1!"
	context["salutation"] = func(t string, n string) string {
		return t + " " + n
	context["v1"] = "rhubarb"
	context["v1"] = "bananas"
	context["title"] = "dear"

	// evaluate it
	exec := newExecuter([]*compiledTemplate{compiled}, context, requirements.NewRequirements())
	bytes, e := exec.renderChunk(compiled.chunk)

	if e != nil {

	fmt.Printf("bytes are: %s\n", bytes)