Exemplo n.º 1
func init() {
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.TickerTime, "ticker-time", 60*time.Second, "Ticker time.")
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.DeleteTime, "delete-time", 60*time.Minute, "Time before deleting undesired units.")
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.UpdateCooldownTime, "update-cooldown-time", 15*time.Minute, "Time between updates of changed units.")

	pflag.StringVar(&config.MachineTag, "machine-tag", "", "The machine-tag to filter for.")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.UnitTemplate, "unit-template", "", "The template to render for new units. Prefix with @ to load from a file.")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.UnitPrefix, "unit-prefix", "", "The prefix for the units to identify.")

	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.logToStderr, "logtostderr", "true", "log to standard error instead of files")
	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.alsoLogToStderr, "alsologtostderr", "false", "log to standard error as well as files")
	pflag.StringVarP(&glogFlags.verbosity, "verbose", "v", "1", "log level for V logs")
	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.vmodule, "vmodule", "", "comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging")
	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.logBacktraceAt, "log_backtrace_at", "", "when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace")
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: main.go Projeto: dawanda/mmsd
func (mmsd *mmsdService) Run() {
	flag.BoolVarP(&mmsd.Verbose, "verbose", "v", mmsd.Verbose, "Set verbosity level")
	flag.IPVar(&mmsd.MarathonIP, "marathon-ip", mmsd.MarathonIP, "Marathon endpoint TCP IP address")
	flag.UintVar(&mmsd.MarathonPort, "marathon-port", mmsd.MarathonPort, "Marathon endpoint TCP port number")
	flag.DurationVar(&mmsd.ReconnectDelay, "reconnect-delay", mmsd.ReconnectDelay, "Marathon reconnect delay")
	flag.StringVar(&mmsd.RunStateDir, "run-state-dir", mmsd.RunStateDir, "Path to directory to keep run-state")
	flag.StringVar(&mmsd.FilterGroups, "filter-groups", mmsd.FilterGroups, "Application group filter")
	flag.IPVar(&mmsd.ManagedIP, "managed-ip", mmsd.ManagedIP, "IP-address to manage for mmsd")
	flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.GatewayEnabled, "enable-gateway", mmsd.GatewayEnabled, "Enables gateway support")
	flag.IPVar(&mmsd.GatewayAddr, "gateway-bind", mmsd.GatewayAddr, "gateway bind address")
	flag.UintVar(&mmsd.GatewayPortHTTP, "gateway-port-http", mmsd.GatewayPortHTTP, "gateway port for HTTP")
	flag.UintVar(&mmsd.GatewayPortHTTPS, "gateway-port-https", mmsd.GatewayPortHTTPS, "gateway port for HTTPS")
	flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.FilesEnabled, "enable-files", mmsd.FilesEnabled, "enables file based service discovery")
	flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.UDPEnabled, "enable-udp", mmsd.UDPEnabled, "enables UDP load balancing")
	flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.TCPEnabled, "enable-tcp", mmsd.TCPEnabled, "enables haproxy TCP load balancing")
	flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.LocalHealthChecks, "enable-health-checks", mmsd.LocalHealthChecks, "Enable local health checks (if available) instead of relying on Marathon health checks alone.")
	flag.StringVar(&mmsd.HaproxyBin, "haproxy-bin", mmsd.HaproxyBin, "path to haproxy binary")
	flag.StringVar(&mmsd.HaproxyTailCfg, "haproxy-cfgtail", mmsd.HaproxyTailCfg, "path to haproxy tail config file")
	flag.IPVar(&mmsd.ServiceAddr, "haproxy-bind", mmsd.ServiceAddr, "haproxy management port")
	flag.UintVar(&mmsd.HaproxyPort, "haproxy-port", mmsd.HaproxyPort, "haproxy management port")
	flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.DnsEnabled, "enable-dns", mmsd.DnsEnabled, "Enables DNS-based service discovery")
	flag.UintVar(&mmsd.DnsPort, "dns-port", mmsd.DnsPort, "DNS service discovery port")
	flag.BoolVar(&mmsd.DnsPushSRV, "dns-push-srv", mmsd.DnsPushSRV, "DNS service discovery to also push SRV on A")
	flag.StringVar(&mmsd.DnsBaseName, "dns-basename", mmsd.DnsBaseName, "DNS service discovery's base name")
	flag.DurationVar(&mmsd.DnsTTL, "dns-ttl", mmsd.DnsTTL, "DNS service discovery's reply message TTL")
	showVersionAndExit := flag.BoolP("version", "V", false, "Shows version and exits")

	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nUsage: mmsd [flags ...]\n\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")


	if *showVersionAndExit {


Exemplo n.º 3
// NewServer creates a new http.Server instance based off the BaseConfiguration.
// NewServer also handles reading the TOML configuration file and
// providing/reading the command line flags. Because of this
// NewServer should always be called after all flags have been defined.
func NewServer(conf *BaseConfiguration) http.Server {
	// TOML configuration file can overwrite defaults
	tomlData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[len(os.Args)-1])
	if err != nil {
		defer Logger.Info("No conf. Skipping.")
	} else {
		if _, err := toml.Decode(string(tomlData), &conf); err != nil {
			defer Logger.Errorf("Configuration file could not be decoded. %s. Exiting...", err)
	// Flags can override config items
	// Server flags
	flag.StringVar(&conf.BindAddress, "BindAddress", conf.BindAddress, "Bind address.")
	flag.IntVar(&conf.BindPort, "BindPort", conf.BindPort, "HTTP bind port.")
	flag.DurationVar(&conf.ReadTimeout, "ReadTimeout", conf.ReadTimeout, "Read timeout.")
	flag.DurationVar(&conf.WriteTimeout, "WriteTimeout", conf.WriteTimeout, "Write timeout.")
	flag.IntVar(&conf.MaxHeaderBytes, "MaxHeaderBytes", conf.MaxHeaderBytes, "Max header bytes.")

	// Server Logger flags
	flag.StringVar(&conf.LogLevel, "LogLevel", conf.LogLevel, "Log level.")
	flag.StringVar(&conf.LogFile, "LogFile", conf.LogFile, "Log file.")

	// TLS related flags
	flag.IntVar(&conf.BindHttpsPort, "BindHttpsPort", conf.BindHttpsPort, "HTTPS bind port.")
	flag.StringVar(&conf.CertFile, "CertFile", conf.CertFile, "Cert file.")
	flag.StringVar(&conf.KeyFile, "KeyFile", conf.KeyFile, "Key file.")

	// Logging specific work also injecting the logrus log into the Servers errorlog
	// BUG(ashcrow): This needs work!!!
	Logger.Debugf("Final configuration: %+v", conf)
	w := Logger.Writer()
	defer w.Close()
	ServerErrorLogger = *log.New(w, "ServerErrorLogger", log.Lshortfile)
	// -------------

	// Return the configured http.Server
	return http.Server{
		Addr:           fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", conf.BindAddress, conf.BindPort),
		ReadTimeout:    conf.ReadTimeout,
		WriteTimeout:   conf.WriteTimeout,
		MaxHeaderBytes: conf.MaxHeaderBytes,
		ErrorLog:       &ServerErrorLogger,
Exemplo n.º 4
func init() {
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.TickerTime, "ticker-time", 15*time.Minute, "Ticker time.")
	pflag.BoolVar(&config.DryRun, "dry-run", true, "Write to STDOUT instead of InfluxDB")
	pflag.IntVar(&config.OWMcityID, "owm-city-id", 0, "Open Weather Map city ID")

	pflag.IntVar(&config.InfluxPort, "influx-port", 8086, "InfluxDB Port")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxHost, "influx-host", "localhost", "InfluxDB Port")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxUser, "influx-user", "", "InfluxDB User")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxDB, "influx-db", "", "InfluxDB Database")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxPassword, "influx-password", "", "InfluxDB Password")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.InfluxRetention, "influx-retention", "default", "InfluxDB Retention")

	pflag.StringVar(&config.DhtType, "dht-type", "DHT22", "DHT Type (DHT11, DHT22)")
	pflag.IntVar(&config.DhtPin, "dht-pin", 4, "Pin Number DHT Data is connected to")
	pflag.BoolVar(&config.DHTPerf, "dht-perf", false, "Run DHT read in Boost Performance Mode - true will result in needing sudo")
	pflag.IntVar(&config.DhtRetries, "dht-retries", 15, "Number of reading data retries")
