Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: main.go Projeto: haofree/lime
func (t *tbfe) renderView(v *backend.View, lay layout) {
	p := util.Prof.Enter("render")
	defer p.Exit()

	sx, sy, w, h := lay.x, lay.y, lay.width, lay.height
	vr := lay.visible
	runes := v.Buffer().Substr(vr)
	x, y := sx, sy
	ex, ey := sx+w, sy+h

	tab_size, ok := v.Settings().Get("tab_size", 4).(int)
	if !ok {
		tab_size = 4

	recipie := v.Transform(scheme, vr).Transcribe()
	highlight_line := false
	if b, ok := v.Settings().Get("highlight_line", highlight_line).(bool); ok {
		highlight_line = b

	if first && len(recipie) > 4 {
		first = false
		for i, v := range recipie {
			log4go.Debug("%d: %+v", i, v)
		log4go.Debug("vr: %+v", vr)

	// TODO: much of this belongs in backend as it's not specific to any particular frontend
	curr := 0
	fg, bg := defaultFg, defaultBg
	_ = render.DRAW_TEXT
	for i, r := range runes {
		o := vr.Begin() + i
		curr = 0
		fg, bg = defaultFg, defaultBg
		for curr < len(recipie) && (o >= recipie[curr].Region.Begin()) {
			// if curr > 0 {
			// 	curr--
			// }
			if o < recipie[curr].Region.End() {
				fg = palLut(textmate.Color(recipie[curr].Flavour.Foreground))
				bg = palLut(textmate.Color(recipie[curr].Flavour.Background))
		if r == '\t' {
			add := (x + 1 + (tab_size - 1)) &^ (tab_size - 1)
			for x < add {
				if x < ex {
					termbox.SetCell(x, y, ' ', fg, bg)
				//				fg = fg &^ termbox.AttrUnderline // Just looks weird with a long underline
		} else if r == '\n' {
			// for ; x < ex; x++ {
			// 	termbox.SetCell(x, y, ' ', fg, bg)
			// 	if !highlight_line {
			// 		break
			// 	}
			// }
			x = sx
			if y > ey {
		if x < ex {
			termbox.SetCell(x, y, r, fg, bg)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (t *tbfe) renderView(v *backend.View, lay layout) {
	p := util.Prof.Enter("render")
	defer p.Exit()

	sx, sy, w, h := lay.x, lay.y, lay.width, lay.height
	vr := lay.visible
	runes := v.Buffer().Substr(vr)
	x, y := sx, sy
	ex, ey := sx+w, sy+h

	caretStyle := t.settings.caretStyle
	if t.settings.caretBlink && blink {
		t.settings.caretStyle = 0

	recipie := v.Transform(scheme, vr).Transcribe()

	fg, bg := defaultFg, defaultBg
	sel := v.Sel()

	line, _ := v.Buffer().RowCol(vr.Begin())
	eofline, _ := v.Buffer().RowCol(v.Buffer().Size())
	lineNumberRenderSize := len(intToRunes(eofline))

	for i, r := range runes {
		o := vr.Begin() + i
		curr := 0
		fg, bg = defaultFg, defaultBg

		if t.settings.lineNumbers {
			renderLineNumber(&line, &x, y, lineNumberRenderSize, fg, bg)

		for curr < len(recipie) && (o >= recipie[curr].Region.Begin()) {
			if o < recipie[curr].Region.End() {
				fg = palLut(textmate.Color(recipie[curr].Flavour.Foreground))
				bg = palLut(textmate.Color(recipie[curr].Flavour.Background))
		if sel.Contains(Region{o, o}) {
			fg = fg | t.settings.caretStyle
		if r == '\t' {
			add := (x + 1 + (t.settings.tabSize - 1)) &^ (t.settings.tabSize - 1)
			for x < add {
				if x < ex {
					termbox.SetCell(x, y, ' ', fg, bg)
				fg = fg &^ termbox.AttrUnderline // Just looks weird with a long underline
		} else if r == '\n' {
			x = sx
			if y > ey {
		if x < ex {
			termbox.SetCell(x, y, r, fg, bg)

	if t.settings.lineNumbers {
		renderLineNumber(&line, &x, y, lineNumberRenderSize, fg, bg)

	// restore original caretStyle before blink modification
	t.settings.caretStyle = caretStyle
Exemplo n.º 3
func (t *tbfe) renderView(v *backend.View, lay layout) {
	p := util.Prof.Enter("render")
	defer p.Exit()

	sx, sy, w, h := lay.x, lay.y, lay.width, lay.height
	vr := lay.visible
	runes := v.Buffer().Substr(vr)
	x, y := sx, sy
	ex, ey := sx+w, sy+h

	tab_size, ok := v.Settings().Get("tab_size", 4).(int)
	if !ok {
		tab_size = 4

	recipie := v.Transform(scheme, vr).Transcribe()

	curr := 0
	fg, bg := defaultFg, defaultBg
	_ = render.DRAW_TEXT
	sel := v.Sel()

	caret_blink := true
	if b, ok := v.Settings().Get("caret_blink", true).(bool); ok {
		caret_blink = b

	highlight_line := false
	if b, ok := v.Settings().Get("highlight_line", highlight_line).(bool); ok {
		highlight_line = b
	caret_style := termbox.AttrUnderline
	if b, ok := v.Settings().Get("caret_style", "underline").(string); ok {
		if b == "block" {
			caret_style = termbox.AttrReverse
	if b, ok := v.Settings().Get("inverse_caret_state", false).(bool); !b && ok {
		if caret_style == termbox.AttrReverse {
			caret_style = termbox.AttrUnderline
		} else {
			caret_style = termbox.AttrReverse

	if caret_blink && blink {
		caret_style = 0

	for i, r := range runes {
		o := vr.Begin() + i
		curr = 0
		fg, bg = defaultFg, defaultBg
		for curr < len(recipie) && (o >= recipie[curr].Region.Begin()) {
			// if curr > 0 {
			// 	curr--
			// }
			if o < recipie[curr].Region.End() {
				fg = palLut(textmate.Color(recipie[curr].Flavour.Foreground))
				bg = palLut(textmate.Color(recipie[curr].Flavour.Background))
		if sel.Contains(Region{o, o}) {
			fg = fg | caret_style
		if r == '\t' {
			add := (x + 1 + (tab_size - 1)) &^ (tab_size - 1)
			for x < add {
				if x < ex {
					termbox.SetCell(x, y, ' ', fg, bg)
				fg = fg &^ termbox.AttrUnderline // Just looks weird with a long underline
		} else if r == '\n' {
			// for ; x < ex; x++ {
			// 	termbox.SetCell(x, y, ' ', fg, bg)
			// 	if !highlight_line {
			// 		break
			// 	}
			// }
			x = sx
			if y > ey {
		if x < ex {
			termbox.SetCell(x, y, r, fg, bg)