Exemplo n.º 1
func cmdOkick(source interface{}, params [][]byte) {
	c := source.(*client.Client)

	var ch *core.Channel
	var target *core.User

	channame := string(params[0])
	if channame[0] == '#' {
		channame = channame[1:]
	if ch = core.FindChannel("", channame); ch == nil {

	if target = core.GetUserByNick(string(params[1])); target == nil {

	perm, err := perm.CheckRemovePerm("", c.User(), target, ch)
	if perm < -1000000 {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "482", "#%s :%s", ch.Name(), err)

	var message string
	if len(params) > 2 {
		message = string(params[2])
	ch.Remove(nil, nil, target, message)
Exemplo n.º 2
// HasOpFlag returns whether the user has the given op flag.
// This both checks for the presence of the flag, and, if the flag is default,
// the "on" keyword for default privileges. This function should not be used as
// a direct means of determining a user's ability to do something; instead,
// the appropriate permission check should be used, as this permits module to
// hook the check on other conditions. It should be used IN said permission
// hooks.
// If ch is non-nil, this is a channel op flag check and the user's membership
// entry on the channel will be checked. If no such entry exists, the check
// automatically fails. If ch is nil, this is a server op flag check, and the user's own metadata will be checked.
func HasOpFlag(u *core.User, ch *core.Channel, flag string) bool {
	var e core.Extensible
	var defwords []string
	if ch == nil {
		e = u
		defwords = defServerOp
	} else {
		if m := ch.GetMember(u); m != nil {
			e = m
		} else {
			return false
		defwords = defChanOp

	words := strings.Fields(e.Data("op"))
	for _, word := range words {
		if word == flag {
			return true
		if word == "on" {
			for _, defword := range defwords {
				if defword == flag {
					return true

	return false
Exemplo n.º 3
// Voiced users overrride most restrictions on speaking.
func voiceOverride(_ string, source *core.User, target *core.Channel, msg []byte) (int, os.Error) {
	if m := target.GetMember(source); m != nil {
		if m.Data("voiced") != "" {
			return 100, nil
	return 0, nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// If the target is already in a channel, you can't invite them.
// This is deliberately weaker than externalInvite, so external users cannot
// use invites to see whether a user is in the channel.
func stupidInvite(_ string, source, target *core.User, msg []byte) (int, os.Error) {
	var ch *core.Channel
	if ch = core.FindChannel("", string(msg)); ch == nil {
		return -100, os.NewError("No such channel.")
	if m := ch.GetMember(target); m != nil {
		return -99, os.NewError("The target is already in that channel.")
	return 0, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Channel operators are immune to being removed by anything below server op
// level aside themselves. They must be deopped first.
func opKickImmune(_ string, source, target *core.User, ch *core.Channel) (int, os.Error) {
	if source == target {
		return 0, nil
	if m := ch.GetMember(target); m != nil {
		if m.Data("op") != "" {
			return -1000000, os.NewError("Target user is an operator, and cannot be kicked without being deopped.")
	return 0, nil
Exemplo n.º 6
// CheckChanViewDataPerm returns the full permissions value for
// CheckChanViewData.
func CheckChanViewDataPerm(pkg string, u *core.User, ch *core.Channel, name string) (int, os.Error) {
	f := func(h interface{}) (int, os.Error) {
		f, ok := h.(func(string, *core.User, *core.Channel, string) (int, os.Error))
		if ok && f != nil {
			return f(pkg, u, ch, name)
		return 0, nil

	return runPermHooks(checkChanViewData[ch.Type()], f, false)
Exemplo n.º 7
// CheckChanViewPerm returns the full permissions value for CheckChanView.
// This is not at present hookable.
func CheckChanViewPerm(pkg string, u *core.User, ch *core.Channel) (int, os.Error) {

	if m := ch.GetMember(u); m != nil {
		return 100, nil

	if ch.Data("hidden") == "" {
		return 1, nil

	return -1, os.NewError("Channel is hidden.")
Exemplo n.º 8
// If a user is not in a channel, they don't get to invite users into it.
func externalInvite(_ string, source, target *core.User, msg []byte) (int, os.Error) {
	if source == nil {
		return 0, nil

	var ch *core.Channel
	if ch = core.FindChannel("", string(msg)); ch == nil {
		return -100, os.NewError("No such channel.")
	if m := ch.GetMember(source); m == nil {
		return -100, os.NewError("You are not in that channel.")
	return 0, nil
Exemplo n.º 9
func cmdWho(source interface{}, params [][]byte) {
	c := source.(*Client)
	channame := string(params[0])
	if channame[0] == '#' {
		channame = channame[1:]

	var ch *core.Channel
	if ch = core.FindChannel("", channame); ch == nil {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "403", "#%s :No such channel.", channame)

	// If the user isn't on the channel, don't let them check unless they
	// can view private channel data.
	if m := ch.GetMember(c.u); m == nil {
		if ok, err := perm.CheckChanViewData(me, c.u, ch, "members"); !ok {
			c.SendLineTo(nil, "482", "#%s :%s", ch.Name(), err)

	it := ch.Users()
	c.WriteBlock(func() []byte {
		if it == nil {
			return nil

		user := it.User()

		var prefixes string
		if user.Data("away") == "" {
			prefixes += "H"
		} else {
			prefixes += "G"
		if user.Data("op") != "" {
			prefixes += "*"
		prefixes += ChanModes.GetPrefixes(it)

		servername := core.Global.Data("name")
		result := fmt.Sprintf(":%s 352 %s #%s %s %s %s %s %s :0 %s\r\n",
			servername, c.u.Nick(), channame, user.GetIdent(),
			user.GetHostname(), servername, user.Nick(),
			prefixes, user.Data("realname"))

		it = it.ChanNext()
		return []byte(result)

	c.SendLineTo(nil, "315", "%s :End of /WHO list.", params[0])
Exemplo n.º 10
func cmdNames(source interface{}, params [][]byte) {
	c := source.(*Client)
	channame := string(params[0])
	if len(channame) > 0 && channame[0] == '#' {
		channame = channame[1:]

	var ch *core.Channel
	if ch = core.FindChannel("", channame); ch == nil {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "403", "#%s :No such channel.", channame)

	// If the user isn't on the channel, don't let them check unless they
	// can view private channel data.
	// Otherwise, get their prefixes.
	var myprefix string
	if m := ch.GetMember(c.u); m == nil {
		if ok, err := perm.CheckChanViewData(me, c.u, ch, "members"); !ok {
			c.SendLineTo(nil, "482", "#%s :%s", ch.Name(), err)
		myprefix = "="
	} else {
		myprefix = ChanModes.GetPrefixes(m)

	it := ch.Users()
	c.WriteBlock(func() []byte {
		if it == nil {
			return nil

		names := fmt.Sprintf(":%s 353 %s %s #%s :",
			core.Global.Data("name"), c.u.Nick(), myprefix,

		for ; it != nil; it = it.ChanNext() {
			name := ChanModes.GetPrefixes(it) + it.User().Nick()
			if len(names)+len(name) > 508 {
			names += " " + name

		names += "\r\n"
		return []byte(names)

	c.SendLineTo(nil, "366", "#%s :End of /NAMES list", channame)
Exemplo n.º 11
// If a user is not in the channel, they don't get to message it.
func externalMsg(_ string, source *core.User, target *core.Channel, msg []byte) (int, os.Error) {
	if m := target.GetMember(source); m == nil {
		return -100, os.NewError("You are not in the channel.")
	return 0, nil
Exemplo n.º 12
func cmdOpflags(source interface{}, params [][]byte) {
	c := source.(*Client)
	channame := string(params[0])
	if channame[0] == '#' {
		channame = channame[1:]

	var ch *core.Channel
	if ch = core.FindChannel("", channame); ch == nil {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "403", "#%s :No such channel.", channame)

	// If the user isn't on the channel, don't let them check unless they
	// can view private channel data.
	if m := ch.GetMember(c.u); m == nil {
		if ok, err := perm.CheckChanViewData(me, c.u, ch, "members"); !ok {
			c.SendLineTo(nil, "482", "#%s :%s", ch.Name(), err)

	var target *core.User
	if target = core.GetUserByNick(string(params[1])); target == nil {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "401", "%s :No such user.", params[1])

	var m *core.Membership
	if m = ch.GetMember(target); m == nil {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "304", ":OPFLAGS #%s: %s is not in the channel.", ch.Name(), target.Nick())
	if ok, err := perm.CheckMemberViewData(me, c.u, m, "op"); !ok {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "482", "#%s :%s: %s", ch.Name(), target.Nick(), err)

	var flags string
	if flags = m.Data("op"); flags == "" {
		c.SendLineTo(nil, "304", ":OPFLAGS #%s: %s has no channel op flags.", ch.Name(), target.Nick())

	if flags == "on" {
		flags = perm.DefaultChanOp()
	c.SendLineTo(nil, "304", ":OPFLAGS #%s: %s has channel op flags: %s", ch.Name(), target.Nick(), flags)
Exemplo n.º 13
// ParseModeLine parses a line of mode changes into core.DataChange structs.
// Redundant changes are compressed down into one.
// An error is returned if unknown modes are encountered, or modes are dropped
// due to missing parameters. The remainder of the modes are still parsed.
// e is the user or channel being changed.
func (p *ModeParser) ParseModeLine(source *core.User, e core.Extensible, modeline []byte, params []string) ([]core.DataChange, os.Error) {
	var adding bool = true
	var unknown string
	var missing string
	var param int
	modes := string(modeline)
	changes := make(map[string]core.DataChange)

	for _, char := range modes {

		if char == '+' {
			adding = true
		} else if char == '-' {
			adding = false

		if v, ok := p.simple[char]; ok {
			if v, ok := p.extended[char]; ok {
				newchanges := v(adding, e, "")
				for _, it := range newchanges {
					changes[it.Name] = it

			var change core.DataChange
			change.Name = v
			if adding {
				change.Data = "on"

			changes[change.Name] = change

		if v, ok := p.parametered[char]; ok {
			var change core.DataChange
			if adding {
				if param >= len(params) {
					missing += string(char)

				if v, ok := p.extended[char]; ok {
					newch := v(adding, e, params[param])
					for _, it := range newch {
						changes[it.Name] = it

				change.Name = v
				change.Data = params[param]
			} else {
				if v, ok := p.extended[char]; ok {
					newchanges := v(adding, e, "")
					for _, it := range newchanges {
						changes[it.Name] = it

				change.Name = v

			changes[change.Name] = change

		if v, ok := p.list[char]; ok {
			if param >= len(params) {
				missing += string(char)
			var change core.DataChange
			cparam := params[param]

			if v, ok := p.extended[char]; ok {
				newchanges := v(adding, e, cparam)
				for _, it := range newchanges {
					if it.Data != "" {
						it.Data += fmt.Sprintf(" setby-%s setat-%d", source.GetSetBy(), time.Seconds())
					changes[it.Name] = it

			if adding {
				change.Name = v + " " + cparam
				change.Data = fmt.Sprintf("on setby-%s setat-%d", source.GetSetBy(), time.Seconds())
			} else {
				change.Name = v + " " + cparam

			changes[change.Name] = change

		if v, ok := p.membership[char]; ok {
			var ch *core.Channel
			var ok bool
			if ch, ok = e.(*core.Channel); !ok {
			if param >= len(params) {
				missing += string(char)
			par := params[param]

			if v, ok := p.extended[char]; ok {
				newchanges := v(adding, e, par)
				for _, it := range newchanges {
					if it.Member != nil {
						changes["m"+it.Member.User().ID()+" "+it.Name] = it
					} else {
						changes[it.Name] = it

			var u *core.User
			var m *core.Membership
			if u = core.GetUser(par); u == nil {
				if u = core.GetUserByNick(par); u == nil {
			if m = ch.GetMember(u); m == nil {

			var change core.DataChange
			change.Name = v
			change.Member = m

			if adding {
				change.Data = "on"

			changes["m"+change.Member.User().ID()+" "+change.Name] = change

		unknown += string(char)

	// Turn the modes into a slice.
	c := make([]core.DataChange, 0, len(changes))
	for _, change := range changes {
		c = append(c, change)

	// Get the error, if we had one.
	var errstring string
	if unknown != "" {
		errstring += "Unknown mode letters: " + unknown
		if missing != "" {
			errstring += "  "
	if missing != "" {
		errstring += "Missing parameters for: " + missing
	var err os.Error
	if errstring != "" {
		err = os.NewError(errstring)

	return c, err
Exemplo n.º 14
// Function handling processing of extended op syntax into metadata.
// It returns the data change object.
func processOp(adding bool, ch *core.Channel, param string) []core.DataChange {
	var change core.DataChange
	change.Name = "op"
	change.Data = perm.DefaultChanOp()

	// Find a colon, indicating extended op syntax.
	var colon, mask int
	colon = strings.IndexRune(param, ':')
	if colon > -1 && len(param) > colon+1 {
		mask = colon + 1
	} else {
		colon = -1

	// Set the member this opping refers to.
	if target := core.GetUserByNick(param[mask:]); target != nil {
		if m := ch.GetMember(target); m != nil {
			change.Member = m
		} else {
			return nil
	} else {
		return nil

	// If a colon exists, treat everything before it as opflags.
	if colon > -1 {
		change.Data = ""
		for _, char := range param[:colon] {
			if v := Flags.Str(char); v != "" {
				if change.Data != "" {
					change.Data += " "
				change.Data += v

	// Get the existing op flags, expanding default ops.
	existingData := change.Member.Data("op")
	words := strings.Fields(existingData)
	var existing string
	for _, word := range words {
		if word == "on" {
			word = perm.DefaultChanOp()

		if existing != "" {
			existing += " "
		existing += word

	if adding {
		// If we're adding the ban, add the new restrictions to the
		// previous restrictions.
		if existing != "" {
			words := strings.Fields(existing)
			remwords := strings.Fields(change.Data)
			for _, flag := range words {
				var found bool
				for _, w := range remwords {
					if w == flag {
						found = true
				if !found {
					if change.Data != "" {
						change.Data += " "
					change.Data += flag
	} else {
		// If we're removing the ban, remove the removed restrictions.
		// Leave restrictions not removed alone.
		// This is "fun". This is also O(n^2).
		var left string
		if existing != "" {
			words := strings.Fields(existing)
			remwords := strings.Fields(change.Data)
			for _, flag := range words {
				var found bool
				for _, w := range remwords {
					if w == flag {
						found = true
				if !found && Flags.Char(flag) != 0 {
					if left != "" {
						left += " "
					left += flag
		change.Data = left

	// Test for whether we have a default restriction.
	var outsideDefault bool
	var missingDefault bool
	defwords := strings.Fields(perm.DefaultChanOp())
	words = strings.Fields(change.Data)
	for _, word := range words {
		var found bool
		for _, defword := range defwords {
			if defword == word {
				found = true
		if !found {
			outsideDefault = true
	if !outsideDefault {
		for _, defword := range defwords {
			var found bool
			for _, word := range words {
				if defword == word {
					found = true
			if !found {
				missingDefault = true

	// If the restriction is the same as the default restriction, quietly
	// change it to "on".
	if !outsideDefault && !missingDefault {
		change.Data = "on"

	return []core.DataChange{change}