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Environment variables

Configuration that shouldn't be committed (e.g. passwords) go in environment variables.

export # in development mode, send all emails to this address
export FLESH_MANDRILL_KEY= # this has to be generated per-developer

From the shell

# you probably haven't updated brew in a while
  brew update

# get the repo
  export FLESHLOCATION="~/flesh"
  git clone $FLESHLOCATION

# node.js
  brew install npm
  npm -g install grunt-cli
  npm install
  bower install
# database
  brew install postgres
  initdb .db -U postgres
  # Make postgres fast(er).
  # Do NOT use these settings on a server, only locally!
  echo "shared_buffers = 9MB"     >> .db/postgresql.conf
  echo "work_mem = 50MB"          >> .db/postgresql.conf
  echo "fsync = off"              >> .db/postgresql.conf
  echo "synchronous_commit = off" >> .db/postgresql.conf
  # Start postgres and create DB
  sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmall=1073741824
  sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmax=67108864
  pg_ctl start -D .db -l /tmp/flesh-postgres.log -o "-p 5454"
  createdb -p 5454 -O postgres -U postgres flesh_local
  psql -p 5454 -U postgres -d flesh_local < $FLESHLOCATION/db/schema.sql

# database connection pooling
  brew install pgpool-ii
  pgpool -f conf/pgpool.conf

# revel
  mkdir ~/gocode
  export GOPATH=~/gocode # you should add this line to your .bash_profile too
  export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin" # you should add this line to your .bash_profile too
  brew install go
  brew upgrade go
  brew install mercurial
  cat goPackages.txt | xargs -t go get -u
  ln -s $FLESHLOCATION $GOPATH/src/flesh

# Generate test data

Running Locally

#assets (check gruntfile.js for all the availiable tasks)
  grunt compile #build assets once
  grunt w #build assets once and then watch for file changes (3rd party libraries not watched)

  revel run flesh


#useful syntax highlighting
  cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages #something close to this
  git clone git:// CoffeeScript
  git clone Stylus

#mocking a tag via twilio
  curl -X POST --data "Body=5V4MR&From=12089912446&AccountSid=$TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID" http://localhost:9000/api/sms

Useful postgres commands

Make postgres fast(er).

Do NOT use these settings on a server, only locally!

echo "shared_buffers = 9MB"     >> .db/postgresql.conf
echo "work_mem = 50MB"          >> .db/postgresql.conf
echo "fsync = off"              >> .db/postgresql.conf
echo "synchronous_commit = off" >> .db/postgresql.conf
pg_ctl -D .db restart


pg_ctl start -D .db -o "-p 5454"
pg_ctl stop -D .db -o "-p 5454"
pg_ctl restart -D .db -o "-p 5454"
pgpool -f conf/pgpool.conf

connect with psql

psql -p 5454 -U postgres -d flesh_local

Generating test data

drop/update schema/generate test data cycle:

 # from flesh root (not /scripts!)

generate test data:

# visit localhost:9000/@tests
# and click Generator > TestGenerateData > Run
# This will create a bunch of dummy data for you