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This package is essentially a support package for usrv and related-packages although it can also be used standalone. It provides a common interface for configuring and instanciating services such as etcd, redis and rabbitmq.


  • Common interface for managing and configuring services
  • Dial policies (periodic, exp. backoff or user-defined)
  • Modular configuration (etcd plugin or plain maps)
  • Service close notifications
  • Thread-safe implementation

Required dependencies

Service Required depenencies
redis go get
rabbitmq go get
etcd go get go get

Service close notifications

You may register one or more char error listeners to be notified when a particular service is shutdown or reset (e.g lost connection or configuration has changed).

During a normal shutdown, ErrConnectionClosed will be emitted to the listener channel and then the channel will be closed. During a reset, the channel will be immediately closed (no error). In both cases, a new listener needs to be registered to receive further events. Here is an example on handling close notifications:

package main

import (

func example(srv adapters.Service) {
	listener := make(chan error)

	select {
	case _, connReset := <-listener:
		if connReset {
		} else {
			// Connection closed...

Using the service adapters

Each package in the service subpackage defines a globally visible Adaptor that you should use for interfacing with the wrapped service. The Adaptor is pre-configured with the default settings for the service.

You can however, alter the configuration using the Config method or by applying the Config service option using the SetOptions method.

Service options

The package defines some convenience methods that allow you to apply a set of options to the service adaptors via the SetOptions call. The methods implement the functional arguments pattern.


Config allows you to specify a map with configuration settings during the service instanciation. The service adapters will cause the service to reset whenever the settings change. You may also change the config settings after the service has been instanciated using its Config method.

Example usage:

package main

import (

func setup(){
	opts := map[string]string{
		"endpoint" : "localhost:6379",

	err := redis.Adapter.SetOptions(
	if err != nil {


Logger allows you to attach a specific Logger instance to an instanciated service. By default, all services are provisioned with a /dev/null logger that discards all output. Alternatively, you can attach the logger after the service has been instanciated using its SetLogger method.

Example usage:

package main

import (


func setup(){
	logger := log.New(os.Stderr, "[Custom Logger]", log.LstdFlags)

	err := redis.Adapter.SetOptions(
	if err != nil {



The DialPolicy option allows you to specify the policy for dialing each service. Selecting the appropriate policy for a service ensures that adaptor instances do not hammer on the remote endpoints whenever the connection is lost/dropped.

A dial policy is essentially a generator of retry intervals (modeled as time.Duration values) with a bound on the number of retry attempts. After the max number of retry attempts has been reached, the dial policy will respond with an error on any further requests for the next retry interval.

Periodic dial policy

The periodic dial policy generates a bounded number of retry intervals using a fixed period.

Example usage:

package main

import (

func setup() {
	// Retry every 200ms up to a total of 10 attempts
	dialPolicy := dial.Periodic(10, time.Millisecond * 200)

	err := redis.Adapter.SetOptions(
	if err != nil {

Exponential back-off dial policy

The exponential back-off dial policy generates a random retry interval in the range [0, 2cur. attempt) with a bound on the total number of attempts. This policy is recommended when a large number of service adaptor instances are running to prevent connection hammering. The maximum number of attempts that may be specified is 32 (higher numbers will be capped to 32).

Example usage:

package main

import (

func setup(){
	// Generate a retry interval in ms between [0, 2^attempt) 
	// up to a total of 10 attempts
	dialPolicy := dial.ExpBackoff(10, time.Millisecond)

	err := redis.Adapter.SetOptions(
	if err != nil {

Implementing a custom dial policy

To create a custom dial policy you need to implement the Policy interface. You can then pass an instance of the custom dial policy either via the DialPolicy service option during service instanciation or via the SetDialPolicy method on the instanciated service object.

Getting started: redis

The redis service adaptor wraps the redigo driver. Since the driver is not thread-safe, the adaptor uses a connection pool. Whenever you need a connection inside a go-routine you can fetch one from the pool and close it when you are done with it.

Configuration settings

The following configuration settings are supported:

Setting name Description Default value
endpoint Redis server endpoint localhost:6379
password The password to use "" (no password)
db The db index to use 0
connTimeout The connection timeout in seconds 1 second

The default values will be used if no settings are specified. By default, the adapter uses the exp backoff dial policy (10 attempts, time.Millisecond retry unit).


package main

import ""

func demo() {

	err = redis.Adapter.Dial()
	if err != nil {
	defer redis.Adapter.Close()

	// Get a connection from the pool.
	conn, err := redis.Adapter.GetConnection()
	if err != nil {
	defer conn.Close()

	// do something with conn here

Getting started: rabbitmq

The rabbitmq service adaptor wraps the go client for AMQP 0.9.1.

Configuration settings

The following configuration settings are supported:

Setting name Description Default value
endpoint rabbit server endpoint including auth credentials amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/

The default values will be used if no settings are specified. By default, the adapter uses the exp backoff dial policy (10 attempts, time.Millisecond retry unit).


package main

import ""

func demo() {

	err = amqp.Adapter.Dial()
	if err != nil {
	defer amqp.Adapter.Close()

	// Allocate amqp channel and do something with it
	channel, err := amqp.Adapter.NewChannel()
	if err != nil {
	defer channel.Close()

Getting started: etcd

The etcd service adaptor wraps the go-etcd client.

Configuration settings

The following configuration settings are supported:

Setting name Description Default value
hosts comma-delimited etcd host list

The default values will be used if no settings are specified. By default, the adapter uses the exp backoff dial policy (10 attempts, time.Millisecond retry unit).


package main

import ""
import "log"
imoprt "os"

func demo() {

	// Attach a logger and use a different host configuration (e.g dockerized etcd)
	err := etcd.Adapter.SetOptions(
		adapters.Logger(log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags)),
		adapters.Config(map[string]string{"hosts": ""}),
	if err != nil {
	defer etcd.Adapter.Close()

	// Do something with the adapter

Automatic adapter configuration via etcd

The etcd sub-package provides an automatic configuration server option (AutoConf) that uses etcd to retrieve the service settings from a user-defined key and to set up a monitor for value changes. When a value change is detected, the middleware will parse the updated value into a map and then reconfigure the service with the updated settings.

The current implementation expects the etcd value to contain a list of key=value entries (you can use any number of whitespace characters to delimit the value tuples).


Lets assume that you have launched an etcd v2+ instance and it is currently listening at: Our redis server is also running at localhost on port 6379

To setup the initial redis settings issue the following curl command:

curl \
     -X PUT \
     -d value="endpoint= db=0"

The following program will create a redis service adaptor, attach the etcd configuration middleware and a logger for monitoring configuration change events. It will block till ctrl+c is pressed.

package main

import (



func main() {

	err := redis.Adapter.New(
		adapters.Logger(log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)),
	if err != nil {
	defer redisSrv.Close()

	fmt.Printf("Press ctrl+c to exit")

	sigChan := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt)
	select {
	case <-sigChan:

	fmt.Printf("Shutting down...")

When the program executes it will pick up the configuration from etcd and output a message like:

2015/07/12 18:46:00 [REDIS] Configuration changed; new settings: endpoint=, password=, db=0, connTimeout=1s

You can then change the configuration (in this example the db number and connection timeout) with the following curl command:

curl \
     -X PUT \
     -d value="endpoint= db=1 connTimeout=2"

The middleware will pickup the change and reconfigure the service adaptor. It will also emit the following logger output:

2015/07/12 18:46:00 [REDIS] Configuration changed; new settings: endpoint=, password=, db=1, connTimeout=2s


usrv-service-adapters is distributed under the MIT license.


Service adapters that support automatic reconfiguration via etcd







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