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GoMySQL Version 0.2.1

Revision History

0.2.x series [current]

  • 0.2.1 - Fixes for current Go versions. log.Print instead of log.Stdout. New make([]type, int) for slices. Patch & pull request sent to Philio - original author
  • 0.2.0 - Functions have been reworked and now always return os.Error to provide a generic and consistant design. Improved logging output. Improved client stability. Removed length vs buffered length checks as they don't work with packets > 4096 bytes. Added new Escape function, although this is currently only suitiable for short strings. Tested library with much larger databases such as multi-gigabyte tables and multi-megabyte blogs. Many minor bug fixes. Resolved issue #3, #4 and #5.

0.1.x series [deprecated]

  • 0.1.14 - Added support for long data packets.
  • 0.1.13 - Added proper support for NULL bit map in binary row data packets.
  • 0.1.12 - Added auth struct to store authentication data. Removed logging param from New() in favour of just setting the public var. Added Reconnect() function. Bug fix in Query() causing panic for error packet responses. Added a number of examples.
  • 0.1.11 - Added support for binary time fields, fixed missing zeros in time for datetime/timestamp fields.
  • 0.1.10 - Changed row data to use interface{} instead of string, so rows contain data of the correct type.
  • 0.1.9 - Small code tweaks, change to execute packets to allow params to contain up to 4096 bytes of data. [not released]
  • 0.1.8 - Added internal mutex to make client operations thread safe.
  • 0.1.7 - Added prepared statement support.
  • 0.1.6 - Added Ping function.
  • 0.1.5 - Clean up packet visibility all should have been private, add packet handlers for prepare/execute and related packets.
  • 0.1.4 - Connect now uses ...interface{} for parameters to remove (or reduce) 'junk' required params to call the function. [not released]
  • 0.1.3 - Added ChangeDb function to change the active database. [not released]
  • 0.1.2 - Added MultiQuery function to return mutliple result sets as an array. [not released]
  • 0.1.1 - Added support for multiple queries in a single command. [not released]
  • 0.1.0 - Initial release, supporting connect, close and query functions. [not released]

To Do

  • Continue to add support for additional binary format options


A MySQL client library written in Go. The aim of this project is to provide a library with a high level of usability, good interal error handling and to emulate similar libraries available for other languages to provide an easy migration of MySQL based systems into the Go language.

As of version 0.1.14 development on the MySQL protocol has been completed and the library is stable in numerous tests, future updates will be more focused on code optimisation and improvements.

Please report bugs via the GitHub issue tracker, also comments and suggestions are very welcome.

Also, note that I (bketelsen) changed the default socket location to /tmp/mysqld.sock which suits my Mac needs. YMMV


GoMySQL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.


Implements the MySQL protocol version 4.1 so should work with MySQL server versions 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 and future releases.

Thread Safety

As of version 0.1.8 all client functions (including statements) should be thread safe. At the time of writing this has been tested with the following configurations:

  • GOMAXPROCS=1, 2 goroutines, 4 goroutines
  • GOMAXPROCS=2, 2 goroutines, 4 goroutines


There are 2 methods to install GoMySQL

  1. Via goinstall:


The library will be installed in the same path locally so the import must be the same:

import ""

  1. Via make:

Clone the git repository:

git clone git://

Build / install:

cd GoMySQL
make install

This installs the package as 'mysql' so can be importated as so:

import "mysql"

MySQL functions

MySQL.Logging - Can be set to true or false to enable or disable logging.

MySQL.Errno - Error number for last operation.

MySQL.Error - Error description for last operation.


Create a new MySQL instance.


db := mysql.New()

MySQL.Connect(host string, username string, [password string, [dbname string, [port int || socket string]]])

Connect to database defined by host.
The minimum required params to connect are host and username, dependant on server settings.
If the host provided is localhost or then a socket connection will be made, otherwise TCP will be used. The fifth parameter can either be an integer value which will be assigned as the port number, or a string which will be assigned as the socket. In versions prior to 0.1.4 it was nescessary to specify both, however as both are never required together this has been changed. The port will default to 3306.
The socket will default to /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock (Debian/Ubuntu).

Returns os.Error, error number and description can be retrieved for failure description (see error handling section)


connected := db.Connect("localhost", "user", "password", "database")


Reconnect to the server using the credentials previously provided to Connect().


connected := db.Reconnect()


Closes the connection to the database.
Returns os.Error, error number and description can be retrieved for failure description (see error handling section)


closed = db.Close()

MySQL.Query(sql string)

Perform an SQL query, as of 0.1.1 supports multiple statements.
Returns a MySQLResult object and os.Error, data contained within result object varies depending on query type. If query contains multiple statements then the first result set is returned.


res := db.Query("SELECT * FROM table")

MySQL.MultiQuery(sql string)

Identical in function to MySQL.Query, intended for use with multiple statements.
Returns an array of MySQLResult objects and os.Error.


resArray := db.MultiQuery("UPDATE t1 SET a = 1; UPDATE t2 SET b = 2")

resArray[0] contains result of UPDATE t1 SET a = 1
resArray[1] contains result of UPDATE t2 SET b = 2

MySQL.ChangeDb(dbname string)

Change the currently active database.
Returns os.Error.


ok := db.ChangeDb("my_database")


Ping the server.
Returns os.Error.


ok := db.Ping()


Create a new prepared statement. Returns a new statement and os.Error.


stmt := db.InitStmt()

MySQL.Escape(str string)

Escape a string. Returns an escaped copy of the string.


str = db.Escape("I 'should' be escaped because I contain single quotes!")

MySQL Result Functions

MySQLResult.AffectedRows - Number of rows affected by the query.

MySQLResult.InsertId - The insert id of the row inserted by the query.

MySQLResult.WarningCount - The number of warnings the server returned.

MySQLResult.Message - The message returned by the server.

MySQLResult.Fields - An array of fields returned by the server.

MySQLResult.FieldCount - The number of fields returned by the server.

MySQLResult.Rows - An array of rows returned by the server.

MySQLResult.RowCount - The number of rows returned by the server.


Get the next row in the resut set.
Returns an array or nil if there are no more rows.


row := res.FetchRow()


Get the next row in the resut set as a map.
Returns a map or nil if there are no more rows.


row := res.FetchMap()

MySQL Statement Functions

MySQLStatement.Errno - Error number for last operation.

MySQLStatement.Error - Error description for last operation.

MySQLStatement.StatementId - The statement id.

MySQLStatement.Params - Array of param data [not implemented].

MySQLStatement.ParamCount - Number of params in the current statement.

MySQLStatement.Prepare(sql string)

Prepare a query.
Returns true on success or false on failure.


ok := stmt.Prepare("SELECT a, b, c FROM table1 WHERE a > ? OR b < ?)


Bind params to a query, the number of params should equal the number of ?'s in the query sent to prepare.
Returns os.Error.
Please read limitations section below for supported param types


ok := stmt.BindParams(10, 15)

MySQLStatement.SendLongData(num uint16, data string)

Send paramater as long data.
Multiple packets can be sent per parameter, each up to the maximum packet size.
Parameters that are sent as long data should be bound as nil (NULL). Returns os.Error.


ok := stmt.SendLongData(0, "A very long string!")


Execute the prepared query.
Returns a MySQLResult object and os.Error, data contained within result object varies depending on query type.


res := stmt.Execute()


Reset the statement.
Returns os.Error.


ok := stmt.Reset()


Close the statement.
Returns os.Error.


ok := stmt.Close()

Prepared Statement Limitations

When using prepared statements the data packets sent to/from the server are in binary format (normal queries send results as text).
Currently not all MySQL field types have been implemented.

Supported parameter formats:

Format of list is Go type (MySQL type)

Integers: int (int or bigint), uint (unsigned int or big int), int8 (tiny int), uint8 (unsigned tiny int), int16 (small int), uint16 (unsigned small int), int32 (int), uint32 (unsigned int), int64 (big int), uint64 (unsigned big int)

Floats: float (float or double), float32 (float), float64 (double)

Strings: all varchar/text/blob/enum/date fields should work when sent as string

Supported row formats:

Format of list is MySQL type (Go type)

Integers: tiny int (int8), unsigned tiny int (uint8), small int (int16), unsigned small int (uint16), int (int32), unsigned int (uint32), big int (int64), unsigned big int (uint64)

Floats: float (float32), double (float64)

Strings: varchar, *text, *blob

Date/time: date, datetime, timestamp

Error handling

As of version 0.2.0 all functions return os.Error. If the command succeeded the return value will be nil, otherwise it will contain the error. If returned value is not nil then mysql error code and description can then be retreived from Errno and Error properties for additional info/debugging. Prepared statements have their own copy of the Errno and Error properties.
Generated errors attempt to follow MySQL protocol/specifications as closely as possible.


A MySQL client library written in Go.






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