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kanto is a service that can create and manage multi instance couchdb databases (with continuous replication) in kubernetes

REQUIRES: kubernetes v 1.2.1+

WARNING: this is not ready-to-production service, since its lacking authentication for users and it is completely stateless. Check Limitations section for more info about what is missing.

RECOMMENDED: Read about how couchdb cluster (and replication in cluster) is configured in Couchdb cluster configuration

Check for instruction how to run/compile kanto


kanto uses enviroment values to fetch some configuration values env list:

  • KUBERNETES_API_URL - url to kubernetes api server (defaults to
  • SPAWNER_TYPE - decide what kind of component will spawn pods in kuberentes (possible values: "deployment" (default, np pv), "rc")

check kubernetes info more information about SPAWNER_TYPE


API operations:

  • creating couchdb cluster
  • deleting couchdb cluster
  • scaling (more or less replicas in couchdb cluster)
  • replicate - configure which couchdb databases will be replicated among all replicas
  • listing all couchdb clusters for user
  • show detail about couchdb cluster

all request to API, should be http POST, since you always have to provide authentication (username + token)

auth POST values:

  • username - string, required: username to authenticate to kanto service (currently kanto has only dummy auth, so everyone is able to create clusters, but username is still needed)
  • token - string, required: auth token for username, it is similar to password

API response is in JSON, corresponding struct is defined in kanto/types.go - KantoResponse

type KantoResponse struct {
	Status 		    string              `json:"status"`
	StatusMessage 	string              `json:"status_message,omitempty"`
	Error  		    string              `json:"error_detail,omitempty"`
	Result 		    *json.RawMessage    `json:"result,omitempty"`

response parts:

  • Status - request result, only 3 options ("ok","error","unauthorized")
  • StatusMessage - more info about what happened
  • Error - more info about occurred error, if any
  • Result - resulting couchdb cluster info or array of couchdb clusters (struct CouchdbCluster)

Error and Result can be omitted depending on operation and operation result.

##create path: /v0/create

POST values:

  • cluster_tag - string,optional; name for new couchdb cluster, if not provided random string is generated, string size 4-12, bigger string si trimmed, smaller is ignored and treated as empty
  • replicas - int,required; amount of couchdb instances that will be spawned, has to be number between 1-10, other values will adjusted to fit this range
  • username - string, required: username to authenticate to kanto service (currently kanto has only dummy auth, so everyone is able to create clusters, but username is still needed)
  • token - string, required: auth token for username, it is similar to password

##delete path: /v0/delete

POST values:

  • cluster_tag - string,required; couchdb cluster name/tag that will be deleted
  • username - string, required: username to authenticate to kanto service (currently kanto has only dummy auth, so everyone is able to create clusters, but username is still needed)
  • token - string, required: auth token for username, it is similar to password

##scale path: /v0/scale

POST values:

  • cluster_tag - string,required; couchdb cluster name/tag that will be scaled
  • replicas - int,required; new number for replicas, has to be number between 1-10, other values will adjusted to fit this range
  • username - string, required: username to authenticate to kanto service (currently kanto has only dummy auth, so everyone is able to create clusters, but username is still needed)
  • token - string, required: auth token for username, it is similar to password

##replicate path: /v0/replicate

POST values:

  • cluster_tag - string,required; couchdb cluster name/tag that will be scaled
  • databases - string,required; list of dbs to replicate in couchdb cluster, delimiter is "," example: mydb1,special,test1
  • username - string, required: username to authenticate to kanto service (currently kanto has only dummy auth, so everyone is able to create clusters, but username is still needed)
  • token - string, required: auth token for username, it is similar to password

##list path: /v0/list

POST values:

  • username - string, required: username to authenticate to kanto service (currently kanto has only dummy auth, so everyone is able to create clusters, but username is still needed)
  • token - string, required: auth token for username, it is similar to password

##detail path: /v0/detail

POST values:

  • cluster_tag - string,required; couchdb cluster name/tag
  • username - string, required: username to authenticate to kanto service (currently kanto has only dummy auth, so everyone is able to create clusters, but username is still needed)
  • token - string, required: auth token for username, it is similar to password

##api test examples few examples of using kanto api via curl

create couchdb cluster

curl -d "username=johny2&token=Ty5wvW7LuQ3T&cluster_tag=my-test-db1&replicas=3"

scale couchdb cluster

curl -d "username=johny2&token=Ty5wvW7LuQ3T&cluster_tag=my-test-db1&replicas=5"

show couchdb cluster detail

curl -d "username=johny2&token=Ty5wvW7LuQ3T&cluster_tag=my-test-db1"

replicate db "mydb" and "special" in cluster

curl -d "username=johny2&token=Ty5wvW7LuQ3T&cluster_tag=my-test-db1&databases=mydb,special"

list all couchdb clusters for user

curl -d "username=johny2&token=Ty5wvW7LuQ3T"

delete couchdb cluster

curl -d "username=johny2&token=Ty5wvW7LuQ3T&cluster_tag=my-test-db1"

check for automated all operations test

#Couchdb Cluster configuration info about how kanto creates couchdb cluster and how it configure replication withtin couchdb

##kubernetes info kanto works fine with kubernetes 1.2.1+

kanto is using couchdb 1.6.1 official docker image for kubernetes pods, couchdb port is default - 5984

if using SPAWNER_TYPE=deployment

Recommended for testing/development. This solution does not use persistent volumes. Replication is configured via pod IP address which can be volatile. When creating a new couchdb cluster, kanto will create "kind: Deployment" and "kind: Service" in kubernetes. Deployment will create corresponding pods (amount is specified with Replicas values). These pods are not linked with any application logic. Service will create endpoint that will be accessible from outside. This endpoint will load-balance request to all deployment pods.

if using SPAWNER_TYPE=rc

When creating a new couchdb cluster, kanto will create one "kind: Service" and then replication controller for each replica. Each replication controller spawns 1 pod and each pod has volume mounts and persistent volume claim for this volume. These pods are not linked with any application logic. Service will create endpoint that will be accessible from outside. This endpoint will load-balance request to all deployment pods. This solution requires pre-created persistent volumes in kubernetes (at least 5Gi storage and "ReadWriteOnce" access mode) Each pod will have own service, which will be used for replication. (Pod's ip is volatile and can change, service ip/name is always same)

##couchdb pod configuration Docker image couchdb is started with ENVs COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD with values username and token. This configuration will disable couchdb admin party mode and only admin will be able to do privileged operations. Pod has exposed port 5984 to access couchdb. Persistent volumes (if used) is mounted to "/usr/local/var/lib/couchdb".

##replication between pods The biggest problem with couchdb replication is that it can not be configured for all databases. Each database has to be separately configured for replication. This means user has to sent request for each db that should be replicated in cluster. Unfortunately when scaling (up or down), replication has to be cleared and reconfigured. This mean we have to save which dbs user want to replicate, so we can load this db list when scaling. Since this is stateless configuration, this has to be implemented. But it should be fair easy, If you have somewhere running database with this information. (just save on /replicate request and load on /scale request) Now it only stores db information to global variable so every restart will wipe data. Check file user.go and functions: DatabasesToReplicate and SaveReplDatabases

Replication is configured via "_replicator" database and is always continuous. Replication is configured in circle (ie. pod1 replicates to pod2, pod2 replicates to pod3, ... , podN replicates to pod1) Unfortunately in couchdb 1.6.1 there is a bug that fails replicate database "_users". Replication will be aborted with message that replication worked died. (in replication message there is actual erlang stacktrace instead of error message). Same settings in database "_replicate" works.

Couchdb 2.+ offers clustering, but official docker image cannot be used since its wraps everything and starts already clustered couchdb (2+ nodes) in single docker container listening on localhost and starts haproxy which balances all requests to nodes .

#Limitations To move it into production I would recommend implement:

  • corresponding authentication - user.go has only dummy functions
  • saving information about what databases user want replicate - check section: replication for more info
  • sophisticated couchdb username and password configuration - currently, each couchdb will have admin user created with username:token credentials


web service to create and manage multi instance couchdb databases (with replication) in kubernetes







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