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此工具用于将 html 文件转换为 epub 格式。它根据html文件中的 <h1><h2> 等标签,将其拆分为章节,并自动生成目录等信息。支持批处理模式,可一次性转换生成多个epub文件。

This tool helps to create epub file from html file. It split the html file into chapters by the tags <h1>, <h2> ..., and generate the TOC automatically. The batch mode can create multiple epub files in one execution.


It also support pack/extract an epub file, merge html/text files. And can be used as a web server to convert an uploaded zip file to an epub file.

1. 命令行(Command Line)

转换(Create)       : makeepub <VirtualFolder> [OutputFolder]
批处理(Batch)      : makeepub -b <InputFolder> [OutputFolder]
                     makeepub -b <BatchFile> [OutputFolder]
打包(Pack)         : makeepub -p <VirtualFolder> <OutputFile>
解包(Extract)      : makeepub -e <EpubFile> <OutputFolder>
合并(Merge) HTML   : makeepub -mh <VirtualFolder> <OutputFile>
合并(Merge) Text   : makeepub -mt <VirtualFolder> <OutputFile>
Web服务器(Server)  : makeepub -s [Port]


The meaning of the arguments are as below:

  • VirtualFolder 一个文件夹(如example文件夹下的book文件夹)或zip文件(如example文件夹下的,里面包含要处理的文件。(An OS folder (for example: folder book in folder example) or a zip file(for example: in folder example) which contains the input files.)
  • OutputFolder 一个文件夹,用于保存输出文件。(An OS folder to store the output file(s).)
  • InputFolder : 一个文件夹,里面有输入文件或文件夹。(An OS folder which contains the input folder(s)/file(s).)
  • BatchFile : 一个文本文件,里面列出了所有要处理的VirtualFolder,每行一个。(A text which lists the path of 'VirtualFolders' to be processed, one line for one 'VirtualFolder'.)
  • OutputFile : 输出文件的路径。(The path of the output file.)
  • EpubFile : 一个epub文件的路径。(The path of an EPUB file.)
  • Port : Web服务器的监听端口,默认80。(The TCP port for the web server to listen to, default value is 80.)

2. 转换(Create)

makeepub <VirtualFolder> [OutputFolder]

处理 VirtualFolder 中的文件,生成epub,并保存到 OutputFolder 中。在VirtualFolder中,必须有以下三个文件:

Process files in VirtualFolder, generate epub file and save it to OutputFolder . The 3 files below 3 are mandatory and must exist in VirtualFolder:

  • book.ini 配置文件,用于指定书名、作者等信息(configuration file to specify book name, author and etc.)
  • book.html 书的正文(The content of the book)
  • cover.png or cover.jpg or cover.gif 封面图片文件(The cover image of the book)

务必 使用 UTF-8 编码保存前两个文件,否则程序可能不能正确处理。

The first 2 files MUST stored in UTF-8 encoding, otherwise, the tool may not able to process them correctly.

除以上文件外,其它书籍需要的文件,如层叠样式表(css),图片等也应保存到此文件夹中。如果文件内容是文本,建议也使用 UTF-8 编码保存。

Besides the 3 files above, other files required by the book, like sytle sheet (css) and images, are also required to be put into the folder. And if the content of a file is text, it is also recommend to store it in UTF-8 encoding.

2.1 文件格式


Below is a brief introduction of the format of the mandatory files, more information please refer to the examples in the example folder.



This file is based on the common INI file format, blank characters are not allowed at the beginning of a line, and line start with '#' will be regard as comment and ignored.

这个文件包含两个节, bookoutput,book节指定书籍信息,output节指定输出文件信息。下面的列表将介绍其中每一个选项的作用。

This file contains two sections: book and output. section book is for the book information, while section output is for the output file. The below list explains the usage of each option.

  • Book节(Section Book)

    • name: 书名,如果没有提供会导致程序输出一个警告信息(Name of the book, if not specified, the tool will generate a warning)
    • author: 作者,如果没有提供会导致程序输出一个警告信息(Author of the book, if not specified, the tool will generate a warning)
    • id: 书的唯一标识,在正规出版的书中,它应该是ISBN编号,如果您没有指定,程序将随机生成一个(The unique identifier, it is the ISBN for a published book. If not specified, the tool will generate a random string for it.)
    • depth: 一个 16 之间的整数,用于指定章节拆分的粒度,默认为 1,即只根据 h1 标签拆分章节(An integer between 1 and 6, specifis how to split the html file into chapters. Default value is 1, which means the split is based on the h1 tags)
    • separator: 章节分隔符,目前支持 headercomment 两种,默认为 header 。如果是 header 则按 h1, h2 等拆分章节;如果是 comment 则按 注释方式的 h1, h2 等拆分章节,如 <!--<h1>chapter 1</h1>-->。The chapter separator, can be header or comment, default is header. If it is header, then chapters will be split at h1, h2 and etc; if it is comment, then split at the comment of h1, h2 and etc, for example <!--<h1>chapter 1</h1>-->.
  • Output节(Section Output)

    • path: 输出epub文件的路径。如果没有指定,程序会产生一个警告且不会生成任何文件(The output path of the target epub file. If the path is not specified, the tool will generate a warning and no file will be created)


Below is an example for book.ini.

name=My First eBook
author=Super Man




This is a standard html file, but the 2 points below must be followed:

  • <body>标签必须独占一行 (The <body> tag must be in its own line)
  • “<h1>...</h1>”等标题必须独占一行(Headers like "<h1>...</h1>" must be in their own lines)

根据 depth 设置,程序会将此文件拆分成章节文件,<body>标签之前的内容会被复制到每个章节文件的开头。

According to the depth setting, the tool will split this file into chapter files, the content before <body> tag will be copied to the beginning of each chapter file.



An image file which will be used to create the book cover. It can be 'cover.png', 'cover.jpg' or 'cover.gif', if more than one file exists (for example: both 'cover.png' and 'cover.jpg'), the tool will select one randomly.


The file name of the cover page is 'cover.html', please don't use this name for any other purpose, otherwise the behavior of this tool is not defined.

2.2 输出文件的路径(path of the output file)

输出文件的路径取决于 book.inioutput 节的 path 选项,命令行中的 OutputFolder 参数,以及程序的当前工作文件夹。

The path of the out file is determined by the path option of section output in book.ini, argument OutputFolder in command line, and the current working folder of the tool.


No file will be create if there's no option path.


If argument OutputFolder is not specified, and path is relative, the output file path will be path relative to the current working folder.


If argument OutputFolder is not specified, and path is absolute, the output file path is path.


If OutputFolder is specified, output file will be save at OutputFolder, and file name is the 'file name' in path.

3. 批处理(Batch)

makeepub -b <InputFolder> [OutputFolder]
makeepub -b <BatchFile> [OutputFolder]

批处理模式,相当于对InputFolder中的(或BatchFile列出的)每个VirtualFolder folder,调用:

Batch mode, is equal to: for each VirtualFolder folder in InputFolder (or listed in *BatchFile), call:

makeepub folder [OutputFolder]

4. 打包(Pack)

makeepub -p <VirtualFolder> <OutputFile>


Pack the files in VirtualFolder into an EPUB and save it as OutputFile.

5. 解包(Extract)

makeepub -e <EpubFile> <OutputFolder>


Extract EpubFile to folder OutputFolder.

6. 合并(Merge)

makeepub -mh <VirtualFolder> <OutputFile>
makeepub -mt <VirtualFolder> <OutputFile>


Sort files in VirtualFolder in ascend order by file name, merge them, and save the merge result as OutputFile. The merge mode can be html(-mh) or text(-mt).


text mode is simply merge file content one by one. html mode will analysis the file to keep only one copy of file header (content before <body>) and file footer (content after </body>).

7. Web服务器(Web Server)

makeepub -s [Port]


Run as a web server, process the user uploaded zip file, and generate the EPUB file for user to download.


If you don't need this feature, it can be removed to reduce the size of the executable file.

8. 授权及其他(License & Others)


MakeEpub is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.


This tool is developed for my own need when creating epub book, I also learned the Go program language. From now on, I will only fix bugs and won't add new feature any more.


A tool to help generate EPUB file from HTML file.






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