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Code Style For C++ On This Code

This doc just for this project, desc the C++ code style


Head desc

// Copyright (c) 2014, HelightXu
// Author: Zhwen Xu<>
// Created: 2014-01-01
// Description:

Head define

#ifndef FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_
#define FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_


#endif  // FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_

Head include

  1. C system files.
  2. C++ system files.
  3. Other libraries .h files.
  4. Your project .h files.

Class struct enum define

  1. class name begin captal lettel, like Cxxx, NameServer
  2. struct begin St, like Stxxx, StFileInfo
  3. enum begin En, like Enxxx, EnTreeCode
  4. member for class start _, like _size, _len, struct dont
  5. member of enum all capital letter
  6. method for class are capital first letter without '_' like GetFileInfo
 class BaseThread

     bool _alive;
     uint8_t _thread_count;

 struct StFileInfo
     std::string _name;
     uint32_t _size;

 enum EnFileOpCode
     OPRET_OK = 0,
     OPRET_NOT_EXIST = 1000,
     OPRET_EXIST = 1001

for while if else

  1. Has space between key words and "(" ,between operator and val
  2. {} has single line
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

while (_stop)

if (_test)

Function define

1.For short