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#goutil GoDoc Package goutil is a collection of utilities for working with the go/* packages and the go tool.


go get

Package goutil is a collection of utilities for working with the go/* packages and the go tool.

Goutil makes it easier to find, parse, and analyze Go code. It also enables easy use of the go tool for running generated code and creating executables from it. There are many miscellaneous utilities for easing the use of the go/* packages.

DocParse has been extracted from the go/doc package as this functionality is not exported.

##Importing There are five ways to import packages with goutil: Import, ImportTree, ImportAll, ImportRec, and the ImportDeps method on *Package. The latter are wrappers around Import for common tasks. Import's documentation applies to all of them, unless otherwise specified.

Imported packages are cached with a pointer to its build.Context as part of the key. The same pointer is also stored on each Package. This means you should never modify a build.Context after using it with this library. If the ctx parameter to any Import function is nil, a pointer to the go/build default context is used.

##Packages A *Package always has its go/build Context and Package set. It has methods to parse the files designated by its build.Package with go/ast and go/doc.

With the exception of Import, the other Import functions all return Packages, a []*Package with methods for filter and map applications.

Some methods of Package and Packages require that certain parsing actions be taken first, but these are always documented.

##Gostrap Gostrap is a utility for running the go(1) command in a temporary directory.


  • Tag parser does not handle invalid build tag sequence ,,

Automatically generated by autoreadme on 2015.11.06


Utilities for importing and searching Go source code with the go/* family of packages.







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