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Fast Heroku client.


hk is a command line client to the Heroku runtime platform, designed to be as fast as possible.


This is pre-alpha software. It will undergo substantial changes during the coming months. Don't be surprised if it is broken or if the interface is completely altered without warning.

Issues and pull requests are still welcome, but please understand that they may be rejected if it's an issue we just aren't ready to tackle this early in the project.


Fast as a feature

## version

$ time heroku version >/dev/null
real	0m1.813s

$ time hk version >/dev/null
real	0m0.016s

## list

$ time heroku apps >/dev/null
real	0m3.830s

$ time hk apps >/dev/null
real	0m0.785s

Focus on API

We believe this is evidence that a first-class Heroku API trumps any particular client.

Iterative Development

A release mechanism was created for hk in the beginning: the binary updates itself. This gives us confidence in iterative development, which we value highly, because it gives us the ability to release very often knowing users will see the updates in a timely manner.

The power of Go

hk demonstrates the power of the Go language, runtime, systems access, and distribution story (a single, statically linked binary with no dependencies) which are all very appealing to Heroku.


Heroku loves Unix. This client should reflect that. Commands map to their unix ancestors’ names and flags where applicable.


Please note that versions of hk installed from source are unsupported and should only be installed for development purposes.

Mac OS X, Linux, BSD

Pre-built binaries are available for Mac OS X, Linux, and BSD. Once installed, these binaries will automatically update themselves when new releases are available.

To install a pre-built binary release, run the following one-liner:

$ L=/usr/local/bin/hk && curl -sL -A "`uname -sp`" | zcat >$L && chmod +x $L

The URL will attempt to detect your OS and CPU architecture based on the User-Agent, then redirect you to the latest release for your platform.


Currently, you need to have a Go development environment to install hk on Windows. Compiled binaries with automatic updating are available for Windows, but the installer is not ready yet.

$ go get

Again, note that this installation method is unsupported.


You'll need a line like this in $HOME/.netrc

machine login <email> password <apitoken>


Usage: hk <command> [-a app] [options] [arguments]


    create         create an app
    apps           list apps
    dynos          list dynos
    releases       list releases
    release-info   show release info
    rollback       roll back to a previous release
    addons         list addons
    addon-add      add an addon
    addon-remove   remove an addon
    scale          change dyno quantities and sizes
    restart        restart dynos
    set            set env var
    unset          unset env var
    env            list env vars
    run            run a process in a dyno
    log            stream app log lines
    info           show app info
    rename         rename an app
    destroy        destroy an app
    domains        list domains
    domain-add     add a domain
    domain-remove  remove a domain
    sshkey-add     add ssh public key
    version        show hk version

Run 'hk help [command]' for details.

Additional help topics:

    environ   environment variables used by hk
    plugins   interface to plugin commands
    more      additional commands, less frequently used
    about     information about hk (e.g. copyright, license, etc.)


hk currently has a minimal plugin system. It may see substantial changes in the future, and those changes may break existing plugins or change the architecture at any time. Use this functionality at your own risk.

Plugins are executables located in HKPATH or, if HKPATH does not exist, in /usr/local/lib/hk/plugin. They are executed when hk does not know command X and an installed plugin X exists. The special case default plugin will be executed if hk has no command or installed plugin named X.

hk will set these environment variables for a plugin:

  • HEROKU_API_URL - The url containing the username, password, and host to the api endpoint.
  • HKAPP - The app as determined by the git heroku remote, if available.
  • HKUSER - The username from either HEROKU_API_URL or .netrc
  • HKPASS - The password from either HEROKU_API_URL or .netrc
  • HKHOST - The hostname for the API endpoint


hk requires Go 1.2 or later and uses Godep to manage dependencies.

$ cd hk
$ vim main.go
$ godep go build
$ ./hk apps

Please follow the contribution guidelines before submitting a pull request.


$ cd hk
$ vim main.go # edit Version
$ godep go build


Fast Heroku Client






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