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CF Routing API Server

Downloading and Installing

External Dependencies

  • Go should be installed and in the PATH
  • GOPATH should be set as described in
  • godep installed and in the PATH
  • Install direnv if you are planning to do routing-api development as part of cf-release.

Development Setup


Option 1: Routing API (standalone)

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

To install the server binary you can do

cd $GOPATH/src/
go install ./cmd/routing-api

# OR
go get

Option 2: Routing API (as part of cf-release)

git clone
cd cf-release
cd cf-release/src/

Note: direnv will automatically set your GOPATH when you cd into the routing-api directory. You will need to run direnv allow the first time.

To install exactly the dependencies vendored with the Routing API, use godep:

go get -v
godep restore ./...



To run the tests you need a running etcd cluster on version 2.1.1. To get that do:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
git fetch --tags
git checkout v2.1.1
go install .

Once installed, you can run etcd with the command etcd and you should see the output contain the following lines:

   | etcd: listening for peers on http://localhost:2380
   | etcd: listening for peers on http://localhost:7001
   | etcd: listening for client requests on http://localhost:2379
   | etcd: listening for client requests on http://localhost:4001

Note that this will run an etcd server and create a new directory at that location where it stores all of the records. This directory can be removed afterwards, or you can simply run etcd in a temporary directory.

Running the API Server

Server Configuration

jwt token

To run the routing-api server, a configuration file with the public uaa jwt token must be provided. This configuration file can then be passed in with the flag -config [path_to_config]. An example of the configuration file can be found under example_config/example.yml for bosh-lite.

To generate your own config file, you must provide a uaa_verification_key in pem format, such as the following:

uaa_verification_key: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----





      -----END PUBLIC KEY-----"

This can be found in your Cloud Foundry manifest under uaa.jwt.verification_key

Oauth Clients

The Routing API uses OAuth tokens to authenticate clients. To obtain a token from UAA that grants the API client permission to register routes, an OAuth client must first be created for the API client in UAA. An API client can then authenticate with UAA using the registered OAuth client credentials, request a token, then provide this token with requests to the Routing API.

Registering OAuth clients can be done using the cf-release BOSH deployment manifest, or manually using the uaac CLI for UAA.

  • For API clients that wish to register routes with the Routing API, the OAuth client in UAA must be configured with the route.advertise authority.
  • For API clients that require admin permissions with the Routing API, the OAuth client in UAA must be configured with the route.admin authority.
  • For API clients that wish to list router groups with the Routing API, the OAuth client in UAA must be configured with the authority.

For instructions on fetching a token, see Using the API manually.

Configure OAuth clients in the cf-release BOSH Manifest


         authorities: route.advertise
         authorized_grant_type: client_credentials
         secret: route_secret
Configure OAuth clients manually using uaac CLI for UAA
  1. Install the uaac CLI

    gem install cf-uaac
  2. Get the admin client token

    uaac target
    uaac token client get admin # You will need to provide the client_secret, found in your CF manifest.
  3. Create the OAuth client.

    uaac client add routing_api_client --authorities "route.advertise" --authorized_grant_type "client_credentials"

Starting the Server

To run the API server you need to provide all the urls for the etcd cluster, a configuration file containg the public uaa jwt key, plus some optional flags.

Example 1:

routing-api -ip -systemDomain -config example_config/example.yml -port 3000 -maxTTL 60

Where is the single etcd member.

Example 2:


Where is one member of the cluster and is another.

Note that flags have to come before the etcd addresses.

Profiling the Server

The Routing API runs the cf_debug_server, which is a wrapper around the go pprof tool. In order to generate this profile, do the following:

# Establish a SSH tunnel to your server (not necessary if you can connect directly)
ssh -L localhost:8080:[INTERNAL_SERVER_IP]:17002 vcap@[BOSH_DIRECTOR]
# Run the profile tool.
go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile

Using the API

The Routing API uses OAuth tokens to authenticate clients. To obtain a token from UAA an OAuth client must first be created for the API client in UAA. For instructions on registering OAuth clients, see Server Configuration.

Using the API with the rtr CLI

A CLI client called rtr has been created for the Routing API that simplifies interactions by abstracting authentication.

Using the API manually

Authorization Token

To obtain an token from UAA, use the uaac CLI for UAA.

  1. Install the uaac CLI

    gem install cf-uaac
  2. Retrieve the OAuth token using credentials for registered OAuth client

    uaac token client get routing_api_client
  3. Display the access_token, which can be used as the Authorization header to curl the Routing API.

    uaac context

curl Examples

To add a route to the API server:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa route.advertise or route.admin scope]" -X POST -d '[{"ip":"", "route":"a_route", "port":8089, "ttl":45}]'

To add a route, with an associated route service, to the API server. This must be a https-only url:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa route.advertise or route.admin scope]" -X POST -d '[{"ip":"", "route":"a_route", "port":8089, "ttl":45, "route_service_url":""}]'

To add a tcp route to the API server:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa route.advertise or route.admin scopes]" -X POST -d '[{"route":{"router_group_guid": "tcp-default", "external_port": 5200}, "host_ip": "", "host_port": 60000}]'

To delete a route:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa route.advertise scope]" -X DELETE -d '[{"ip":"", "route":"a_route", "port":8089, "ttl":45}]'

To list advertised routes:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa route.admin scope]"

To list advertised tcp routes:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa route.admin scope]"

Sample response:
    "route": {"router_group_guid": "tcp-default", "external_port": 5200},
    "host_ip": "",
    "host_port": 60000

To subscribe to route changes:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa route.admin scope]"

To list available Router Groups:

curl -vvv -H "Authorization: bearer [token with uaa scope]"

Sample response:
    "guid": "f7392031-a488-4890-8835-c4a038a3bded",
    "name": "default_tcp",
    "features": [

Known issues

  • The routing-api will return a 404 if you attempt to hit the endpoint http://[router host]/v1/routes/ as opposed to http://[router host]/v1/routes
  • The routing-api currently logs everything to the ctl log.


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