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This is the Go port of the boot2docker ( management script. It is intended to replace the shell script eventually. It is currently usable but since it is under active development, frequent changes and bugs are expected. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

The Go port will produce a single binary without extra dependencies for the following platforms:

  • Linux/386
  • Linux/amd64
  • OS X (Darwin)/386
  • OS X (Darwin)/amd64
  • Windows/386
  • Windows/amd64


Once you have your $GOPATH properly setup, run

go get

The binary will be available at $GOPATH/bin/boot2docker-cli.

If you don't want to install golang, you can use the Dockerfile to create the binary for any supported target platform.

  1. Build the image with the Go toolchain: docker build -t boot2docker-golang .
  2. Choose the right settings for your plattform:
  • Windows: GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64
  • OS X: GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64
  • Linux: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64
  1. Build the binaries: (if building for Windows, don't forget to add .exe to the end of the binary name in the arguments to the docker cp line below)
docker run -e GOOS=darwin -e GOARCH=amd64 --name boot2docker-buildcli boot2docker-golang
docker cp boot2docker-buildcli:/go/src/ .
docker rm boot2docker-buildcli
# and test it:
./boot2docker-cli version

The binary boot2docker-cli will be in your current folder.


To initialize a new boot2docker VM, run

boot2docker-cli init

Then you can start the VM by

boot2docker-cli up

To stop the VM, run

boot2docker-cli down

And finally if you don't need the VM anymore, run

boot2docker-cli delete

to remove it completely.

What boot2docker-cli does

This tool downloads the boot2docker ISO image, creates a virtual machine, sets up two networks for that virtual machine (one NAT to allow the VM and containers to access the internet, the other host-only to allow container port mapping to work securely), and then provides the user a simple way to connect to the vm using an external ssh client.

On Windows, MSYS SSH provides a first class way to connect to the boot2docker vm (using boot2docker-cli.exe ssh).


The boot2docker-cli binary reads configuration from $BOOT2DOCKER_PROFILE, or if not found, from $BOOT2DOCKER_DIR/profile. Currently you can configure the following options (undefined options take default values):

vbm=VBoxManage                  # path to VirtualBox management utility
ssh=ssh                         # path to SSH client utility
vm=boot2docker-vm               # name of boot2docker virtual machine
dir=$HOME/.boot2docker          # path to boot2docker config directory
iso=$BOOT2DOCKER_DIR/boot2docker.iso    # path to boot2docker ISO image
disksize=20000                  # VM disk image size in MB
memory=1024                     # VM memory size in MB
sshport=2022                    # host port forwarding to port 22 in the VM
dockerport=4243                 # host port forwarding to port 4243 in the VM
hostip=             # host-only network host IP
netmask=           # host only network network mask
dhcpip=            # host-only network DHCP server IP
dhcp=Yes                        # host-only network DHCP server enabled
lowerip=          # host-only network IP range lower bound
upperip=          # host-only network IP range upper bound

Environment variables of the form $ENVVAR in the profile will be expanded, even on Windows.

You can override the configurations using command line flags. Type boot2docker-cli -h for more information.


We are implementing the same process as Docker merge approval, so all commits need to be done via pull requests, and will need three or more LGTMs (Looks Good To Me) before merging.

To submit pull request, please make sure to follow the Go Style Guide. In particular, you MUST run gofmt before committing. We suggest you run go tool vet -all . as well.

Please rebase the upstream in your fork in order to keep the commit history tidy.


boot2docker management utility







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