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  • logias is a simple server monitoring app.

Typical installation

go get
(create logias.lua)
logias gen-sysvinit-script -c logias.lua > /etc/init.d/logias
service logias start

Basic concepts

  • Target : Target is a monitoring definition. There are 3 types of targets.
    1. target.FILE : Monitoring each line of the file.
    2. target.CMD : Monitoring each line of command outputs.
    3. target.LUA : Monitoring a lua function result table.
  • State : State is a store that can be used for saving information about a single target.
  • Parser : Parer parses stdouts of an external command or a lua function and converts it into a lua table.
  • Parsed object : A lua table that was parsed by the Parser or returned by a lua function.
  • Filter : Filter is a single action for each monitoring target element.
  • Filter Group : Filter Group is a series of filters. The filter will only be run if precedent filter is acceptable.
  • Notifier : Notifier is called by a filter and notify target state to users.

Monitoring flow

  1. Call a init_state function to create a state object(a lua table object).
  2. Get a monitoring element.
    • target.FILE : Read next line of the file.
    • target.CMD : Execute the external command and apply a parser function to its stdout.
    • target.LUA : Call a fn lua function(the function must return a table object).
  3. Evaluate the filter groups.
    1. Evaluate the filter.
    2. If the filter is acceptable, evaluate the next filter.
  4. Wait interval seconds.


Global settings

stat_dir(string:directory path)

logias writes target.FILE monitoring status to this directory.

log_file(string:file path)

A log file path

log_level(enum: loglevel.(DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR))

A log level

on_system_error:(function(string:error level, string:error message))

If a system error occurs while logias is running, logias calls this function.

downtime(function() bool:is in downtime) -> bool

A Function that returns true when scheduled downtime, otherwise false.

Builtin downtime functions

  • downtimefile(string: file) : Read a file that describes a downtime definition.The downtime defition format:
START:2001-02-03 04:00:00+09:00
END:2001-02-03 10:00:00+09:00

In case of the argument is a file glob, A last one of a list that is sorted by name alphabetically is used for a downtime defitnition. If the argument is /tmp/downtime_*.txt and /tmp/downtime_00.txt and /tmp/downtime_01.txt exist, /tmp/downtime_01.txt will be used for a downtime definition.

Low level API: Builtin Filters

match(table: regexp)

A Filter that accepts if given line matches the regexp . Example:

match {".*ERROR.*"}

notmatch(table: regexp)

A Filter that accepts if given line does not match the regexp . Example:

match {".*Exception.*"}

test(table: testfunc)

A filter that accepts if the func returns true . The testfunc is called with these arguments: a state(table), a line(string) and a parsed object(maybe table). Example:

test {function(state, line, obj) 
        return obj.value > 80

action(table: func)

A fiter that executes the func and always accepts. The func is called with these arguments: a state(table), a line(string) and a parsed object(maybe table). Example:

action {function(state, line, obj) 
        log("INFO", "value: " .. tostring(obj.value))

notify(table: {string: level, string: code, string: message})

A filter that calls a notifier that was determied from the code or the level and never accepts. The code takes priority over the level . Example:

notify {level="ERROR", message="CPU threshold exceeded"}
notify {code="E0001"}

Low level API: Target settings

File monitoring

["/tmp/server.log"] = {
  type     = target.FILE,
  interval = 3,
  initial_state = function()
    return {}
  filter_groups = {
      match {".*ERROR.*"},
      notmatch {".*EX.*"},
      notify {level="ERROR", code="E0001"}
table key:string

A file path.


Inidicates this target is file monitoring.

Command monitoring

[""] = {
  type     = target.CMD,
  interval = 3,
  initial_state = function()
    return {}
  parser = parseltsv,
  filter_groups = {
      test {threshold{name="cpu", op="ge", val=90, count=1}},
      notify {level="ERROR", code="E0001", message="CPU Threshold Exceeded.(>90%)"},
      test {threshold{name="cpu", op="range", val="80,90", count=3}},
      notify {level="WARN", message="CPU Threshold Exceeded.(>80%)"},
      test {threshold{name="cpu", op="le", val="80", count=3, recover=true}},
      notify {level="INFO", message="CPU recovered to the normal range."},
table key:string

A command line to execute.


Inidicates this target is command monitoring.

parser:function(string: stdout) table

A Function that receives the command output as a string, parse it into a table, and returns the table.

Builtin parser

  • parseltsv : A parser for the ltsv format.

Lua function monitoring

["my-lua-monitoring"] = {
  type = target.LUA,
  interval = 3,
  initial_state = function()
    return {}
  fn = function() 
    return {cpu = 89}
  filter_groups = {
      test {threshold{name="cpu", op="ge", val=90, count=1}},
      notify {level="ERROR", code="E0001", message="CPU Threshold Exceeded.(>=90%)"}
table key:string

An identifier of this target.


Inidicates this target is lua function monitoring.

fn:function() table

A function that returns a table.

High level API: Service settings

Service is a hight level API combining low level API functions.

[""] = service {
  attributes = {
    cpu = {
      name_for_human = "CPU",
      notification_code = "E0001",
      thresholds = {
        ERROR = "ge 90",
        WARN  = "range 80,90",
        NORMAL  = "le 80"

A target type. This defaults to target.CMD .


A monitoring interval in seconds. This defaults to 60 .

parser:function(string: stdout) table

A Function that receives the command output as a string, parse it into a table, and returns the table. This defaults to parseltsv .


A notification message template. In this template string, you can use these values : {{.name}} , {{.level}}, {{.state}} , {{.op}} , {{.val}} , {{.count}} , {{.name_for_human}} , and {.notification_code}} . This defaults to "{{.name_for_human}} notification"

  • table key : An attribute name of the parsed object.
  • name_for_human(string) : A human-readable name.
  • notification_code(string): A value will be used as a code parameter for the notify function.
  • thresholds(table) : A list of monitoring thresholds. A table key is a state one of the following string: "CRIT", "ERROR", "WARN" and "NORMAL" . A table value is a string that is separated by a space. First value is a comparison operator name(please refer to threshold function). Second value is a threshold value for the comparison operator. Third values is a count parameter for the threshold function.

Service stores following informations in state[attr_name] :

  • name(string): A human-readable name.
  • values(nqueue) : A series of attributes values. A last item is newer.
  • last_value(number) : A latest attribute value.
  • current_state(string)
  • previous_state(string)
  • last_message(string)

And sets attribute_name of the parsed object to current attribute name. You can use these informations in a notifier like the following:

E0001 = function(state, obj, message, level, code)
  local v = state[obj.attribute_name]
  for i, attr in ipairs({"previous_state", "current_state", "last_message"}) do
    print(attr .. ":" .. v[attr])
  print("value:"..tostring(v.values:at(-1))) -- get latest value
  logias.notifiers.default(state, obj, message, level, code)

Notifier settings

Notifers are called in the following order:

  1. By code: If the code is not blank, logias uses the code notifier.
  2. By level: If the code is blank and the level is not blank, logias uses the level notifier.
  3. Default notifier: If both the code and level are blank, logias uses the default notifier.
notifiers = {
  default = function(state, obj, message, level, code)
      log(level, template([[level: {{.level}} code: {{.code}} {{.message}}]], {level=level, code = code, message= message}))
  level = {
    CRIT = function(...)
    ERROR = function(...)
    WARN = function(...)
    INFO = function(...)
  code = {
    E0001 = function(...)

A notifier is a function:

function(table:state, table:prased object, string:message, string:log level, string:code)

Helper functions and classes

log(string: level, string: message)

Write given message to the log_file .

template(string: template, table: values)

Expand given template with the values . This function uses the text/template package.

mail(table: attrs) -> (bool, [string])

Send a email using a SMTP server. attrs has these keys:

  • user : SMTP user name.
  • authhost : SMTP authorization host and port.
  • host : SMTP host and port.
  • from : From header value.
  • to : To header value. This value can be a list of a string or a string.
  • subject : Mail subject
  • body : Mail body

This function returns true , or, in case of errors, false plus an error message.

isindowntime() -> bool

Return true if the logias is in downtime, otherwise false . size) -> nqueue

nqueue is a FIFO number value queue. size is a number that sets the upperbound limit on the number of items that can be placed in the queue.

nqueue:put(number: value)

Put the value into the queue.

nqueue:at(number: index) -> number

Return Nth item of the queue, origin 1. Negative indices start counting from the end, with -1 being the last item.

nqueue:pop() -> number

Remove and return an item from the last of the queue. If no items are present, returns a nil .

nqueue:max() -> number

Return a maximum value in the the queue. If no items are present, returns a nil .

nqueue:min() -> number

Return a minimum value in the the queue. If no items are present, returns a nil .

#nqueue -> number

Return the current number of items.

threshold(table: attrs) -> function

Creates a new function that can be use as the testfunc .

name is a key name of a parsed object. val is a threshold of the value. op is a comparison operator name. Thease operators are available: gt, ge, lt, le, ne, eq, range. range takes a string like "80,90" and the others take a number. As a result of the comparison of a current parsed object value and val, if last count items exceed the threshold, the function returns true, otherwise false .

Rotating the log_file

logias re-open the log_file when receiving a USR1 signal.




Yusuke Inuzuka


A simple server monitoring agent built with Go and GopherLua






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