Пример #1
// NewCertificateUpdater returns a worker.Worker that watches for changes to
// machine addresses and then generates a new state server certificate with those
// addresses in the certificate's SAN value.
func NewCertificateUpdater(addressWatcher AddressWatcher, getter StateServingInfoGetter,
	configGetter EnvironConfigGetter, hostPortsGetter APIHostPortsGetter, setter StateServingInfoSetter,
) worker.Worker {
	return legacy.NewNotifyWorker(&CertificateUpdater{
		addressWatcher:  addressWatcher,
		configGetter:    configGetter,
		hostPortsGetter: hostPortsGetter,
		getter:          getter,
		setter:          setter,
Пример #2
func newNotifyHandlerWorker(c *gc.C, setupError, handlerError, teardownError error) (*notifyHandler, worker.Worker) {
	nh := &notifyHandler{
		actions:       nil,
		handled:       make(chan struct{}, 1),
		setupError:    setupError,
		teardownError: teardownError,
		handlerError:  handlerError,
		watcher: &testNotifyWatcher{
			changes: make(chan struct{}),
		setupDone: make(chan struct{}),
	w := legacy.NewNotifyWorker(nh)
	select {
	case <-nh.setupDone:
	case <-time.After(coretesting.ShortWait):
		c.Error("Failed waiting for notifyHandler.Setup to be called during SetUpTest")
	return nh, w