Пример #1
// UpdateEntryWithEtag updates an entry in persistent storage in a way that
// detects concurrent modification. It also prevents users from modifying
// entries they do not own by returning ErrNoSuchId. t, the transaction,
// must be non nil.
func UpdateEntryWithEtag(
	store SafeUpdateEntryRunner,
	t db.Transaction,
	id int64,
	tag uint64,
	key *vsafe.Key,
	update functional.Filterer) error {
	if t == nil {
		panic("Transaction must be non-nil")
	var origEntry vsafe.EntryWithEtag
	err := EntryByIdWithEtag(store, t, id, key, &origEntry)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = update.Filter(&origEntry.Entry)
	if err == functional.Skipped {
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if tag != origEntry.Etag {
		return ErrConcurrentModification
	origEntry.Id = id
	return UpdateEntry(store, t, key, &origEntry.Entry)
Пример #2
func (f FakeStore) EntryByIdWithEtag(
	t db.Transaction, id int64, e *vsafe.EntryWithEtag) error {
	// Only computes etag on the string fields
	if int(id) > len(f) {
		return vsafedb.ErrNoSuchId
	e.Entry = *f[id-1]
	e.Etag = 57
	return nil