Пример #1
func (a *app) parseArgs(fs *flag.FlagSet, args []string) error {
	fs.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprintf(a.out, help, args[0], args[0])

	fs.Var(&a.typeNames, "type",
		"A generated proto.Message type to generate stubs for (required, repeatable)")
	fs.StringVar(&a.outFile, "out", "proto_gae.gen.go",
		"The name of the output file")
	fs.StringVar(&a.header, "header", copyright, "Header text to put at the top of "+
		"the generated file. Defaults to the Chromium Authors copyright.")

	if err := fs.Parse(args[1:]); err != nil {
		return err
	fail := errors.MultiError(nil)
	if a.typeNames.Data == nil || a.typeNames.Data.Len() == 0 {
		fail = append(fail, errors.New("must specify one or more -type"))
	if !strings.HasSuffix(a.outFile, ".go") {
		fail = append(fail, errors.New("-output must end with '.go'"))
	if len(fail) > 0 {
		for _, e := range fail {
			fmt.Fprintln(a.out, "error:", e)
		return fail
	return nil
Пример #2
func (f *fakeDatastore) PutMulti(keys []Key, vals []PropertyMap, cb PutMultiCB) error {
	if keys[0].Kind() == "FailAll" {
		return errors.New("PutMulti fail all")
	assertExtra := false
	if _, err := vals[0].GetMeta("assertExtra"); err == nil {
		assertExtra = true
	for i, k := range keys {
		err := error(nil)
		if k.Kind() == "Fail" {
			err = errors.New("PutMulti fail")
		} else {
			So(vals[i]["Value"], ShouldResemble, []Property{MkProperty(i)})
			if assertExtra {
				So(vals[i]["Extra"], ShouldResemble, []Property{MkProperty("whoa")})
			if k.Incomplete() {
				k = mkKey(k.AppID(), k.Namespace(), k.Kind(), int64(i+1), k.Parent())
		cb(k, err)
	return nil
Пример #3
func (f *fakeDatastore) DeleteMulti(keys []*Key, cb DeleteMultiCB) error {
	if keys[0].Kind() == "FailAll" {
		return errors.New("DeleteMulti fail all")
	for _, k := range keys {
		if k.Kind() == "Fail" {
			cb(errors.New("DeleteMulti fail"))
		} else {
	return nil
Пример #4
func (f *fakeDatastore) GetMulti(keys []Key, _meta MultiMetaGetter, cb GetMultiCB) error {
	if keys[0].Kind() == "FailAll" {
		return errors.New("GetMulti fail all")
	for i, k := range keys {
		if k.Kind() == "Fail" {
			cb(nil, errors.New("GetMulti fail"))
		} else {
			cb(PropertyMap{"Value": {MkProperty(i + 1)}}, nil)
	return nil
Пример #5
func (t *taskqueueImpl) deleteLocked(task *tq.Task, queueName string) error {
	if _, ok := t.archived[queueName][task.Name]; ok {
		return errors.New("TOMBSTONED_TASK")

	if _, ok := t.named[queueName][task.Name]; !ok {
		return errors.New("UNKNOWN_TASK")

	t.archived[queueName][task.Name] = t.named[queueName][task.Name]
	delete(t.named[queueName], task.Name)

	return nil
Пример #6
func (tcf *checkFilter) PutMulti(keys []Key, vals []PropertyMap, cb PutMultiCB) error {
	if len(keys) != len(vals) {
		return fmt.Errorf("datastore: PutMulti with mismatched keys/vals lengths (%d/%d)", len(keys), len(vals))
	if len(keys) == 0 {
		return nil
	if cb == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("datastore: PutMulti callback is nil")
	lme := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(keys))
	for i, k := range keys {
		if !k.PartialValid(tcf.aid, tcf.ns) {
			lme.Assign(i, ErrInvalidKey)
		v := vals[i]
		if v == nil {
			lme.Assign(i, errors.New("datastore: PutMulti got nil vals entry"))
	if me := lme.Get(); me != nil {
		for _, err := range me.(errors.MultiError) {
			cb(nil, err)
		return nil

	return tcf.RawInterface.PutMulti(keys, vals, cb)
Пример #7
func (m *memcacheImpl) Increment(key string, delta int64, initialValue *uint64) (uint64, error) {
	now := clock.Now(m.ctx)

	defer m.data.lock.Unlock()

	cur := uint64(0)
	if initialValue == nil {
		curItm, err := m.data.retrieveLocked(now, key)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		if len(curItm.value) != 8 {
			return 0, errors.New("memcache Increment: got invalid current value")
		cur = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(curItm.value)
	} else {
		cur = *initialValue
	if delta < 0 {
		if uint64(-delta) > cur {
			cur = 0
		} else {
			cur -= uint64(-delta)
	} else {
		cur += uint64(delta)

	newval := make([]byte, 8)
	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(newval, cur)
	m.data.setItemLocked(now, m.NewItem(key).SetValue(newval))

	return cur, nil
Пример #8
// writeMutation ensures that this transaction can support the given key/value
// mutation.
//   if getOnly is true, don't record the actual mutation data, just ensure that
//	   the key is in an included entity group (or add an empty entry for that
//	   group).
//   if !getOnly && data == nil, this counts as a deletion instead of a Put.
// Returns an error if this key causes the transaction to cross too many entity
// groups.
func (td *txnDataStoreData) writeMutation(getOnly bool, key *ds.Key, data ds.PropertyMap) error {
	rk := string(keyBytes(key.Root()))

	defer td.Unlock()

	if _, ok := td.muts[rk]; !ok {
		limit := 1
		if td.isXG {
			limit = xgEGLimit
		if len(td.muts)+1 > limit {
			msg := "cross-group transaction need to be explicitly specified (xg=True)"
			if td.isXG {
				msg = "operating on too many entity groups in a single transaction"
			return errors.New(msg)
		td.muts[rk] = []txnMutation{}
	if !getOnly {
		td.muts[rk] = append(td.muts[rk], txnMutation{key, data})

	return nil
Пример #9
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) addLocked(task *tq.Task, queueName string) (*tq.Task, error) {
	toSched, err := t.parent.prepTask(t.ctx, t.ns, task, queueName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	numTasks := 0
	for _, vs := range t.anony {
		numTasks += len(vs)
	if numTasks+1 > 5 {
		// transactional tasks are actually implemented 'for real' as Actions which
		// ride on the datastore. The current datastore implementation only allows
		// a maximum of 5 Actions per transaction, and more than that result in a
		return nil, errors.New("BAD_REQUEST")

	t.anony[queueName] = append(t.anony[queueName], toSched)

	// the fact that we have generated a unique name for this task queue item is
	// an implementation detail.
	// TODO(riannucci): now that I think about this... it may not actually be true.
	//		We should verify that the .Name for a task added in a transaction is
	//		meaningless. Maybe names generated in a transaction are somehow
	//		guaranteed to be meaningful?
	toRet := toSched.Duplicate()
	toRet.Name = ""

	return toRet, nil
Пример #10
func (f *fakeDatastore) Run(fq *FinalizedQuery, cb RawRunCB) error {
	lim, _ := fq.Limit()

	cursCB := func() (Cursor, error) {
		return fakeCursor("CURSOR"), nil

	for i := int32(0); i < lim; i++ {
		if v, ok := fq.eqFilts["$err_single"]; ok {
			idx := fq.eqFilts["$err_single_idx"][0].Value().(int64)
			if idx == int64(i) {
				return errors.New(v[0].Value().(string))
		k := f.mkKey("Kind", i+1)
		if i == 10 {
			k = f.mkKey("Kind", "eleven")
		pm := PropertyMap{"Value": {MkProperty(i)}}
		if err := cb(k, pm, cursCB); err != nil {
			if err == Stop {
				err = nil
			return err
	return nil
Пример #11
func newPubSubService(ctx context.Context, config pubsubConfig, client *http.Client) (pubSubService, error) {
	if config.project == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("pubsub: you must supply a project")
	return &pubSubServiceImpl{
		ctx: cloud.WithContext(ctx, config.project, client),
	}, nil
Пример #12
func (f *FakePLS) Load(pm PropertyMap) error {
	if f.failLoad {
		return errors.New("FakePLS.Load")
	f.gotLoaded = true
	f.Value = pm["Value"][0].Value().(int64)
	return nil
Пример #13
func (td *txnDataStoreData) run(f func() error) error {
	// Slightly different from the SDK... datastore and taskqueue each implement
	// this here, where in the SDK only datastore.transaction.Call does.
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&td.closed) == 1 {
		return errors.New("datastore: transaction context has expired")
	return f()
Пример #14
func isOkType(t reflect.Type) error {
	if t == nil {
		return errors.New("no type information")
	if t.Implements(typeOfPropertyLoadSaver) {
		return nil
	if t == typeOfKey {
		return errors.New("not user datatype")
	if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
		return errors.New("not a pointer")
	if t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
		return errors.New("does not point to a struct")
	return nil
Пример #15
func (d *datastoreImpl) GetAll(q *Query, dst interface{}) error {
	v := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
	if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid GetAll dst: must have a ptr-to-slice: %T", dst))
	if !v.IsValid() || v.IsNil() {
		panic(errors.New("invalid GetAll dst: <nil>"))

	if keys, ok := dst.(*[]*Key); ok {
		fq, err := q.KeysOnly(true).Finalize()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return d.RawInterface.Run(fq, func(k *Key, _ PropertyMap, _ CursorCB) error {
			*keys = append(*keys, k)
			return nil
	fq, err := q.Finalize()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	slice := v.Elem()
	mat := parseMultiArg(slice.Type())
	if mat.newElem == nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid GetAll dst (non-concrete element type): %T", dst))

	errs := map[int]error{}
	i := 0
	err = d.RawInterface.Run(fq, func(k *Key, pm PropertyMap, _ CursorCB) error {
		slice.Set(reflect.Append(slice, mat.newElem()))
		itm := slice.Index(i)
		mat.setKey(itm, k)
		err := mat.setPM(itm, pm)
		if err != nil {
			errs[i] = err
		return nil
	if err == nil {
		if len(errs) > 0 {
			me := make(errors.MultiError, slice.Len())
			for i, e := range errs {
				me[i] = e
			err = me
	return err
Пример #16
func (s *testPubSubService) Pull(sub string, count int) (msgs []*pubsub.Message, err error) {
	mock, e := s.PopErr("Pull", sub, count)
	if e != nil {
		if s.infinitePull {
			return nil, nil
		s.AddError(errors.New("out of mock Pull entries"))

	mock.BindResult(&msgs, &err)
Пример #17
func (d *dataStoreData) allocateIDsLocked(ents *memCollection, incomplete *ds.Key, n int) (int64, error) {
	if d.disableSpecialEntities {
		return 0, errors.New("disableSpecialEntities is true so allocateIDs is disabled")

	idKey := []byte(nil)
	if incomplete.Parent() == nil {
		idKey = rootIDsKey(incomplete.Kind())
	} else {
		idKey = groupIDsKey(incomplete)
	return incrementLocked(ents, idKey, n), nil
Пример #18
func TestBrokenFeatures(t *testing.T) {

	e := errors.New("default err")

	Convey("BrokenFeatures", t, func() {
		c := memory.Use(context.Background())

		Convey("Can break ds", func() {
			Convey("without a default", func() {
				c, bf := FilterRDS(c, nil)
				ds := datastore.Get(c)
				vals := []datastore.PropertyMap{{
					"$key": {datastore.MkPropertyNI(ds.NewKey("Wut", "", 1, nil))},

				Convey("by specifying an error", func() {
					bf.BreakFeatures(e, "GetMulti", "PutMulti")
					So(ds.GetMulti(vals), ShouldEqual, e)

					Convey("and you can unbreak them as well", func() {

						So(errors.SingleError(ds.GetMulti(vals)), ShouldEqual, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity)

						Convey("no broken features at all is a shortcut", func() {
							So(errors.SingleError(ds.GetMulti(vals)), ShouldEqual, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity)

				Convey("Not specifying an error gets you a generic error", func() {
					bf.BreakFeatures(nil, "GetMulti")
					So(ds.GetMulti(vals).Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, `feature "GetMulti" is broken`)

			Convey("with a default", func() {
				c, bf := FilterRDS(c, e)
				ds := datastore.Get(c)
				vals := []datastore.PropertyMap{{
					"$key": {datastore.MkPropertyNI(ds.NewKey("Wut", "", 1, nil))},
				bf.BreakFeatures(nil, "GetMulti")
				So(ds.GetMulti(vals), ShouldEqual, e)
Пример #19
func (c *endpointConfig) createService(ctx context.Context) (endpointService, error) {
	if c.url == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("endpoint: you must supply a monitoring endpoint")

	authenticator := auth.NewAuthenticator(
			Method:                 auth.ServiceAccountMethod,
			Scopes:                 endpointScopes,
			ServiceAccountJSONPath: c.serviceAccountJSONPath,
			Logger:                 log.Get(ctx),
	client, err := auth.AuthenticatedClient(auth.SilentLogin, authenticator)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf(log.SetError(ctx, err), "Failed to configure endpoint client.")
		return nil, errors.New("endpoint: failed to configure endpoint client")

	return &endpointServiceImpl{
		endpointConfig: *c,
		client:         client,
	}, nil
Пример #20
// newPubSubClient instantiates a new Pub/Sub client.
// This method will also perform authentication and setup the topic/subscription
// if it isn't already set up.
func newPubSubClient(ctx context.Context, config pubsubConfig, svc pubSubService) (*pubsubClient, error) {
	if config.subscription == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("pubsub: you must supply a subscription")
	if config.batchSize <= 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("pubsub: batch size must be at least 1")
	} else if config.batchSize > maxSubscriptionPullSize {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("pubsub: batch size cannot exceed %d", maxSubscriptionPullSize)

	p := pubsubClient{
		pubsubConfig: &config,
		service:      svc,

	// Ensure that our Subscription (and topic) exist.
	if err := p.setupSubscription(ctx); err != nil {
		log.Errorf(log.SetError(ctx, err), "Failed to set up subscription.")
		return nil, err

	return &p, nil
Пример #21
func (f *FakePLS) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, error) {
	if f.failGetMeta {
		return nil, errors.New("FakePLS.GetMeta")
	switch key {
	case "id":
		if f.StringID != "" {
			return f.StringID, nil
		return f.IntID, nil
	case "kind":
		if f.Kind == "" {
			return "FakePLS", nil
		return f.Kind, nil
	return nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset
Пример #22
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) AddMulti(tasks []*tq.Task, queueName string, cb tq.RawTaskCB) error {
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&t.closed) == 1 {
		return errors.New("taskqueue: transaction context has expired")

	defer t.Unlock()

	queueName, err := t.parent.getQueueNameLocked(queueName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, task := range tasks {
		cb(t.addLocked(task, queueName))
	return nil
Пример #23
func (f *FakePLS) SetMeta(key string, val interface{}) error {
	if f.failSetMeta {
		return errors.New("FakePL.SetMeta")
	if key == "id" {
		switch x := val.(type) {
		case int64:
			f.IntID = x
		case string:
			f.StringID = x
		return nil
	if key == "kind" {
		f.Kind = val.(string)
		return nil
	return ErrMetaFieldUnset
Пример #24
func (d *dsTxnBuf) Run(fq *ds.FinalizedQuery, cb ds.RawRunCB) error {
	if start, end := fq.Bounds(); start != nil || end != nil {
		return errors.New("txnBuf filter does not support query cursors")

	limit, limitSet := fq.Limit()
	offset, _ := fq.Offset()
	keysOnly := fq.KeysOnly()

	project := fq.Project()

	bufDS, parentDS, sizes := func() (ds.RawInterface, ds.RawInterface, *sizeTracker) {
		if !d.haveLock {
			defer d.state.Unlock()
		return d.state.bufDS, d.state.parentDS, d.state.entState.dup()

	return runMergedQueries(fq, sizes, bufDS, parentDS, func(key *ds.Key, data ds.PropertyMap) error {
		if offset > 0 {
			return nil
		if limitSet {
			if limit == 0 {
				return ds.Stop
		if keysOnly {
			data = nil
		} else if len(project) > 0 {
			newData := make(ds.PropertyMap, len(project))
			for _, p := range project {
				newData[p] = data[p]
			data = newData
		return cb(key, data, nil)
Пример #25
func (f *FakePLS) Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error) {
	if f.failSave {
		return nil, errors.New("FakePLS.Save")
	ret := PropertyMap{
		"Value": {MkProperty(f.Value)},
		"Extra": {MkProperty("whoa")},
	if withMeta {
		id, _ := f.GetMeta("id")
		So(ret.SetMeta("id", id), ShouldBeTrue)
		if f.Kind == "" {
			So(ret.SetMeta("kind", "FakePLS"), ShouldBeTrue)
		} else {
			So(ret.SetMeta("kind", f.Kind), ShouldBeTrue)
		So(ret.SetMeta("assertExtra", true), ShouldBeTrue)
	return ret, nil
Пример #26
func (d *datastoreImpl) GetAll(q Query, dst interface{}) error {
	v := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
	if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid GetAll dst: must have a ptr-to-slice: %T", dst)
	if !v.IsValid() || v.IsNil() {
		return errors.New("invalid GetAll dst: <nil>")

	if keys, ok := dst.(*[]Key); ok {
		return d.RawInterface.Run(q.KeysOnly(), func(k Key, _ PropertyMap, _ CursorCB) bool {
			*keys = append(*keys, k)
			return true

	slice := v.Elem()
	mat := parseMultiArg(slice.Type())
	if !mat.valid || mat.newElem == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid GetAll input type: %T", dst)

	lme := errors.NewLazyMultiError(slice.Len())
	i := 0
	err := d.RawInterface.Run(q, func(k Key, pm PropertyMap, _ CursorCB) bool {
		slice.Set(reflect.Append(slice, mat.newElem()))
		itm := slice.Index(i)
		mat.setKey(itm, k)
		lme.Assign(i, mat.setPM(itm, pm))
		return true
	if err == nil {
		err = lme.Get()
	return err
Пример #27
func (p *structPLS) save(propMap PropertyMap, prefix string, is IndexSetting) (idxCount int, err error) {
	saveProp := func(name string, si IndexSetting, v reflect.Value, st *structTag) (err error) {
		if st.substructCodec != nil {
			count, err := (&structPLS{v, st.substructCodec}).save(propMap, name, si)
			if err == nil {
				idxCount += count
				if idxCount > maxIndexedProperties {
					err = errors.New("gae: too many indexed properties")
			return err

		prop := Property{}
		if st.convert {
			prop, err = v.Addr().Interface().(PropertyConverter).ToProperty()
		} else {
			err = prop.SetValue(v.Interface(), si)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		propMap[name] = append(propMap[name], prop)
		if prop.IndexSetting() == ShouldIndex {
			if idxCount > maxIndexedProperties {
				return errors.New("gae: too many indexed properties")
		return nil

	for i, st := range p.c.byIndex {
		if st.name == "-" || st.isExtra {
		name := st.name
		if prefix != "" {
			name = prefix + name
		v := p.o.Field(i)
		is1 := is
		if st.idxSetting == NoIndex {
			is1 = NoIndex
		if st.isSlice {
			for j := 0; j < v.Len(); j++ {
				if err = saveProp(name, is1, v.Index(j), &st); err != nil {
		} else {
			if err = saveProp(name, is1, v, &st); err != nil {

	if i, ok := p.c.bySpecial["extra"]; ok {
		if p.c.byIndex[i].name != "-" {
			for fullName, vals := range p.o.Field(i).Interface().(PropertyMap) {
				if _, ok := propMap[fullName]; !ok {
					propMap[fullName] = vals

Пример #28
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) Stats([]string, tq.RawStatsCB) error {
	return errors.New("taskqueue: cannot Stats from a transaction")
Пример #29

const (
	// The maximum number of items that can be pulled from a subscription at once.
	maxSubscriptionPullSize = 100

var (
	// OAuth2 scopes to generate.
	pubsubScopes = []string{

	// Error returned by pullAckMessages to indicate that no messages were available.
	errNoMessages = errors.New("pubsub: no messages")

// pubsubConfig is the set of configuration parameters for a pubsubClient.
type pubsubConfig struct {
	project      string // The project name.
	topic        string // The topic name.
	subscription string // The subscription name.
	create       bool
	batchSize    int // The number of elements to pull from a subscription per batch.

// addFlags adds this configuration's set of flags to a FlagSet.
func (c *pubsubConfig) addFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
	fs.StringVar(&c.project, "pubsub-project", "", "The name of the Pub/Sub project.")
	fs.StringVar(&c.subscription, "pubsub-subscription", "", "The name of the Pub/Sub subscription.")
Пример #30
// setupSubscription asserts that the configured subscription exists. In doing
// so, it also asserts that the client credentials are valid with respect to the
// configured project/subscription.
// If the subscription doesn't exist, this method can create the subscription
// and (if missing) its topic, if the "create" flag is set.
func (p *pubsubClient) setupSubscription(ctx context.Context) error {
	exists := false
		"subscription": p.topic,
	}.Infof(ctx, "Checking for subscription existence.")
	err := retryCall(ctx, "SubExists()", func() error {
		var err error
		exists, err = p.service.SubExists(p.subscription)
		return p.wrapTransient(err)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf(log.SetError(ctx, err),
			"Failed to test for subscription; assuming it doesn't exist.")
	if exists {
		return nil

	if !p.create {
		return errors.New("pubsub: subscription doesn't exist, not configured to create")

	// Create the subscription if it doesn't exist.
	if p.topic == "" {
		log.Errorf(ctx, "Cannot create subscription; no topic was specified.")
		return errors.New("pubsub: cannot create subscription")

	// Test if the topic exists...
		"topic": p.topic,
	}.Infof(ctx, "Checking for topic existence.")
	err = retryCall(ctx, "TopicExists()", func() error {
		var err error
		exists, err = p.service.TopicExists(p.topic)
		return p.wrapTransient(err)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf(log.SetError(ctx, err),
			"Failed to test for topic; assuming it doesn't exist.")

	if !exists {
			"topic": p.topic,
		}.Infof(ctx, "Creating topic.")
		err := retryCall(ctx, "CreateTopic()", func() error {
			return p.service.CreateTopic(p.topic)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf(log.SetError(ctx, err),
				"Failed to create topic.")
			return errors.New("pubsub: cannot create topic")

		"topic":        p.topic,
		"subscription": p.subscription,
	}.Infof(ctx, "Creating pull subscription for topic.")
	if err := retryCall(ctx, "CreateSub()", func() error {
		return p.service.CreatePullSub(p.subscription, p.topic)
	}); err != nil {
		log.Warningf(log.SetError(ctx, err),
			"Failed to test for subscription; assuming it doesn't exist.")
		return errors.New("pubsub: failed to create subscription")

	return nil