Пример #1
// If x,y is inside the button's region then it will run its function and
// return true, otherwise it does nothing and returns false.
func (b *Button) handleClick(x, y int, data interface{}) bool {
	in := pointInsideRect(x, y, b.bounds.x, b.bounds.y, b.bounds.dx, b.bounds.dy)
	if in && b.valid {
		sound.PlaySound("Haunts/SFX/UI/Select", 0.75)
	return in
Пример #2
func (ob *OptionBasic) Think(hovered, selected, selectable bool, dt int64) {
	if selectable && hovered && !ob.was_over {
		sound.PlaySound("Haunts/SFX/UI/Tick", 0.75)
	ob.was_over = hovered
	if ob.was_selected != selected {
		sound.PlaySound("Haunts/SFX/UI/Select", 0.75)
	ob.was_selected = selected
	switch {
	case selected:
		ob.alpha = 255
	case selectable && hovered:
		ob.alpha = 200
	case selectable && !hovered:
		ob.alpha = 150
		ob.alpha = 50
Пример #3
// Does some basic setup that is common to both creating a new entity and to
// loading one from a saved game.
func (e *Entity) Load(g *Game) {
	e.Sprite().SetTriggerFunc(func(s *sprite.Sprite, name string) {
		x, y := e.Pos()
		dx, dy := e.Dims()
		volume := 1.0
		if e.Side() == SideExplorers || e.Side() == SideHaunt {
			volume = e.Game().ViewFrac(x, y, dx, dy)
		if e.current_action != nil {
			if sound_name, ok := e.current_action.SoundMap()[name]; ok {
				sound.PlaySound(sound_name, volume)
		if e.Sounds != nil {
			if sound_name, ok := e.Sounds[name]; ok {
				sound.PlaySound(sound_name, volume)

	if e.Side() == SideHaunt || e.Side() == SideExplorers {
		e.los = &losData{}
		full_los := make([]bool, house.LosTextureSizeSquared)
		e.los.grid = make([][]bool, house.LosTextureSize)
		for i := range e.los.grid {
			e.los.grid[i] = full_los[i*house.LosTextureSize : (i+1)*house.LosTextureSize]

	g.all_ents_in_memory[e] = true

	e.game = g

Пример #4
func (b *Button) Think(x, y, mx, my int, dt int64) {
	if b.valid_func != nil {
		b.valid = b.valid_func()
	} else {
		b.valid = true
	in := b.valid && pointInsideRect(mx, my, b.bounds.x, b.bounds.y, b.bounds.dx, b.bounds.dy)
	if in && !b.was_in {
		sound.PlaySound("Haunts/SFX/UI/Tick", 0.75)
	b.was_in = in
	b.shade = doShading(b.shade, in, dt)
Пример #5
func (ep *EntityPlacer) Respond(g *gui.Gui, group gui.EventGroup) bool {
	cursor := group.Events[0].Key.Cursor()
	if cursor != nil {
		ep.mx, ep.my = cursor.Point()

	// If we're dragging around an ent then we'll update its position here.
	if ep.game.new_ent != nil {
		bx, by := DiscretizePoint32(ep.game.viewer.WindowToBoard(ep.mx, ep.my))
		ep.game.new_ent.X, ep.game.new_ent.Y = float64(bx), float64(by)

	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		for _, button := range ep.buttons {
			if button.handleClick(ep.mx, ep.my, nil) {
				return true

	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		if pointInsideRect(ep.mx, ep.my, ep.region.X, ep.region.Y, ep.region.Dx, ep.region.Dy) {
			return true

	if ep.game.new_ent == nil {
		return false

	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		ent := ep.game.new_ent
		if ep.game.placeEntity(ep.pattern) {
			cost := ep.roster[ent.Name]
			ep.points -= cost
			ep.ents = append(ep.ents, ent)
			sound.PlaySound("Haunts/SFX/UI/Place", 1.0)
			if cost <= ep.points {
				ep.game.new_ent = MakeEntity(ent.Name, ep.game)
			return true

	return false