func updateNetworkAclEntries(d *schema.ResourceData, entryType string, conn *ec2.EC2) error {

	o, n := d.GetChange(entryType)

	if o == nil {
		o = new(schema.Set)
	if n == nil {
		n = new(schema.Set)

	os := o.(*schema.Set)
	ns := n.(*schema.Set)

	toBeDeleted, err := expandNetworkAclEntries(os.Difference(ns).List(), entryType)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, remove := range toBeDeleted {

		// AWS includes default rules with all network ACLs that can be
		// neither modified nor destroyed. They have a custom rule
		// number that is out of bounds for any other rule. If we
		// encounter it, just continue. There's no work to be done.
		if *remove.RuleNumber == 32767 {

		// Delete old Acl
		_, err := conn.DeleteNetworkACLEntry(&ec2.DeleteNetworkACLEntryInput{
			NetworkACLID: aws.String(d.Id()),
			RuleNumber:   remove.RuleNumber,
			Egress:       remove.Egress,
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error deleting %s entry: %s", entryType, err)

	toBeCreated, err := expandNetworkAclEntries(ns.Difference(os).List(), entryType)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, add := range toBeCreated {
		// Protocol -1 rules don't store ports in AWS. Thus, they'll always
		// hash differently when being read out of the API. Force the user
		// to set from_port and to_port to 0 for these rules, to keep the
		// hashing consistent.
		if *add.Protocol == "-1" {
			to := *add.PortRange.To
			from := *add.PortRange.From
			expected := &expectedPortPair{
				to_port:   0,
				from_port: 0,
			if ok := validatePorts(to, from, *expected); !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf(
					"to_port (%d) and from_port (%d) must both be 0 to use the the 'all' \"-1\" protocol!",
					to, from)

		// AWS mutates the CIDR block into a network implied by the IP and
		// mask provided. This results in hashing inconsistencies between
		// the local config file and the state returned by the API. Error
		// if the user provides a CIDR block with an inappropriate mask
		if err := validateCIDRBlock(*add.CIDRBlock); err != nil {
			return err

		// Add new Acl entry
		_, connErr := conn.CreateNetworkACLEntry(&ec2.CreateNetworkACLEntryInput{
			NetworkACLID: aws.String(d.Id()),
			CIDRBlock:    add.CIDRBlock,
			Egress:       add.Egress,
			PortRange:    add.PortRange,
			Protocol:     add.Protocol,
			RuleAction:   add.RuleAction,
			RuleNumber:   add.RuleNumber,
			ICMPTypeCode: add.ICMPTypeCode,
		if connErr != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Error creating %s entry: %s", entryType, connErr)
	return nil