func convertVolumesToMPs(dockerVolumes map[string]struct{}) ([]appctypes.MountPoint, error) {
	mps := []appctypes.MountPoint{}
	dup := make(map[string]int)

	for p := range dockerVolumes {
		n := filepath.Join("volume", p)
		sn, err := appctypes.SanitizeACName(n)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// check for duplicate names
		if i, ok := dup[sn]; ok {
			dup[sn] = i + 1
			sn = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", sn, i)
		} else {
			dup[sn] = 1

		mp := appctypes.MountPoint{
			Name: *appctypes.MustACName(sn),
			Path: p,

		mps = append(mps, mp)

	return mps, nil
func (aam *appInjectVolume) Set(s string) error {
	app := (*apps.Apps)(aam).Last()
	if app == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("--inject-volume must follow an image")

	p := strings.SplitN(s, ":", 2)
	if len(p) != 2 {
		return fmt.Errorf("must be SOURCE_PATH:TARGET_PATH")

	volName, err := types.SanitizeACName(p[1])
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("empty target in volume")

	if volName != p[1] {
		stderr("Changed volume target %q to %q", p[1], volName)

	rVol := types.Volume{Name: *types.MustACName(volName), Source: p[0], Kind: "host"}
	mount := schema.Mount{Volume: rVol.Name, Path: p[1]}

	(*apps.Apps)(aam).Volumes = append((*apps.Apps)(aam).Volumes, rVol)
	app.Mounts = append(app.Mounts, mount)

	return nil
func parseDockerPort(dockerPort string) (*appctypes.Port, error) {
	var portString string
	proto := "tcp"
	sp := strings.Split(dockerPort, "/")
	if len(sp) < 2 {
		portString = dockerPort
	} else {
		proto = sp[1]
		portString = sp[0]

	port, err := strconv.ParseUint(portString, 10, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing port %q: %v", portString, err)

	sn, err := appctypes.SanitizeACName(dockerPort)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	appcPort := &appctypes.Port{
		Name:     *appctypes.MustACName(sn),
		Protocol: proto,
		Port:     uint(port),

	return appcPort, nil
文件: run.go 项目: krieg/rkt
func imageNameToAppName(name types.ACIdentifier) (*types.ACName, error) {
	parts := strings.Split(name.String(), "/")
	last := parts[len(parts)-1]

	sn, err := types.SanitizeACName(last)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return types.MustACName(sn), nil
func GenerateManifest(layerData types.DockerImageData, dockerURL *types.ParsedDockerURL) (*schema.ImageManifest, error) {
	dockerConfig := layerData.Config
	genManifest := &schema.ImageManifest{}

	appURL := ""
	// omit docker hub index URL in app name
	if dockerURL.IndexURL != defaultIndex {
		appURL = dockerURL.IndexURL + "/"
	appURL += dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.ID
	appURL, err := appctypes.SanitizeACName(appURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	name, err := appctypes.NewACName(appURL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	genManifest.Name = *name

	acVersion, err := appctypes.NewSemVer(schemaVersion)
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid appc spec version")
	genManifest.ACVersion = *acVersion

	genManifest.ACKind = appctypes.ACKind(schema.ImageManifestKind)

	var labels appctypes.Labels
	var parentLabels appctypes.Labels

	layer, _ := appctypes.NewACName("layer")
	labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *layer, Value: layerData.ID})

	tag := dockerURL.Tag
	version, _ := appctypes.NewACName("version")
	labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *version, Value: tag})

	if layerData.OS != "" {
		os, _ := appctypes.NewACName("os")
		labels = append(labels, appctypes.Label{Name: *os, Value: layerData.OS})
		parentLabels = append(parentLabels, appctypes.Label{Name: *os, Value: layerData.OS})

		if layerData.Architecture != "" {
			arch, _ := appctypes.NewACName("arch")
			parentLabels = append(parentLabels, appctypes.Label{Name: *arch, Value: layerData.Architecture})

	genManifest.Labels = labels

	if dockerConfig != nil {
		exec := getExecCommand(dockerConfig.Entrypoint, dockerConfig.Cmd)
		if exec != nil {
			user, group := parseDockerUser(dockerConfig.User)
			var env appctypes.Environment
			for _, v := range dockerConfig.Env {
				parts := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
				env.Set(parts[0], parts[1])
			app := &appctypes.App{
				Exec:             exec,
				User:             user,
				Group:            group,
				Environment:      env,
				WorkingDirectory: dockerConfig.WorkingDir,
			genManifest.App = app

	if layerData.Parent != "" {
		parentAppNameString := dockerURL.IndexURL + "/" + dockerURL.ImageName + "-" + layerData.Parent
		parentAppNameString, err := appctypes.SanitizeACName(parentAppNameString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		parentAppName, err := appctypes.NewACName(parentAppNameString)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		genManifest.Dependencies = append(genManifest.Dependencies, appctypes.Dependency{App: *parentAppName, Labels: parentLabels})

	return genManifest, nil