func main() {
	// Ensure seed hex was specified.
	if len(os.Args) < 2 {
		appName := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
		appName = strings.TrimSuffix(appName, filepath.Ext(appName))
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Seed hex argument not specified\n\n")
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Usage:")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  %s <seedhex>\n", appName)

	// Ensure the hex is the appropriate length for a 256-bit seed.
	seedStr := strings.TrimSpace(os.Args[1])
	if len(seedStr) != 64 {
		fmt.Println("The specified seed must have a length of 64 characters")

	// Decode hex to bytes.
	seedBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(seedStr)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Specified seed hex is not valid.  It must only " +
			"contain numbers and letters in the range [a-f]")

	// Convert bytes to seed words with checksum.
	seedWords, err := pgpwordlist.ToStringChecksum(seedBytes)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Unable to encode seed bytes: %v", err)
// createSimulationWallet is intended to be called from the rpcclient
// and used to create a wallet for actors involved in simulations.
func createSimulationWallet(cfg *config) error {
	// Simulation wallet password is 'password'.
	privPass := wallet.SimulationPassphrase

	// Public passphrase is the default.
	pubPass := []byte(wallet.InsecurePubPassphrase)

	// Generate a random seed.
	seed, err := hdkeychain.GenerateSeed(hdkeychain.RecommendedSeedLen)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	netDir := networkDir(cfg.AppDataDir, activeNet.Params)

	// Write the seed to disk, so that we can restore it later
	// if need be, for testing purposes.
	seedStr, err := pgpwordlist.ToStringChecksum(seed)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(netDir, "seed"), []byte(seedStr), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create the wallet.
	dbPath := filepath.Join(netDir, walletDbName)
	fmt.Println("Creating the wallet...")

	// Create the wallet database backed by bolt db.
	db, err := walletdb.Create("bdb", dbPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer db.Close()

	// Create the wallet.
	err = wallet.Create(db, pubPass, privPass, seed, activeNet.Params, cfg.UnsafeMainNet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Println("The wallet has been created successfully.")
	return nil
// Seed prompts the user whether they want to use an existing wallet generation
// seed.  When the user answers no, a seed will be generated and displayed to
// the user along with prompting them for confirmation.  When the user answers
// yes, a the user is prompted for it.  All prompts are repeated until the user
// enters a valid response. The bool returned indicates if the wallet was
// restored from a given seed or not.
func Seed(reader *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
	// Ascertain the wallet generation seed.
	useUserSeed, err := promptListBool(reader, "Do you have an "+
		"existing wallet seed you want to use?", "no")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !useUserSeed {
		seed, err := hdkeychain.GenerateSeed(hdkeychain.RecommendedSeedLen)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		seedStr, err := pgpwordlist.ToStringChecksum(seed)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		seedStrSplit := strings.Split(seedStr, " ")

		fmt.Println("Your wallet generation seed is:")
		for i := 0; i < hdkeychain.RecommendedSeedLen+1; i++ {
			fmt.Printf("%v ", seedStrSplit[i])

			if (i+1)%6 == 0 {

		fmt.Printf("\n\nHex: %x\n", seed)
		fmt.Println("IMPORTANT: Keep the seed in a safe place as you\n" +
			"will NOT be able to restore your wallet without it.")
		fmt.Println("Please keep in mind that anyone who has access\n" +
			"to the seed can also restore your wallet thereby\n" +
			"giving them access to all your funds, so it is\n" +
			"imperative that you keep it in a secure location.")

		for {
			fmt.Print(`Once you have stored the seed in a safe ` +
				`and secure location, enter "OK" to continue: `)
			confirmSeed, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			confirmSeed = strings.TrimSpace(confirmSeed)
			confirmSeed = strings.Trim(confirmSeed, `"`)
			if confirmSeed == "OK" {

		return seed, nil

	for {
		fmt.Print("Enter existing wallet seed " +
			"(followed by a blank line): ")

		// Use scanner instead of buffio.Reader so we can choose choose
		// more complicated ending condition rather than just a single
		// newline.
		var seedStr string
		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
		for scanner.Scan() {
			line := scanner.Text()
			if line == "" {
			seedStr += " " + line
		seedStrTrimmed := strings.TrimSpace(seedStr)
		seedStrTrimmed = collapseSpace(seedStrTrimmed)
		wordCount := strings.Count(seedStrTrimmed, " ") + 1

		var seed []byte
		if wordCount == 1 {
			if len(seedStrTrimmed)%2 != 0 {
				seedStrTrimmed = "0" + seedStrTrimmed
			seed, err = hex.DecodeString(seedStrTrimmed)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Input error: %v\n", err.Error())
		} else {
			seed, err = pgpwordlist.ToBytesChecksum(seedStrTrimmed)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Input error: %v\n", err.Error())
		if err != nil || len(seed) < hdkeychain.MinSeedBytes ||
			len(seed) > hdkeychain.MaxSeedBytes {
			fmt.Printf("Invalid seed specified.  Must be a "+
				"word seed (usually 33 words) using the PGP wordlist or "+
				"hexadecimal value that is at least %d bits and "+
				"at most %d bits\n", hdkeychain.MinSeedBytes*8,

		fmt.Printf("\nSeed input successful. \nHex: %x\n", seed)

		return seed, nil
// createSimulationWallet is intended to be called from the rpcclient
// and used to create a wallet for actors involved in simulations.
func createSimulationWallet(cfg *config) error {
	// Simulation wallet password is 'password'.
	privPass := []byte("password")

	// Public passphrase is the default.
	pubPass := []byte(defaultPubPassphrase)

	// Generate a random seed.
	seed, err := hdkeychain.GenerateSeed(hdkeychain.RecommendedSeedLen)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	netDir := networkDir(cfg.DataDir, activeNet.Params)

	// Write the seed to disk, so that we can restore it later
	// if need be, for testing purposes.
	seedStr, err := pgpwordlist.ToStringChecksum(seed)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(netDir, "seed"), []byte(seedStr), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create the wallet.
	dbPath := filepath.Join(netDir, walletDbName)
	fmt.Println("Creating the wallet...")

	// Create the wallet database backed by bolt db.
	db, err := walletdb.Create("bdb", dbPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer db.Close()

	// Create the address manager.
	waddrmgrNamespace, err := db.Namespace(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	manager, err := waddrmgr.Create(waddrmgrNamespace, seed, []byte(pubPass),
		[]byte(privPass), activeNet.Params, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer manager.Close()

	// Create the stake manager/store.
	wstakemgrNamespace, err := db.Namespace(wstakemgrNamespaceKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	stakeStore, err := wstakemgr.Create(wstakemgrNamespace, manager,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer stakeStore.Close()

	fmt.Println("The wallet has been created successfully.")
	return nil