func TestMirrorEndpointLookup(t *testing.T) {
	containsMirror := func(endpoints []APIEndpoint) bool {
		for _, pe := range endpoints {
			if pe.URL.Host == "my.mirror" {
				return true
		return false
	s := DefaultService{config: makeServiceConfig([]string{"my.mirror"}, nil)}

	imageName, err := reference.WithName(IndexName + "/test/image")
	if err != nil {
	pushAPIEndpoints, err := s.LookupPushEndpoints(imageName.Hostname())
	if err != nil {
	if containsMirror(pushAPIEndpoints) {
		t.Fatal("Push endpoint should not contain mirror")

	pullAPIEndpoints, err := s.LookupPullEndpoints(imageName.Hostname())
	if err != nil {
	if !containsMirror(pullAPIEndpoints) {
		t.Fatal("Pull endpoint should contain mirror")
文件: image_cache.go 项目: vmware/vic
// Add adds an image to the image cache
func (ic *ICache) Add(imageConfig *metadata.ImageConfig) {
	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))

	defer ic.m.Unlock()

	// Normalize the name stored in imageConfig using Docker's reference code
	ref, err := reference.WithName(imageConfig.Name)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Tried to create reference from %s: %s", imageConfig.Name, err.Error())

	imageID := prefixImageID(imageConfig.ImageID)
	ic.cacheByID[imageID] = imageConfig

	for _, tag := range imageConfig.Tags {
		ref, err = reference.WithTag(ref, tag)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Tried to create tagged reference from %s and tag %s: %s", imageConfig.Name, tag, err.Error())
		ic.cacheByName[imageConfig.Reference] = imageConfig
func (l *tarexporter) legacyLoad(tmpDir string, outStream io.Writer, progressOutput progress.Output) error {
	legacyLoadedMap := make(map[string]image.ID)

	dirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(tmpDir)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// every dir represents an image
	for _, d := range dirs {
		if d.IsDir() {
			if err := l.legacyLoadImage(d.Name(), tmpDir, legacyLoadedMap, progressOutput); err != nil {
				return err

	// load tags from repositories file
	repositoriesPath, err := safePath(tmpDir, legacyRepositoriesFileName)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	repositoriesFile, err := os.Open(repositoriesPath)
	if err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return err
		return repositoriesFile.Close()
	defer repositoriesFile.Close()

	repositories := make(map[string]map[string]string)
	if err := json.NewDecoder(repositoriesFile).Decode(&repositories); err != nil {
		return err

	for name, tagMap := range repositories {
		for tag, oldID := range tagMap {
			imgID, ok := legacyLoadedMap[oldID]
			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid target ID: %v", oldID)
			named, err := reference.WithName(name)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			ref, err := reference.WithTag(named, tag)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			l.setLoadedTag(ref, imgID, outStream)

	return nil
// TagImage creates the tag specified by newTag, pointing to the image named
// imageName (alternatively, imageName can also be an image ID).
func (daemon *Daemon) TagImage(imageName, repository, tag string) error {
	imageID, err := daemon.GetImageID(imageName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	newTag, err := reference.WithName(repository)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if tag != "" {
		if newTag, err = reference.WithTag(newTag, tag); err != nil {
			return err

	return daemon.TagImageWithReference(imageID, newTag)
// AddImage adds an image to the image cache
func (ic *ICache) AddImage(imageConfig *metadata.ImageConfig) {

	defer ic.m.Unlock()

	var imageID string

	// Don't assume the image id in image has "sha256:<id> as format.  We store it in
	// this fomat to make it easier to lookup by digest
	if strings.HasPrefix(imageConfig.ImageID, "sha") {
		imageID = imageConfig.ImageID
	} else {
		imageID = "sha256:" + imageConfig.ImageID

	// add image id to truncindex

	ic.cacheByID[imageID] = imageConfig

	// Normalize the name stored in imageConfig using Docker's reference code
	ref, err := reference.WithName(imageConfig.Name)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Tried to create reference from %s: %s", imageConfig.Name, err.Error())

	for _, tag := range imageConfig.Tags {
		ref, err = reference.WithTag(ref, tag)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Tried to create tagged reference from %s and tag %s: %s", imageConfig.Name, tag, err.Error())

		if tagged, ok := ref.(reference.NamedTagged); ok {
			taggedName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", tagged.Name(), tagged.Tag())
			ic.cacheByName[taggedName] = imageConfig
		} else {
			ic.cacheByName[ref.Name()] = imageConfig
func handlerPutTag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if !requiresAuth(w, r) {
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	repositoryName, err := reference.WithName(vars["repository"])
	if err != nil {
		apiError(w, "Could not parse repository", 400)
	tagName := vars["tag"]
	tags, exists := testRepositories[repositoryName.String()]
	if !exists {
		tags = make(map[string]string)
		testRepositories[repositoryName.String()] = tags
	tagValue := ""
	readJSON(r, tagValue)
	tags[tagName] = tagValue
	writeResponse(w, true, 200)
func handlerGetDeleteTags(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if !requiresAuth(w, r) {
	repositoryName, err := reference.WithName(mux.Vars(r)["repository"])
	if err != nil {
		apiError(w, "Could not parse repository", 400)
	tags, exists := testRepositories[repositoryName.String()]
	if !exists {
		apiError(w, "Repository not found", 404)
	if r.Method == "DELETE" {
		delete(testRepositories, repositoryName.String())
		writeResponse(w, true, 200)
	writeResponse(w, tags, 200)
文件: image.go 项目: slowreadr/docker
func (s *router) postImagesTag(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
	if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
		return err
	repo := r.Form.Get("repo")
	tag := r.Form.Get("tag")
	newTag, err := reference.WithName(repo)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if tag != "" {
		if newTag, err = reference.WithTag(newTag, tag); err != nil {
			return err
	if err := s.daemon.TagImage(newTag, vars["name"]); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
func handlerGetTag(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if !requiresAuth(w, r) {
	vars := mux.Vars(r)
	repositoryName, err := reference.WithName(vars["repository"])
	if err != nil {
		apiError(w, "Could not parse repository", 400)
	tagName := vars["tag"]
	tags, exists := testRepositories[repositoryName.String()]
	if !exists {
		apiError(w, "Repository not found", 404)
	tag, exists := tags[tagName]
	if !exists {
		apiError(w, "Tag not found", 404)
	writeResponse(w, tag, 200)
// parseRemoteRef parses the remote reference into a reference.Named
// returning the tag associated with the reference. In the case the
// given reference string includes both digest and tag, the returned
// reference will have the digest without the tag, but the tag will
// be returned.
func parseRemoteRef(remote string) (reference.Named, string, error) {
	// Parse remote reference, supporting remotes with name and tag
	// NOTE: Using distribution reference to handle references
	// containing both a name and digest
	remoteRef, err := distreference.ParseNamed(remote)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err

	var tag string
	if t, ok := remoteRef.(distreference.Tagged); ok {
		tag = t.Tag()

	// Convert distribution reference to docker reference
	// TODO: remove when docker reference changes reconciled upstream
	ref, err := reference.WithName(remoteRef.Name())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err
	if d, ok := remoteRef.(distreference.Digested); ok {
		ref, err = reference.WithDigest(ref, d.Digest())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
	} else if tag != "" {
		ref, err = reference.WithTag(ref, tag)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, "", err
	} else {
		ref = reference.WithDefaultTag(ref)

	return ref, tag, nil
// Commit creates a new filesystem image from the current state of a container.
// The image can optionally be tagged into a repository.
func (daemon *Daemon) Commit(name string, c *backend.ContainerCommitConfig) (string, error) {
	container, err := daemon.GetContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// It is not possible to commit a running container on Windows
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && container.IsRunning() {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Windows does not support commit of a running container")

	if c.Pause && !container.IsPaused() {
		defer daemon.containerUnpause(container)

	newConfig, err := dockerfile.BuildFromConfig(c.Config, c.Changes)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if c.MergeConfigs {
		if err := merge(newConfig, container.Config); err != nil {
			return "", err

	rwTar, err := daemon.exportContainerRw(container)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer func() {
		if rwTar != nil {

	var history []image.History
	rootFS := image.NewRootFS()
	osVersion := ""
	var osFeatures []string

	if container.ImageID != "" {
		img, err := daemon.imageStore.Get(container.ImageID)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		history = img.History
		rootFS = img.RootFS
		osVersion = img.OSVersion
		osFeatures = img.OSFeatures

	l, err := daemon.layerStore.Register(rwTar, rootFS.ChainID())
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer layer.ReleaseAndLog(daemon.layerStore, l)

	h := image.History{
		Author:     c.Author,
		Created:    time.Now().UTC(),
		CreatedBy:  strings.Join(container.Config.Cmd, " "),
		Comment:    c.Comment,
		EmptyLayer: true,

	if diffID := l.DiffID(); layer.DigestSHA256EmptyTar != diffID {
		h.EmptyLayer = false

	history = append(history, h)

	config, err := json.Marshal(&image.Image{
		V1Image: image.V1Image{
			DockerVersion:   dockerversion.Version,
			Config:          newConfig,
			Architecture:    runtime.GOARCH,
			OS:              runtime.GOOS,
			Container:       container.ID,
			ContainerConfig: *container.Config,
			Author:          c.Author,
			Created:         h.Created,
		RootFS:     rootFS,
		History:    history,
		OSFeatures: osFeatures,
		OSVersion:  osVersion,

	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	id, err := daemon.imageStore.Create(config)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if container.ImageID != "" {
		if err := daemon.imageStore.SetParent(id, container.ImageID); err != nil {
			return "", err

	if c.Repo != "" {
		newTag, err := reference.WithName(c.Repo) // todo: should move this to API layer
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		if c.Tag != "" {
			if newTag, err = reference.WithTag(newTag, c.Tag); err != nil {
				return "", err
		if err := daemon.TagImageWithReference(id, newTag); err != nil {
			return "", err

	attributes := map[string]string{
		"comment": c.Comment,
	daemon.LogContainerEventWithAttributes(container, "commit", attributes)
	return id.String(), nil
func (pd *v2PushDescriptor) Upload(ctx context.Context, progressOutput progress.Output) (distribution.Descriptor, error) {
	if fs, ok := pd.layer.(distribution.Describable); ok {
		if d := fs.Descriptor(); len(d.URLs) > 0 {
			progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Skipped foreign layer")
			return d, nil

	diffID := pd.DiffID()

	if descriptor, ok := pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID]; ok {
		// it is already known that the push is not needed and
		// therefore doing a stat is unnecessary
		progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Layer already exists")
		return descriptor, nil

	// Do we have any metadata associated with this layer's DiffID?
	v2Metadata, err := pd.v2MetadataService.GetMetadata(diffID)
	if err == nil {
		descriptor, exists, err := layerAlreadyExists(ctx, v2Metadata, pd.repoInfo, pd.repo, pd.pushState)
		if err != nil {
			progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Image push failed")
			return distribution.Descriptor{}, retryOnError(err)
		if exists {
			progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Layer already exists")
			pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID] = descriptor
			return descriptor, nil

	logrus.Debugf("Pushing layer: %s", diffID)

	// if digest was empty or not saved, or if blob does not exist on the remote repository,
	// then push the blob.
	bs := pd.repo.Blobs(ctx)

	var layerUpload distribution.BlobWriter
	mountAttemptsRemaining := 3

	// Attempt to find another repository in the same registry to mount the layer
	// from to avoid an unnecessary upload.
	// Note: metadata is stored from oldest to newest, so we iterate through this
	// slice in reverse to maximize our chances of the blob still existing in the
	// remote repository.
	for i := len(v2Metadata) - 1; i >= 0 && mountAttemptsRemaining > 0; i-- {
		mountFrom := v2Metadata[i]

		sourceRepo, err := reference.ParseNamed(mountFrom.SourceRepository)
		if err != nil {
		if pd.repoInfo.Hostname() != sourceRepo.Hostname() {
			// don't mount blobs from another registry

		namedRef, err := reference.WithName(mountFrom.SourceRepository)
		if err != nil {

		// TODO (brianbland): We need to construct a reference where the Name is
		// only the full remote name, so clean this up when distribution has a
		// richer reference package
		remoteRef, err := distreference.WithName(namedRef.RemoteName())
		if err != nil {

		canonicalRef, err := distreference.WithDigest(remoteRef, mountFrom.Digest)
		if err != nil {

		logrus.Debugf("attempting to mount layer %s (%s) from %s", diffID, mountFrom.Digest, sourceRepo.FullName())

		layerUpload, err = bs.Create(ctx, client.WithMountFrom(canonicalRef))
		switch err := err.(type) {
		case distribution.ErrBlobMounted:
			progress.Updatef(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Mounted from %s", err.From.Name())

			err.Descriptor.MediaType = schema2.MediaTypeLayer

			pd.pushState.confirmedV2 = true
			pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID] = err.Descriptor

			// Cache mapping from this layer's DiffID to the blobsum
			if err := pd.v2MetadataService.Add(diffID, metadata.V2Metadata{Digest: mountFrom.Digest, SourceRepository: pd.repoInfo.FullName()}); err != nil {
				return distribution.Descriptor{}, xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}
			return err.Descriptor, nil
		case nil:
			// blob upload session created successfully, so begin the upload
			mountAttemptsRemaining = 0
			// unable to mount layer from this repository, so this source mapping is no longer valid
			logrus.Debugf("unassociating layer %s (%s) with %s", diffID, mountFrom.Digest, mountFrom.SourceRepository)

	if layerUpload == nil {
		layerUpload, err = bs.Create(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return distribution.Descriptor{}, retryOnError(err)
	defer layerUpload.Close()

	arch, err := pd.layer.TarStream()
	if err != nil {
		return distribution.Descriptor{}, xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}

	// don't care if this fails; best effort
	size, _ := pd.layer.DiffSize()

	reader := progress.NewProgressReader(ioutils.NewCancelReadCloser(ctx, arch), progressOutput, size, pd.ID(), "Pushing")
	compressedReader, compressionDone := compress(reader)
	defer func() {

	digester := digest.Canonical.New()
	tee := io.TeeReader(compressedReader, digester.Hash())

	nn, err := layerUpload.ReadFrom(tee)
	if err != nil {
		return distribution.Descriptor{}, retryOnError(err)

	pushDigest := digester.Digest()
	if _, err := layerUpload.Commit(ctx, distribution.Descriptor{Digest: pushDigest}); err != nil {
		return distribution.Descriptor{}, retryOnError(err)

	logrus.Debugf("uploaded layer %s (%s), %d bytes", diffID, pushDigest, nn)
	progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Pushed")

	// Cache mapping from this layer's DiffID to the blobsum
	if err := pd.v2MetadataService.Add(diffID, metadata.V2Metadata{Digest: pushDigest, SourceRepository: pd.repoInfo.FullName()}); err != nil {
		return distribution.Descriptor{}, xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}


	// If Commit succeeded, that's an indication that the remote registry
	// speaks the v2 protocol.
	pd.pushState.confirmedV2 = true

	descriptor := distribution.Descriptor{
		Digest:    pushDigest,
		MediaType: schema2.MediaTypeLayer,
		Size:      nn,
	pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID] = descriptor


	return descriptor, nil
文件: push_v2.go 项目: mYmNeo/docker
func (pd *v2PushDescriptor) Upload(ctx context.Context, progressOutput progress.Output) (distribution.Descriptor, error) {
	if fs, ok := pd.layer.(distribution.Describable); ok {
		if d := fs.Descriptor(); len(d.URLs) > 0 {
			progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Skipped foreign layer")
			return d, nil

	diffID := pd.DiffID()

	if descriptor, ok := pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID]; ok {
		// it is already known that the push is not needed and
		// therefore doing a stat is unnecessary
		progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Layer already exists")
		return descriptor, nil

	maxMountAttempts, maxExistenceChecks, checkOtherRepositories := getMaxMountAndExistenceCheckAttempts(pd.layer)

	// Do we have any metadata associated with this layer's DiffID?
	v2Metadata, err := pd.v2MetadataService.GetMetadata(diffID)
	if err == nil {
		// check for blob existence in the target repository if we have a mapping with it
		descriptor, exists, err := pd.layerAlreadyExists(ctx, progressOutput, diffID, false, 1, v2Metadata)
		if exists || err != nil {
			return descriptor, err

	// if digest was empty or not saved, or if blob does not exist on the remote repository,
	// then push the blob.
	bs := pd.repo.Blobs(ctx)

	var layerUpload distribution.BlobWriter

	// Attempt to find another repository in the same registry to mount the layer from to avoid an unnecessary upload
	candidates := getRepositoryMountCandidates(pd.repoInfo, pd.hmacKey, maxMountAttempts, v2Metadata)
	for _, mountCandidate := range candidates {
		logrus.Debugf("attempting to mount layer %s (%s) from %s", diffID, mountCandidate.Digest, mountCandidate.SourceRepository)
		createOpts := []distribution.BlobCreateOption{}

		if len(mountCandidate.SourceRepository) > 0 {
			namedRef, err := reference.WithName(mountCandidate.SourceRepository)
			if err != nil {
				logrus.Errorf("failed to parse source repository reference %v: %v", namedRef.String(), err)

			// TODO (brianbland): We need to construct a reference where the Name is
			// only the full remote name, so clean this up when distribution has a
			// richer reference package
			remoteRef, err := distreference.WithName(namedRef.RemoteName())
			if err != nil {
				logrus.Errorf("failed to make remote reference out of %q: %v", namedRef.RemoteName(), namedRef.RemoteName())

			canonicalRef, err := distreference.WithDigest(distreference.TrimNamed(remoteRef), mountCandidate.Digest)
			if err != nil {
				logrus.Errorf("failed to make canonical reference: %v", err)

			createOpts = append(createOpts, client.WithMountFrom(canonicalRef))

		// send the layer
		lu, err := bs.Create(ctx, createOpts...)
		switch err := err.(type) {
		case nil:
			// noop
		case distribution.ErrBlobMounted:
			progress.Updatef(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Mounted from %s", err.From.Name())

			err.Descriptor.MediaType = schema2.MediaTypeLayer

			pd.pushState.confirmedV2 = true
			pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID] = err.Descriptor

			// Cache mapping from this layer's DiffID to the blobsum
			if err := pd.v2MetadataService.TagAndAdd(diffID, pd.hmacKey, metadata.V2Metadata{
				Digest:           err.Descriptor.Digest,
				SourceRepository: pd.repoInfo.FullName(),
			}); err != nil {
				return distribution.Descriptor{}, xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}
			return err.Descriptor, nil
			logrus.Infof("failed to mount layer %s (%s) from %s: %v", diffID, mountCandidate.Digest, mountCandidate.SourceRepository, err)

		if len(mountCandidate.SourceRepository) > 0 &&
			(metadata.CheckV2MetadataHMAC(&mountCandidate, pd.hmacKey) ||
				len(mountCandidate.HMAC) == 0) {
			cause := "blob mount failure"
			if err != nil {
				cause = fmt.Sprintf("an error: %v", err.Error())
			logrus.Debugf("removing association between layer %s and %s due to %s", mountCandidate.Digest, mountCandidate.SourceRepository, cause)

		if lu != nil {
			// cancel previous upload
			cancelLayerUpload(ctx, mountCandidate.Digest, layerUpload)
			layerUpload = lu

	if maxExistenceChecks-len(pd.checkedDigests) > 0 {
		// do additional layer existence checks with other known digests if any
		descriptor, exists, err := pd.layerAlreadyExists(ctx, progressOutput, diffID, checkOtherRepositories, maxExistenceChecks-len(pd.checkedDigests), v2Metadata)
		if exists || err != nil {
			return descriptor, err

	logrus.Debugf("Pushing layer: %s", diffID)
	if layerUpload == nil {
		layerUpload, err = bs.Create(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return distribution.Descriptor{}, retryOnError(err)
	defer layerUpload.Close()

	// upload the blob
	desc, err := pd.uploadUsingSession(ctx, progressOutput, diffID, layerUpload)
	if err != nil {
		return desc, err

	return desc, nil
// Update adds new images to the cache
func (c *ImageCache) Update(client *client.PortLayer) error {
	defer c.m.Unlock()

	CacheNotUpdated = true

	log.Debugf("Updating image cache...")

	host, err := guest.UUID()
	if host == "" {
		host, err = os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected error getting hostname: %s", err)

	// attempt to create the image store if it doesn't exist
	store := &models.ImageStore{Name: host}
	_, err = client.Storage.CreateImageStore(

	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(*storage.CreateImageStoreConflict); ok {
			log.Debugf("Store already exists")
		} else {
			log.Debugf("Creating a store failed: %#v", err)
			return err

	params := storage.NewListImagesParams().WithStoreName(host)

	layers, err := client.Storage.ListImages(params)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to retrieve image list from portlayer: %s", err)

	for _, layer := range layers.Payload {
		imageConfig := &metadata.ImageConfig{}
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(layer.Metadata["metaData"]), imageConfig); err != nil {
			derr.NewErrorWithStatusCode(fmt.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal image config: %s", err),

		if imageConfig.ImageID != "" {
			var imageID string

			// Don't assume the image id in image has "sha256:<id> as format.  We store it in
			// this fomat to make it easier to lookup by digest
			if strings.HasPrefix(imageConfig.ImageID, "sha") {
				imageID = imageConfig.ImageID
			} else {
				imageID = "sha256:" + imageConfig.ImageID

			c.cacheByID[imageID] = imageConfig

			// Normalize the name stored in imageConfig using Docker's reference code
			ref, err := reference.WithName(imageConfig.Name)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Tried to create reference from %s: %s", imageConfig.Name, err.Error())

			for id := range imageConfig.Tags {
				tag := imageConfig.Tags[id]
				ref, err = reference.WithTag(ref, tag)
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("Tried to create tagged reference from %s and tag %s: %s", imageConfig.Name, tag, err.Error())

				if tagged, ok := ref.(reference.NamedTagged); ok {
					taggedName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", tagged.Name(), tagged.Tag())
					c.cacheByName[taggedName] = imageConfig
				} else {
					c.cacheByName[ref.Name()] = imageConfig

	CacheNotUpdated = false
	return nil
func (pd *v2PushDescriptor) Upload(ctx context.Context, progressOutput progress.Output) error {
	diffID := pd.DiffID()

	if _, ok := pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID]; ok {
		// it is already known that the push is not needed and
		// therefore doing a stat is unnecessary
		progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Layer already exists")
		return nil

	// Do we have any metadata associated with this layer's DiffID?
	v2Metadata, err := pd.v2MetadataService.GetMetadata(diffID)
	if err == nil {
		descriptor, exists, err := layerAlreadyExists(ctx, v2Metadata, pd.repoInfo, pd.repo, pd.pushState)
		if err != nil {
			progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Image push failed")
			return retryOnError(err)
		if exists {
			progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Layer already exists")
			pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID] = descriptor
			return nil

	logrus.Debugf("Pushing layer: %s", diffID)

	// if digest was empty or not saved, or if blob does not exist on the remote repository,
	// then push the blob.
	bs := pd.repo.Blobs(ctx)

	var mountFrom metadata.V2Metadata

	// Attempt to find another repository in the same registry to mount the layer from to avoid an unnecessary upload
	for _, metadata := range v2Metadata {
		sourceRepo, err := reference.ParseNamed(metadata.SourceRepository)
		if err != nil {
		if pd.repoInfo.Hostname() == sourceRepo.Hostname() {
			logrus.Debugf("attempting to mount layer %s (%s) from %s", diffID, metadata.Digest, sourceRepo.FullName())
			mountFrom = metadata

	var createOpts []distribution.BlobCreateOption

	if mountFrom.SourceRepository != "" {
		namedRef, err := reference.WithName(mountFrom.SourceRepository)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// TODO (brianbland): We need to construct a reference where the Name is
		// only the full remote name, so clean this up when distribution has a
		// richer reference package
		remoteRef, err := distreference.WithName(namedRef.RemoteName())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		canonicalRef, err := distreference.WithDigest(remoteRef, mountFrom.Digest)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		createOpts = append(createOpts, client.WithMountFrom(canonicalRef))

	// Send the layer
	layerUpload, err := bs.Create(ctx, createOpts...)
	switch err := err.(type) {
	case distribution.ErrBlobMounted:
		progress.Updatef(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Mounted from %s", err.From.Name())

		err.Descriptor.MediaType = schema2.MediaTypeLayer

		pd.pushState.confirmedV2 = true
		pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID] = err.Descriptor

		// Cache mapping from this layer's DiffID to the blobsum
		if err := pd.v2MetadataService.Add(diffID, metadata.V2Metadata{Digest: mountFrom.Digest, SourceRepository: pd.repoInfo.FullName()}); err != nil {
			return xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}

		return nil
	if mountFrom.SourceRepository != "" {
		// unable to mount layer from this repository, so this source mapping is no longer valid
		logrus.Debugf("unassociating layer %s (%s) with %s", diffID, mountFrom.Digest, mountFrom.SourceRepository)

	if err != nil {
		return retryOnError(err)
	defer layerUpload.Close()

	arch, err := pd.layer.TarStream()
	if err != nil {
		return xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}

	// don't care if this fails; best effort
	size, _ := pd.layer.DiffSize()

	reader := progress.NewProgressReader(ioutils.NewCancelReadCloser(ctx, arch), progressOutput, size, pd.ID(), "Pushing")
	compressedReader, compressionDone := compress(reader)
	defer func() {

	digester := digest.Canonical.New()
	tee := io.TeeReader(compressedReader, digester.Hash())

	nn, err := layerUpload.ReadFrom(tee)
	if err != nil {
		return retryOnError(err)

	pushDigest := digester.Digest()
	if _, err := layerUpload.Commit(ctx, distribution.Descriptor{Digest: pushDigest}); err != nil {
		return retryOnError(err)

	logrus.Debugf("uploaded layer %s (%s), %d bytes", diffID, pushDigest, nn)
	progress.Update(progressOutput, pd.ID(), "Pushed")

	// Cache mapping from this layer's DiffID to the blobsum
	if err := pd.v2MetadataService.Add(diffID, metadata.V2Metadata{Digest: pushDigest, SourceRepository: pd.repoInfo.FullName()}); err != nil {
		return xfer.DoNotRetry{Err: err}


	// If Commit succeded, that's an indication that the remote registry
	// speaks the v2 protocol.
	pd.pushState.confirmedV2 = true

	pd.pushState.remoteLayers[diffID] = distribution.Descriptor{
		Digest:    pushDigest,
		MediaType: schema2.MediaTypeLayer,
		Size:      nn,


	return nil
func migrateRefs(root, driverName string, rs refAdder, mappings map[string]image.ID) error {
	migrationFile := filepath.Join(root, migrationTagsFileName)
	if _, err := os.Lstat(migrationFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return err

	type repositories struct {
		Repositories map[string]map[string]string

	var repos repositories

	f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(root, repositoriesFilePrefixLegacy+driverName))
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil
		return err
	defer f.Close()
	if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&repos); err != nil {
		return err

	for name, repo := range repos.Repositories {
		for tag, id := range repo {
			if strongID, exists := mappings[id]; exists {
				ref, err := reference.WithName(name)
				if err != nil {
					logrus.Errorf("migrate tags: invalid name %q, %q", name, err)
				if dgst, err := digest.ParseDigest(tag); err == nil {
					canonical, err := reference.WithDigest(ref, dgst)
					if err != nil {
						logrus.Errorf("migrate tags: invalid digest %q, %q", dgst, err)
					if err := rs.AddDigest(canonical, strongID, false); err != nil {
						logrus.Errorf("can't migrate digest %q for %q, err: %q", ref.String(), strongID, err)
				} else {
					tagRef, err := reference.WithTag(ref, tag)
					if err != nil {
						logrus.Errorf("migrate tags: invalid tag %q, %q", tag, err)
					if err := rs.AddTag(tagRef, strongID, false); err != nil {
						logrus.Errorf("can't migrate tag %q for %q, err: %q", ref.String(), strongID, err)
				logrus.Infof("migrated tag %s:%s to point to %s", name, tag, strongID)

	mf, err := os.Create(migrationFile)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
func TestParseRepositoryInfo(t *testing.T) {
	type staticRepositoryInfo struct {
		Index         *registrytypes.IndexInfo
		RemoteName    string
		CanonicalName string
		LocalName     string
		Official      bool

	expectedRepoInfos := map[string]staticRepositoryInfo{
		"fooo/bar": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "fooo/bar",
			LocalName:     "fooo/bar",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/fooo/bar",
			Official:      false,
		"library/ubuntu": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "library/ubuntu",
			LocalName:     "ubuntu",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu",
			Official:      true,
		"nonlibrary/ubuntu": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "nonlibrary/ubuntu",
			LocalName:     "nonlibrary/ubuntu",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/nonlibrary/ubuntu",
			Official:      false,
		"ubuntu": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "library/ubuntu",
			LocalName:     "ubuntu",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu",
			Official:      true,
		"other/library": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "other/library",
			LocalName:     "other/library",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/other/library",
			Official:      false,
		"": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "private/moonbase",
			LocalName:     "",
			CanonicalName: "",
			Official:      false,
		"": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "privatebase",
			LocalName:     "",
			CanonicalName: "",
			Official:      false,
		"localhost:8000/private/moonbase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "localhost:8000",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "private/moonbase",
			LocalName:     "localhost:8000/private/moonbase",
			CanonicalName: "localhost:8000/private/moonbase",
			Official:      false,
		"localhost:8000/privatebase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "localhost:8000",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "privatebase",
			LocalName:     "localhost:8000/privatebase",
			CanonicalName: "localhost:8000/privatebase",
			Official:      false,
		"example.com/private/moonbase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "example.com",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "private/moonbase",
			LocalName:     "example.com/private/moonbase",
			CanonicalName: "example.com/private/moonbase",
			Official:      false,
		"example.com/privatebase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "example.com",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "privatebase",
			LocalName:     "example.com/privatebase",
			CanonicalName: "example.com/privatebase",
			Official:      false,
		"example.com:8000/private/moonbase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "example.com:8000",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "private/moonbase",
			LocalName:     "example.com:8000/private/moonbase",
			CanonicalName: "example.com:8000/private/moonbase",
			Official:      false,
		"example.com:8000/privatebase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "example.com:8000",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "privatebase",
			LocalName:     "example.com:8000/privatebase",
			CanonicalName: "example.com:8000/privatebase",
			Official:      false,
		"localhost/private/moonbase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "localhost",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "private/moonbase",
			LocalName:     "localhost/private/moonbase",
			CanonicalName: "localhost/private/moonbase",
			Official:      false,
		"localhost/privatebase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     "localhost",
				Official: false,
			RemoteName:    "privatebase",
			LocalName:     "localhost/privatebase",
			CanonicalName: "localhost/privatebase",
			Official:      false,
		IndexName + "/public/moonbase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "public/moonbase",
			LocalName:     "public/moonbase",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/public/moonbase",
			Official:      false,
		"index." + IndexName + "/public/moonbase": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "public/moonbase",
			LocalName:     "public/moonbase",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/public/moonbase",
			Official:      false,
		"ubuntu-12.04-base": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
			LocalName:     "ubuntu-12.04-base",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
			Official:      true,
		IndexName + "/ubuntu-12.04-base": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
			LocalName:     "ubuntu-12.04-base",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
			Official:      true,
		"index." + IndexName + "/ubuntu-12.04-base": {
			Index: &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
				Name:     IndexName,
				Official: true,
			RemoteName:    "library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
			LocalName:     "ubuntu-12.04-base",
			CanonicalName: "docker.io/library/ubuntu-12.04-base",
			Official:      true,

	for reposName, expectedRepoInfo := range expectedRepoInfos {
		named, err := reference.WithName(reposName)
		if err != nil {

		repoInfo, err := ParseRepositoryInfo(named)
		if err != nil {
		} else {
			checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Index.Name, expectedRepoInfo.Index.Name, reposName)
			checkEqual(t, repoInfo.RemoteName(), expectedRepoInfo.RemoteName, reposName)
			checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Name(), expectedRepoInfo.LocalName, reposName)
			checkEqual(t, repoInfo.FullName(), expectedRepoInfo.CanonicalName, reposName)
			checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Index.Official, expectedRepoInfo.Index.Official, reposName)
			checkEqual(t, repoInfo.Official, expectedRepoInfo.Official, reposName)