func BugList(p chan string) gui.Widget {
	bugs := []gui.Widget{}
	bl, err := bug.List()
	if err != nil {
		panic("bug.List: " + err.String())
	attributes := bug.ListAttributes()
	bugtable := [][]gui.Widget{{gui.Text("id")}}
	for _, a := range attributes {
		bugtable[0] = append(bugtable[0], gui.Text(a))
	bugtable[0] = append(bugtable[0], gui.Text("date"), gui.Text("bug"))
	for bnum, b := range bl {
		b.Comments() // to get attributes
		bugname := fmt.Sprint(bug, "-", bnum)
		// bugs = append(bugs, gui.Text(""), gui.Text(bugname))
		cs, err := b.Comments()
		if err != nil || len(cs) == 0 {
		// for _, c := range cs {
		// 	bugs = append(bugs, gui.Text(c.Author), gui.Text(c.Date), gui.Text(c.Text))
		// }
		bid := gui.Button(bugname)
		row := []gui.Widget{bid}
		for _, a := range attributes {
			row = append(row, AttributeChooser(b, a, WriteNow))
		bdate := gui.Text(cs[0].Date)
		//btitle := AttributeChooser(b, "title")
		btitle := gui.Markdown(b.Attributes["title"])
		row = append(row, bdate, btitle)
		go func() {
			for {
				select {
				case _ = <-bid.Clicks():
					p <- "/" + bugname
				case _ = <-bdate.Clicks():
					p <- "/" + bugname
		bugtable = append(bugtable, row)
	bugs = append(bugs, gui.Text(""), gui.Text(""), gui.Table(bugtable))
	return gui.Column(bugs...)
func BugPage(p chan string, btype έντομο.Type, bnum int) gui.Widget {
	bl, err := btype.List()
	if err != nil {
		return gui.Text("Error: " + err.String())
	if bnum >= len(bl) {
		return gui.Text(fmt.Sprint("Error: no such ", btype, " as number ", bnum))
	b := bl[bnum]
	cs, err := b.Comments()
	if err != nil {
		return gui.Text("Error: " + err.String())
	attrs := []gui.Widget{}
	for attr := range b.Attributes {
		attrs = append(attrs, gui.Row(gui.Text(attr+":"), AttributeChooser(b, attr, WriteNow)))
	newcomment := gui.TextArea("")
	attrs = append(attrs, gui.Text("New comment:"))
	attrs = append(attrs, newcomment)
	submit := gui.Button("Add comment")
	attrs = append(attrs, submit)
	go func() {
		commentstr := ""
		for {
			select {
			case commentstr = <-newcomment.Changes():
				fmt.Println("Got nice comment:", commentstr)
				// Nothing to do...
			case _ = <-submit.Clicks():
				fmt.Println("Got add comment pushed.")
				p <- "/" + string(btype) + "-" + fmt.Sprint(bnum)
	var bugs []gui.Widget
	for _, c := range cs {
		if len(c.Text) > 0 {
			bugs = append(bugs, gui.Row(gui.Text(c.Author), gui.Text(c.Date)),
	return gui.Column(append(attrs, gui.Table(transpose(bugs)))...)
func Page() gui.Window {
	paths := make(chan string)
	x := gui.Column(Header("/", paths), BugList(paths))
	go func() {
		for {
			p := <-paths
			p = p[1:]
			fmt.Println("My path is actually", p)
			psplit := strings.SplitN(p, "-", 2)
			newp := x
			if len(psplit) != 2 {
				switch p {
				case "/", "":
					newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths), BugList(paths))
				case "new":
					newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths), NewBug(paths, έντομο.Type("bug")))
					if page, err := ioutil.ReadFile(".entomon/Static/" + p + ".txt"); err == nil {
						newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths), gui.Text(string(page)))
					} else if page, err := ioutil.ReadFile(".entomon/Static/" + p + ".md"); err == nil {
						newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths), gui.Markdown(string(page)))
					} else if page, err := ioutil.ReadFile(".entomon/Static/" + p + ".html"); err == nil {
						newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths),
							gui.Text("This html shouldn't be escaped"), gui.Text(string(page)))
					} else {
						newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths), gui.Text("I don't understand: "+p))
			} else {
				bnum, err := strconv.Atoi(psplit[1])
				if err != nil || len(psplit[0]) == 0 {
					newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths), BugList(paths))
				} else {
					newp = gui.Column(Header(p, paths), BugPage(paths, έντομο.Type(psplit[0]), bnum))
			x.Updater() <- newp
			x = newp
	return gui.Window{"Title", "/", x}