// connectFallback opens an API connection using the supplied info,
// or a copy using the fallbackPassword; blocks for up to 5 minutes
// if it encounters a CodeNotProvisioned error, periodically retrying;
// and eventually, having either succeeded, failed, or timed out, returns:
//   * (if successful) the connection, and whether the fallback was used
//   * (otherwise) whatever error it most recently encountered
// It's clear that it still has machine-agent concerns still baked in,
// but there's no obvious practical path to separating those entirely at
// the moment.
// (The right answer is probably to treat CodeNotProvisioned as a normal
// error and depend on (currently nonexistent) exponential backoff in
// the framework: either it'll work soon enough, or the controller will
// spot the error and nuke the machine anyway. No harm leaving the local
// agent running and occasionally polling for changes -- it won't do much
// until it's managed to log in, and any suicide-cutoff point we pick here
// will be objectively bad in some circumstances.)
func connectFallback(
	apiOpen api.OpenFunc, info *api.Info, fallbackPassword string,
) (
	conn api.Connection, didFallback bool, err error,
) {

	// We expect to assign to `conn`, `err`, *and* `info` in
	// the course of this operation: wrapping this repeated
	// atom in a func currently seems to be less treacherous
	// than the alternatives.
	var tryConnect = func() {
		conn, err = apiOpen(info, api.DialOpts{})

	// Try to connect, trying both the primary and fallback
	// passwords if necessary; and update info, and remember
	// which password we used.
	if params.IsCodeUnauthorized(err) {
		// We've perhaps used the wrong password, so
		// try again with the fallback password.
		infoCopy := *info
		info = &infoCopy
		info.Password = fallbackPassword
		didFallback = true

	// We might be a machine agent that's started before its
	// provisioner has had a chance to report instance data
	// to the machine; wait a fair while to ensure we really
	// are in the (expected rare) provisioner-crash situation
	// that would cause permanent CodeNotProvisioned (which
	// indicates that the controller has forgotten about us,
	// and is provisioning a new instance, so we really should
	// uninstall).
	// Yes, it's dumb that this can't be interrupted, and that
	// it's not configurable without patching.
	if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
		for a := checkProvisionedStrategy.Start(); a.Next(); {
			if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {

	// At this point we've run out of reasons to retry connecting,
	// and just go with whatever error we last saw (if any).
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, errors.Trace(err)
	return conn, didFallback, nil
// pendingOrDead looks up machines with ids and returns those that do not
// have an instance id assigned yet, and also those that are dead.
func (task *provisionerTask) pendingOrDeadOrMaintain(ids []string) (pending, dead, maintain []*apiprovisioner.Machine, err error) {
	for _, id := range ids {
		machine, found := task.machines[id]
		if !found {
			logger.Infof("machine %q not found", id)
		switch machine.Life() {
		case params.Dying:
			if _, err := machine.InstanceId(); err == nil {
			} else if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
				return nil, nil, nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to load machine %q instance id: %v", machine)
			logger.Infof("killing dying, unprovisioned machine %q", machine)
			if err := machine.EnsureDead(); err != nil {
				return nil, nil, nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to ensure machine dead %q: %v", machine)
		case params.Dead:
			dead = append(dead, machine)
		if instId, err := machine.InstanceId(); err != nil {
			if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
				logger.Errorf("failed to load machine %q instance id: %v", machine, err)
			status, _, err := machine.Status()
			if err != nil {
				logger.Infof("cannot get machine %q status: %v", machine, err)
			if status == params.StatusPending {
				pending = append(pending, machine)
				logger.Infof("found machine %q pending provisioning", machine)
		} else {
			logger.Infof("machine %v already started as instance %q", machine, instId)
			if err != nil {
				logger.Infof("Error fetching provisioning info")
			} else {
				isLxc := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+/lxc/\d+`)
				if isLxc.MatchString(machine.Id()) {
					maintain = append(maintain, machine)
	logger.Tracef("pending machines: %v", pending)
	logger.Tracef("dead machines: %v", dead)
文件: machines.go 项目: bac/juju
// refreshMachine refreshes the specified machine's instance ID. If it is set,
// then the machine watcher is stopped and pending entities' parameters are
// updated. If the machine is not provisioned yet, this method is a no-op.
func refreshMachine(ctx *context, tag names.MachineTag) error {
	w, ok := ctx.machines[tag]
	if !ok {
		return errors.Errorf("machine %s is not being watched", tag.Id())
	stopAndRemove := func() error {
		delete(ctx.machines, tag)
		return nil
	results, err := ctx.config.Machines.InstanceIds([]names.MachineTag{tag})
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting machine instance ID")
	if err := results[0].Error; err != nil {
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			return nil
		} else if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
			// Machine is gone, so stop watching.
			return stopAndRemove()
		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting machine instance ID")
	machineProvisioned(ctx, tag, instance.Id(results[0].Result))
	// machine provisioning is the only thing we care about;
	// stop the watcher.
	return stopAndRemove()
文件: errors.go 项目: exekias/juju
// RestoreError makes a best effort at converting the given error
// back into an error originally converted by ServerError(). If the
// error could not be converted then false is returned.
func RestoreError(err error) (error, bool) {
	err = errors.Cause(err)

	if apiErr, ok := err.(*params.Error); !ok {
		return err, false
	} else if apiErr == nil {
		return nil, true
	if params.ErrCode(err) == "" {
		return err, false
	msg := err.Error()

	if singleton, ok := singletonError(err); ok {
		return singleton, true

	// TODO(ericsnow) Support the other error types handled by ServerError().
	switch {
	case params.IsCodeUnauthorized(err):
		return errors.NewUnauthorized(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeNotFound(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) UnknownModelError should be handled here too.
		// ...by parsing msg?
		return errors.NewNotFound(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeAlreadyExists(err):
		return errors.NewAlreadyExists(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeNotAssigned(err):
		return errors.NewNotAssigned(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeHasAssignedUnits(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle state.HasAssignedUnitsError here.
		// ...by parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeNoAddressSet(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle isNoAddressSetError here.
		// ...by parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err):
		return errors.NewNotProvisioned(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsCodeUpgradeInProgress(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle state.UpgradeInProgressError here.
		// ...by parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeMachineHasAttachedStorage(err):
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle state.HasAttachmentsError here.
		// ...by parsing msg?
		return err, false
	case params.IsCodeNotSupported(err):
		return errors.NewNotSupported(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsBadRequest(err):
		return errors.NewBadRequest(nil, msg), true
	case params.IsMethodNotAllowed(err):
		return errors.NewMethodNotAllowed(nil, msg), true
	case params.ErrCode(err) == params.CodeDischargeRequired:
		// TODO(ericsnow) Handle DischargeRequiredError here.
		return err, false
		return err, false
func (s *storageAttachmentWatcher) loop() error {
	for {
		select {
		case <-s.catacomb.Dying():
			return s.catacomb.ErrDying()
		case _, ok := <-s.changes:
			if !ok {
				return errors.New("storage attachment watcher closed")
			snapshot, err := getStorageSnapshot(
				s.st, s.storageTag, s.unitTag,
			if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
				// The storage attachment was removed
				// from state, so we can stop watching.
				return nil
			} else if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
				// We do not care about unattached
				// storage here.
			} else if err != nil {
				return err
			change := storageAttachmentChange{
			select {
			case <-s.catacomb.Dying():
				return s.catacomb.ErrDying()
			case s.out <- change:
// findUnknownInstances finds instances which are not associated with a machine.
func (task *provisionerTask) findUnknownInstances(stopping []instance.Instance) ([]instance.Instance, error) {
	// Make a copy of the instances we know about.
	instances := make(map[instance.Id]instance.Instance)
	for k, v := range task.instances {
		instances[k] = v

	for _, m := range task.machines {
		instId, err := m.InstanceId()
		switch {
		case err == nil:
			delete(instances, instId)
		case params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err):
		case params.IsCodeNotFoundOrCodeUnauthorized(err):
			return nil, err
	// Now remove all those instances that we are stopping already as we
	// know about those and don't want to include them in the unknown list.
	for _, inst := range stopping {
		delete(instances, inst.Id())
	var unknown []instance.Instance
	for _, inst := range instances {
		unknown = append(unknown, inst)
	return unknown, nil
// watchStorageAttachment starts watching the storage attachment with
// the specified storage tag, waits for its first event, and records
// the information in the current snapshot.
func (w *RemoteStateWatcher) watchStorageAttachment(
	tag names.StorageTag,
	life params.Life,
	saw watcher.NotifyWatcher,
) error {
	var storageSnapshot StorageSnapshot
	select {
	case <-w.catacomb.Dying():
		return w.catacomb.ErrDying()
	case _, ok := <-saw.Changes():
		if !ok {
			return errors.New("storage attachment watcher closed")
		var err error
		storageSnapshot, err = getStorageSnapshot(w.st, tag, w.unit.Tag())
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			// If the storage is unprovisioned, we still want to
			// record the attachment, but we'll mark it as
			// unattached. This allows the uniter to wait for
			// pending storage attachments to be provisioned.
			storageSnapshot = StorageSnapshot{Life: life}
		} else if err != nil {
			return errors.Annotatef(err, "processing initial storage attachment change")
	innerSAW, err := newStorageAttachmentWatcher(
		w.st, saw, w.unit.Tag(), tag, w.storageAttachmentChanges,
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	w.current.Storage[tag] = storageSnapshot
	w.storageAttachmentWatchers[tag] = innerSAW
	return nil
// processAliveFilesystems processes the FilesystemResults for Alive filesystems,
// provisioning filesystems and setting the info in state as necessary.
func processAliveFilesystems(ctx *context, tags []names.FilesystemTag, filesystemResults []params.FilesystemResult) error {
	// Filter out the already-provisioned filesystems.
	pending := make([]names.FilesystemTag, 0, len(tags))
	for i, result := range filesystemResults {
		tag := tags[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			// Filesystem is already provisioned: skip.
			logger.Debugf("filesystem %q is already provisioned, nothing to do", tag.Id())
			filesystem, err := filesystemFromParams(result.Result)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotate(err, "getting filesystem info")
			ctx.filesystems[tag] = filesystem
			if filesystem.Volume != (names.VolumeTag{}) {
				// Ensure that volume-backed filesystems' block
				// devices are present even after creating the
				// filesystem, so that attachments can be made.
				maybeAddPendingVolumeBlockDevice(ctx, filesystem.Volume)
		if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				result.Error, "getting filesystem information for filesystem %q", tag.Id(),
		// The filesystem has not yet been provisioned, so record its tag
		// to enquire about parameters below.
		pending = append(pending, tag)
	if len(pending) == 0 {
		return nil
	paramsResults, err := ctx.filesystemAccessor.FilesystemParams(pending)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting filesystem params")
	for i, result := range paramsResults {
		if result.Error != nil {
			return errors.Annotate(result.Error, "getting filesystem parameters")
		params, err := filesystemParamsFromParams(result.Result)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Annotate(err, "getting filesystem parameters")
		ctx.pendingFilesystems[pending[i]] = params
		if params.Volume != (names.VolumeTag{}) {
			// The filesystem is volume-backed: we must watch for
			// the corresponding block device. This will trigger a
			// one-time (for the volume) forced update of block
			// devices. If the block device is not immediately
			// available, then we rely on the watcher. The forced
			// update is necessary in case the block device was
			// added to state already, and we didn't observe it.
			maybeAddPendingVolumeBlockDevice(ctx, params.Volume)
	return nil
func classifyMachine(machine ClassifiableMachine) (
	MachineClassification, error) {
	switch machine.Life() {
	case params.Dying:
		if _, err := machine.InstanceId(); err == nil {
			return None, nil
		} else if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			return None, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to load dying machine id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
		logger.Infof("killing dying, unprovisioned machine %q", machine)
		if err := machine.EnsureDead(); err != nil {
			return None, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to ensure machine dead id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
	case params.Dead:
		return Dead, nil
	if instId, err := machine.InstanceId(); err != nil {
		if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			return None, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to load machine id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
		status, _, err := machine.Status()
		if err != nil {
			logger.Infof("cannot get machine id:%s, details:%v, err:%v", machine.Id(), machine, err)
			return None, nil
		if status == params.StatusPending {
			logger.Infof("found machine pending provisioning id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
			return Pending, nil
	} else {
		logger.Infof("machine %s already started as instance %q", machine.Id(), instId)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Infof("Error fetching provisioning info")
		} else {
			isLxc := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+/lxc/\d+`)
			isKvm := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+/kvm/\d+`)
			if isLxc.MatchString(machine.Id()) || isKvm.MatchString(machine.Id()) {
				return Maintain, nil
	return None, nil
文件: updater.go 项目: Pankov404/juju
func machineLoop(context machineContext, m machine, changed <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Use a short poll interval when initially waiting for
	// a machine's address and machine agent to start, and a long one when it already
	// has an address and the machine agent is started.
	pollInterval := ShortPoll
	pollInstance := true
	for {
		if pollInstance {
			instInfo, err := pollInstanceInfo(context, m)
			if err != nil && !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
				// If the provider doesn't implement Addresses/Status now,
				// it never will until we're upgraded, so don't bother
				// asking any more. We could use less resources
				// by taking down the entire worker, but this is easier for now
				// (and hopefully the local provider will implement
				// Addresses/Status in the not-too-distant future),
				// so we won't need to worry about this case at all.
				if params.IsCodeNotImplemented(err) {
					pollInterval = 365 * 24 * time.Hour
				} else {
					return err
			machineStatus := params.StatusPending
			if err == nil {
				if statusInfo, err := m.Status(); err != nil {
					logger.Warningf("cannot get current machine status for machine %v: %v", m.Id(), err)
				} else {
					machineStatus = statusInfo.Status
			if len(instInfo.addresses) > 0 && instInfo.status != "" && machineStatus == params.StatusStarted {
				// We've got at least one address and a status and instance is started, so poll infrequently.
				pollInterval = LongPoll
			} else if pollInterval < LongPoll {
				// We have no addresses or not started - poll increasingly rarely
				// until we do.
				pollInterval = time.Duration(float64(pollInterval) * ShortPollBackoff)
			pollInstance = false
		select {
		case <-time.After(pollInterval):
			pollInstance = true
		case <-context.dying():
			return nil
		case <-changed:
			if err := m.Refresh(); err != nil {
				return err
			if m.Life() == params.Dead {
				return nil
文件: updater.go 项目: bac/juju
// pollInstanceInfo checks the current provider addresses and status
// for the given machine's instance, and sets them on the machine if they've changed.
func pollInstanceInfo(context machineContext, m machine) (instInfo instanceInfo, err error) {
	instInfo = instanceInfo{}
	instId, err := m.InstanceId()
	// We can't ask the machine for its addresses if it isn't provisioned yet.
	if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
		return instanceInfo{}, err
	if err != nil {
		return instanceInfo{}, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot get machine's instance id")
	instInfo, err = context.instanceInfo(instId)
	if err != nil {
		// TODO (anastasiamac 2016-02-01) This does not look like it needs to be removed now.
		if params.IsCodeNotImplemented(err) {
			return instanceInfo{}, err
		logger.Warningf("cannot get instance info for instance %q: %v", instId, err)
		return instInfo, nil
	if instStat, err := m.InstanceStatus(); err != nil {
		// This should never occur since the machine is provisioned.
		// But just in case, we reset polled status so we try again next time.
		logger.Warningf("cannot get current instance status for machine %v: %v", m.Id(), err)
		instInfo.status = instance.InstanceStatus{status.Unknown, ""}
	} else {
		// TODO(perrito666) add status validation.
		currentInstStatus := instance.InstanceStatus{
			Status:  status.Status(instStat.Status),
			Message: instStat.Info,
		if instInfo.status != currentInstStatus {
			logger.Infof("machine %q instance status changed from %q to %q", m.Id(), currentInstStatus, instInfo.status)
			if err = m.SetInstanceStatus(instInfo.status.Status, instInfo.status.Message, nil); err != nil {
				logger.Errorf("cannot set instance status on %q: %v", m, err)
				return instanceInfo{}, err

	if m.Life() != params.Dead {
		providerAddresses, err := m.ProviderAddresses()
		if err != nil {
			return instanceInfo{}, err
		if !addressesEqual(providerAddresses, instInfo.addresses) {
			logger.Infof("machine %q has new addresses: %v", m.Id(), instInfo.addresses)
			if err := m.SetProviderAddresses(instInfo.addresses...); err != nil {
				logger.Errorf("cannot set addresses on %q: %v", m, err)
				return instanceInfo{}, err
	return instInfo, nil
func classifyMachine(machine ClassifiableMachine) (
	MachineClassification, error) {
	switch machine.Life() {
	case params.Dying:
		if _, err := machine.InstanceId(); err == nil {
			return None, nil
		} else if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			return None, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to load dying machine id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
		logger.Infof("killing dying, unprovisioned machine %q", machine)
		if err := machine.EnsureDead(); err != nil {
			return None, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to ensure machine dead id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
	case params.Dead:
		return Dead, nil
	instId, err := machine.InstanceId()
	if err != nil {
		if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			return None, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to load machine id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
		machineStatus, _, err := machine.Status()
		if err != nil {
			logger.Infof("cannot get machine id:%s, details:%v, err:%v", machine.Id(), machine, err)
			return None, nil
		if machineStatus == status.Pending {
			logger.Infof("found machine pending provisioning id:%s, details:%v", machine.Id(), machine)
			return Pending, nil
		return None, nil
	logger.Infof("machine %s already started as instance %q", machine.Id(), instId)

	if state.ContainerTypeFromId(machine.Id()) != "" {
		return Maintain, nil
	return None, nil
func machineLoop(context machineContext, m machine, changed <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Use a short poll interval when initially waiting for
	// a machine's address and machine agent to start, and a long one when it already
	// has an address and the machine agent is started.
	pollInterval := ShortPoll
	pollInstance := true
	for {
		if pollInstance {
			instInfo, err := pollInstanceInfo(context, m)
			if err != nil && !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
				return err
			machineStatus := status.StatusPending
			if err == nil {
				if statusInfo, err := m.Status(); err != nil {
					logger.Warningf("cannot get current machine status for machine %v: %v", m.Id(), err)
				} else {
					machineStatus = statusInfo.Status
			// the extra condition below (checking allocating/pending) is here to improve user experience
			// without it the instance status will say "pending" for +10 minutes after the agent comes up to "started"
			if instInfo.status.Status != status.StatusAllocating && instInfo.status.Status != status.StatusPending {
				if len(instInfo.addresses) > 0 && machineStatus == status.StatusStarted {
					// We've got at least one address and a status and instance is started, so poll infrequently.
					pollInterval = LongPoll
				} else if pollInterval < LongPoll {
					// We have no addresses or not started - poll increasingly rarely
					// until we do.
					pollInterval = time.Duration(float64(pollInterval) * ShortPollBackoff)
			pollInstance = false
		select {
		case <-context.dying():
			return context.errDying()
		case <-time.After(pollInterval):
			// TODO(fwereade): 2016-03-17 lp:1558657
			pollInstance = true
		case <-changed:
			if err := m.Refresh(); err != nil {
				return err
			if m.Life() == params.Dead {
				return nil
// refreshVolumeBlockDevices refreshes the block devices for the specified
// volumes.
func refreshVolumeBlockDevices(ctx *context, volumeTags []names.VolumeTag) error {
	machineTag, ok := ctx.config.Scope.(names.MachineTag)
	if !ok {
		// This function should only be called by machine-scoped
		// storage provisioners.
		panic(errors.New("expected machine tag"))
	ids := make([]params.MachineStorageId, len(volumeTags))
	for i, volumeTag := range volumeTags {
		ids[i] = params.MachineStorageId{
			MachineTag:    machineTag.String(),
			AttachmentTag: volumeTag.String(),
	results, err := ctx.config.Volumes.VolumeBlockDevices(ids)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "refreshing volume block devices")
	for i, result := range results {
		if result.Error == nil {
			ctx.volumeBlockDevices[volumeTags[i]] = result.Result
			for _, params := range ctx.incompleteFilesystemParams {
				if params.Volume == volumeTags[i] {
					updatePendingFilesystem(ctx, params)
			for id, params := range ctx.incompleteFilesystemAttachmentParams {
				filesystem, ok := ctx.filesystems[params.Filesystem]
				if !ok {
				if filesystem.Volume == volumeTags[i] {
					updatePendingFilesystemAttachment(ctx, id, params)
		} else if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) || params.IsCodeNotFound(result.Error) {
			// Either the volume (attachment) isn't provisioned,
			// or the corresponding block device is not yet known.
			// Neither of these errors is fatal; we just wait for
			// the block device watcher to notify us again.
		} else {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				err, "getting block device info for volume attachment %v",
	return nil
文件: open.go 项目: exekias/juju
func openAPIStateUsingInfo(info *api.Info, oldPassword string) (api.Connection, bool, error) {
	// We let the API dial fail immediately because the
	// runner's loop outside the caller of openAPIState will
	// keep on retrying. If we block for ages here,
	// then the worker that's calling this cannot
	// be interrupted.
	st, err := apiOpen(info, api.DialOpts{})
	usedOldPassword := false
	if params.IsCodeUnauthorized(err) {
		// We've perhaps used the wrong password, so
		// try again with the fallback password.
		infoCopy := *info
		info = &infoCopy
		info.Password = oldPassword
		usedOldPassword = true
		st, err = apiOpen(info, api.DialOpts{})
	// The provisioner may take some time to record the agent's
	// machine instance ID, so wait until it does so.
	if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
		for a := checkProvisionedStrategy.Start(); a.Next(); {
			st, err = apiOpen(info, api.DialOpts{})
			if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
	if err != nil {
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) || params.IsCodeUnauthorized(err) {
			logger.Errorf("agent terminating due to error returned during API open: %v", err)
			return nil, false, worker.ErrTerminateAgent
		return nil, false, err

	return st, usedOldPassword, nil
// processAliveFilesystemAttachments processes the FilesystemAttachmentResults
// for Alive filesystem attachments, attaching filesystems and setting the info
// in state as necessary.
func processAliveFilesystemAttachments(
	ctx *context,
	ids []params.MachineStorageId,
	filesystemAttachmentResults []params.FilesystemAttachmentResult,
) error {
	// Filter out the already-attached.
	pending := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	for i, result := range filesystemAttachmentResults {
		if result.Error == nil {
			delete(ctx.pendingFilesystemAttachments, ids[i])
			// Filesystem attachment is already provisioned: if we
			// didn't (re)attach in this session, then we must do
			// so now.
			action := "nothing to do"
			if _, ok := ctx.filesystemAttachments[ids[i]]; !ok {
				// Not yet (re)attached in this session.
				pending = append(pending, ids[i])
				action = "will reattach"
				"%s is already attached to %s, %s",
				ids[i].AttachmentTag, ids[i].MachineTag, action,
		if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				result.Error, "getting information for attachment %v", ids[i],
		// The filesystem has not yet been attached, so
		// record its tag to enquire about parameters below.
		pending = append(pending, ids[i])
	if len(pending) == 0 {
		return nil
	params, err := filesystemAttachmentParams(ctx, pending)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	for i, params := range params {
		if params.InstanceId == "" {
			watchMachine(ctx, params.Machine)
		ctx.pendingFilesystemAttachments[pending[i]] = params
	return nil
// processAliveVolumeAttachments processes the VolumeAttachmentResults
// for Alive volume attachments, attaching volumes and setting the info
// in state as necessary.
func processAliveVolumeAttachments(
	ctx *context,
	ids []params.MachineStorageId,
	volumeAttachmentResults []params.VolumeAttachmentResult,
) error {
	// Filter out the already-attached.
	pending := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	for i, result := range volumeAttachmentResults {
		if result.Error == nil {
			// Volume attachment is already provisioned: if we
			// didn't (re)attach in this session, then we must
			// do so now.
			action := "nothing to do"
			if _, ok := ctx.volumeAttachments[ids[i]]; !ok {
				// Not yet (re)attached in this session.
				pending = append(pending, ids[i])
				action = "will reattach"
				"%s is already attached to %s, %s",
				ids[i].AttachmentTag, ids[i].MachineTag, action,
			removePendingVolumeAttachment(ctx, ids[i])
		if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				result.Error, "getting information for attachment %v", ids[i],
		// The volume has not yet been provisioned, so record its tag
		// to enquire about parameters below.
		pending = append(pending, ids[i])
	if len(pending) == 0 {
		return nil
	params, err := volumeAttachmentParams(ctx, pending)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	for i, params := range params {
		if volume, ok := ctx.volumes[params.Volume]; ok {
			params.VolumeId = volume.VolumeId
		updatePendingVolumeAttachment(ctx, pending[i], params)
	return nil
文件: source.go 项目: Pankov404/juju
// update is called when hook.SourceChanges are applied.
func (s *storageSource) update() error {
	attachment, err := s.st.StorageAttachment(s.storageTag, s.unitTag)
	if params.IsCodeNotFound(err) {
		// The storage attachment was removed from state, which
		// implies that the storage has been detached already.
		logger.Debugf("storage attachment %q not found", s.storageTag.Id())
		return nil
	} else if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
		logger.Debugf("storage attachment %q not provisioned yet", s.storageTag.Id())
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		logger.Debugf("error refreshing storage details: %v", err)
		return errors.Annotate(err, "refreshing storage details")
	return s.storageHookQueue.Update(attachment)
文件: updater.go 项目: exekias/juju
func machineLoop(context machineContext, m machine, changed <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Use a short poll interval when initially waiting for
	// a machine's address and machine agent to start, and a long one when it already
	// has an address and the machine agent is started.
	pollInterval := ShortPoll
	pollInstance := true
	for {
		if pollInstance {
			instInfo, err := pollInstanceInfo(context, m)
			if err != nil && !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
				return err
			machineStatus := params.StatusPending
			if err == nil {
				if statusInfo, err := m.Status(); err != nil {
					logger.Warningf("cannot get current machine status for machine %v: %v", m.Id(), err)
				} else {
					machineStatus = statusInfo.Status
			if len(instInfo.addresses) > 0 && instInfo.status != "" && machineStatus == params.StatusStarted {
				// We've got at least one address and a status and instance is started, so poll infrequently.
				pollInterval = LongPoll
			} else if pollInterval < LongPoll {
				// We have no addresses or not started - poll increasingly rarely
				// until we do.
				pollInterval = time.Duration(float64(pollInterval) * ShortPollBackoff)
			pollInstance = false
		select {
		case <-context.dying():
			return context.errDying()
		case <-time.After(pollInterval):
			pollInstance = true
		case <-changed:
			if err := m.Refresh(); err != nil {
				return err
			if m.Life() == params.Dead {
				return nil
// processDeadFilesystems processes the FilesystemResults for Dead filesystems,
// deprovisioning filesystems and removing from state as necessary.
func processDeadFilesystems(ctx *context, tags []names.FilesystemTag, filesystemResults []params.FilesystemResult) error {
	for _, tag := range tags {
		delete(ctx.pendingFilesystems, tag)
	var destroy []names.FilesystemTag
	var remove []names.Tag
	for i, result := range filesystemResults {
		tag := tags[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			logger.Debugf("filesystem %s is provisioned, queuing for deprovisioning", tag.Id())
			filesystem, err := filesystemFromParams(result.Result)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotate(err, "getting filesystem info")
			ctx.filesystems[tag] = filesystem
			destroy = append(destroy, tag)
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			logger.Debugf("filesystem %s is not provisioned, queuing for removal", tag.Id())
			remove = append(remove, tag)
		return errors.Annotatef(result.Error, "getting filesystem information for filesystem %s", tag.Id())
	if len(destroy)+len(remove) == 0 {
		return nil
	if len(destroy) > 0 {
		errorResults, err := destroyFilesystems(ctx, destroy)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Annotate(err, "destroying filesystems")
		for i, tag := range destroy {
			if err := errorResults[i]; err != nil {
				return errors.Annotatef(err, "destroying %s", names.ReadableString(tag))
			remove = append(remove, tag)
	if err := removeEntities(ctx, remove); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "removing filesystems from state")
	return nil
// processDyingFilesystems processes the FilesystemResults for Dying filesystems,
// removing them from provisioning-pending as necessary, and storing the current
// filesystem info for provisioned filesystems so that attachments may be destroyed.
func processDyingFilesystems(ctx *context, tags []names.FilesystemTag, filesystemResults []params.FilesystemResult) error {
	for _, tag := range tags {
		delete(ctx.pendingFilesystems, tag)
	for i, result := range filesystemResults {
		tag := tags[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			filesystem, err := filesystemFromParams(result.Result)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotate(err, "getting filesystem info")
			ctx.filesystems[tag] = filesystem
		} else if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			return errors.Annotatef(result.Error, "getting information for filesystem %s", tag.Id())
	return nil
文件: updater.go 项目: Pankov404/juju
// pollInstanceInfo checks the current provider addresses and status
// for the given machine's instance, and sets them on the machine if they've changed.
func pollInstanceInfo(context machineContext, m machine) (instInfo instanceInfo, err error) {
	instInfo = instanceInfo{}
	instId, err := m.InstanceId()
	// We can't ask the machine for its addresses if it isn't provisioned yet.
	if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
		return instInfo, err
	if err != nil {
		return instInfo, fmt.Errorf("cannot get machine's instance id: %v", err)
	instInfo, err = context.instanceInfo(instId)
	if err != nil {
		if params.IsCodeNotImplemented(err) {
			return instInfo, err
		logger.Warningf("cannot get instance info for instance %q: %v", instId, err)
		return instInfo, nil
	currentInstStatus, err := m.InstanceStatus()
	if err != nil {
		// This should never occur since the machine is provisioned.
		// But just in case, we reset polled status so we try again next time.
		logger.Warningf("cannot get current instance status for machine %v: %v", m.Id(), err)
		instInfo.status = ""
	} else {
		if instInfo.status != currentInstStatus {
			logger.Infof("machine %q instance status changed from %q to %q", m.Id(), currentInstStatus, instInfo.status)
			if err = m.SetInstanceStatus(instInfo.status); err != nil {
				logger.Errorf("cannot set instance status on %q: %v", m, err)
	providerAddresses, err := m.ProviderAddresses()
	if err != nil {
		return instInfo, err
	if !addressesEqual(providerAddresses, instInfo.addresses) {
		logger.Infof("machine %q has new addresses: %v", m.Id(), instInfo.addresses)
		if err = m.SetProviderAddresses(instInfo.addresses...); err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("cannot set addresses on %q: %v", m, err)
	return instInfo, err
// processAliveFilesystems processes the FilesystemResults for Alive filesystems,
// provisioning filesystems and setting the info in state as necessary.
func processAliveFilesystems(ctx *context, tags []names.FilesystemTag, filesystemResults []params.FilesystemResult) error {
	// Filter out the already-provisioned filesystems.
	pending := make([]names.FilesystemTag, 0, len(tags))
	for i, result := range filesystemResults {
		tag := tags[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			// Filesystem is already provisioned: skip.
			logger.Debugf("filesystem %q is already provisioned, nothing to do", tag.Id())
			filesystem, err := filesystemFromParams(result.Result)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotate(err, "getting filesystem info")
			updateFilesystem(ctx, filesystem)
			if filesystem.Volume != (names.VolumeTag{}) {
				// Ensure that volume-backed filesystems' block
				// devices are present even after creating the
				// filesystem, so that attachments can be made.
				maybeAddPendingVolumeBlockDevice(ctx, filesystem.Volume)
		if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				result.Error, "getting filesystem information for filesystem %q", tag.Id(),
		// The filesystem has not yet been provisioned, so record its tag
		// to enquire about parameters below.
		pending = append(pending, tag)
	if len(pending) == 0 {
		return nil
	params, err := filesystemParams(ctx, pending)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting filesystem params")
	for _, params := range params {
		updatePendingFilesystem(ctx, params)
	return nil
// processDyingVolumeAttachments processes the VolumeAttachmentResults for
// Dying volume attachments, detaching volumes and updating state as necessary.
func processDyingVolumeAttachments(
	ctx *context,
	ids []params.MachineStorageId,
	volumeAttachmentResults []params.VolumeAttachmentResult,
) error {
	for _, id := range ids {
		removePendingVolumeAttachment(ctx, id)
	detach := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	remove := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	for i, result := range volumeAttachmentResults {
		id := ids[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			detach = append(detach, id)
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			remove = append(remove, id)
		return errors.Annotatef(result.Error, "getting information for volume attachment %v", id)
	if len(detach) > 0 {
		attachmentParams, err := volumeAttachmentParams(ctx, detach)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		ops := make([]scheduleOp, len(attachmentParams))
		for i, p := range attachmentParams {
			ops[i] = &detachVolumeOp{args: p}
		scheduleOperations(ctx, ops...)
	if err := removeAttachments(ctx, remove); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "removing attachments from state")
	for _, id := range remove {
		delete(ctx.volumeAttachments, id)
	return nil
// processDyingFilesystemAttachments processes the FilesystemAttachmentResults for
// Dying filesystem attachments, detaching filesystems and updating state as necessary.
func processDyingFilesystemAttachments(
	ctx *context,
	ids []params.MachineStorageId,
	filesystemAttachmentResults []params.FilesystemAttachmentResult,
) error {
	if len(ids) == 0 {
		return nil
	for _, id := range ids {
		delete(ctx.pendingFilesystemAttachments, id)
	detach := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	remove := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	for i, result := range filesystemAttachmentResults {
		id := ids[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			detach = append(detach, id)
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			remove = append(remove, id)
		return errors.Annotatef(result.Error, "getting information for filesystem attachment %v", id)
	if len(detach) > 0 {
		attachmentParams, err := filesystemAttachmentParams(ctx, detach)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		for i, params := range attachmentParams {
			ctx.pendingDyingFilesystemAttachments[detach[i]] = params
	if len(remove) > 0 {
		if err := removeAttachments(ctx, remove); err != nil {
			return errors.Annotate(err, "removing attachments from state")
	return nil
文件: volumes.go 项目: Pankov404/juju
// processDyingVolumeAttachments processes the VolumeAttachmentResults for
// Dying volume attachments, detaching volumes and updating state as necessary.
func processDyingVolumeAttachments(
	ctx *context,
	ids []params.MachineStorageId,
	volumeAttachmentResults []params.VolumeAttachmentResult,
) error {
	if len(ids) == 0 {
		return nil
	for _, id := range ids {
		delete(ctx.pendingVolumeAttachments, id)
	detach := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	remove := make([]params.MachineStorageId, 0, len(ids))
	for i, result := range volumeAttachmentResults {
		id := ids[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			detach = append(detach, id)
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			remove = append(remove, id)
		return errors.Annotatef(result.Error, "getting information for volume attachment %v", id)
	if len(detach) > 0 {
		attachmentParams, err := volumeAttachmentParams(ctx, detach)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		if err := detachVolumes(ctx, attachmentParams); err != nil {
			return errors.Annotate(err, "detaching volumes")
		remove = append(remove, detach...)
	if err := removeAttachments(ctx, remove); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "removing attachments from state")
	return nil
文件: volumes.go 项目: Pankov404/juju
// processAliveVolumes processes the VolumeResults for Alive volumes,
// provisioning volumes and setting the info in state as necessary.
func processAliveVolumes(ctx *context, tags []names.Tag, volumeResults []params.VolumeResult) error {
	// Filter out the already-provisioned volumes.
	pending := make([]names.VolumeTag, 0, len(tags))
	for i, result := range volumeResults {
		volumeTag := tags[i].(names.VolumeTag)
		if result.Error == nil {
			// Volume is already provisioned: skip.
			logger.Debugf("volume %q is already provisioned, nothing to do", tags[i].Id())
			volume, err := volumeFromParams(result.Result)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotate(err, "getting volume info")
			ctx.volumes[volumeTag] = volume
			delete(ctx.pendingVolumes, volumeTag)
		if !params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			return errors.Annotatef(
				result.Error, "getting volume information for volume %q", tags[i].Id(),
		// The volume has not yet been provisioned, so record its tag
		// to enquire about parameters below.
		pending = append(pending, volumeTag)
	if len(pending) == 0 {
		return nil
	volumeParams, err := volumeParams(ctx, pending)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "getting volume params")
	for i, params := range volumeParams {
		if params.Attachment.InstanceId == "" {
			watchMachine(ctx, params.Attachment.Machine)
		ctx.pendingVolumes[pending[i]] = params
	return nil
// processDeadVolumes processes the VolumeResults for Dead volumes,
// deprovisioning volumes and removing from state as necessary.
func processDeadVolumes(ctx *context, tags []names.VolumeTag, volumeResults []params.VolumeResult) error {
	for _, tag := range tags {
		removePendingVolume(ctx, tag)
	var destroy []names.VolumeTag
	var remove []names.Tag
	for i, result := range volumeResults {
		tag := tags[i]
		if result.Error == nil {
			logger.Debugf("volume %s is provisioned, queuing for deprovisioning", tag.Id())
			volume, err := volumeFromParams(result.Result)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotate(err, "getting volume info")
			updateVolume(ctx, volume)
			destroy = append(destroy, tag)
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(result.Error) {
			logger.Debugf("volume %s is not provisioned, queuing for removal", tag.Id())
			remove = append(remove, tag)
		return errors.Annotatef(result.Error, "getting volume information for volume %s", tag.Id())
	if len(destroy) > 0 {
		ops := make([]scheduleOp, len(destroy))
		for i, tag := range destroy {
			ops[i] = &destroyVolumeOp{tag: tag}
		scheduleOperations(ctx, ops...)
	if err := removeEntities(ctx, remove); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotate(err, "removing volumes from state")
	return nil
// ScaryConnect logs into the API using the supplied agent's credentials,
// like OnlyConnect; and then:
//   * returns ErrConnectImpossible if the agent entity is dead or
//     unauthorized for all known passwords;
//   * if the agent's config does not specify a model, tries to record the
//     model we just connected to;
//   * replaces insecure credentials with freshly (locally) generated ones
//     (and returns ErrPasswordChanged, expecting to be reinvoked);
//   * unconditionally resets the remote-state password to its current value
//     (for what seems like a bad reason).
// This is clearly a mess but at least now it's a documented and localized
// mess; it should be used only when making the primary API connection for
// a machine or unit agent running in its own process.
func ScaryConnect(a agent.Agent, apiOpen api.OpenFunc) (_ api.Connection, err error) {
	agentConfig := a.CurrentConfig()
	info, ok := agentConfig.APIInfo()
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.New("API info not available")
	oldPassword := agentConfig.OldPassword()

	defer func() {
		cause := errors.Cause(err)
		switch {
		case cause == apiagent.ErrDenied:
		case cause == errAgentEntityDead:
		case params.IsCodeUnauthorized(cause):
		case params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(cause):
		err = ErrConnectImpossible

	// Start connection...
	conn, usedOldPassword, err := connectFallback(apiOpen, info, oldPassword)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	// ...and make sure we close it if anything goes wrong.
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			if err := conn.Close(); err != nil {
				logger.Errorf("while closing API connection: %v", err)

	// Update the agent config if necessary; this should just read the
	// conn's properties, rather than making api calls, so we don't
	// need to think about facades yet.
	maybeSetAgentModelTag(a, conn)

	// newConnFacade is patched out in export_test, because exhaustion.
	// proper config/params struct would be better.
	facade, err := newConnFacade(conn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	// First of all, see if we're dead or removed, which will render
	// any further work pointless.
	entity := agentConfig.Tag()
	life, err := facade.Life(entity)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	switch life {
	case apiagent.Alive, apiagent.Dying:
	case apiagent.Dead:
		return nil, errAgentEntityDead
		return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown life value %q", life)

	// If we need to change the password, it's far cleaner to
	// exit with ErrChangedPassword and depend on the framework
	// for expeditious retry than it is to mess around with those
	// responsibilities in here.
	if usedOldPassword {
		logger.Debugf("changing password...")
		err := changePassword(oldPassword, a, facade)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		logger.Debugf("password changed")
		return nil, ErrChangedPassword

	// If we *didn't* need to change the password, we apparently need
	// to reset our password to its current value anyway. Reportedly,
	// a machine agent promoted to controller status might have bad
	// auth data in mongodb, and this "fixes" it... but this is scary,
	// wrong, coincidental duct tape. The RTTD is to make controller-
	// promotion work correctly in the first place.
	// Still, can't fix everything at once.
	if err := facade.SetPassword(entity, info.Password); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "can't reset agent password")
	return conn, nil
func (s *workerSuite) TestWorker(c *gc.C) {
	// Most functionality is already tested in detail - we
	// just need to test that things are wired together
	// correctly.
	s.PatchValue(&ShortPoll, 10*time.Millisecond)
	s.PatchValue(&LongPoll, 10*time.Millisecond)
	s.PatchValue(&gatherTime, 10*time.Millisecond)
	machines, insts := s.setupScenario(c)
	w := NewWorker(s.api)
	defer func() {
		c.Assert(worker.Stop(w), gc.IsNil)

	checkInstanceInfo := func(index int, m machine, expectedStatus string) bool {
		isProvisioned := true
		status, err := m.InstanceStatus()
		if params.IsCodeNotProvisioned(err) {
			isProvisioned = false
		} else {
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		providerAddresses, err := m.ProviderAddresses()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		return reflect.DeepEqual(providerAddresses, s.addressesForIndex(index)) && (!isProvisioned || status == expectedStatus)

	// Wait for the odd numbered machines in the
	// first half of the machine slice to be given their
	// addresses and status.
	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		if !a.HasNext() {
			c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for instance info")

		if machinesSatisfy(c, machines, func(i int, m *apiinstancepoller.Machine) bool {
			if i < len(machines)/2 && i%2 == 1 {
				return checkInstanceInfo(i, m, "running")
			status, err := m.InstanceStatus()
			if i%2 == 0 {
				// Even machines not provisioned yet.
				c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, params.IsCodeNotProvisioned)
			} else {
				c.Assert(status, gc.Equals, "")
			stm, err := s.State.Machine(m.Id())
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
			return len(stm.Addresses()) == 0
		}) {
	// Now provision the even machines in the first half and watch them get addresses.
	for i := 0; i < len(insts)/2; i += 2 {
		m, err := s.State.Machine(machines[i].Id())
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		err = m.SetProvisioned(insts[i].Id(), "nonce", nil)
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		dummy.SetInstanceAddresses(insts[i], s.addressesForIndex(i))
		dummy.SetInstanceStatus(insts[i], "running")
	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		if !a.HasNext() {
			c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for machine instance info")
		if machinesSatisfy(c, machines, func(i int, m *apiinstancepoller.Machine) bool {
			if i < len(machines)/2 {
				return checkInstanceInfo(i, m, "running")
			// Machines in second half still have no addresses, nor status.
			status, err := m.InstanceStatus()
			if i%2 == 0 {
				// Even machines not provisioned yet.
				c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, params.IsCodeNotProvisioned)
			} else {
				c.Assert(status, gc.Equals, "")
			stm, err := s.State.Machine(m.Id())
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
			return len(stm.Addresses()) == 0
		}) {

	// Provision the remaining machines and check the address and status.
	for i := len(insts) / 2; i < len(insts); i++ {
		if i%2 == 0 {
			m, err := s.State.Machine(machines[i].Id())
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
			err = m.SetProvisioned(insts[i].Id(), "nonce", nil)
			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
		dummy.SetInstanceAddresses(insts[i], s.addressesForIndex(i))
		dummy.SetInstanceStatus(insts[i], "running")
	for a := coretesting.LongAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		if !a.HasNext() {
			c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for machine instance info")
		if machinesSatisfy(c, machines, func(i int, m *apiinstancepoller.Machine) bool {
			return checkInstanceInfo(i, m, "running")
		}) {