func main() {
	X, err := xgbutil.NewConn()
	if err != nil {

	// Anytime the mousebind (keybind) package is used, mousebind.Initialize
	// *should* be called once. In the case of the mousebind package, this
	// isn't strictly necessary (currently!), but the 'Drag' features of
	// the mousebind package won't work without it.

	// Create two windows to prove we can close one while keeping the
	// other alive.

func main() {
	X, err := xgbutil.NewConn()

	// Whenever the mousebind package is used, you must call Initialize.
	// Similarly for the keybind package.

	// Easter egg! Use a right click to draw a gopher.
	gopherPng, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewBuffer(gopher.GopherPng()))

	// Now scale it to a reasonable size.
	gopher := xgraphics.Scale(gopherPng, gopherWidth, gopherHeight)

	// Create a new xgraphics.Image. It automatically creates an X pixmap for
	// you, and handles drawing to windows in the XDraw, XPaint and
	// XSurfaceSet functions.
	// N.B. An error is possible since X pixmap allocation can fail.
	canvas := xgraphics.New(X, image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))

	// Color in the background color.
	canvas.For(func(x, y int) xgraphics.BGRA {
		return bg

	// Use the convenience function XShowExtra to create and map the
	// canvas window.
	// XShowExtra will also set the surface window of canvas for us.
	// We also use XShowExtra to set the name of the window and to quit the
	// main event loop when the window is closed.
	win := canvas.XShowExtra("Pointer painting", true)

	// Listen for pointer motion events and key press events.
	win.Listen(xproto.EventMaskButtonPress | xproto.EventMaskButtonRelease |

	// The mousebind drag function runs three callbacks: one when the drag is
	// first started, another at each "step" in the drag, and a final one when
	// the drag is done.
	// The button sequence (in this case '1') is pressed, the first callback
	// is executed. If the first return value is true, the drag continues
	// and a pointer grab is initiated with the cursor id specified in the
	// second return value (use 0 to keep the cursor unchanged).
	// If it's false, the drag stops.
	// Note that Drag will automatically compress MotionNotify events.
	mousebind.Drag(X, win.Id, win.Id, "1", false,
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, rx, ry, ex, ey int) (bool, xproto.Cursor) {
			drawPencil(canvas, win, ex, ey)
			return true, 0
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, rx, ry, ex, ey int) {
			drawPencil(canvas, win, ex, ey)
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, rx, ry, ex, ey int) {})

	mousebind.Drag(X, win.Id, win.Id, "3", false,
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, rx, ry, ex, ey int) (bool, xproto.Cursor) {
			drawGopher(canvas, gopher, win, ex, ey)
			return true, 0
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, rx, ry, ex, ey int) {
			drawGopher(canvas, gopher, win, ex, ey)
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, rx, ry, ex, ey int) {})

	// Bind to the clear key specified, and just redraw the bg color.
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.KeyPressEvent) {
			clearCanvas(canvas, win)
		}).Connect(X, win.Id, clearKey, false)

	// Bind a callback to each key specified in the 'pencils' color map.
	// The response is to simply switch the pencil color.
	for key, clr := range pencils {
		c := clr
			func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, ev xevent.KeyPressEvent) {
				log.Printf("Changing pencil color to: %#v", c)
				pencil = c
			}).Connect(X, win.Id, key, false)

	// Output some basic directions.
	fmt.Println("Use the left or right buttons on your mouse to paint " +
		"squares and gophers.")
	fmt.Println("Pressing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 will switch your pencil " +
	fmt.Println("Pressing 'c' will clear the canvas.")

func main() {
	// Connect to the X server using the DISPLAY environment variable.
	X, err := xgbutil.NewConn()
	if err != nil {

	// Anytime the mousebind (keybind) package is used, mousebind.Initialize
	// *should* be called once. In the case of the mousebind package, this
	// isn't strictly necessary, but the 'Drag' features of the mousebind
	// package won't work without it.

	// Before attaching callbacks, wrap them in a callback function type.
	// The mouse package exposes two such callback types:
	// mousebind.ButtonPressFun and mousebind.ButtonReleaseFun.
	cb1 := mousebind.ButtonPressFun(
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, e xevent.ButtonPressEvent) {
			log.Println("Button press!")

	// We can now attach the callback to a particular window and button
	// combination. This particular example grabs a button on the root window,
	// which makes it a global mouse binding.
	// Also, "Mod4-1" typically corresponds to pressing down the "Super" or
	// "Windows" key on your keyboard, and then pressing the left mouse button.
	// The last two parameters are whether to make a synchronous grab and
	// whether to actually issue a grab, respectively.
	// (The parameters used here are the common case.)
	// See the documentation for the Connect method for more details.
	err = cb1.Connect(X, X.RootWin(), "Mod4-1", false, true)

	// A mouse binding can fail if the mouse string could not be parsed, or if
	// you're trying to bind a button that has already been grabbed by another
	// client.
	if err != nil {

	// We can even attach multiple callbacks to the same button.
	err = mousebind.ButtonPressFun(
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, e xevent.ButtonPressEvent) {
			log.Println("A second handler always happens after the first.")
		}).Connect(X, X.RootWin(), "Mod4-1", false, true)
	if err != nil {

	// Finally, if we want this client to stop responding to mouse events, we
	// can attach another handler that, when run, detaches all previous
	// handlers.
	// This time, we'll show an example of a ButtonRelease binding.
	err = mousebind.ButtonReleaseFun(
		func(X *xgbutil.XUtil, e xevent.ButtonReleaseEvent) {
			// Use mousebind.Detach to detach the root window
			// from all ButtonPress *and* ButtonRelease handlers.
			mousebind.Detach(X, X.RootWin())
			mousebind.Detach(X, X.RootWin())

			log.Printf("Detached all Button{Press,Release}Events from the "+
				"root window (%d).", X.RootWin())
		}).Connect(X, X.RootWin(), "Mod4-Shift-1", false, true)
	if err != nil {

	// Finally, start the main event loop. This will route any appropriate
	// ButtonPressEvents to your callback function.
	log.Println("Program initialized. Start pressing mouse buttons!")