func MakeMerkleParent(left *wire.ShaHash, right *wire.ShaHash) *wire.ShaHash {
	// dupes can screw things up; CVE-2012-2459. check for them
	if left != nil && right != nil && left.IsEqual(right) {
		fmt.Printf("DUP HASH CRASH")
		return nil
	// if left child is nil, output nil.  Need this for hard mode.
	if left == nil {
		return nil
	// if right is nil, hash left with itself
	if right == nil {
		right = left

	// Concatenate the left and right nodes
	var sha [64]byte
	copy(sha[:32], left[:])
	copy(sha[32:], right[:])

	newSha := wire.DoubleSha256SH(sha[:])
	return &newSha