// Runs a function with a tempdir, cleaning up afterward.
func WithDir(f func(string), dirs ...string) {

	if len(dirs) < 1 {
		panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("Must have at least one sub-folder for tempdir"))

	tempPath := filepath.Join(dirs...)

	// Tempdir wants parent path to exist
	err := os.MkdirAll(tempPath, 0755)
	if err != nil {

	try.Do(func() {
	}).Finally(func() {
		err := os.RemoveAll(tempPath)
		if err != nil {
			// TODO: we don't want to panic here, more like a debug log entry, "failed to remove tempdir."
			// Can accomplish once we add logging.
func CopyingPlacer(srcBasePath, destBasePath string, _ bool) integrity.Emplacement {
	srcBaseStat, err := os.Stat(srcBasePath)
	if err != nil || !srcBaseStat.IsDir() {
		panic(Error.New("copyingplacer: srcPath %q must be dir: %s", srcBasePath, err))
	destBaseStat, err := os.Stat(destBasePath)
	if err != nil || !destBaseStat.IsDir() {
		panic(Error.New("copyingplacer: destPath %q must be dir: %s", destBasePath, err))
	// remove any files already here (to emulate behavior like an overlapping mount)
	// (can't take the easy route and just `os.RemoveAll(destBasePath)` because that propagates times changes onto the parent.)
	d, err := os.Open(destBasePath)
	if err != nil {
		panic(Error.New("copyingplacer: io error: %s", err))
	names, err := d.Readdirnames(-1)
	if err != nil {
		panic(Error.New("copyingplacer: io error: %s", err))
	for _, name := range names {
		err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(destBasePath, name))
		if err != nil {
			panic(Error.New("copyingplacer: io error: %s", err))
	// walk and copy
	preVisit := func(filenode *fs.FilewalkNode) error {
		if filenode.Err != nil {
			return filenode.Err
		hdr, file := fs.ScanFile(srcBasePath, filenode.Path, filenode.Info)
		if file != nil {
			defer file.Close()
		fs.PlaceFile(destBasePath, hdr, file)
		return nil
	postVisit := func(filenode *fs.FilewalkNode) error {
		if filenode.Info.IsDir() {
			if err := fspatch.UtimesNano(filepath.Join(destBasePath, filenode.Path), def.Epochwhen, filenode.Info.ModTime()); err != nil {
				return err
		return nil
	try.Do(func() {
		if err := fs.Walk(srcBasePath, preVisit, postVisit); err != nil {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
		panic(Error.New("copyingplacer: io failed: %s", err))

	return copyEmplacement{path: destBasePath}
func (t TarTransmat) Scan(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	subjectPath string,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.CommitID {
	var commitID integrity.CommitID
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// If scan area doesn't exist, bail immediately.
		// No need to even start dialing warehouses if we've got nothing for em.
		_, err := os.Stat(subjectPath)
		if err != nil {
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				return // empty commitID
			} else {

		// Open output streams for writing.
		// Since these are all behaving as just one `io.Writer` stream, this could maybe be factored out.
		// Error handling is currently "anything -> panic".  This should probably be more resilient.  (That might need another refactor so we have an upload call per remote.)
		controllers := make([]StreamingWarehouseWriteController, 0)
		writers := make([]io.Writer, 0)
		for _, uri := range siloURIs {
			controller := makeWriteController(uri)
			controllers = append(controllers, controller)
			writers = append(writers, controller.Writer())
		stream := io.MultiWriter(writers...)
		if len(writers) < 1 {
			stream = ioutil.Discard

		// walk, fwrite, hash
		commitID = integrity.CommitID(Save(stream, subjectPath, config.FilterSet, hasherFactory))

		// commit
		for _, controller := range controllers {
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return commitID
// Run inputs
func ProvisionInputs(transmat integrity.Transmat, assemblerFn integrity.Assembler, inputs []def.Input, rootfs string, journal log15.Logger) integrity.Assembly {
	// start having all filesystems
	filesystems := make(map[def.Input]integrity.Arena, len(inputs))
	fsGather := make(chan map[def.Input]materializerReport)
	for _, in := range inputs {
		go func(in def.Input) {
			try.Do(func() {
				journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting materialize for %s hash=%s", in.Type, in.Hash))
				arena := transmat.Materialize(
				journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Finished materialize for %s hash=%s", in.Type, in.Hash))
				fsGather <- map[def.Input]materializerReport{
					in: {Arena: arena},
			}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
				journal.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Errored during materialize for %s hash=%s", in.Type, in.Hash), "error", err.Message())
				fsGather <- map[def.Input]materializerReport{
					in: {Err: err},

	// (we don't have any output setup at this point, but if we do in the future, that'll be here.)

	// gather materialized inputs
	for range inputs {
		for in, report := range <-fsGather {
			if report.Err != nil {
			filesystems[in] = report.Arena
	journal.Info("All inputs acquired... starting assembly")

	// assemble them into the final tree
	assemblyParts := make([]integrity.AssemblyPart, 0, len(filesystems))
	for input, arena := range filesystems {
		assemblyParts = append(assemblyParts, integrity.AssemblyPart{
			SourcePath: arena.Path(),
			TargetPath: input.Location,
			Writable:   true, // TODO input config should have a word about this
	assembly := assemblerFn(rootfs, assemblyParts)
	journal.Info("Assembly complete!")
	return assembly
// Executes a job, catching any panics.
func (e *Executor) Run(f def.Formula, j def.Job, d string, stdin io.Reader, outS, errS io.WriteCloser, journal log15.Logger) def.JobResult {
	r := def.JobResult{
		ID:       j.Id(),
		ExitCode: -1,

	try.Do(func() {
		e.Execute(f, j, d, &r, outS, errS, journal)
	}).Catch(executor.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
		r.Error = err
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
		r.Error = err
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
		r.Error = executor.UnknownError.Wrap(err).(*errors.Error)

	return r
func (t GitTransmat) Scan(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	subjectPath string,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.CommitID {
	var commitID integrity.CommitID
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		//config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// Get off my lawn.
		panic(errors.NotImplementedError.New("The git transmat does not support scan."))
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return commitID
	'actual' should be a `func()`; 'expected' should be an `*errors.ErrorClass`;
	we'll run the function, and check that it panics, and that the error is under the umbrella of the error class.
func ShouldPanicWith(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
	fn, ok := actual.(func())
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Sprintf("You must provide a `func()` as the first argument to this assertion; got `%T`", actual)

	var errClass *errors.ErrorClass
	switch len(expected) {
	case 0:
		return "You must provide a spacemonkey `ErrorClass` as the expectation parameter to this assertion."
	case 1:
		cls, ok := expected[0].(*errors.ErrorClass)
		if !ok {
			return "You must provide a spacemonkey `ErrorClass` as the expectation parameter to this assertion."
		errClass = cls
		return "You must provide one parameter as an expectation to this assertion."

	var caught error
	).CatchAll(func(err error) {
		caught = err

	if caught == nil {
		return fmt.Sprintf("Expected error to be of class %q but no error was raised!", errClass.String())
	spaceClass := errors.GetClass(caught)
	if spaceClass.Is(errClass) {
		return ""
	return fmt.Sprintf("Expected error to be of class %q but it had %q instead!  (Full message: %s)", errClass.String(), spaceClass.String(), caught.Error())
	Arenas produced by Dir Transmats may be relocated by simple `mv`.
func (t *S3Transmat) Materialize(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	dataHash integrity.CommitID,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.Arena {
	var arena dirArena
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// Parse URI; Find warehouses.
		if len(siloURIs) < 1 {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Materialization requires at least one data source!"))
			// Note that it's possible a caching layer will satisfy things even without data sources...
			//  but if that was going to happen, it already would have by now.
		// Our policy is to take the first path that exists.
		//  This lets you specify a series of potential locations, and if one is unavailable we'll just take the next.
		var warehouseBucketName string
		var warehousePathPrefix string
		var warehouseCtntAddr bool
		for _, givenURI := range siloURIs {
			u, err := url.Parse(string(givenURI))
			if err != nil {
				panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("failed to parse URI: %s", err))
			warehouseBucketName = u.Host
			warehousePathPrefix = u.Path
			switch u.Scheme {
			case "s3":
				warehouseCtntAddr = false
			case "s3+splay":
				warehouseCtntAddr = true
				panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("unrecognized scheme: %q", u.Scheme))
			// TODO figure out how to check for data (or at least warehouse!) presence;
			//  currently just assuming the first one's golden, and blowing up later if it's not.
		if warehouseBucketName == "" {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("No warehouses were available!"))

		// load keys from env
		// TODO someday URIs should grow smart enough to control this in a more general fashion -- but for now, host ENV is actually pretty feasible and plays easily with others.
		// TODO should not require keys!  we're just reading, after all; anon access is 100% valid.
		//   Buuuuut s3gof3r doesn't seem to understand empty keys; it still sends them as if to login, and AWS says 403.  So, foo.
		keys, err := s3gof3r.EnvKeys()
		if err != nil {

		// initialize reader from s3!
		getPath := warehousePathPrefix
		if warehouseCtntAddr {
			getPath = path.Join(warehousePathPrefix, string(dataHash))
		s3reader := makeS3reader(warehouseBucketName, getPath, keys)
		defer s3reader.Close()
		// prepare decompression as necessary
		reader, err := tartrans.Decompress(s3reader)
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("could not start decompressing: %s", err))
		tarReader := tar.NewReader(reader)

		// Create staging arena to produce data into.
		arena.path, err = ioutil.TempDir(t.workPath, "")
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.TransmatError.New("Unable to create arena: %s", err))

		// walk input tar stream, placing data and accumulating hashes and metadata for integrity check
		bucket := &fshash.MemoryBucket{}
		tartrans.Extract(tarReader, arena.Path(), bucket, hasherFactory)

		// bucket processing may have created a root node if missing.  if so, we need to apply its props.
		fs.PlaceFile(arena.Path(), bucket.Root().Metadata, nil)

		// hash whole tree
		actualTreeHash := fshash.Hash(bucket, hasherFactory)

		// verify total integrity
		expectedTreeHash, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(string(dataHash))
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Could not parse hash: %s", err))
		if bytes.Equal(actualTreeHash, expectedTreeHash) {
			// excellent, got what we asked for.
			arena.hash = dataHash
		} else {
			// this may or may not be grounds for panic, depending on configuration.
			if config.AcceptHashMismatch {
				// if we're tolerating mismatches, report the actual hash through different mechanisms.
				// you probably only ever want to use this in tests or debugging; in prod it's just asking for insanity.
				arena.hash = integrity.CommitID(actualTreeHash)
			} else {
				panic(integrity.NewHashMismatchError(string(dataHash), base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(actualTreeHash)))
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return arena
// Execute a formula in a specified directory. MAY PANIC.
func (e *Executor) Execute(f def.Formula, j def.Job, d string, result *def.JobResult, outS, errS io.WriteCloser, journal log15.Logger) {
	// Dedicated rootfs folder to distinguish container from nsinit noise
	rootfs := filepath.Join(d, "rootfs")

	// nsinit wants to have a logfile
	logFile := filepath.Join(d, "nsinit-debug.log")

	// Prep command
	args := []string{}

	// Global options:
	// --root will place the 'nsinit' folder (holding a state.json file) in d
	// --log-file does much the same with a log file (unsure if care?)
	// --debug allegedly enables debug output in the log file
	args = append(args, "--root", d, "--log-file", logFile, "--debug")

	// Subcommand, and tell nsinit to not desire a JSON file (instead just use many flergs)
	args = append(args, "exec", "--create")

	// Use the host's networking (no bridge, no namespaces, etc)
	args = append(args, "--net=host")

	// Where our system image exists
	args = append(args, "--rootfs", rootfs)

	// Set cwd
	args = append(args, "--cwd", f.Accents.Cwd)

	// Add all desired environment variables
	for k, v := range f.Accents.Env {
		args = append(args, "--env", k+"="+v)

	// Unroll command args
	args = append(args, f.Accents.Entrypoint...)

	// Prepare command to exec
	cmd := exec.Command("nsinit", args...)

	cmd.Stdin = nil
	cmd.Stdout = outS
	cmd.Stderr = errS

	// Prepare filesystem
	transmat := util.DefaultTransmat()
	assembly := util.ProvisionInputs(
		f.Inputs, rootfs, journal,
	defer assembly.Teardown() // What ever happens: Disassemble filesystem
	util.ProvisionOutputs(f.Outputs, rootfs, journal)

	// launch execution.
	// transform gosh's typed errors to repeatr's hierarchical errors.
	// this is... not untroubled code: since we're invoking a helper that's then
	//  proxying the exec even further, most errors are fatal (the mapping here is
	//   very different than in e.g. chroot executor, and provides much less meaning).
	var proc gosh.Proc
	try.Do(func() {
		proc = gosh.ExecProcCmd(cmd)
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
		switch err.(type) {
		case gosh.NoSuchCommandError:
			panic(executor.ConfigError.New("nsinit binary is missing"))
		case gosh.NoArgumentsError:
		case gosh.NoSuchCwdError:
		case gosh.ProcMonitorError:

	// Wait for the job to complete
	// REVIEW: consider exposing `gosh.Proc`'s interface as part of repeatr's job tracking api?
	result.ExitCode = proc.GetExitCode()

	// Horrifyingly ambiguous attempts to detect failure modes from inside nsinit.
	// This can only be made correct by pushing patches into nsinit to use another channel for control data reporting that is completely separated from user data flows.
	// (Or, arguably, putting another layer of control processes as the first parent inside nsinit, but that's ducktape within a ducktape mesh; let's not.)
	// Certain program outputs may be incorrectly attributed as launch failure, though this should be... "unlikely".
	// Also note that if we ever switch to non-blocking execution, this will become even more of a mess: we won't be able to tell if exec failed, esp. in the case of e.g. a long running process with no output, and so we won't know when it's safe to return.

	// TODO handle the following leading strings:
	// - "exec: \"%s\": executable file not found in $PATH\n"
	// - "no such file or directory\n"
	// this will probably require rejiggering a whole bunch of stuff so that the streamer is reachable down here.

	// Save outputs
	result.Outputs = util.PreserveOutputs(transmat, f.Outputs, rootfs, journal)
	Arenas produced by Dir Transmats may be relocated by simple `mv`.
func (t *TarExecTransmat) Materialize(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	dataHash integrity.CommitID,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.Arena {
	var arena dirArena
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		if !(kind == Kind || kind == "exec-tar") {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// Ping silos
		if len(siloURIs) < 1 {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Materialization requires at least one data source!"))
			// Note that it's possible a caching layer will satisfy things even without data sources...
			//  but if that was going to happen, it already would have by now.
		// Our policy is to take the first path that exists.
		//  This lets you specify a series of potential locations, and if one is unavailable we'll just take the next.
		var siloURI integrity.SiloURI
		for _, givenURI := range siloURIs {
			// TODO still assuming all local paths and not doing real uri parsing
			localPath := string(givenURI)
			_, err := os.Stat(localPath)
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				// TODO it'd be awfully lovely if we could log the attempt somewhere
			siloURI = givenURI
		if siloURI == "" {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("No warehouses were available!"))
		// Open the input stream; preparing decompression as necessary
		file, err := os.OpenFile(string(siloURI), os.O_RDONLY, 0755)
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("Unable to read file: %s", err))
		file.Close() // just checking, so we can (try to) give a more pleasant error than tar barf

		// Create staging arena to produce data into.
		arena.path, err = ioutil.TempDir(t.workPath, "")
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.TransmatError.New("Unable to create arena: %s", err))

		// exec tar.
		// in case of a zero (a.k.a. success) exit, this returns silently.
		// in case of a non-zero exit, this panics; the panic will include the output.
			"-xf", string(siloURI),
			"-C", arena.Path(),

		// note: indeed, we never check the hash field.  this is *not* a compliant implementation of an input.
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return arena
func (t TarExecTransmat) Scan(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	subjectPath string,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.CommitID {
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// If scan area doesn't exist, bail immediately.
		// No need to even start dialing warehouses if we've got nothing for em.
		_, err := os.Stat(subjectPath)
		if err != nil {
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				return // empty commitID
			} else {

		// Parse save locations.
		//  (Most transmats do... significantly smarter things than this backwater.)
		var localPath string
		if len(siloURIs) == 0 {
			localPath = "/dev/null"
		} else if len(siloURIs) == 1 {
			// TODO still assuming all local paths and not doing real uri parsing
			localPath = string(siloURIs[0])
			err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(localPath), 0755)
			if err != nil {
				panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("Unable to write file: %s", err))
			file, err := os.OpenFile(localPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
			if err != nil {
				panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("Unable to write file: %s", err))
			file.Close() // just checking, so we can (try to) give a more pleasant error than tar barf
		} else {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("%s transmat only supports shipping to 1 warehouse", Kind))

		// exec tar.
		// in case of a zero (a.k.a. success) exit, this returns silently.
		// in case of a non-zero exit, this panics; the panic will include the output.
			"-cf", localPath,
			"--xform", "s,"+strings.TrimLeft(subjectPath, "/")+",.,",
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return ""

	Git transmats plonk down the contents of one commit (or tree) as a filesystem.

	A fileset materialized by git does *not* include the `.git` dir by default,
	since those files are not themselves part of what's described by the hash.

	Git effectively "filters" out several attributes -- permissions are only loosely
	respected (execution only), file timestamps are undefined, uid/gid bits
	are not tracked, xattrs are not tracked, etc.  If you desired defined values,
	*you must still configure materialization to use a filter* (particularly for
	file timestamps, since they will otherwise be allowed to vary from one
	materialization to the next(!)).

	Git also allows for several other potential pitfalls with lossless data
	transmission: git cannot transmit empty directories.  This can be a major pain.
	Typical workarounds include creating a ".gitkeep" file in the empty directory.
	Gitignore files may also inadventantly cause trouble.  Transmat.Materialize
	will act *consistently*, but it does not overcome these issues in git
	(doing so would require additional metadata or protocol extensions).

	This transmat is *not* currently well optimized, and should generally be assumed
	to be re-cloning on all materializations -- specifically, it is not smart
	enough to recognize requests for different commits and trees from the
	same repos in order to save reclones.
func (t *GitTransmat) Materialize(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	dataHash integrity.CommitID,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.Arena {
	var arena gitArena
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		//config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// Ping silos
		if len(siloURIs) < 1 {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Materialization requires at least one data source!"))
			// Note that it's possible a caching layer will satisfy things even without data sources...
			//  but if that was going to happen, it already would have by now.
		// Our policy is to take the first path that exists.
		//  This lets you specify a series of potential locations,
		var siloURI integrity.SiloURI
		for _, givenURI := range siloURIs {
			// shell out to git and ask it if it thinks there's a repo here
			// TODO this and all future shellouts does NOT SUFFICIENTLY ISOLATE either config or secret keeping yet.
			// TODO it's probably not productive to try to parse all git uris, but we should detect relative local fs paths and shitcan them at least
			localPath := string(givenURI)
			// TODO there's no "--" in ls-remote, so... we should forbid things starting in "-", i guess?
			//  or use "file://" religiously?  but no, bc ssh doesn't look like "ssh://" all the time... ugh, i do not want to write a git url parser
			//   update: yeah, using "file://" religiously is not an option.  this actually takes a *different* path than `/non/protocol/prefixed`.  not significantly, but it may impact e.g. hardlinking, iiuc
			// TODO someday go for the usability buff of parsing git errors into something more helpful
			code := git.Bake(
				"ls-remote", localPath,
				gosh.Opts{OkExit: []int{0, 128}},
			// code 128 means no connection.
			// any other code we currently panic on (with stderr attached, but it's still ugly).
			if code != 0 {
			siloURI = givenURI
		if siloURI == "" {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("No warehouses were available!"))

		// Create staging arena to produce data into.
		var err error
		arena.gitDirPath, err = ioutil.TempDir(t.workPath, "")
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.TransmatError.New("Unable to create arena: %s", err))
		arena.workDirPath, err = ioutil.TempDir(t.workPath, "")
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.TransmatError.New("Unable to create arena: %s", err))

		// From now on, all our git commands will have these overriden paths:
		// This gives us a working tree without ".git".
		git := git.Bake(
			gosh.Opts{Env: map[string]string{
				"GIT_DIR":       arena.gitDirPath,
				"GIT_WORK_TREE": arena.workDirPath,

		// Clone!
		// TODO make sure all the check hard modes are enabled
			"clone", "--bare", "--", string(siloURI), arena.gitDirPath,

		// Checkout the interesting commit.
		buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
		p := git.Bake(
			"checkout", string(dataHash), // FIXME dear god, whitelist this to make sure it looks like a hash.
			gosh.Opts{Cwd: arena.workDirPath},
			gosh.Opts{OkExit: gosh.AnyExit},
			gosh.Opts{Err: buf, Out: buf},
		if bytes.HasPrefix(buf.Bytes(), []byte("fatal: reference is not a tree: ")) {
			panic(integrity.DataDNE.New("hash %q not found in this repo", dataHash))
		if p.GetExitCode() != 0 {
			// catchall.
			// this formatting is *terrible*, but we don't have a good formatter for using datakeys, either, so.
			// (blowing past this without too much fuss because we're going to switch error libraries later and it's going to fix this better.)
			panic(Error.New("git checkout failed.  git output:\n%s", buf.String()))
		// And, do submodules.
			"submodule", "update", "--init",
			gosh.Opts{Cwd: arena.workDirPath},

		// verify total integrity
		// actually this is a nil step; there's no such thing as "acceptHashMismatch", clone would have simply failed
		arena.hash = dataHash
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return arena
	Arenas produced by Dir Transmats may be relocated by simple `mv`.
func (t *DirTransmat) Materialize(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	dataHash integrity.CommitID,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.Arena {
	var arena dirArena
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// Ping silos
		if len(siloURIs) < 1 {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Materialization requires at least one data source!"))
			// Note that it's possible a caching layer will satisfy things even without data sources...
			//  but if that was going to happen, it already would have by now.
		// Our policy is to take the first path that exists.
		//  This lets you specify a series of potential locations,
		var siloURI integrity.SiloURI
		for _, givenURI := range siloURIs {
			// TODO still assuming all local paths and not doing real uri parsing
			localPath := string(givenURI)
			_, err := os.Stat(localPath)
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			siloURI = givenURI
		if siloURI == "" {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("No warehouses were available!"))

		// Create staging arena to produce data into.
		var err error
		arena.path, err = ioutil.TempDir(t.workPath, "")
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.TransmatError.New("Unable to create arena: %s", err))

		// walk filesystem, copying and accumulating data for integrity check
		hasherFactory := sha512.New384
		bucket := &fshash.MemoryBucket{}
		localPath := string(siloURI)
		if err := fshash.FillBucket(localPath, arena.Path(), bucket, filter.FilterSet{}, hasherFactory); err != nil {

		// hash whole tree
		actualTreeHash := fshash.Hash(bucket, hasherFactory)

		// verify total integrity
		expectedTreeHash, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(string(dataHash))
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Could not parse hash: %s", err))
		if bytes.Equal(actualTreeHash, expectedTreeHash) {
			// excellent, got what we asked for.
			arena.hash = dataHash
		} else {
			// this may or may not be grounds for panic, depending on configuration.
			if config.AcceptHashMismatch {
				// if we're tolerating mismatches, report the actual hash through different mechanisms.
				// you probably only ever want to use this in tests or debugging; in prod it's just asking for insanity.
				arena.hash = integrity.CommitID(actualTreeHash)
			} else {
				panic(integrity.NewHashMismatchError(string(dataHash), base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(actualTreeHash)))
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return arena
func (t DirTransmat) Scan(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	subjectPath string,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.CommitID {
	var commitID integrity.CommitID
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// If scan area doesn't exist, bail immediately.
		// No need to even start dialing warehouses if we've got nothing for em.
		_, err := os.Stat(subjectPath)
		if err != nil {
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				return // empty commitID
			} else {

		// Parse save locations.
		// This transmat only supports one output location at a time due
		//  to Old code we haven't invested in refactoring yet.
		var localPath string
		if len(siloURIs) == 0 {
			localPath = "" // empty string is a well known value to `fshash.FillBucket`: means just hash, don't copy.
		} else if len(siloURIs) == 1 {
			// TODO still assuming all local paths and not doing real uri parsing
			localPath = string(siloURIs[0])
			err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(localPath), 0755)
			if err != nil {
				panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("Unable to write file: %s", err))
		} else {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("%s transmat only supports shipping to 1 warehouse", Kind))

		// walk filesystem, copying and accumulating data for integrity check
		bucket := &fshash.MemoryBucket{}
		err = fshash.FillBucket(subjectPath, localPath, bucket, config.FilterSet, hasherFactory)
		if err != nil {
			panic(err) // TODO this is not well typed, and does not clearly indicate whether scanning or committing had the problem

		// hash whole tree
		actualTreeHash := fshash.Hash(bucket, hasherFactory)

		// report
		commitID = integrity.CommitID(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(actualTreeHash))
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return commitID
// Run inputs
func ProvisionInputs(transmat integrity.Transmat, assemblerFn integrity.Assembler, inputs []def.Input, rootfs string, journal log15.Logger) integrity.Assembly {
	// start having all filesystems
	// input names are used as keys, so must be unique
	inputsByName := make(map[string]def.Input, len(inputs))
	for _, in := range inputs {
		// TODO checks should also be sooner, up in cfg parse
		// but this check is for programmatic access as well (errors down the line can get nonobvious if you skip this).
		if _, ok := inputsByName[in.Name]; ok {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("duplicate name in input config"))
		inputsByName[in.Name] = in
	filesystems := make(map[string]integrity.Arena, len(inputs))
	fsGather := make(chan map[string]materializerReport)
	for _, in := range inputs {
		go func(in def.Input) {
			try.Do(func() {
				journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting materialize for %s hash=%s", in.Type, in.Hash))
				// todo: create validity checking api for URIs, check them all before launching anything
				warehouses := make([]integrity.SiloURI, len(in.Warehouses))
				for i, wh := range in.Warehouses {
					warehouses[i] = integrity.SiloURI(wh)
				// invoke transmat (blocking, potentially long time)
				arena := transmat.Materialize(
				// submit report
				journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Finished materialize for %s hash=%s", in.Type, in.Hash))
				fsGather <- map[string]materializerReport{
					in.Name: {Arena: arena},
			}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
				journal.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Errored during materialize for %s hash=%s", in.Type, in.Hash), "error", err.Message())
				fsGather <- map[string]materializerReport{
					in.Name: {Err: err},

	// (we don't have any output setup at this point, but if we do in the future, that'll be here.)

	// gather materialized inputs
	for range inputs {
		for name, report := range <-fsGather {
			if report.Err != nil {
			filesystems[name] = report.Arena
	journal.Info("All inputs acquired... starting assembly")

	// assemble them into the final tree
	assemblyParts := make([]integrity.AssemblyPart, 0, len(filesystems))
	for name, arena := range filesystems {
		assemblyParts = append(assemblyParts, integrity.AssemblyPart{
			SourcePath: arena.Path(),
			TargetPath: inputsByName[name].MountPath,
			Writable:   true, // TODO input config should have a word about this
	assembly := assemblerFn(rootfs, assemblyParts)
	journal.Info("Assembly complete!")
	return assembly
// Run outputs
func PreserveOutputs(transmat integrity.Transmat, outputs []def.Output, rootfs string, journal log15.Logger) []def.Output {
	// run commit on the outputs
	scanGather := make(chan scanReport)
	for _, out := range outputs {
		go func(out def.Output) {
			filterOptions := make([]integrity.MaterializerConfigurer, 0, 3)
			switch out.Filters.UidMode {
			case def.FilterKeep: // easy, just no filter.
			case def.FilterUse:
				f := filter.UidFilter{out.Filters.Uid}
				filterOptions = append(filterOptions, integrity.UseFilter(f))
				panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("unhandled filter mode %v", out.Filters.UidMode))
			switch out.Filters.GidMode {
			case def.FilterKeep: // easy, just no filter.
			case def.FilterUse:
				f := filter.GidFilter{out.Filters.Gid}
				filterOptions = append(filterOptions, integrity.UseFilter(f))
				panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("unhandled filter mode %v", out.Filters.GidMode))
			switch out.Filters.MtimeMode {
			case def.FilterKeep: // easy, just no filter.
			case def.FilterUse:
				f := filter.MtimeFilter{out.Filters.Mtime}
				filterOptions = append(filterOptions, integrity.UseFilter(f))
				panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("unhandled filter mode %v", out.Filters.MtimeMode))

			scanPath := filepath.Join(rootfs, out.MountPath)
			journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting scan on %q", scanPath))
			try.Do(func() {
				// todo: create validity checking api for URIs, check them all before launching anything
				warehouses := make([]integrity.SiloURI, len(out.Warehouses))
				for i, wh := range out.Warehouses {
					warehouses[i] = integrity.SiloURI(wh)
				// invoke transmat (blocking, potentially long time)
				commitID := transmat.Scan(
				out.Hash = string(commitID)
				// submit report
				journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Finished scan on %q", scanPath))
				scanGather <- scanReport{Output: out}
			}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
				journal.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Errored scan on %q", scanPath), "error", err.Message())
				scanGather <- scanReport{Err: err}

	// gather reports
	var results []def.Output
	for range outputs {
		report := <-scanGather
		if report.Err != nil {
		results = append(results, report.Output)

	return results
// Run outputs
func PreserveOutputs(transmat integrity.Transmat, outputs []def.Output, rootfs string, journal log15.Logger) []def.Output {
	// run commit on the outputs
	scanGather := make(chan scanReport)
	for _, out := range outputs {
		go func(out def.Output) {
			filterOptions := make([]integrity.MaterializerConfigurer, 0, 4)
			for _, name := range out.Filters {
				cfg := strings.Fields(name)
				switch cfg[0] {
				case "uid":
					f := filter.UidFilter{}
					if len(cfg) > 1 {
						f.Value, _ = strconv.Atoi(cfg[1])
					filterOptions = append(filterOptions, integrity.UseFilter(f))
				case "gid":
					f := filter.GidFilter{}
					if len(cfg) > 1 {
						f.Value, _ = strconv.Atoi(cfg[1])
					filterOptions = append(filterOptions, integrity.UseFilter(f))
				case "mtime":
					f := filter.MtimeFilter{}
					if len(cfg) > 1 {
						f.Value, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, cfg[1])
					filterOptions = append(filterOptions, integrity.UseFilter(f))
			scanPath := filepath.Join(rootfs, out.Location)
			journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Starting scan on %q", scanPath))
			try.Do(func() {
				// TODO: following is hack; badly need to update config parsing to understand this first-class
				warehouseCoordsList := make([]integrity.SiloURI, 0)
				if out.URI != "" {
					warehouseCoordsList = append(warehouseCoordsList, integrity.SiloURI(out.URI))
				// invoke transmat
				commitID := transmat.Scan(
				out.Hash = string(commitID)
				journal.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Finished scan on %q", scanPath))
				scanGather <- scanReport{Output: out}
			}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
				journal.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Errored scan on %q", scanPath), "error", err.Message())
				scanGather <- scanReport{Err: err}

	// gather reports
	var results []def.Output
	for range outputs {
		report := <-scanGather
		if report.Err != nil {
		results = append(results, report.Output)

	return results
func (t S3Transmat) Scan(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	subjectPath string,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.CommitID {
	var commitID integrity.CommitID
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// If scan area doesn't exist, bail immediately.
		// No need to even start dialing warehouses if we've got nothing for em.
		_, err := os.Stat(subjectPath)
		if err != nil {
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				return // empty commitID
			} else {

		// load keys from env
		// TODO someday URIs should grow smart enough to control this in a more general fashion -- but for now, host ENV is actually pretty feasible and plays easily with others.
		keys, err := s3gof3r.EnvKeys()
		if err != nil {

		// Parse URI; Find warehouses; Open output streams for writing.
		// Since these are all behaving as just one `io.Writer` stream, this could maybe be factored out.
		// Error handling is currently "anything -> panic".  This should probably be more resilient.  (That might need another refactor so we have an upload call per remote.)
		// TODO : both this and the tar code that has a similar single stream idea should use an interface
		//  And that interface should have a concept of mv so we can make atomic commits.
		//  I'm not doing multiple URIs here until we get that, because the io.Writer interface just
		//   doesn't cut it like it did for tars (and really, it's ignoring a major issue to use it there, too).
		//  ...F**k it, we're gonna do it
		controllers := make([]*s3warehousePut, 0)
		writers := make([]io.Writer, 0) // this is dumb, but we end up making one of these to satisfy the type conversation for MultiWriter anyway
		for _, givenURI := range siloURIs {
			u, err := url.Parse(string(givenURI))
			if err != nil {
				panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("failed to parse URI: %s", err))
			controller := &s3warehousePut{}
			controller.bucketName = u.Host
			controller.pathPrefix = u.Path
			var ctntAddr bool
			switch u.Scheme {
			case "s3":
				ctntAddr = false
			case "s3+splay":
				ctntAddr = true
				panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("unrecognized scheme: %q", u.Scheme))
			// dial it and initialize writer to s3!
			// if the URI indicated splay behavior, first stream data to {$bucketName}:{dirname($storePath)}/.tmp.upload.{basename($storePath)}.{random()};
			// this allows us to start uploading before the final hash is determined and relocate it later.
			// for direct paths, upload into place, because aws already manages atomicity at that scale (and they don't have a rename or copy operation that's free, because uh...?  no time to implement it since 2006, apparently).
			controller.keys = keys
			if ctntAddr {
				controller.tmpPath = path.Join(
				controller.stream = makeS3writer(controller.bucketName, controller.tmpPath, keys)
			} else {
				controller.stream = makeS3writer(controller.bucketName, controller.pathPrefix, keys)
			controllers = append(controllers, controller)
			writers = append(writers, controller.stream)
		stream := io.MultiWriter(writers...)
		if len(writers) < 1 {
			stream = ioutil.Discard

		// walk, fwrite, hash
		commitID = integrity.CommitID(tartrans.Save(stream, subjectPath, config.FilterSet, hasherFactory))

		// commit
		for _, controller := range controllers {
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return commitID
	Arenas produced by Tar Transmats may be relocated by simple `mv`.
func (t *TarTransmat) Materialize(
	kind integrity.TransmatKind,
	dataHash integrity.CommitID,
	siloURIs []integrity.SiloURI,
	options ...integrity.MaterializerConfigurer,
) integrity.Arena {
	var arena tarArena
	try.Do(func() {
		// Basic validation and config
		config := integrity.EvaluateConfig(options...)
		if kind != Kind {
			panic(errors.ProgrammerError.New("This transmat supports definitions of type %q, not %q", Kind, kind))

		// Ping silos
		if len(siloURIs) < 1 {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Materialization requires at least one data source!"))
			// Note that it's possible a caching layer will satisfy things even without data sources...
			//  but if that was going to happen, it already would have by now.
		// Our policy is to take the first path that exists.
		//  This lets you specify a series of potential locations, and if one is unavailable we'll just take the next.
		var stream io.Reader
		for _, uri := range siloURIs {
			try.Do(func() {
				stream = makeReader(dataHash, uri)
			}).Catch(integrity.DataDNE, func(err *errors.Error) {
				// fine, we'll just try the next one
			}).Catch(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError, func(err *errors.Error) {
				// ... this does kind of seem to indicate we should have "warehouse offline or DNE" be separate from "tcp flaked after we shook on it yo"
				// for now we consider both fatal.  revist this when we get smarter logging, etc
			if stream != nil {
		if stream == nil {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("No warehouses were available!"))

		// Wrap input stream with decompression as necessary
		reader, err := Decompress(stream)
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.WarehouseConnectionError.New("could not start decompressing: %s", err))
		tarReader := tar.NewReader(reader)

		// Create staging arena to produce data into.
		arena.path, err = ioutil.TempDir(t.workPath, "")
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.TransmatError.New("Unable to create arena: %s", err))

		// walk input tar stream, placing data and accumulating hashes and metadata for integrity check
		bucket := &fshash.MemoryBucket{}
		Extract(tarReader, arena.Path(), bucket, hasherFactory)

		// bucket processing may have created a root node if missing.  if so, we need to apply its props.
		fs.PlaceFile(arena.Path(), bucket.Root().Metadata, nil)

		// hash whole tree
		actualTreeHash := fshash.Hash(bucket, hasherFactory)

		// verify total integrity
		expectedTreeHash, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(string(dataHash))
		if err != nil {
			panic(integrity.ConfigError.New("Could not parse hash: %s", err))
		if bytes.Equal(actualTreeHash, expectedTreeHash) {
			// excellent, got what we asked for.
			arena.hash = dataHash
		} else {
			// this may or may not be grounds for panic, depending on configuration.
			if config.AcceptHashMismatch {
				// if we're tolerating mismatches, report the actual hash through different mechanisms.
				// you probably only ever want to use this in tests or debugging; in prod it's just asking for insanity.
				arena.hash = integrity.CommitID(actualTreeHash)
			} else {
				panic(integrity.NewHashMismatchError(string(dataHash), base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(actualTreeHash)))
	}).Catch(integrity.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
	return arena
// Execute a formula in a specified directory. MAY PANIC.
func (e *Executor) Execute(f def.Formula, j def.Job, d string, result *def.JobResult, stdin io.Reader, outS, errS io.WriteCloser, journal log15.Logger) {
	// Prepare filesystem
	rootfs := filepath.Join(d, "rootfs")
	transmat := util.DefaultTransmat()
	assembly := util.ProvisionInputs(
		f.Inputs, rootfs, journal,
	defer assembly.Teardown() // What ever happens: Disassemble filesystem
	util.ProvisionOutputs(f.Outputs, rootfs, journal)

	// chroot's are pretty easy.
	cmdName := f.Accents.Entrypoint[0]
	cmd := exec.Command(cmdName, f.Accents.Entrypoint[1:]...)
	cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
		Chroot:    rootfs,
		Pdeathsig: syscall.SIGKILL,

	// except handling cwd is a little odd.
	// see comments in gosh tests with chroot for information about the odd behavior we're hacking around here;
	// we're comfortable making this special check here, but not upstreaming it to gosh, because in our context we "know" we're not racing anyone.
	if externalCwdStat, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(rootfs, f.Accents.Cwd)); err != nil {
		panic(executor.TaskExecError.New("cannot set cwd to %q: %s", f.Accents.Cwd, err.(*os.PathError).Err))
	} else if !externalCwdStat.IsDir() {
		panic(executor.TaskExecError.New("cannot set cwd to %q: not a dir", f.Accents.Cwd))
	cmd.Dir = f.Accents.Cwd

	// set env.
	// initialization already required by earlier 'validate' calls.
	cmd.Env = envToSlice(f.Accents.Env)

	cmd.Stdin = stdin
	cmd.Stdout = outS
	cmd.Stderr = errS

	// launch execution.
	// transform gosh's typed errors to repeatr's hierarchical errors.
	var proc gosh.Proc
	try.Do(func() {
		proc = gosh.ExecProcCmd(cmd)
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
		switch err.(type) {
		case gosh.NoSuchCommandError:
		case gosh.NoArgumentsError:
		case gosh.NoSuchCwdError: // included for clarity and completeness, but we'll never actually see this; see comments in gosh about the interaction of chroot and cwd error handling.
		case gosh.ProcMonitorError:

	// Wait for the job to complete
	// REVIEW: consider exposing `gosh.Proc`'s interface as part of repeatr's job tracking api?
	result.ExitCode = proc.GetExitCode()

	// Save outputs
	result.Outputs = util.PreserveOutputs(transmat, f.Outputs, rootfs, journal)
func main() {
	try.Do(func() {
		cli.Main(os.Args, os.Stderr, os.Stdout)
	}).Catch(cli.Exit, func(err *errors.Error) {
		// Errors marked as valid user-facing issues get a nice
		// pretty-printed route out, and may include specified exit codes.
		// exit, taking the specified code if any.
		code := errors.GetData(err, cli.ExitCodeKey)
		if code == nil {
	}).Catch(cli.Error, func(err *errors.Error) {
		// Errors marked as valid user-facing issues get a nice
		// pretty-printed route out, and may include specified exit codes.
		if isDebugMode() {
			// in debug-mode, repanic all the way to death so that we get all of golang's built in log features.
		} else {
			// print nicely.
				"Repeatr was unable to complete your request!\n"+
			// exit, taking the specified code if any.
			code := errors.GetData(err, cli.ExitCodeKey)
			if code == nil {
	}).CatchAll(func(err error) {
		// Errors that aren't marked as valid user-facing issues should be
		// logged in preparation for a bug report.
		if isDebugMode() {
			// in debug-mode, repanic all the way to death so that we get all of golang's built in log features.
		} else {
			// save the error to a file.  we want to keep the stacks, but not scare away the user.
			logPath, saveErr := saveErrorReport(err)
			var saveMsg string
			if saveErr == nil {
				saveMsg = fmt.Sprintf("We've logged the full error to a file: %q.  Please include this in the report.", logPath)
			} else {
				saveMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Additionally, we were unable to save a full log of the problem (\"%s\").", saveErr)
				"Repeatr encountered a serious issue and was unable to complete your request!\n"+
					"Please file an issue to help us fix it.\n"+
					"This is the short version of the problem:\n"+