func (m *manager) AddPod(pod *api.Pod) {
	defer m.workerLock.Unlock()

	key := probeKey{podUID: pod.UID}
	for _, c := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		key.containerName = c.Name

		if c.ReadinessProbe != nil {
			key.probeType = readiness
			if _, ok := m.workers[key]; ok {
				glog.Errorf("Readiness probe already exists! %v - %v",
					format.Pod(pod), c.Name)
			w := newWorker(m, readiness, pod, c)
			m.workers[key] = w

		if c.LivenessProbe != nil {
			key.probeType = liveness
			if _, ok := m.workers[key]; ok {
				glog.Errorf("Liveness probe already exists! %v - %v",
					format.Pod(pod), c.Name)
			w := newWorker(m, liveness, pod, c)
			m.workers[key] = w
func (pb *prober) runProbe(p *api.Probe, pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID) (probe.Result, string, error) {
	timeout := time.Duration(p.TimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
	if p.Exec != nil {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Exec-Probe Pod: %v, Container: %v, Command: %v", pod, container, p.Exec.Command)
		return pb.exec.Probe(pb.newExecInContainer(container, containerID, p.Exec.Command))
	if p.HTTPGet != nil {
		scheme := strings.ToLower(string(p.HTTPGet.Scheme))
		host := p.HTTPGet.Host
		if host == "" {
			host = status.PodIP
		port, err := extractPort(p.HTTPGet.Port, container)
		if err != nil {
			return probe.Unknown, "", err
		path := p.HTTPGet.Path
		glog.V(4).Infof("HTTP-Probe Host: %v://%v, Port: %v, Path: %v", scheme, host, port, path)
		url := formatURL(scheme, host, port, path)
		headers := buildHeader(p.HTTPGet.HTTPHeaders)
		glog.V(4).Infof("HTTP-Probe Headers: %v", headers)
		return pb.http.Probe(url, headers, timeout)
	if p.TCPSocket != nil {
		port, err := extractPort(p.TCPSocket.Port, container)
		if err != nil {
			return probe.Unknown, "", err
		glog.V(4).Infof("TCP-Probe PodIP: %v, Port: %v, Timeout: %v", status.PodIP, port, timeout)
		return pb.tcp.Probe(status.PodIP, port, timeout)
	glog.Warningf("Failed to find probe builder for container: %v", container)
	return probe.Unknown, "", fmt.Errorf("Missing probe handler for %s:%s", format.Pod(pod), container.Name)
// update ready status of all pods running on given node from master
// return true if success
func (nc *NodeController) markAllPodsNotReady(nodeName string) error {
	glog.V(2).Infof("Update ready status of pods on node [%v]", nodeName)
	opts := api.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fields.OneTermEqualSelector(api.PodHostField, nodeName)}
	pods, err := nc.kubeClient.Core().Pods(api.NamespaceAll).List(opts)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	errMsg := []string{}
	for _, pod := range pods.Items {
		// Defensive check, also needed for tests.
		if pod.Spec.NodeName != nodeName {

		for i, cond := range pod.Status.Conditions {
			if cond.Type == api.PodReady {
				pod.Status.Conditions[i].Status = api.ConditionFalse
				glog.V(2).Infof("Updating ready status of pod %v to false", pod.Name)
				_, err := nc.kubeClient.Core().Pods(pod.Namespace).UpdateStatus(&pod)
				if err != nil {
					glog.Warningf("Failed to update status for pod %q: %v", format.Pod(&pod), err)
					errMsg = append(errMsg, fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
	if len(errMsg) == 0 {
		return nil
	return fmt.Errorf("%v", strings.Join(errMsg, "; "))
// ShouldContainerBeRestarted checks whether a container needs to be restarted.
// TODO(yifan): Think about how to refactor this.
func ShouldContainerBeRestarted(container *api.Container, pod *api.Pod, podStatus *PodStatus) bool {
	// Get latest container status.
	status := podStatus.FindContainerStatusByName(container.Name)
	// If the container was never started before, we should start it.
	// NOTE(random-liu): If all historical containers were GC'd, we'll also return true here.
	if status == nil {
		return true
	// Check whether container is running
	if status.State == ContainerStateRunning {
		return false
	// Always restart container in unknown state now
	if status.State == ContainerStateUnknown {
		return true
	// Check RestartPolicy for dead container
	if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy == api.RestartPolicyNever {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Already ran container %q of pod %q, do nothing", container.Name, format.Pod(pod))
		return false
	if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy == api.RestartPolicyOnFailure {
		// Check the exit code.
		if status.ExitCode == 0 {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Already successfully ran container %q of pod %q, do nothing", container.Name, format.Pod(pod))
			return false
	return true
// GetContainerLogs uses rkt's GetLogs API to get the logs of the container.
// By default, it returns a snapshot of the container log. Set |follow| to true to
// stream the log. Set |follow| to false and specify the number of lines (e.g.
// "100" or "all") to tail the log.
// TODO(yifan): This doesn't work with lkvm stage1 yet.
func (r *Runtime) GetContainerLogs(pod *api.Pod, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, logOptions *api.PodLogOptions, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
	id, err := parseContainerID(containerID)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var since int64
	if logOptions.SinceSeconds != nil {
		t := unversioned.Now().Add(-time.Duration(*logOptions.SinceSeconds) * time.Second)
		since = t.Unix()
	if logOptions.SinceTime != nil {
		since = logOptions.SinceTime.Unix()

	getLogsRequest := &rktapi.GetLogsRequest{
		PodId:     id.uuid,
		AppName:   id.appName,
		Follow:    logOptions.Follow,
		SinceTime: since,

	if logOptions.TailLines != nil {
		getLogsRequest.Lines = int32(*logOptions.TailLines)

	stream, err := r.apisvc.GetLogs(context.Background(), getLogsRequest)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("rkt: Failed to create log stream for pod %q: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
		return err

	for {
		log, err := stream.Recv()
		if err == io.EOF {
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("rkt: Failed to receive log for pod %q: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
			return err
		processLines(log.Lines, logOptions, stdout, stderr)

	return nil
func (vm *volumeManager) WaitForAttachAndMount(pod *api.Pod) error {
	expectedVolumes := getExpectedVolumes(pod)
	if len(expectedVolumes) == 0 {
		// No volumes to verify
		return nil

	glog.V(3).Infof("Waiting for volumes to attach and mount for pod %q", format.Pod(pod))
	uniquePodName := volumehelper.GetUniquePodName(pod)

	// Some pods expect to have Setup called over and over again to update.
	// Remount plugins for which this is true. (Atomically updating volumes,
	// like Downward API, depend on this to update the contents of the volume).

	err := wait.Poll(
		vm.verifyVolumesMountedFunc(uniquePodName, expectedVolumes))

	if err != nil {
		// Timeout expired
		ummountedVolumes :=
			vm.getUnmountedVolumes(uniquePodName, expectedVolumes)
		if len(ummountedVolumes) == 0 {
			return nil

		return fmt.Errorf(
			"timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod %q/%q. list of unattached/unmounted volumes=%v",

	glog.V(3).Infof("All volumes are attached and mounted for pod %q", format.Pod(pod))
	return nil
// Admit rejects a pod if its not safe to admit for node stability.
func (m *managerImpl) Admit(attrs *lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes) lifecycle.PodAdmitResult {
	defer m.RUnlock()
	if len(m.nodeConditions) == 0 {
		return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
	notBestEffort := qos.BestEffort != qos.GetPodQOS(attrs.Pod)
	if notBestEffort {
		return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
	glog.Warningf("Failed to admit pod %v - %s", format.Pod(attrs.Pod), "node has conditions: %v", m.nodeConditions)
	// we reject all best effort pods until we are stable.
	return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{
		Admit:   false,
		Reason:  reason,
		Message: message,
// probe probes the container.
func (pb *prober) probe(probeType probeType, pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID) (results.Result, error) {
	var probeSpec *api.Probe
	switch probeType {
	case readiness:
		probeSpec = container.ReadinessProbe
	case liveness:
		probeSpec = container.LivenessProbe
		return results.Failure, fmt.Errorf("Unknown probe type: %q", probeType)

	ctrName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", format.Pod(pod), container.Name)
	if probeSpec == nil {
		glog.Warningf("%s probe for %s is nil", probeType, ctrName)
		return results.Success, nil

	result, output, err := pb.runProbeWithRetries(probeSpec, pod, status, container, containerID, maxProbeRetries)
	if err != nil || result != probe.Success {
		// Probe failed in one way or another.
		ref, hasRef := pb.refManager.GetRef(containerID)
		if !hasRef {
			glog.Warningf("No ref for container %q (%s)", containerID.String(), ctrName)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(1).Infof("%s probe for %q errored: %v", probeType, ctrName, err)
			if hasRef {
				pb.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeWarning, kubecontainer.ContainerUnhealthy, "%s probe errored: %v", probeType, err)
		} else { // result != probe.Success
			glog.V(1).Infof("%s probe for %q failed (%v): %s", probeType, ctrName, result, output)
			if hasRef {
				pb.recorder.Eventf(ref, api.EventTypeWarning, kubecontainer.ContainerUnhealthy, "%s probe failed: %s", probeType, output)
		return results.Failure, err
	glog.V(3).Infof("%s probe for %q succeeded", probeType, ctrName)
	return results.Success, nil
// The label kubernetesPodLabel is added a long time ago (#7421), it serialized the whole api.Pod to a docker label.
// We want to remove this label because it serialized too much useless information. However kubelet may still work
// with old containers which only have this label for a long time until we completely deprecate the old label.
// Before that to ensure correctness we have to supply information with the old labels when newly added labels
// are not available.
// TODO(random-liu): Remove this function when we can completely remove label kubernetesPodLabel, probably after
// dropping support for v1.1.
func supplyContainerInfoWithOldLabel(labels map[string]string, containerInfo *labelledContainerInfo) {
	// Get api.Pod from old label
	var pod *api.Pod
	data, found := labels[kubernetesPodLabel]
	if !found {
		// Don't report any error here, because it's normal that a container has no pod label, especially
		// when we gradually deprecate the old label
	pod = &api.Pod{}
	if err := runtime.DecodeInto(api.Codecs.UniversalDecoder(), []byte(data), pod); err != nil {
		// If the pod label can't be parsed, we should report an error
		logError(containerInfo, kubernetesPodLabel, err)
	if containerInfo.PodDeletionGracePeriod == nil {
		containerInfo.PodDeletionGracePeriod = pod.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
	if containerInfo.PodTerminationGracePeriod == nil {
		containerInfo.PodTerminationGracePeriod = pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds

	// Get api.Container from api.Pod
	var container *api.Container
	for i := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		if pod.Spec.Containers[i].Name == containerInfo.Name {
			container = &pod.Spec.Containers[i]
	if container == nil {
		glog.Errorf("Unable to find container %q in pod %q", containerInfo.Name, format.Pod(pod))
	if containerInfo.PreStopHandler == nil && container.Lifecycle != nil {
		containerInfo.PreStopHandler = container.Lifecycle.PreStop
// calcAndStoreStats calculates PodVolumeStats for a given pod and writes the result to the s.latest cache.
func (s *volumeStatCalculator) calcAndStoreStats() {
	// Find all Volumes for the Pod
	volumes, found := s.statsProvider.ListVolumesForPod(s.pod.UID)
	if !found {

	// Call GetMetrics on each Volume and copy the result to a new VolumeStats.FsStats
	stats := make([]stats.VolumeStats, 0, len(volumes))
	for name, v := range volumes {
		metric, err := v.GetMetrics()
		if err != nil {
			// Expected for Volumes that don't support Metrics
			// TODO: Disambiguate unsupported from errors
			// See issue #20676
			glog.V(4).Infof("Failed to calculate volume metrics for pod %s volume %s: %+v", format.Pod(s.pod), name, err)
		stats = append(stats, s.parsePodVolumeStats(name, metric))

	// Store the new stats
	s.latest.Store(PodVolumeStats{Volumes: stats})
func TestLabels(t *testing.T) {
	restartCount := 5
	deletionGracePeriod := int64(10)
	terminationGracePeriod := int64(10)
	lifecycle := &api.Lifecycle{
		// Left PostStart as nil
		PreStop: &api.Handler{
			Exec: &api.ExecAction{
				Command: []string{"action1", "action2"},
			HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{
				Path:   "path",
				Host:   "host",
				Port:   intstr.FromInt(8080),
				Scheme: "scheme",
			TCPSocket: &api.TCPSocketAction{
				Port: intstr.FromString("80"),
	container := &api.Container{
		Name: "test_container",
		TerminationMessagePath: "/somepath",
		Lifecycle:              lifecycle,
	pod := &api.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			Name:      "test_pod",
			Namespace: "test_pod_namespace",
			UID:       "test_pod_uid",
			DeletionGracePeriodSeconds: &deletionGracePeriod,
		Spec: api.PodSpec{
			Containers:                    []api.Container{*container},
			TerminationGracePeriodSeconds: &terminationGracePeriod,
	expected := &labelledContainerInfo{
		PodName:                   pod.Name,
		PodNamespace:              pod.Namespace,
		PodUID:                    pod.UID,
		PodDeletionGracePeriod:    pod.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds,
		PodTerminationGracePeriod: pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds,
		Name:                   container.Name,
		Hash:                   strconv.FormatUint(kubecontainer.HashContainer(container), 16),
		RestartCount:           restartCount,
		TerminationMessagePath: container.TerminationMessagePath,
		PreStopHandler:         container.Lifecycle.PreStop,

	// Test whether we can get right information from label
	labels := newLabels(container, pod, restartCount, false)
	containerInfo := getContainerInfoFromLabel(labels)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(containerInfo, expected) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expected, containerInfo)

	// Test when DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, TerminationGracePeriodSeconds and Lifecycle are nil,
	// the information got from label should also be nil
	container.Lifecycle = nil
	pod.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = nil
	pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = nil
	expected.PodDeletionGracePeriod = nil
	expected.PodTerminationGracePeriod = nil
	expected.PreStopHandler = nil
	// Because container is changed, the Hash should be updated
	expected.Hash = strconv.FormatUint(kubecontainer.HashContainer(container), 16)
	labels = newLabels(container, pod, restartCount, false)
	containerInfo = getContainerInfoFromLabel(labels)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(containerInfo, expected) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expected, containerInfo)

	// Test when DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, TerminationGracePeriodSeconds and Lifecycle are nil,
	// but the old label kubernetesPodLabel is set, the information got from label should also be set
	pod.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds = &deletionGracePeriod
	pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = &terminationGracePeriod
	container.Lifecycle = lifecycle
	data, err := runtime.Encode(testapi.Default.Codec(), pod)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to encode pod %q into string: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
	labels[kubernetesPodLabel] = string(data)
	expected.PodDeletionGracePeriod = pod.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds
	expected.PodTerminationGracePeriod = pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds
	expected.PreStopHandler = container.Lifecycle.PreStop
	// Do not update expected.Hash here, because we directly use the labels in last test, so we never
	// changed the kubernetesContainerHashLabel in this test, the expected.Hash shouldn't be changed.
	containerInfo = getContainerInfoFromLabel(labels)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(containerInfo, expected) {
		t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expected, containerInfo)
// synchronize is the main control loop that enforces eviction thresholds.
func (m *managerImpl) synchronize(podFunc ActivePodsFunc) {
	// if we have nothing to do, just return
	thresholds := m.config.Thresholds
	if len(thresholds) == 0 {

	// make observations and get a function to derive pod usage stats relative to those observations.
	observations, statsFunc, err := makeSignalObservations(m.summaryProvider)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("eviction manager: unexpected err: %v", err)

	// find the list of thresholds that are met independent of grace period
	now := m.clock.Now()

	// determine the set of thresholds met independent of grace period
	thresholds = thresholdsMet(thresholds, observations)

	// track when a threshold was first observed
	thresholdsFirstObservedAt := thresholdsFirstObservedAt(thresholds, m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)

	// the set of node conditions that are triggered by currently observed thresholds
	nodeConditions := nodeConditions(thresholds)

	// track when a node condition was last observed
	nodeConditionsLastObservedAt := nodeConditionsLastObservedAt(nodeConditions, m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, now)

	// node conditions report true if it has been observed within the transition period window
	nodeConditions = nodeConditionsObservedSince(nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, m.config.PressureTransitionPeriod, now)

	// determine the set of thresholds we need to drive eviction behavior (i.e. all grace periods are met)
	thresholds = thresholdsMetGracePeriod(thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)

	// update internal state
	m.nodeConditions = nodeConditions
	m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt = thresholdsFirstObservedAt
	m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt = nodeConditionsLastObservedAt

	// determine the set of resources under starvation
	starvedResources := reclaimResources(thresholds)
	if len(starvedResources) == 0 {
		glog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: no resources are starved")

	// rank the resources to reclaim by eviction priority
	resourceToReclaim := starvedResources[0]
	glog.Warningf("eviction manager: attempting to reclaim %v", resourceToReclaim)

	// determine if this is a soft or hard eviction associated with the resource
	softEviction := isSoftEviction(thresholds, resourceToReclaim)

	// record an event about the resources we are now attempting to reclaim via eviction
	m.recorder.Eventf(m.nodeRef, api.EventTypeWarning, "EvictionThresholdMet", "Attempting to reclaim %s", resourceToReclaim)

	// rank the pods for eviction
	rank, ok := resourceToRankFunc[resourceToReclaim]
	if !ok {
		glog.Errorf("eviction manager: no ranking function for resource %s", resourceToReclaim)

	// the only candidates viable for eviction are those pods that had anything running.
	activePods := podFunc()
	if len(activePods) == 0 {
		glog.Errorf("eviction manager: eviction thresholds have been met, but no pods are active to evict")

	// rank the running pods for eviction for the specified resource
	rank(activePods, statsFunc)

	glog.Infof("eviction manager: pods ranked for eviction: %s", format.Pods(activePods))

	// we kill at most a single pod during each eviction interval
	for i := range activePods {
		pod := activePods[i]
		status := api.PodStatus{
			Phase:   api.PodFailed,
			Message: message,
			Reason:  reason,
		// record that we are evicting the pod
		m.recorder.Eventf(pod, api.EventTypeWarning, reason, message)
		gracePeriodOverride := int64(0)
		if softEviction {
			gracePeriodOverride = m.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds
		// this is a blocking call and should only return when the pod and its containers are killed.
		err := m.killPodFunc(pod, status, &gracePeriodOverride)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Infof("eviction manager: pod %s failed to evict %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
		// success, so we return until the next housekeeping interval
		glog.Infof("eviction manager: pod %s evicted successfully", format.Pod(pod))
	glog.Infof("eviction manager: unable to evict any pods from the node")
// recordFirstSeenTime records the first seen time of this pod.
func recordFirstSeenTime(pod *api.Pod) {
	glog.V(4).Infof("Receiving a new pod %q", format.Pod(pod))
	pod.Annotations[kubetypes.ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey] = kubetypes.NewTimestamp().GetString()
func (hr *FakeHandlerRunner) Run(containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container, handler *api.Handler) (string, error) {
	defer hr.Unlock()

	if hr.Err != nil {
		return "", hr.Err

	switch {
	case handler.Exec != nil:
		hr.HandlerRuns = append(hr.HandlerRuns, fmt.Sprintf("exec on pod: %v, container: %v: %v", format.Pod(pod), container.Name, containerID.String()))
	case handler.HTTPGet != nil:
		hr.HandlerRuns = append(hr.HandlerRuns, fmt.Sprintf("http-get on pod: %v, container: %v: %v", format.Pod(pod), container.Name, containerID.String()))
	case handler.TCPSocket != nil:
		hr.HandlerRuns = append(hr.HandlerRuns, fmt.Sprintf("tcp-socket on pod: %v, container: %v: %v", format.Pod(pod), container.Name, containerID.String()))
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid handler: %v", handler)
	return "", nil
func newLabels(container *api.Container, pod *api.Pod, restartCount int, enableCustomMetrics bool) map[string]string {
	labels := map[string]string{}
	labels[types.KubernetesPodNameLabel] = pod.Name
	labels[types.KubernetesPodNamespaceLabel] = pod.Namespace
	labels[types.KubernetesPodUIDLabel] = string(pod.UID)
	if pod.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds != nil {
		labels[kubernetesPodDeletionGracePeriodLabel] = strconv.FormatInt(*pod.DeletionGracePeriodSeconds, 10)
	if pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds != nil {
		labels[kubernetesPodTerminationGracePeriodLabel] = strconv.FormatInt(*pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds, 10)

	labels[types.KubernetesContainerNameLabel] = container.Name
	labels[kubernetesContainerHashLabel] = strconv.FormatUint(kubecontainer.HashContainer(container), 16)
	labels[kubernetesContainerRestartCountLabel] = strconv.Itoa(restartCount)
	labels[kubernetesContainerTerminationMessagePathLabel] = container.TerminationMessagePath
	if container.Lifecycle != nil && container.Lifecycle.PreStop != nil {
		// Using json enconding so that the PreStop handler object is readable after writing as a label
		rawPreStop, err := json.Marshal(container.Lifecycle.PreStop)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Unable to marshal lifecycle PreStop handler for container %q of pod %q: %v", container.Name, format.Pod(pod), err)
		} else {
			labels[kubernetesContainerPreStopHandlerLabel] = string(rawPreStop)

	if enableCustomMetrics {
		path, err := custommetrics.GetCAdvisorCustomMetricsDefinitionPath(container)
		if path != nil && err == nil {
			labels[cadvisorPrometheusMetricsLabel] = *path

	return labels
func (hr *HandlerRunner) Run(containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID, pod *api.Pod, container *api.Container, handler *api.Handler) (string, error) {
	switch {
	case handler.Exec != nil:
		var (
			buffer bytes.Buffer
			msg    string
		output := ioutils.WriteCloserWrapper(&buffer)
		err := hr.commandRunner.ExecInContainer(containerID, handler.Exec.Command, nil, output, output, false)
		if err != nil {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Exec lifecycle hook (%v) for Container %q in Pod %q failed - %q", handler.Exec.Command, container.Name, format.Pod(pod), buffer.String())
		return msg, err
	case handler.HTTPGet != nil:
		msg, err := hr.runHTTPHandler(pod, container, handler)
		if err != nil {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Http lifecycle hook (%s) for Container %q in Pod %q failed - %q", handler.HTTPGet.Path, container.Name, format.Pod(pod), msg)
		return msg, err
		err := fmt.Errorf("Invalid handler: %v", handler)
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Cannot run handler: %v", err)
		return msg, err