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Docker Guard Monitoring


Docker Guard is a powerful monitoring tool to watch your containers (running or not, memory/disk/netio usage, ...)


Because it's fast as hell! Docker Guard is a lightweight software and it can watch hundreds of containers (maybe thousands?).

How does it work?

Architecture scheme

How to configure?

First, you need to copy the config example:

cp config.yaml.example config.yaml

Now you can edit the file config.yaml with your favorite editor before installing.

How to install?

First, you need to install InfluxDB 0.9 or newer. It's simple with Docker:

Make the InfluxDB data directory to make data persistent:

mkdir -p /var/lib/influxdb/data

And run the InfluxDB container from tutumcloud/influxdb:

docker run -d -v "/var/lib/influxdb/data:/data" -p 8083:8083 -p 8086:8086 --expose 8090 --expose 8099 tutum/influxdb

Now, you can install Docker Guard Monitoring with docker:

Clone the project:

git clone

Edit the file config.yaml at your own sweet will (see: "How to configure"). Type these commands to build a container with the Docker Guard Monitoring inside and run it! Note that: when you are is the directory docker-guard-monitoring/docker and execute, this script will copy docker-guard-monitoring sources and config in the parent directory to the current directory.

cd docker-guard-monitoring/docker

Now, when you type docker ps you will see something like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                NAMES
865b1ccbb43b        dg-monitoring           "/bin/sh -c '/dgm/dg-"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>8124/tcp                                               pensive_pare
9074d60353c2        tutum/influxdb:latest   "/"                13 days ago         Up 13 days>8083/tcp, 8090/tcp,>8086/tcp, 8099/tcp   jovial_bell

If you see the influxdb container + dg-monitoring container, it means that you did the job right.

How to make my own transport?

First, what is a transport? A transport is an executable (script or binary) used for send an alert (like "OMG, this container is on fire!") on your favorite medium of communication (email, Slack, sms, webhook, ...).

But the best feature is: you can make your own transport!

To do this, you must create an executable in your transport directory (see: How to configure?). This executable must have 5 parameters:

  1. severity: The severity level (see the table bellow).
  2. type: The alert type (see the table bellow).
  3. target: The targeted system(s), it's generaly the concerned container's ID.
  4. target_probe: The probe where the container is.
  5. data: Additional data, it's detailed informations about the alert.

The transport will be executed like this example:

./transports/ 1 CPUUsageOverload 169be77817 probe1 '8.45,6.12,2.89'

Severity levels:

Severity level Description
0 Notice
1 Warning
2 Critical

Alert types

Alert type Description
DiskSpaceLimitReached The disk space limit of a container or probe is reached
MemorySpaceLimitReached The memory space limit of a container or probe is reached
ContainerStarted A container is started
ContainerStopped A container is stopped
ContainerCreated A container is created
ContainerRemoved A container is removed
NetBandwithOverload The net bandwith of a container overloaded
CPUUsageOverload The cpu usage of a container or probe overloaded


This script is a transport example, it will log the alert in a file:



echo "Severity:     $1" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "Type:         $2" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "Target:       $3" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "Target_probe: $4" >> $LOG_FILE
echo "Data:         $5" >> $LOG_FILE

## API

GET /containers/{id}


Get one container's basic informations.

  • $id : Container ID


curl -XGET  -u "dgadmin:password" ""


        "Id": "33d62c50c2079d8b7d7cc18a235e7e7c24ef662ada953524f12047a3377de3c4",
        "Hostname": "33d62c50c207",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "Image": "ubuntu",
        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
        "Probe": "probe1",
        "CPUUsage": 0.48,
        "MemoryUsed": 1179648.0,
        "NetBandwithRX": 0,
        "NetBandwithTX": 0,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeRootFs": 4096,
        "SizeRw": 16384,
        "Time": 1453892345.0

GET /containers/probe/{name}


Get one probe's list of containers with the last stats.

  • $name : Name of the probe


curl -XGET  -u "dgadmin:password" ""


        "Id": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
        "Hostname": "169be7781716",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "Image": "ubuntu",
        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:01",
        "Probe": "probe1",
        "CPUUsage": 13.50487750980543,
        "MemoryUsed": 43282432.0,
        "NetBandwithRX": 0,
        "NetBandwithTX": 0,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeRootFs": 572817408.0,
        "SizeRw": 12288,
        "Time": 1453892345.0
        "Id": "33d62c50c2079d8b7d7cc18a235e7e7c24ef662ada953524f12047a3377de3c4",
        "Hostname": "33d62c50c207",
        "IPAddress": "",
        "Image": "ubuntu",
        "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
        "Probe": "probe1",
        "CPUUsage": 0.48,
        "MemoryUsed": 1179648.0,
        "NetBandwithRX": 0,
        "NetBandwithTX": 0,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeRootFs": 4096,
        "SizeRw": 16384,
        "Time": 1453892345.0

GET /probes


Get the list of probes. GET parameters:

Parameter Description Example Default
populate Populate the 'Containers' field true false


curl -XGET  -u "dgadmin:password" ""


        "Containers": null,
        "DiskAvailable": 3530113024.0,
        "DiskTotal": 39277187072.0,
        "LoadAvg": "0.53,0.68,0.66",
        "MemoryAvailable": 15024922624.0,
        "MemoryTotal": 16807555072.0,
        "Name": "probe1",
        "Running": true
        "Containers": null,
        "DiskAvailable": 5468154694.0,
        "DiskTotal": 8644578945.0,
        "LoadAvg": "0.75,0.25,0.20",
        "MemoryAvailable": 12456842035.0,
        "MemoryTotal": 16807555072.0,
        "Name": "probe2",
        "Running": true

GET /probes/{name}


Get one probe's basic informations + list of containers with last stats.

  • $name : Name of the probe


curl -XGET  -u "dgadmin:password" ""


    "Containers": [
            "Id": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
            "Hostname": "169be7781716",
            "IPAddress": "",
            "Image": "ubuntu",
            "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:01",
            "Probe": "probe1",
            "CPUUsage": 13.50487750980543,
            "MemoryUsed": 43282432.0,
            "NetBandwithRX": 0,
            "NetBandwithTX": 0,
            "Running": true,
            "SizeRootFs": 572817408.0,
            "SizeRw": 12288,
            "Time": 1453892345.0
            "Id": "33d62c50c2079d8b7d7cc18a235e7e7c24ef662ada953524f12047a3377de3c4",
            "Hostname": "33d62c50c207",
            "IPAddress": "",
            "Image": "ubuntu",
            "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
            "Probe": "probe1",
            "CPUUsage": 0.48,
            "MemoryUsed": 1179648.0,
            "NetBandwithRX": 0,
            "NetBandwithTX": 0,
            "Running": true,
            "SizeRootFs": 4096,
            "SizeRw": 16384,
            "Time": 1453892345.0
    "DiskAvailable": 3529875456.0,
    "DiskTotal": 39277187072.0,
    "LoadAvg": "0.45,0.62,0.66",
    "MemoryAvailable": 15016939520.0,
    "MemoryTotal": 16807555072.0,
    "Name": "probe1",
    "Running": true

GET /stats/probe/{name}


Get containers stats of a probe.

  • $name : Name of the probe

GET parameters:

Parameter Description Example Default
since Date of the first stat (RFC3339) 2015-09-02T09:27:41Z now() - 24h
before Date of the last stat (RFC3339) 2015-09-02T09:27:41Z now()
limit Number of stats returned 100 10


curl -XGET  -u "dgadmin:password" ""


        "CPUUsage": 9,
        "ContainerID": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
        "NetBandwithRX": 460,
        "NetBandwithTX": 4518,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeMemory": 54644,
        "SizeRootFs": 386338816,
        "SizeRw": 386338816,
        "Time": "2015-09-02T09:27:38.142495446Z"
        "CPUUsage": 10,
        "ContainerID": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
        "NetBandwithRX": 56456,
        "NetBandwithTX": 566,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeMemory": 54678,
        "SizeRootFs": 386338816,
        "SizeRw": 386338816,
        "Time": "2015-09-02T09:27:39.231311889Z"
        "CPUUsage": 8,
        "ContainerID": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
        "NetBandwithRX": 456,
        "NetBandwithTX": 658,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeMemory": 54690,
        "SizeRootFs": 386338816,
        "SizeRw": 386338816,
        "Time": "2015-09-02T09:27:40.299626418Z"

GET /stats/container/{id}


Get one container's stats.

  • $id : Container ID

GET parameters:

Parameter Description Example Default
since Date of the first stat (RFC3339) 2015-09-02T09:27:41Z now() - 24h
before Date of the last stat (RFC3339) 2015-09-02T09:27:41Z now()
limit Number of stats returned 100 10


curl -XGET  -u "dgadmin:password" ""


        "CPUUsage": 5,
        "ContainerID": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
        "NetBandwithRX": 456,
        "NetBandwithTX": 54,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeMemory": 78655,
        "SizeRootFs": 386338816,
        "SizeRw": 386338816,
        "Time": "2015-09-02T09:27:38.142495446Z"
        "CPUUsage": 6,
        "ContainerID": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
        "NetBandwithRX": 9789,
        "NetBandwithTX": 8965,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeMemory": 78461,
        "SizeRootFs": 386338816,
        "SizeRw": 386338816,
        "Time": "2015-09-02T09:27:39.231311889Z"
        "CPUUsage": 5,
        "ContainerID": "169be7781716d888835e0cafb46d7a0c3fc18a599406e45e6cf3816d345960d1",
        "NetBandwithRX": 6778,
        "NetBandwithTX": 78,
        "Running": true,
        "SizeMemory": 78765,
        "SizeRootFs": 386338816,
        "SizeRw": 386338816,
        "Time": "2015-09-02T09:27:40.299626418Z"

How to contribute?

Feel free to fork the project and make a pull request!

Thanks to




Simply monitoring docker containers







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