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Fairly haml-ish like html templating for Go.

Makes it easier to type up html by hand by avoiding having to type superfluous angled bracked, closing tags, and some other redundancies. Fans of Haml claim that it's not just a shortcut, but beautiful (like Haikus) but they have a warped sense of aesthetics.

I'm going to assume you have a vague notion of what haml is so I'll keep it short. In case you are interested, read more about haml here but beware that most of the "advanced" features are not implemented by design.

This means the library lacking a number of haml features, which, depending on your point of view is either a good thing or a catatrophe.

G/HAML in 10 seconds.

Basically this:

    %h1 Hello World

translates to the corresponding HTML. You may indent using tabs or spaces, but be consistant. The first indented line determines whether you are using tabs or spaces, and in the latter case how many spaces consitute one level of indention.

Attributes are handled like this:


Note the single quotes around the attribute values. No choice of single or double. (I might switch to double quotes or makes this configurable, though)

id and class attributes can be abbreviated further with # and . respectively:


And if they are only attached to divs for formatting, you can even leave out the tag:



<div class='bla'></div>

In consequence, an id or class shortcut-attribute can't contain dot or hash in it's name. In general, most errors are currently handled via Garbage-in-garbage-out and escaping special characters is not supported. With one exception:

Go Templates

Gaml doesn't support variable interpolation. Mainly because I'm to lazy (... too stupid ...). I figure if you need variable interpolation, you should use the Gaml output as input to Go templates. Go templates make judivious use of the dot (.) which, of course conflicts with the g/haml class shortcut. Therefore, the exception to the "no-escaping" rule is: everything in go template double braces ({{ .go_template_stuff }}) is passed through and not considered to be a g/haml dot, hash or whatever.


The simplest case: convert a string to html:

	package main
	import ("gaml")
	func main() {
		line := `
	      Hello World`
		html, _ := gaml.GamlToHtml(line)


$ go run main/main.go
    Hello World

Though typically, you will want to render directly to an io.Writer:

    package main
    import (
    // this configures the output options and can be reused
    var renderer = gaml.NewRenderer()
    func main() {
    	line := `
    				Hello World`
      reader := bytes.NewBufferString(line)
      // Construct a parser from an `io.Reader`, there is
      // also a convenienve method: NewParserString(string) 
      // we could have used ...
      parser := gaml.NewParser(reader)
      // the root node returned by `Parse` is an abstract 
      // represenation of the gaml. It too can be reused if
      // the underlying gaml does not change.
      root, _ := parser.Parse()
      // finally, render the abstract gaml
      renderer.ToHtml(root, os.Stdout)

this outputs:

$ go run main/main2.go
<html><head><body><h1>Hello World

Note the default Renderer does not indent the output and doesn't insert newlines between tags, though it does after text elements.


The package also includes an http.Handler implementation for integration with the net.http package. See the NewGamlHandler docs in http.go

Additional Functionality (compared to Haml)


gaml is able to include other fragments using > fileToIncluder notation, e.g.

      > childOfH1.gaml


    > childOfBodySiblingOfH1.gaml

The examples above will insert the fragments named childOfH1.gaml, resp childOfBodySiblingOfH1.gaml into the resulting html at the position suggested by their names.

To use includes, the Parser needs to be assigned a Loader so it knows how to retrieve the includes. If the Parser is created using the FileSystemLoader, loading includes are handled by the same FileSystemLoader by default. (This needs to be explained more clearly:)

Most glaring HAML incompatibilities

no ruby attribute syntax:

%a {bla => "durp"}


I don't see the point. I'm perfectly happy with "html" style attributes:


This only makes sense in a ruby environment. Ruby code in those templates won't be portable anyway.

Single quoted attribute values onlu

This is legal:


this is not:



Simplicity of implementation. Also, gaml main raison d'etre is to ease typing, doublequotes require you pressing "shift" :)

no variable interpolation


  • I don't need it, I only want to generate static html
  • It's too hard for me
  • Go comes with a great templating engine which can easily be combined with gaml see the template.go example in the example subdirectory.

Fewer/no formatting options


I'm lazy, currently I'm just implementing the stuff I need. This will change as I need more features or people contribute stuff.


MIT, see LICENSE file.


simplified haml for go







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