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moon v1.1.4

moon is a minimal web application framework written in Go and React ES6. It uses Node.js buildtools extensively during the development process (ie. webpack). Its purpose is to implement Single Page Applications (SPA) in a way that optimizes for rapid prototyping. It achieves this with hot module replacement, webpack, react, and opinionated routing.

Once your application is ready for production you can remove Node.js as a dependency.

Frontend Technologies

The moon frontend uses React 0.14.2. React components are created using ES6 modules, see Babel. moon has default support for SASS, but this can be configured to LESS or Stylus through webpack config.

Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

moon implements HMR quite efficiently. It combines webpack-hot-middleware and webpack-dev-middleware to serve hot client bundles from an HMR express server. The HMR server runs on a separate port from your Go server and pushes updates to the client via CORS.

To update react components it utilizes a stack based on react-transform-hmr.

This stack is very lightweight, configurable, and pluggable.

NB. Your Go server will still serve API endpoints and other static assets during hot mode.

NB2. If you turn off hot mode while the servers are running, they will need to be restarted in order to serve the proper bundles.`


moon apps are configured using toml.

# development|production
env = "development"
# Bundles, images, stubs, etc. 
static = "static"
# Auto-prefixed with static 
js = "bundle.js"
# Auto-prefixed with static 
style = "bundle.css"
# prefix for api endpoints 
api = "/api/"
# when is true the bundle is served via jsonp from webpack server
hmr = "localhost:8889" 
# enables live reload. NB. env must be development and hmr must be set
hot = true 

template = "template.html.tpl"
address = "localhost:8888"
# when env is production it will prefix bundles with the serve option
# this is useful for reverse proxies
serve = ""

entry = "entry.js"


  1. API endpoints - prefixed with the api config entry
  2. Static files stored in the directory set in the static config entry
  3. Default to client routing. If the prior two cases are not satisfied, the server will send the frontend application code. The application takes the form of an html5 template with a link and script tag pointing to the css and js bundles that were output by webpack. (when in hot mode they are served from memory instead)

On the frontend, assuming the client bundle is served, the routing is deferred to react-router. Routes can be added per component from /client/entry.js:

const routes = {
	path: '/',
	component: App,
	childRoutes: [
		{ path: 'about', component: About },
		{ path: 'contact', component: Contact },


Things you will need:

  1. Go
  2. Node.js (4.0+ recommended)
  3. npm

First thing you want to do is clone this repo. Enter the cloned directory and type:

npm install

Open up a separate tty and type:

npm start

Note that we aren't running webpack directly. This gives us a lot more power to control the environment.

Make sure you have the Go dependencies to run the server. Assuming you have set your GOPATH, just manually install the 3 dependencies:

go get
go get
go get

A simple Makefile is provided to build and run the server:

make run-server

Navigate to http://localhost:8888 and verify that "Hello World!" is displayed.

Check http://localhost:8888/api/version to see the endpoint support.

Edit /client/components/app.js and see that the code is automatically updated in your browser without a refresh.

Adding Endpoints

A simple version endpoint is provided in the /server/api.go file. You can manage all of your endpoints from this file. Endpoints must implement httprouter.Handle. In other words they need the same signature as the VersionEndpoint function.

To add your own endpoint, create a new function with the same signature as VersionEndpoint. Then add the endpoint as shown below.

Endpoints can have parameterized syntax provided by httprouter. Just remember that the endpoint will be prefixed with whatever you have set in your config. For example:

s.Endpoint("/user/:id/:action", API_POST, UserEndpoint)

Could be reached at http://localhost/api/user/1/edit

Note that API_GET, API_POST, and API_BOTH are bit masked in order to determine allowed methods for the router.


Golang and React web application framework







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