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api service

Testing with 2 terminal sessions. You may want to proxy a k8s cluster for the k8s test to use localhost:8888, or modify the yaml/json in tests configuration.

If using the support scripts for kubernetes private test cluster you may want to enable that scripting with the following options.

cp /path/to/k8s-cfg/k8s-cfg  .
ln -s /path/to/k8s-cfg/.k8s-cfg .
kubectl proxy --port=8888 --api-prefix=/

Added consul api protocol to put, then get of the same key value using local instance consul

Test protocol: consul send arg and check receive value.

apiVersion: v0.1
kind: test
- name: consul-check
  protocol: consul
        - '{ "name": "value", "type": "value" }'
        name: value
      uri: consul://localhost:8500
      recv: '{ "name": "value", "type": "value" }'
    nak: {}

api test demo application

Possible future state

  • bin/api-service: provide the api endpoint and serve provisioning and status monitoring
  • bin/api-deploy: client provision / deployment, more or less curl + some options

For demo purposes this is prebuilt with bin/*

To test run

bin/api-service --debug --verbose

Switch terminal windows and run

make test-api-service

Will execute a group of json/yaml requests to do some.

The driver just performs direct executions of yaml formatted objects.

bin/driver --file cmd-docker.yaml

Whose content is a command to execute a docker busybox container built to perform a null validation with an echo.

apiVersion: v0.1
kind: test
- name: docker-json
  protocol: cmd
      - run
      - --rm
      - busybox
      - /bin/echo
      - '{ "reply": "ok" }'
        name: value
      uri: file:///usr/bin/docker
      stdout: |
        { "reply": "ok" }
    nak: {}

The response is:

INFO: 2015/10/13 17:04:42 manage.go:89: ApiVersion [        ] \
    test [docker-json                     ] type [file] \
    status [    ok] rc [0] uri [file:///usr/bin/docker] \
    args ["run" "--rm" "busybox" "/bin/echo" "{ \"reply\": \"ok\" }"] expect [{ "reply": "ok" }]

From a yaml formatted file, converted to json and sent as the data using curl to post it to the path /api/v1/validate

curl --request POST --data "$(yaml2json < cmd-docker.yaml)" http://localhost:9999/api/v1/validate

  "filename": "API Call from /api/v1/validate",
  "apiVersion": "v0.1",
  "kind": "response",
  "TimeStamp": "2015.",
  "spec": {
    "status": [
        "timestamp": "2015.",
        "error": "<nil>",
        "exit": 0,
        "name": "docker-json",
        "text": "{ \"reply\": \"ok\" }\n"

Calling the api server responds with:

{"filename":"API Call from /api/v1/validate","apiVersion":"v0.1","kind":"response","TimeStamp":"2015.","spec":{"status":[{"timestamp":"2015.","error":"\u003cnil\u003e","exit":0,"name":"docker-json","text":"{ \"reply\": \"ok\" }\n"}]}}

  "filename": "API Call from /api/v1/validate",
  "apiVersion": "v0.1",
  "kind": "response",
  "TimeStamp": "2015.",
  "spec": {
    "status": [
        "timestamp": "2015.",
        "error": "<nil>",
        "exit": 0,
        "name": "docker-json",
        "text": "{ \"reply\": \"ok\" }\n"

Build out api-service.go to drive calls via http://api:port/api/v1/validate/ POST.

Utility functions for json stream editing added with other utilities.

Utility functions for json stream editing added with other utilities


Add bin/{json2yaml,yaml2json,jsonutil,jq} tools for testing and general utility use.

Utility driver sample bin/driver implementation to perform validation checks

Anticipated extensions

Possible use cases:

Api service front end for sequential execution

Unified application validation system centralizing execution with
uniform api [ json call formats for suitably configured tooling. ]

Perhaps in the future Api service to enable call of tests similar to via name /api/v1/validate/{{test-name}}

  * http://localhost/api/v1/validate

make test-driver has some example execution of tests.
bin/driver --file check-echo.yaml

Info: 2015/10/09 15:11:44 driver.go:336: ApiVersion [    v0.1] test [tcp-test-string-nak             ] type [ tcp] status [    ok] rc [1] uri [tcp://localhost:7] args ["test string"] expect [test string nak]
Info: 2015/10/09 15:11:44 driver.go:336: ApiVersion [    v0.1] test [tcp-test-string-ack             ] type [ tcp] status [    ok] rc [0] uri [tcp://localhost:7] args ["test string ack"] expect [test string ack]
Info: 2015/10/09 15:11:44 driver.go:336: ApiVersion [    v0.1]\
    test [tcp-test-string-nak             ] type [ tcp] status [    ok] rc [1]\
        uri [tcp://localhost:7] args ["test string"] expect [test string nak]
Info: 2015/10/09 15:11:44 driver.go:336: ApiVersion [    v0.1]\
    test [tcp-test-string-ack             ] type [ tcp] status [    ok] rc [0] \
        uri [tcp://localhost:7] args ["test string ack"] expect [test string ack]

Samples for validation in json and yaml syntax are included.

The default makefile is configured to use godeps for vendoring.

make -k init get save build test-driver

GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 GOPATH=/go /go/bin/godep get "" 
GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 GOPATH=/go /go/bin/godep save
GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 GOPATH=/go /go/bin/godep go build -a -ldflags '-s'

consul test setup

docker run -it -p 8400:8400 -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:53/udp oba11/consul -server -bootstrap


a little app to execute commands in the k8s-bldr [or other environment] but for testing docker in docker bulids






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