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A Go client for latency testing

This client will make HTTP requests to a remote host, capturing the round trip time and calculating measurements to determine variablility.

The measurements captured are:

  • 25 Percentile
  • 75 Percentile
  • 95 Percentile
  • 99 Percentile
  • 999 Percentile
  • Mean
  • Standard Deviation
  • Min
  • Max
  • Inter-Quartile range

The following is an example of the reports generated from the captured round trip times.

$ ltc-client -duration 3h -host -port 80 -route med -rate 0.1 -rint 0
Total Requests: 1080
Throttle: 10s
Results - final
Requests: 1080
	Total:     5.159692077s
	     	   Client	    Fan
			------------	------------
	0.25:	3.862988ms		0
	0.75:	4.164414ms		0
	0.95:	5.466224ms		0
	0.99:	17.764905ms		0
	0.999:	269.887298ms	0

	mean:	4.777492ms		0
	std:	9.204613ms		0
	min:	3.467133ms		0
	max:	289.146555ms	0
	iqr:	301.426us		0

Along with this report, the capture times are dumped to a file named results.txt. If the rint flag is not set to 0, the dumped times are sorted.


$ ltc-client -h
Usage of ltc-client:
  -apigee=false: Use an apigee request
  -config="config.json": Location of config file
  -duration=1s: Duration of the test
  -fan=false: Report fan in final results
  -host="localhost": The host of the server
  -https=false: Use https as the transfer protocol.
  -nonce=false: Use a nonce for each request
  -port="8080": The port of the host server
  -rate=1: Requests per second
  -rint=15m0s: Interval to print reports
  -route="small": The route to call on the server (small|med|large|xlarge)

apigee (default: false)

A boolean flag to indicate whether a request through apigee is required.

If this flag is set to true, then a config file that contains apigee information is required. The following is an example of the apigee content required in the config file.

	"apigee": {
		"email": "...",
		"password": "...",
		"apikey": "...",
		"apiurl": "..."

config (default: config.json)

The location of the config file. The default location is the location where the command is run, where the default config file name is config.json

Note: The config file is only required if apigee is set to true.

duration (default: 1s)

The amount of time that the test should run. The time formats used are based on the GoLang's time.Duration The following format are acceptable:

1h - 1 hour
1m - 1 minute
1s - 1 second
1ms - 1 millisecond
1us - 1 microsecond
1ns - 1 nanosecond


In the case where the HTTP request is made to an ltc-mid server, then the -fan flag will indicate that a fan report should be calculated.

host (default: localhost)

The host that should be used for HTTP requests.

https (default: false)

A boolean flag to indicate whether the protocal used for the HTTP request should be HTTPS.

nonce (default: false)

A boolean flag to indicate whether a unique value should be appended to the HTTP request to help prevent caching.

port (default: 8080)

The port to be used when making HTTP requests.

rate (default: 1s)

The number of requests to make per second. This can also be indicated as a fraction to run requests at a rate greater than 1 second.

0.1 - 1 request every 10 seconds
10  - 10 requests per second

rint (default: 15m0s)

The rint flag is used to indicate how often an updated report should be printed. This flag will force intermediate reported to be printed to the console. Note: Set this flag to 0 to disable intermediate reports.

route (default: small)

The route to call on the host. This will resolve to http://localhost:8080/small.


An HTTP client written in GO for latency testing






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