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A reverse proxy


Using Garnish comes down to configuring it. You'll most likely want to import two projects:


You begin this process by creating a configuration object:

config := gc.Configure()

You'll then:

  1. Configure global settings
  2. Configure / enable middlewares
  3. Configure specific routes

Finally, you can start garnish:

runtime, err := config.Build()
if err != nil {

You can see example/main.go for a basic example.

Global Settings

The most common global setting is:

  • Address(address string) - the address to listen on

Other settings you likely won't have to change:

  • Debug() - Enable debug logging
  • Logger(garnish.Logs) - Use your own logger
  • BytePool(capacity, size uint32) - A byte pool used whenever your upstreams reply with a Content-Length less than capacity. Bytes required will be capacity * size.
  • DnsTTL(ttl time.Duration) - The default TTL to cache dns lookups for. Can be overwritten on a per-upstream basis.
  • NotFound(response garnish.Response) - The response to return for a 404
  • Fatal(response garnish.Response) - The response to return for a 500



The stats middleware is disabled by default.

Every minute, the stats middleware writes performance metrics to a file. Stats will generate information about:

  1. The runtime
    • of GCs

    • of Goroutines

  2. Your routes
    • of hits

    • of hits by status code (2xx, 4xx, 5xx)

    • of cache hits

    • of slow requests

    • 75 percentile load time
    • 95 percentile load time
  3. Other
    • Infomration on your byte pool (hits/size/...)

The middleware overwrites the file on each write.

config.Stats().FileName("stats.json").Slow(time.Millisecond * 100)
  • FileName(name string) - the path to save the statistics to
  • Slow(d time.Duration) - the default value to consider a request as being slow. (overwritable on a per-route basis)


The cache middleware is disabled by default.

config.Cache().Grace(time.Minute * 2)
  • Count(num int) - The maximum number of responses to keep in the cache
  • Grace(window time.Duration) - The window to allow a grace response
  • NoSaint() - Disables saint mode
  • KeyLookup(garnish.CacheKeyLookup) - The function that determines the cache keys to use for this request. A default based on the request's URL + QueryString is used. (overwritable on a per-route basis)
  • PurgeHandler(garnish.PurgeHandler) - The function to call on PURGE requests. No default is provided (it's good to authorize purge requests). If the handler returns a nil response, the request proceeds as normal (thus allowing you to purge the garnish cache and still send the request to the upstream). When a PurgeHandler is configured, a route is automatically added to handle any PURGE request.


The Hydration middleware is disabled by default.

Hydration is a form of SSI (Server Side Include) aimed at reducing duplication and latency issues which often come with using a service oriented architecture. The approach is detailed here.

config.Hydrate(func (fragment garnish.ReferenceFragment) []byte {
	return redis.Get(fragment.String("id"))

To enable Hydration, a garnish.HydrateLoader function must be provided. This function is responsible for taking the hydration meta data provided by the upstream and converting it to the actual object. In the above example, the payload is retrieved from Redis.

The provided garnish.ReferenceFragment exposes a typed.Typed object. However, despite this potential flexibility, the current parser is severely limited. Upstreams should provide very basic meta data. Namely, no nested objects are currently supported and values cannot contain a {} (for real, teehee).

  • Header(name string) - The HTTP header the upstream will set to enable hydration against the response.


Configures your upstreams. Garnish requires at least 1 upstream to be defined:


The name given to the upstream is used later whe defining routes.

  • Address(address string) - The address of the upstream. Must begin with http://, https:// or unix:/
  • KeepAlive(count int) - The number of keepalive connections to maintain with the upstream. Set to 0 to disable
  • DnsCache(ttl time.Duration) - The length of time to cache the upstream's IP. Even setting this to a short value (1s) can have a significant impact
  • Headers(headers ...string) - The headers to forward to the upstream
  • Tweaker(tweaker garnish.RequestTweaker) - A RequestTweaker exposes the incoming and outgoing request, allowing you to make any custom changes to the outgoing request.


At least 1 route must be registered. Routes are registered with a method and associated with an upstream:


All routes must have a unique name. Paths support parameters in the form of :name, which will be exposed via the *garnish.Request's Param method. Paths can also end with a wildcard *, which acts as a prefix match.

  • Upstream(name string) - The name of the upstream to send this request to
  • Get(path string) - The path for a GET method
  • Post(path string) - The path for a POST method
  • Put(path string) - The path for a PUT method
  • Delete(path string) - The path for a DELETE method
  • Purge(path string) - The path for a PURGE method
  • Patch(path string) - The path for a PATCH method
  • Head(path string) - The path for a HEAD method
  • Options(path string) - The path for a OPTIONS method
  • All(path string) - The path for a all methods. Can be overwritten for specific methods by specifying the method route first.
  • Slow(t time.Duration) - Any requests that take longer than t to process will be flagged as a slow request by the stats worker. Overwrite's the stat's slow value for this route.
  • CacheTTL(ttl time.Duration) - The amount of time to cache the response for. Values < 0 will cause the item to never be cached. If the value isn't set, the Cache-Control header received from the upstream will be used.
  • CacheKeyLookup(garnish.CacheKeyLookup) - The function that generates the cache key to use. Overwrites the cache's lookup for this route.
  • Handler(garnish.Handler) garnish.Reponse - Provide a custom handler for this route (see handler section)

Each route can have a custom handler. This allows routes to be handled directly in-process, without going to an upstream. For example:

func LoadUser(req *garnish.Request, next garnish.Middleware) garnish.Response {
  id := req.Params().Get("id")
  if len(id) == 0 {
    return garnish.NotFoundResponse()
  //todo handle

By using the next argument, it's possible to use a handler AND an upstream:

func DeleteUser(req *garnish.Request, next garnish.Middleware) garnish.Response {
  if isAuthorized(req) == false {
    return garnish.Respond(401, "not authorized")
  res := next(req)
  //can manipulate res
  return res

Because of when it executes (immediately before the upstream), the handler can return a response which takes full advantage of the other middlewares (stats, caching, hydration, authentication, ...)

Custom Middleware

You can inject your own middle handler:

config.Insert(garnish.BEFORE_STATS, "auth", authHandler)

func authHandler(req *garnish.Request, next garnish.Middleware) garnish.Response{
  if .... {
    return garnish.Respond(401, "not authorized")
  return next(req)

Middlewares can be inserted:


Cache Persistence

The default cache implementation is an in-memory LRU cache. This means that a restart wipes the cache resulting in a traffic spike to upstreams servers. Garnish can help mitigate this problem by letting you snapshot a part of the cache on shutdown (and restoring from this snapshot on startup). This snapshot is an approximation: Garnish continues to serve requests while snapshotting and thus its possible for an entry to be updated after being persisted to disk.

To reduce the impact of this possible inconsistency, items restored to the cache on startup are cached for a brief period of time (1 to 2 minutes). In other words, the goal of cache persistence isn't to be fully transparent during a restart, but rather to reduce the impact of a restart by spreading out the load.

To persist the cache (likely triggered by a signal), you use:

if err := runtime.Cache.Save("", 10000, time.Second*10); err != nil {
  log.Println("cache save", err)

The above will save the 10 000 most recently used entries. It'll ignore any entry that expire within the next 10 seconds.

On startup, the cache can be restored via:

if err := runtime.Cache.Load("")); err != nil {
  log.Println("cache load", err)

File Based Configuration

Rather than initiating a new configuration object via the Configure() function, the LoadConfig(path string) (*Configuration, error) function can be used. LoadConfig expects the path to a TOML file, a sample of which is provided in example/sample.toml.

The configuration file supplements, but does not replace, the main configuration mechanism. Specifically, the goal of the configuration file is to allow the addition of upstreams and routes without having to restart the server. Configuration which is expected to be more static, such as the cache or stats tracking, cannot be configured via the file.

Hot Reload

The Reload(runtime) function can be used to change the configuration of a running Garnish server. Reloading is thread-safe and guarantees that requests will see a consistent configuration (running requests will see their existing configuration, while new request will run on the new configuration). Hot reloading is meant to be paired with the file-based configuration in order to add or modify routes and upstreams without downtime.

Reload takes a new runtime instance. Its up to you to decide when/how to get a new configuration, but it'll probably be signal driven. The example app illustrates this.

Currently, changes to the listening address/port are ignored.


  • Upstream load balancing
  • TCP upstream


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