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Build Status MIT License Issues Comment-on-Github.Party

Current version is v0.9.2520-beta

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     He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither.___Benjamin Franklin


deblocus is similar to VPN, could establish encrypted tunnels with the remote gateway to achieve access to the remote network, and provide high secure and performance local proxy (socks5/http) service.



There is some finished features:

  • Traffic was encrypted by dynamic and unique secert-key per session (not static password).
  • C/S supports multiple peers and delivers payloads parallelly.
  • Use tcp multiplexer for inter endpoints of tunnel.
  • Much reduced latency by Fast-open (nearly 1-RTT responded).

What does it mean?

  • Don't worry about history traffic could be decrypted by others in anytime (Past, future, and present you will be at risk if lost password based on fixed-key encryption)
  • Could share server with friends, and use multiple servers to offload single gateway traffic.
  • Lots of short requests will be accelerated by multiplexer through tunnel (if have high packet lose rate or establish new network connection difficultly on your access network or transmission network, it will save time from without TCP 3-handshakes, and save much time from if establish new connection when syn or ack+syn lost until tcp stack waiting timeout. Although do nothing but the acceleration is existing really, that cause of using old established connection could be able to gain more active transmitting strategies and lost detection (such as fast-restransmit, SACK) fully by kernel, then will enjoy fast responses and high throughput)


Download Binaries or Compile from source, and should read Wiki at first.

GUI Manager

This tool is useful to manage deblocus process and can minimize to tray.


Download deblocusMonitor.


qtunnel, osext, dhkx and glog, thanks to those projects.

Code License:

MIT License






详见 Wiki,直接下载可从项目Releases.


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