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Victor is a library for creating your own chat bot.

We use Victor as the backbone of our bot, Virbot, within our team Campfire at Virb ( We use him for all sorts things like:

  • Deploying code
  • Preparing/initiating builds of our projects
  • Viewing information about our infrastructure
  • CDN operations
  • Jokes and laughs

Supported Services

Currently I only have an adapter written for Campfire, however more are to come. Writing an adapter for your favorite service is a good way to contribute to the project 😉.

Making Him Your Own

Victor is more of a framework for constructing your own bot so he doesn't do a whole lot out-of-the-box. I'll be adding more default behavior to him as time progresses. You can use the programs located in examples/ as starting points to create your own executable.

Listening for Things

There are two ways to trigger actions on the bot:

  • Hear: Trigger an action based on some criteria heard anywhere in the channel.
  • Respond: Respond to a direct statement at the bot (e.g. "virbot show not shipped")

Basic Usage

Since we're gonna use the campfire adapter in the example below, we'll need to set some basic environment variables beforehand.

export VICTOR_CAMPFIRE_ACCOUNT="mycompany_name"
export VICTOR_CAMPFIRE_TOKEN="super_secret_token"
export VICTOR_CAMPFIRE_ROOMS="12345,67859"

...and what a program using Victor would look like.

// Create the bot (with adapter and name)
bot := victor.New("campfire", "ralph")

// Trigger anytime it hears the word "alot".
bot.Hear("alot", func(m victor.Message) {
    m.Room().Say("A LOT.")

// Trigger when someone talks directly to the bot in the following forms: 
//   - "ralph hi"
//   - "@ralph hi"
//   - "/hi"
bot.Respond("hi|hello|howdy", func(m victor.Message) {
    m.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s", m.User().Name()))

bot.Respond("bye", func(m victor.Message) {
    m.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("Goodbye, %s", m.User().Name()))

// Play a sound
bot.Respond("shipit", func(m victor.Message) {

// Send a paste
bot.Respond("paste me", func(m victor.Message) {
    m.Room().Paste("/* Very important comment. */")

// Send a tweet URL
bot.Respond("gophers", func(m victor.Message) {

// Capture Parameters on trigger
bot.Respond("testsuite ([\\w-]+)/([\\w-]+):([\\w-]+)", func(m victor.Message) {
    params := m.Params()
    user   := params[0]
    repo   := params[1]
    branch := params[2]

    log.Printf("Running testsuite for user=%s repo=%s branch=%s\n", user, repo, branch)
    m.Reply("Running testsuite. Sit tight.")



Chat bots in Go







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