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NBusy Server

Build Status GoDoc

NBusy messaging server for web and mobile clients. Built on Titan messaging server framework.

Tech Stack

For technological and architectural overview, have a look at this blog post.

Docker Build and Deployment

To build and run a Docker container:

docker build -t nbusy .
docker run --publish 80:80 --name nbusy --rm nbusy

The --publish flag tells docker to publish the container's port 80 on the external port 80. The --name flag gives our container a predictable name to make it easier to work with. The --rm flag tells docker to remove the container image when the NBusy server exits.

Now you can browse to the WebSocket Test Page and type in ws:// (you might need to replace the IP with the IP of you Docker host depending on your system).

One you're done, shut down the running container from another terminal window:

docker stop nbusy

Docker Registry

You can pull prebuilt NBusy Docker image via:

docker pull nbusy/nbusy

You can find all the published tags at Docker Hub: nbusy/nbusy

You can also reference the repo by URL using

If something goes wrong and you want to stop all containers and delete all containers & images:

# stop then delete all containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
# delete all images
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)

Heroku Deployment


Procfile and app.json are ready making this repo readily available for Heroku deployment. You can start by clicking the above button.

A sample deployment is at wss:// where you can connect with any NBusy client.


Apache License 2.0