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Repository files navigation

This is a very simple demo, not intended to show anything particularly interesting

Most of the files in public/ are downloaded from various sources. Here is a list of outside libraries:

  1. public/js/angular.min.js: Minified angular.js 1.2.9
  2. public/js/less.min.js: Minified less compiler, because this is not intended to be used with any type of production code. Since it's only intended to be run as a demo on a development server, it just uses the javascript client-side less compiler.
  3. public/js/bootstrap*.js: Bootstrap javascript files.
  4. public/less: Bootstrap less files.
  5. public/fonts: Bootstrap fonts.
  6. public/partials: Bootstrap html files (I wasn't paying too much attention to their contents, which might not have been a good idea ... I'll clean them up if I ever add real partials).

The main files that make up the demo are:

  1. Any file that ends in .go: These are the Go source files for the API.
  2. public/app.html: The main html file, which static.go maps all unknown paths to.
  3. public/js/app.js: The angular controller that handles the demo.

Installing and Running

Pretty standard for a Go project:

  1. Install the Go tool
  2. Create a directory for Go development, e.g. $ mkdir -p ~/dev/golang
  3. Set up the GOPATH environment variable to point to the above directory, e.g. $ export GOPATH="~/dev/golang"
  4. Add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH: $ export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
  5. Run go get: $ go get
  6. Run the application: $ PORT=5000 goweb_angular_demo
  7. Visit localhost:5000 in your web browser.


Just a very quick, very rudimentary demo of a REST API written in goweb with an angular.js frontend






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