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#####Use zbackup only for zfs versions, where next bugs are closed: openzfs/zfs#2652



zbackup is a multithreading zfs backuping (via snapshots) tool

###Installation: from sources:

go get
go get
git clone .
go install

for archlinux users there are PKGBUILD file:

git clone
cd zbackup
git checkout pkgbuild-github

###Description and examples

####zbackup can run in two modes: #####command-line mode: in this mode zbackup perform backup filesystems, which have a user-defined zfs-property with value 'true' (colon in property name is part of his name; this is zfs naming scheme for user-properties)

zfs list -H -o name,someprop: zroot/owl                 
zroot/owl   -

zfs set someprop:=true zroot/owl
zfs list -H -o name,someprop: zroot/owl
zroot/owl   true

after setting this property to fs, you can run zbackup:

zbackup -u zbackup: --host --user root --key /root/.ssh/id_rsa

#####configuration-file mode: in this mode zbackup performs backup filsystem, described in config file ('-c' key)

configuration file have a TOML format and very simple:

cat /etc/zbackup/zbackup.conf
user           = "root"
host           = ""
key            = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"
max_io_threads = 1

recursive      = true
expire_hours   = "1h"
local          = "zroot/src"
remote_root    = "zroot"

In remote_root you can specify:

  • zfs pool name;
  • zfs fs name: if not exists, zbackup will try to create it;

after creating configuration file, check config, start dry-run, and then perform zbackup:

zbackup -c /etc/zbackup/zbackup.conf -t
14:53:45.955870 9892 INFO config ok

zbackup -c /etc/zbackup/zbackup.conf --dry-run
14:54:14.052290 9900 INFO --dry-run set, only show backup tasks:
14:54:14.052345 9900 INFO zroot/src -> zroot/owl-zroot-src
14:54:14.052357 9900 INFO zroot/src/blah -> zroot/owl-zroot-src-blah
14:54:14.052366 9900 INFO zroot/src/host1 -> zroot/owl-zroot-src-host1

zbackup -c /etc/zbackup/zbackup.conf -v debug
14:56:16.782904 9951 INFO [0]: starting backup
... log messages ...
14:56:17.973803 9951 INFO [2]: backup done

All command keys (some of them has a default values):

zbackup -h
  zbackup -h
  zbackup --version
  zbackup [-c config]    [-t] [--dry-run] [-p pidfile] [-v loglevel] [-f logfile]
  zbackup -u zfsproperty [-t] [--dry-run] [-p pidfile] [-v loglevel] [-f logfile]
  --host host [--user user] [--key key] [--iothreads num] [--remote fs] [--expire hours]

  -h               this help
  --version        show version and exit
  -c config        configuration-based backup [default: /etc/zbackup/zbackup.conf]
  -t               test configuration and exit
  --dry-run        show fs will be backup and exit
  -p pidfile       set pidfile [default: /var/run/]
  -v loglevel      set loglevel: info, debug [default: info]
  -f logfile       set logfile [default: stderr]
  -u zfsproperty   property-based backup
  --host host      set backup host ${hostname}:${port}
  --user user      set backup user [default: root]
  --key key        set keyfile [default: /root/.ssh/id_rsa]
  --iothreads num  set max parallel tasks [default: 1]
  --remote fs      set remote root fs [default: 'zroot']
  --expire hours   set expire time in hours or 'lastone' [default: 24h]

####Some internals

  • zbackup parse config (or command-linme options) and create backup tasks
  • based on max iothreads option, run this tasks in parallel

For every backup task:

  • check for local fs snapshot with name: 'fs@zbackup_curr'

  • if snapshot not exists - assume, that we run first time:

  • create snapshot 'fs@zbackup_curr'

  • local: zfs send fs@zbackup_curr

  • remote: zfs recv $remote_root/$local_root-$fs@timestamp

  • set 'readonly=on' for remote fs

  • set 'zbackup: true' for remote snapshot

  • if 'fs@zbackup_curr' exists:

  • create snapshot 'fs@zbackup_new'

  • local: zfs send -i fs@zbackup_new fs@zbackup@curr

  • remote: zfs recv zfs recv $remote_root/$local_root-$fs@timestamp

  • set 'zbackup: true' for remote snapshot

  • run cleanup:

  • by 'lastone': delete all remote snapshots with 'zbackup=true' for this fs, except last one

  • by expire time: delete all remote snapshots, which created ealry that expire

  • rotate local snapshots:

  • delete local:'fs@zbackup_curr'

  • rename local:'fs@zbackup_new' to 'fs@zbackup_curr'


multithreading zfs backuper written on golang






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