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Evidence based testing

Writing individual assertions on large data structures can be error-prone, brittle and (most importantly) boring.

If you have known-good data that can be deterministically reproduced you could instead capture it as evidence.

For example, you could test your API endpoints

package endpoint_test

import (
  . ""

func TestYourAPIEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
    var payload []byte = // get this from somewhere

    Exhibit.A(JSON(payload), t)

When you run go test this call to Exhibit will look for a file in your package directory called endpoint_test.TestYourAPIEndpoints.exhibit-a.json and compare the contents to your payload (once they've been pretty-printed). If that file doesn't exist or the contents differ, the test fails.

You can also test multiple exhibits per test method, like this

package some_test

import (
  . ""

func TestMultipleExhibits(t *testing.T) {
    Exhibit.A(TextString("This is the content of exhibit A"), t)
    Exhibit.B(TextString("This is the content of exhibit B"), t)

This will produce the following exhibit files

  • some_test.TestMultipleExhibits.exhibit-a.txt
  • some_test.TestMultipleExhibits.exhibit-b.txt

You can create exhibits A through Z (you really shouldn't need more than this).


Does this mean I have to create all these files by hand?

No. By running go test --snapshot you can create/replace all exhibit files in the packages covered by the test. You do this either to get started or to update your known-good as your project progresses. Be sure to review the changes made by --snapshot and only commit them if they're OK.

You can, of course use existing files or create them by hand.

Types of evidence

There's a very simple Evidence interface in case you want to provide your own way of presenting in value to be tested and a custom file extension, but you should see if there's a suitable type already provided.


Test evidence is stored in .txt exhibit files and does not changes the data it is given.

You can create text evidence in the following ways:

  • from a string using TextString(string) Evidence
  • from a slice of bytes using Text([]byte) Evidence
  • from a reader using TextReader(io.Reader) Evidence


JSON evidence is stored in .json exhibit files. The JSON structure is pretty printed to make diffing easier and to make the evidence file more useful as documentation.

You can create JSON evidence in the following ways:

  • from a string using JSONString(string) Evidence
  • from a slice of bytes using JSON([]byte) Evidence
  • from reader using JSONReader(io.Reader) Evidence
  • from an arbitrary object using JSONObj(interface{}) Evidence


XML evidence is stored in .xml exhibit files. The XML structure is pretty printed to make diffing easier and to make the evidence file more useful as documentation.

You can create XML evidence in the following ways:

  • from a string using XMLString(string) Evidence
  • from a slice of bytes using XML([]byte) Evidence
  • from reader using XMLReader(io.Reader) Evidence
  • from an arbitrary object using XMLObj(interface{}) Evidence


Simply install using go get or some such.


Exhibit requires at least version 1.5 of Go


Comments and pull requests are most welcome :)


Evidence based testing for Go







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