func (this *ReorderBuffer) LoadData(op *operation.Operation, address uint32) uint32 {
	robEntry, ok := this.getEntryByDestination(op.Id(), MemoryType, address)
	if ok {
		return uint32(robEntry.Value)
	return this.Processor().DataMemory().LoadUint32(address)
func (this *ReorderBuffer) SetProgramCounter(op *operation.Operation, value uint32) {

	this.Buffer()[op.Id()] = RobEntry{
		Operation:   op,
		Type:        ProgramCounterType,
		Destination: AbsoluteType,
		Value:       int32(value),
		Cycle:       this.Processor().Cycles(),
func (this *ReorderBuffer) IncrementProgramCounter(op *operation.Operation, value int32) {

	this.Buffer()[op.Id()] = RobEntry{
		Operation:   op,
		Type:        ProgramCounterType,
		Destination: OffsetType,
		Value:       value,
		Cycle:       this.Processor().Cycles(),
func (this *ReorderBuffer) StoreData(op *operation.Operation, address, value uint32) {

	this.Buffer()[op.Id()] = RobEntry{
		Operation:   op,
		Type:        MemoryType,
		Destination: address,
		Value:       int32(value),
		Cycle:       this.Processor().Cycles(),
func (this *ReorderBuffer) StoreRegister(op *operation.Operation, index, value uint32) {

	dest := index
	// If renaming register enabled
	if op.RenamedDestRegister() != -1 {
		dest = uint32(op.RenamedDestRegister())
	this.Buffer()[op.Id()] = RobEntry{
		Operation:   op,
		Type:        RegisterType,
		Destination: dest,
		Value:       int32(value),
		Cycle:       this.Processor().Cycles(),
func (this *ReservationStation) dispatchOperation(entryIndex EntryIndex, op *operation.Operation) {

	// Lock a slot in max quantity of instructions dispatcher per cycle
	// Release reservation station entry
	this.Entries()[entryIndex].Busy = true

	go func() {
		// Release one entry and send operation to execution, when output channel (execution unit) is free
		logger.Collect(" => [RS%d][%03d]: Sending entry %d to %s queue...", this.Index(), op.Id(), entryIndex, op.Instruction().Info.Category)
		// Wait dispatch cycles
		startCycles := this.Processor().Cycles()
		// Log completion
		this.Processor().LogEvent(consts.DISPATCH_EVENT, this.Index(), op.Id(), startCycles)
		// Send data to execution unit in a go routine, when execution unit is available
		go this.Output()[op.Instruction().Info.Category].Add(op)
func (this *Decoder) decodeInstruction(op *operation.Operation) (*instruction.Instruction, error) {
	startCycles := this.Processor().Cycles()

	// Do decode once a data instruction is received
	instruction, err := this.Processor().InstructionsSet().GetInstructionFromBytes(op.Word())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed decoding instruction %#04X. %s]", op.Word(), err.Error()))
	logger.Collect(" => [DE%d][%03d]: %#04X = %s, %s", this.Index(), op.Id(), op.Word(), instruction.Info.ToString(), instruction.Data.ToString())

	// Wait cycles of a decode stage

	// Log event
	if this.IsActive() {
		this.Processor().LogEvent(consts.DECODE_EVENT, this.Index(), op.Id(), startCycles)
	return instruction, nil
func (this *Executor) executeOperation(unit IExecutor, event string, op *operation.Operation) (*operation.Operation, error) {
	startCycles := this.Processor().Cycles()

	// Do decode once a data instruction is received
	var err error
	op, err = unit.Process(op)
	if err != nil {
		return op, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed executing instruction. %s]", err.Error()))
	// Wait cycles of a execution stage
	logger.Collect(" => [%s%d][%03d]: Executing %s, %s", event, this.Index(), op.Id(), op.Instruction().Info.ToString(), op.Instruction().Data.ToString())
	for i := uint8(0); i < op.Instruction().Info.Cycles; i++ {
	// Log completion
	if this.IsActive() {
		this.Processor().LogEvent(event, this.Index(), op.Id(), startCycles)
	return op, nil
Beispiel #9
func (this *Fpu) Process(operation *operation.Operation) (*operation.Operation, error) {
	instruction := operation.Instruction()
	outputAddress, err := this.compute(operation, instruction.Info, instruction.Data)
	if err != nil {
		return operation, err
	logger.Collect(" => [FPU][%03d]: [R%d(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), outputAddress, outputAddress*consts.BYTES_PER_WORD, this.Result())

	// Persist output data
	this.Bus().StoreRegister(operation, outputAddress, this.Result())
	return operation, nil
func (this *ReorderBuffer) LoadRegister(op *operation.Operation, index uint32) uint32 {
	lookupRegister := index
	// If renaming register enabled
	if len(this.RegisterAliasTable().Entries()) > 0 {
		ratEntry, ok := this.RegisterAliasTable().GetPhysicalRegister(op.Id()-1, index)
		if ok {
			// Proceed to search register in ROB with renamed dest from RAT
			lookupRegister = ratEntry
		} else {
			// Alias does not exist, value was already commited (search on memory)
			return this.Processor().RegistersMemory().LoadUint32(index * consts.BYTES_PER_WORD)

	// Search register on ROB
	robEntry, ok := this.getEntryByDestination(op.Id(), RegisterType, lookupRegister)
	if ok {
		return uint32(robEntry.Value)
	return this.Processor().RegistersMemory().LoadUint32(index * consts.BYTES_PER_WORD)
func (this *Branch) Process(operation *operation.Operation) (*operation.Operation, error) {
	instruction := operation.Instruction()
	info := instruction.Info
	operands := instruction.Data

	switch info.Type {
	case data.TypeI:
		registerD := operands.(*data.DataI).RegisterD.ToUint32()
		op1 := this.Bus().LoadRegister(operation, registerD)
		registerS := operands.(*data.DataI).RegisterS.ToUint32()
		op2 := this.Bus().LoadRegister(operation, registerS)
		logger.Collect(" => [BR][%03d]: [R%d(%#02X) = %#08X ? R%d(%#02X) = %#08X]",
			operation.Id(), registerD, registerD*consts.BYTES_PER_WORD, op1, registerS, registerS*consts.BYTES_PER_WORD, op2)

		taken, err := processOperation(op1, op2, info.Opcode)
		if err != nil {
			return operation, nil

		if taken {
			offsetAddress := ComputeOffsetTypeI(operands)
			this.Bus().IncrementProgramCounter(operation, offsetAddress)
			logger.Collect(" => [BR][%03d]: [PC(offset) = 0x%06X", operation.Id(), offsetAddress)
		} else {
			// Notify ROB
			this.Bus().IncrementProgramCounter(operation, 0)
	case data.TypeJ:
		address := ComputeAddressTypeJ(operands)
		this.Bus().SetProgramCounter(operation, uint32(address-consts.BYTES_PER_WORD))
		logger.Collect(" => [BR][%03d]: [Address = %06X]", operation.Id(), address)
		return operation, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid data type to process by Branch unit. Type: %d", info.Type))
	return operation, nil
func (this *ReorderBuffer) waitStallOperationIfFull(op *operation.Operation) {
	for uint32(len(this.Buffer())) >= this.RobEntries() {
		lastCompletedOpId := this.Processor().LastOperationIdCompleted()
		if op.Id() == lastCompletedOpId+1 {
			logger.Collect(" => [RB%d][%03d]: Writing latest instruction.", this.Index(), op.Id())
		logger.Collect(" => [RB%d][%03d]: ROB is full, wait for free entries. Current: %d, Max: %d, LastOpId: %d...",
			this.Index(), op.Id(), len(this.Buffer()), this.RobEntries(), lastCompletedOpId)
Beispiel #13
func (this *Alu) Process(operation *operation.Operation) (*operation.Operation, error) {
	instruction := operation.Instruction()

	// Clean Status

	outputAddress, err := this.compute(operation, instruction.Info, instruction.Data)
	if err != nil {
		return operation, err
	logger.Collect(" => [ALU][%03d]: [R%d(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), outputAddress, outputAddress*consts.BYTES_PER_WORD, this.Result())

	// Set status flags
	this.SetStatusFlag(this.Result()%2 == 0, consts.FLAG_PARITY)
	this.SetStatusFlag(this.Result() == 0, consts.FLAG_ZERO)
	this.SetStatusFlag(getSign(this.Result()), consts.FLAG_SIGN)

	// Persist output data
	this.Bus().StoreRegister(operation, outputAddress, this.Result())
	return operation, nil
func (this *LoadStore) Process(operation *operation.Operation) (*operation.Operation, error) {

	instruction := operation.Instruction()
	rdAddress := instruction.Data.(*data.DataI).RegisterD.ToUint32()
	rsAddress := instruction.Data.(*data.DataI).RegisterS.ToUint32()
	immediate := instruction.Data.(*data.DataI).Immediate.ToUint32()

	switch instruction.Info.Opcode {
	case set.OP_LW:
		rsValue := this.Bus().LoadRegister(operation, rsAddress)
		value := this.Bus().LoadData(operation, rsValue+immediate)
		this.Bus().StoreRegister(operation, rdAddress, value)
		logger.Collect(" => [LS][%03d]: [R%d(%#02X) = MEM(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), rdAddress, rdAddress*consts.BYTES_PER_WORD, rsValue+immediate, value)
	case set.OP_SW:
		rdValue := this.Bus().LoadRegister(operation, rdAddress)
		rsValue := this.Bus().LoadRegister(operation, rsAddress)
		this.Bus().StoreData(operation, rdValue+immediate, rsValue)
		logger.Collect(" => [LS][%03d]: [MEM(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), rdValue+immediate, rsValue)
	case set.OP_LLI:
		this.Bus().StoreRegister(operation, rdAddress, immediate)
		logger.Collect(" => [LS][%03d]: [R%d(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), rdAddress, rdAddress*consts.BYTES_PER_WORD, immediate)
	case set.OP_SLI:
		rdValue := this.Bus().LoadRegister(operation, rdAddress)
		this.Bus().StoreData(operation, rdValue, immediate)
		logger.Collect(" => [LS][%03d]: [MEM(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), rdValue, immediate)
	case set.OP_LUI:
		this.Bus().StoreRegister(operation, rdAddress, immediate<<16)
		logger.Collect(" => [LS][%03d]: [R%d(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), rdAddress, rdAddress*consts.BYTES_PER_WORD, immediate<<16)
	case set.OP_SUI:
		rdValue := this.Bus().LoadRegister(operation, rdAddress)
		this.Bus().StoreData(operation, rdValue, immediate<<16)
		logger.Collect(" => [LS][%03d]: [MEM(%#02X) = %#08X]", operation.Id(), rdValue, immediate<<16)
		return operation, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid operation to process by Data unit. Opcode: %d", instruction.Info.Opcode))
	return operation, nil