Beispiel #1
func ExampleTrimPrefix() {
	var b = []byte("Goodbye,, world!")
	b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, []byte("Goodbye,"))
	b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, []byte("See ya,"))
	fmt.Printf("Hello%s", b)
	// Output: Hello, world!
Beispiel #2
// CommitV000
// TreeV000
// XAttrSetV000
func ReadHeader(p *bytes.Buffer) (header *Header, err error) {
	header = &Header{}
	prefix := p.Next(4)
	var version []byte
	if bytes.Equal(prefix, []byte("Comm")) {
		header.Data = append(prefix, p.Next(6)...)
		header.Type = BLOB_TYPE_COMMIT
		version = bytes.TrimPrefix(header.Data, []byte("CommitV"))
	} else if bytes.Equal(prefix, []byte("Tree")) {
		header.Data = append(prefix, p.Next(4)...)
		header.Type = BLOB_TYPE_TREE
		version = bytes.TrimPrefix(header.Data, []byte("TreeV"))
	} else if bytes.Equal(prefix, []byte("XAtt")) {
		header.Data = append(prefix, p.Next(8)...)
		header.Type = BLOB_TYPE_X_ATTR_SET
		version = bytes.TrimPrefix(header.Data, []byte("XAttrSetV"))
	} else {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("ReadHeader header %s has unknown type", header.Data))
	if header.Version, err = strconv.Atoi(string(version)); err != nil {
		err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("ReadHeader header %s has non-integer version", header.Data))
Beispiel #3
func detectLicense(filepath string) (LicenseType, error) {
	fh, err := os.Open(filepath)
	if err != nil {
		return UNKNOWN, err
	defer fh.Close()

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fh)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		if bytes.HasPrefix(scanner.Bytes(), []byte("package ")) {
		line := bytes.TrimSuffix(bytes.TrimPrefix(bytes.TrimPrefix(scanner.Bytes(),
			[]byte("//")), []byte("/*")), []byte("*/"))
		if len(line) > 0 && (line[0] == '+' || bytes.HasPrefix(bytes.TrimSpace(line), []byte("Copyright"))) {
	//fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "DETECT %q\n", strings.TrimSpace(buf.String()))
	l := license.New("", strings.TrimSpace(buf.String()))
	l.File = filepath
	if err = l.GuessType(); err != nil {
		if err.Error() == license.ErrUnrecognizedLicense {
			return UNKNOWN, scanner.Err()
		return UNKNOWN, err

	err = scanner.Err()
	switch l.Type {
	case license.LicenseMIT:
		return MIT, err
	case license.LicenseNewBSD:
		return NewBSD, err
	case license.LicenseFreeBSD:
		return Freebsd, err
	case license.LicenseApache20:
		return Apache2, err
	case license.LicenseMPL20:
		return MPL2, err
	case license.LicenseGPL20:
		return GPL2, err
	case license.LicenseGPL30:
		return GPL3, err
	case license.LicenseLGPL21:
		return LGPL2, err
	case license.LicenseLGPL30:
		return LGPL2, err
	case license.LicenseCDDL10:
		return CDDL, err
	case license.LicenseEPL10:
		return EPL, err
	return UNKNOWN, err
Beispiel #4
func DetectCode(first, second Line, detectors Detectors) Handler {
	if !first.hasFourSpacePrefix() {
		return nil
	block := md.CodeBlock{}
	var paused *Line
	return HandlerFunc(func(next Line, ctx Context) (bool, error) {
		if next.EOF() {
			return maybeNull(paused, ctx)
		// TODO(akavel): verify it's coded ok, it was converted from a different approach
		fourspace := []byte("    ")
		switch {
		// previous was blank, next is not tab-indented. Reject both.
		case paused != nil && !next.hasFourSpacePrefix():
			return maybeNull(paused, ctx)
		case next.isBlank():
			if paused != nil {
				block.Raw = append(block.Raw, md.Run(*paused))
				block.Prose = append(block.Prose, md.Run{
					paused.Line, bytes.TrimPrefix(paused.Bytes, fourspace)})
			paused = &next // note: only case where we pause a line
			return true, nil
		case next.hasFourSpacePrefix():
			if paused != nil {
				block.Raw = append(block.Raw, md.Run(*paused))
				block.Prose = append(block.Prose, md.Run{
					paused.Line, bytes.TrimPrefix(paused.Bytes, fourspace)})
				paused = nil
			block.Raw = append(block.Raw, md.Run(next))
			block.Prose = append(block.Prose, md.Run{
				next.Line, bytes.TrimPrefix(next.Bytes, fourspace)})
			return true, nil
		// next not blank & not indented. End the block.
			if paused != nil {
				block.Raw = append(block.Raw, md.Run(*paused))
				block.Prose = append(block.Prose, md.Run{
					paused.Line, bytes.TrimPrefix(paused.Bytes, fourspace)})
			return false, nil
Beispiel #5
func TrimBOM(b []byte, encoding string) []byte {
	bom := boms[encoding]
	if bom != nil {
		b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, bom)
	return b
func (d *Driver) getMACAdress() (string, error) {
	args := append(d.xhyveArgs(), "-M")

	stdout := bytes.Buffer{}

	cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], args...) // TODO: Should be possible without exec
	log.Debugf("Running command: %s %s", os.Args[0], args)

	cmd.Stdout = &stdout
	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		if exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			log.Debugf("Stderr: %s", exitErr.Stderr)
		return "", err

	mac := bytes.TrimPrefix(stdout.Bytes(), []byte("MAC: "))
	mac = bytes.TrimSpace(mac)

	hw, err := net.ParseMAC(string(mac))
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return hw.String(), nil
Beispiel #7
// Keeps reading shallows until a flush-pkt is found
func decodeShallow(p *Decoder) decoderStateFn {
	if !bytes.HasPrefix(p.line, shallow) {
		p.error("malformed shallow prefix, found %q... instead", p.line[:len(shallow)])
		return nil
	p.line = bytes.TrimPrefix(p.line, shallow)

	if len(p.line) != hashSize {
			"malformed shallow hash: wrong length, expected 40 bytes, read %d bytes",
		return nil

	text := p.line[:hashSize]
	var h plumbing.Hash
	if _, err := hex.Decode(h[:], text); err != nil {
		p.error("invalid hash text: %s", err)
		return nil
	} = append(, h)

	if ok := p.nextLine(); !ok {
		return nil

	if len(p.line) == 0 {
		return nil // succesfull parse of the advertised-refs message

	return decodeShallow
Beispiel #8
func walkAndFindJsonFile(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
	if !info.IsDir() {
		if strings.Contains(info.Name(), "json") {
			fmt.Println("处理文件:::" + path)
			data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
			if err != nil {
			data = bytes.TrimPrefix(data, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf"))
			data, _ = GbkToUtf8(data)
			var book Book
			if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &book); err != nil {
			var bookName = book.Title
			var fileName = strings.Split(info.Name(), ".")[0]
			var zipFileName = strings.Split(book.ImageZipfile, ".")[0]
			if !strings.EqualFold(fileName, bookName) || !strings.EqualFold(zipFileName, bookName) {
				fmt.Println(info.Name() + ":::文件名:[" + bookName + "], zip文件名:[" + zipFileName + "]有误")
				fmt.Println(fileName + ":::文件名")
				fmt.Println(bookName + ":::书名")
				fmt.Println(zipFileName + ":::zip文件名")
			fmt.Printf("%s 格式正确\n", path)
		if _, err := CopyFile(destDir+string(os.PathSeparator)+info.Name(), path); err != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", path)
	return nil
func stockticker(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Use to get a JSON response
	response, err = http.Get(",NASDAQ:AAPL,NASDAQ:MSFT")
	if err != nil {
	defer response.Body.Close()

	// Read the data into a byte slice
	body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	if err != nil {
	// Remove whitespace from response
	data := bytes.TrimSpace(body)

	// Remove leading slashes and blank space to get byte slice that can be unmarshaled from JSON
	data = bytes.TrimPrefix(data, []byte("// "))

	// Unmarshal the JSON byte slice to a predefined struct
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &stocks)
	if err != nil {

	// Parse struct data to template
	tempErr := stockTemplate.Execute(w, stocks)
	if tempErr != nil {
		http.Error(w, tempErr.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
Beispiel #10
// Expected format: want <hash>
func (d *ulReqDecoder) decodeOtherWants() stateFn {
	if ok := d.nextLine(); !ok {
		return nil

	if bytes.HasPrefix(d.line, shallow) {
		return d.decodeShallow

	if bytes.HasPrefix(d.line, deepen) {
		return d.decodeDeepen

	if len(d.line) == 0 {
		return nil

	if !bytes.HasPrefix(d.line, want) {
		d.error("unexpected payload while expecting a want: %q", d.line)
		return nil
	d.line = bytes.TrimPrefix(d.line, want)

	hash, ok := d.readHash()
	if !ok {
		return nil
	} = append(, hash)

	return d.decodeOtherWants
Beispiel #11
func (p *GraphiteParser) Parse(buf []byte) ([]telegraf.Metric, error) {
	// parse even if the buffer begins with a newline
	buf = bytes.TrimPrefix(buf, []byte("\n"))

	metrics := make([]telegraf.Metric, 0)

	buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(buf)
	reader := bufio.NewReader(buffer)
	for {
		// Read up to the next newline.
		buf, err := reader.ReadBytes('\n')
		if err == io.EOF {
			return metrics, nil
		if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			return metrics, err

		// Trim the buffer, even though there should be no padding
		line := strings.TrimSpace(string(buf))
		if metric, err := p.ParseLine(line); err == nil {
			metrics = append(metrics, metric)

Beispiel #12
func getRepos(URL *url.URL) (map[string]string, error) {
	URL.RawQuery = "format=JSON"
	resp, err := http.Get(URL.String())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	const xssTag = ")]}'\n"
	content = bytes.TrimPrefix(content, []byte(xssTag))

	m := map[string]*Project{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(content, &m); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	result := map[string]string{}
	for k, v := range m {
		result[k] = v.CloneURL
	return result, nil
Beispiel #13
func (fs *hgFSCmd) ReadDir(path string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
	path = filepath.Clean(internal.Rel(path))
	// This combination of --include and --exclude opts gets all the files in
	// the dir specified by path, plus all files one level deeper (but no
	// deeper). This lets us list the files *and* subdirs in the dir without
	// needlessly listing recursively.
	cmd := exec.Command("hg", "locate", "--rev="+string(, "--include="+path, "--exclude="+filepath.Clean(path)+"/*/*/*")
	cmd.Dir = fs.dir
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("exec `hg cat` failed: %s. Output was:\n\n%s", err, out)

	subdirs := make(map[string]struct{})
	prefix := []byte(path + "/")
	files := bytes.Split(out, []byte{'\n'})
	var fis []os.FileInfo
	for _, nameb := range files {
		nameb = bytes.TrimPrefix(nameb, prefix)
		if len(nameb) == 0 {
		if bytes.Contains(nameb, []byte{'/'}) {
			subdir := strings.SplitN(string(nameb), "/", 2)[0]
			if _, seen := subdirs[subdir]; !seen {
				fis = append(fis, &util.FileInfo{Name_: subdir, Mode_: os.ModeDir})
				subdirs[subdir] = struct{}{}
		fis = append(fis, &util.FileInfo{Name_: filepath.Base(string(nameb))})

	return fis, nil
Beispiel #14
func getGoroutineID() (uint64, error) {
	b := make([]byte, 64)
	b = b[:runtime.Stack(b, false)]
	b = bytes.TrimPrefix(b, []byte("goroutine "))
	b = b[:bytes.IndexByte(b, ' ')]
	return strconv.ParseUint(string(b), 10, 64)
Beispiel #15
// checkVersionMatch makes sure that the go command in the path matches
// the GOROOT that will be used for building the cross compiler.
// This is typically not a problem when using the a release version, but
// it is easy for development environments to drift, causing unexpected
// errors.
// checkVersionMatch is run after the tmpGoroot is built, so the dist
// command is available to call.
func checkVersionMatch(tmpGoroot string, version []byte) error {
	if buildN {
		return nil
	version = bytes.TrimPrefix(version, []byte("go version "))
	version = bytes.Trim(version, "\n")

	dist := filepath.Join(tmpGoroot, "pkg/tool/"+goEnv("GOOS")+"_"+goEnv("GOARCH")+"/dist")
	if goos == "windows" {
		dist += ".exe"
	cmd := exec.Command(dist, "version")
	cmd.Dir = tmpGoroot
	cmd.Env = []string{
		"GOROOT=" + tmpGoroot,
		`PATH=` + os.Getenv("PATH"),
	cmd.Env = appendCommonEnv(cmd.Env)
	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot get cmd/dist version: %v (%s)", err, out)
	out = bytes.Trim(out, "\n")

	if !bytes.HasPrefix(version, out) {
		return fmt.Errorf("Go command out of sync with GOROOT. The command `go version` reports:\n\t%s\nbut the GOROOT %q is version:\n\t%s\nRebuild Go.", version, goEnv("GOROOT"), out)
	return nil
Beispiel #16
func (pr *protocolReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
	if len(pr.buf) > 0 {
		n := copy(buf, pr.buf)
		pr.buf = pr.buf[n:]
		return n, nil
	for pr.scanner.Scan() {
		cmd := pr.scanner.Bytes()
		switch {
			statErrors.Add("type=InvalidCommand", 1)
			fmt.Fprintf(pr.conn, "error: invalid command\n")
		case bytes.Equal(cmd, versionCmd):
			fmt.Fprintf(pr.conn, "Built on ... (tsp-aggregator)\n")
		case bytes.HasPrefix(cmd, putCmd):
			line := bytes.TrimPrefix(cmd, putCmd)
			line = append(line, '\n')
			n := copy(buf, line)
			if n < len(line) {
				pr.buf = append(pr.buf, line[n:]...)
			return n, nil
	err := pr.scanner.Err()
	if err == nil {
		err = io.EOF
	return 0, err
Beispiel #17
func stockticker() {
	// Use to get a JSON response
	response, err = http.Get(",NASDAQ:AAPL,NASDAQ:MSFT")
	if err != nil {
	defer response.Body.Close()

	// Read the data into a byte slice
	body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	if err != nil {
	// Remove whitespace from response
	data := bytes.TrimSpace(body)

	// Remove leading slashes and blank space to get byte slice that can be unmarshaled from JSON
	data = bytes.TrimPrefix(data, []byte("// "))

	// Unmarshal the JSON byte slice to a predefined struct
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &stocks)
	if err != nil {

Beispiel #18
func (r *Reader) Read() ([]byte, error) {
	buf := []byte{}
	var isErr bool
	for {
		line, err := r.ReadBytes('\n')
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("event: error")) {
			isErr = true
		if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("data: ")) {
			data := bytes.TrimSuffix(bytes.TrimPrefix(line, []byte("data: ")), []byte("\n"))
			buf = append(buf, data...)
		// peek ahead one byte to see if we have a double newline (terminator)
		if peek, err := r.Peek(1); err == nil && string(peek) == "\n" {
	if isErr {
		return nil, Error(string(buf))
	return buf, nil
Beispiel #19
// ReadAll reads a .dockerignore file and returns the list of file patterns
// to ignore. Note this will trim whitespace from each line as well
// as use GO's "clean" func to get the shortest/cleanest path for each.
func ReadAll(reader io.Reader) ([]string, error) {
	if reader == nil {
		return nil, nil

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
	var excludes []string
	currentLine := 0

	utf8bom := []byte{0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}
	for scanner.Scan() {
		scannedBytes := scanner.Bytes()
		// We trim UTF8 BOM
		if currentLine == 0 {
			scannedBytes = bytes.TrimPrefix(scannedBytes, utf8bom)
		pattern := string(scannedBytes)
		// Lines starting with # (comments) are ignored before processing
		if strings.HasPrefix(pattern, "#") {
		pattern = strings.TrimSpace(pattern)
		if pattern == "" {
		pattern = filepath.Clean(pattern)
		pattern = filepath.ToSlash(pattern)
		excludes = append(excludes, pattern)
	if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading .dockerignore: %v", err)
	return excludes, nil
Beispiel #20
// GetAllServiceMeta returns all available services.
func (ds *DataStorage) GetServiceDescriptions() []*common.ServiceDescription {
	sdList := make(common.ServiceDescriptionList, 0, 1000)
	sdPrefix := []byte(serviceDescriptionPrefix)
	iter := ds.db.NewIterator(defaultReadOptions)
	for iter.Valid() {
		svcKey := iter.Key()
		svcName := bytes.TrimPrefix(svcKey, sdPrefix)

		if len(svcKey) == len(svcName) {
		serviceDesc, err := common.NewServiceDescriptionFromBinary(iter.Value())
		if err != nil {
				"Coudn't read service '%s' description: %s",
				svcName, err.Error())
		sdList = append(sdList, serviceDesc)
	return sdList
Beispiel #21
func (p *planner) getTableNames(dbDesc *DatabaseDescriptor) (parser.QualifiedNames, *roachpb.Error) {
	prefix := MakeNameMetadataKey(dbDesc.ID, "")
	sr, pErr := p.txn.Scan(prefix, prefix.PrefixEnd(), 0)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr

	var qualifiedNames parser.QualifiedNames
	for _, row := range sr {
		_, tableName, err := encoding.DecodeStringAscending(
			bytes.TrimPrefix(row.Key, prefix), nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
		qname := &parser.QualifiedName{
			Base:     parser.Name(dbDesc.Name),
			Indirect: parser.Indirection{parser.NameIndirection(tableName)},
		if err := qname.NormalizeTableName(""); err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
		qualifiedNames = append(qualifiedNames, qname)
	return qualifiedNames, nil
Beispiel #22
// getConfig retrieves the configuration for the specified key. If the
// key is empty, all configurations are returned. Otherwise, the
// leading "/" path delimiter is stripped and the configuration
// matching the remainder is retrieved. Note that this will retrieve
// the default config if "key" is equal to "/", and will list all
// configs if "key" is equal to "". The body result contains a listing
// of keys and retrieval of a config. The output format is determined
// by the request header.
func getConfig(db *client.DB, configPrefix proto.Key, config gogoproto.Message,
	path string, r *http.Request) (body []byte, contentType string, err error) {
	// Scan all configs if the key is empty.
	if len(path) == 0 {
		var rows []client.KeyValue
		if rows, err = db.Scan(configPrefix, configPrefix.PrefixEnd(), maxGetResults); err != nil {
		if len(rows) == maxGetResults {
			log.Warningf("retrieved maximum number of results (%d); some may be missing", maxGetResults)
		var prefixes []string
		for _, row := range rows {
			trimmed := bytes.TrimPrefix(row.Key, configPrefix)
			prefixes = append(prefixes, url.QueryEscape(string(trimmed)))
		// Encode the response.
		body, contentType, err = util.MarshalResponse(r, prefixes, util.AllEncodings)
	} else {
		configkey := keys.MakeKey(configPrefix, proto.Key(path[1:]))
		if err = db.GetProto(configkey, config); err != nil {
		body, contentType, err = util.MarshalResponse(r, config, util.AllEncodings)

Beispiel #23
// Entry decodes the key (assuming it was encoded by EncodeKey) into an Entry
// and populates its value field.
func Entry(key []byte, val []byte) (*spb.Entry, error) {
	if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, entryKeyPrefixBytes) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("key is not prefixed with entry prefix %q", entryKeyPrefix)
	keyStr := string(bytes.TrimPrefix(key, entryKeyPrefixBytes))
	keyParts := strings.SplitN(keyStr, entryKeySepStr, 4)
	if len(keyParts) != 4 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key[%d]: %q", len(keyParts), string(key))

	srcVName, err := decodeVName(keyParts[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding source VName: %v", err)
	targetVName, err := decodeVName(keyParts[3])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding target VName: %v", err)

	return &spb.Entry{
		Source:    srcVName,
		FactName:  keyParts[2],
		EdgeKind:  keyParts[1],
		Target:    targetVName,
		FactValue: val,
	}, nil
Beispiel #24
// ShowTables returns all the tables.
func (s *Server) ShowTables(session *Session, p *parser.ShowTables, args []sqlwire.Datum, resp *sqlwire.Response) error {
	if p.Name == nil {
		if session.Database == "" {
			return errNoDatabase
		p.Name = append(p.Name, session.Database)
	dbID, err := s.lookupDatabase(p.Name.String())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	prefix := keys.MakeNameMetadataKey(dbID, "")
	sr, err := s.db.Scan(prefix, prefix.PrefixEnd(), 0)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	var rows []sqlwire.Result_Row

	for _, row := range sr {
		name := string(bytes.TrimPrefix(row.Key, prefix))
		rows = append(rows, sqlwire.Result_Row{
			Values: []sqlwire.Datum{
				{StringVal: &name},
	resp.Results = []sqlwire.Result{
			Columns: []string{"tables"},
			Rows:    rows,
	return nil
Beispiel #25
// getTableNames implements the SchemaAccessor interface.
func (p *planner) getTableNames(dbDesc *sqlbase.DatabaseDescriptor) (parser.TableNames, error) {
	if e, ok := p.session.virtualSchemas.getVirtualSchemaEntry(dbDesc.Name); ok {
		return e.tableNames(), nil

	prefix := sqlbase.MakeNameMetadataKey(dbDesc.ID, "")
	sr, err := p.txn.Scan(prefix, prefix.PrefixEnd(), 0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var tableNames parser.TableNames
	for _, row := range sr {
		_, tableName, err := encoding.DecodeUnsafeStringAscending(
			bytes.TrimPrefix(row.Key, prefix), nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		tn := parser.TableName{
			DatabaseName: parser.Name(dbDesc.Name),
			TableName:    parser.Name(tableName),
		tableNames = append(tableNames, tn)
	return tableNames, nil
Beispiel #26
func substPatternBytes(pat, repl, str []byte) (pre, subst, post []byte) {
	i := bytes.IndexByte(pat, '%')
	if i < 0 {
		if bytes.Equal(str, pat) {
			return repl, nil, nil
		return str, nil, nil
	in := str
	trimed := str
	if i > 0 {
		trimed = bytes.TrimPrefix(in, pat[:i])
		if bytes.Equal(trimed, in) {
			return str, nil, nil
	in = trimed
	if i < len(pat)-1 {
		trimed = bytes.TrimSuffix(in, pat[i+1:])
		if bytes.Equal(trimed, in) {
			return str, nil, nil

	i = bytes.IndexByte(repl, '%')
	if i < 0 {
		return repl, nil, nil

	return repl[:i], trimed, repl[i+1:]
// markdownify renders a given string from Markdown to HTML.
func markdownify(in interface{}) template.HTML {
	text := cast.ToString(in)
	m := helpers.RenderBytes(&helpers.RenderingContext{Content: []byte(text), PageFmt: "markdown"})
	m = bytes.TrimPrefix(m, markdownTrimPrefix)
	m = bytes.TrimSuffix(m, markdownTrimSuffix)
	return template.HTML(m)
Beispiel #28
// Expected format: shallow <hash>
func decodeShallow(d *Decoder) decoderStateFn {
	if bytes.HasPrefix(d.line, deepen) {
		return decodeDeepen

	if len(d.line) == 0 {
		return nil

	if !bytes.HasPrefix(d.line, shallow) {
		d.error("unexpected payload while expecting a shallow: %q", d.line)
		return nil
	d.line = bytes.TrimPrefix(d.line, shallow)

	hash, ok := d.readHash()
	if !ok {
		return nil
	} = append(, hash)

	if ok := d.nextLine(); !ok {
		return nil

	return decodeShallow
Beispiel #29
func (options *Html) TitleBlock(out *bytes.Buffer, text []byte) {
	text = bytes.TrimPrefix(text, []byte("% "))
	text = bytes.Replace(text, []byte("\n% "), []byte("\n"), -1)
	out.WriteString("<h1 class=\"title\">")
Beispiel #30
func decodeDeepenReference(d *Decoder) decoderStateFn {
	d.line = bytes.TrimPrefix(d.line, deepenReference) = DepthReference(string(d.line))

	return decodeFlush