Beispiel #1
// SetPitchBase sets the pitch of the speech with frequency mapped as a MIDI note number.
// SetPitchBase changes the current speech pitch on the speech channel to the pitch specified by the pitch parameter. Typical voice
// frequencies range from around 90 Hz for a low-pitched male voice to perhaps 300 Hz for a high-pitched child's voice. These
// frequencies correspond to approximate pitch values in the ranges of 30.000 to 40.000 and 55.000 to 65.000, respectively.
// Although fixed-point values allow you to specify a wide range of pitches, not all synthesizers will support the full range of
// pitches. If your application specifies a pitch that a synthesizer cannot handle, it may adjust the pitch to fit within
// an acceptable range.
func (c *Channel) SetPitchBase(pitch float64) error {
	return osError(C.SetSpeechPitch(, C.Fixed(pitch*65536)))
Beispiel #2
// SetRate sets the speech rate in words-per-minute.
// SetRate adjusts the rate of the speech channel to the rate specified by the rate parameter. As a general rule, speaking rates
// range from around 150 words per minute to around 220 words per minute. It is important to keep in mind, however, that users will
// differ greatly in their ability to understand synthesized speech at a particular rate based upon their level of experience
// listening to the voice and their ability to anticipate the types of utterances they will encounter.
func (c *Channel) SetRate(rate int) error {
	return osError(C.SetSpeechRate(, C.Fixed(rate<<16)))