Beispiel #1
func (c *Client) StatBlobs(dest chan<- blob.SizedRef, blobs []blob.Ref, wait time.Duration) error {
	var needStat []blob.Ref
	for _, br := range blobs {
		if !br.Valid() {
			panic("invalid blob")
		if size, ok := c.haveCache.StatBlobCache(br); ok {
			dest <- blob.SizedRef{br, size}
		} else {
			if needStat == nil {
				needStat = make([]blob.Ref, 0, len(blobs))
			needStat = append(needStat, br)
	if len(needStat) == 0 {
		return nil
	if wait > 0 {
		// No batching on wait requests.
		return c.doStat(dest, needStat, wait, true)

	// Here begins all the batching logic. In a SPDY world, this
	// will all be somewhat useless, so consider detecting SPDY on
	// the underlying connection and just always calling doStat
	// instead.  The one thing this code below is also cut up
	// >1000 stats into smaller batches.  But with SPDY we could
	// even just do lots of little 1-at-a-time stats.

	var errcs []chan error // one per blob to stat

		if c.pendStat == nil {
			c.pendStat = make(map[string][]statReq)
		for _, blob := range needStat {
			errc := make(chan error, 1)
			errcs = append(errcs, errc)
			brStr := blob.String()
			c.pendStat[brStr] = append(c.pendStat[brStr], statReq{blob, dest, errc})

	// Kick off at least one worker. It may do nothing and lose
	// the race, but somebody will handle our requests in
	// pendStat.
	go c.doSomeStats()

	for _, errc := range errcs {
		if err := <-errc; err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Beispiel #2
func (sto *driveStorage) RemoveBlobs(blobs []blob.Ref) error {
	var reterr error
	for _, blob := range blobs {
		if err := sto.service.Trash(blob.String()); err != nil {
			reterr = err
	return reterr
Beispiel #3
func (sto *s3Storage) RemoveBlobs(blobs []blob.Ref) error {
	// TODO: do these in parallel
	var reterr error
	for _, blob := range blobs {
		if err := sto.s3Client.Delete(sto.bucket, blob.String()); err != nil {
			reterr = err
	return reterr

Beispiel #4
func (sto *s3Storage) RemoveBlobs(blobs []blob.Ref) error {
	var wg syncutil.Group

	for _, blob := range blobs {
		blob := blob
		wg.Go(func() error {
			defer removeGate.Done()
			return sto.s3Client.Delete(sto.bucket, blob.String())
	return wg.Err()

Beispiel #5
func (m *mongoStorage) RemoveBlobs(blobs []blob.Ref) error {
	var wg syncutil.Group

	for _, blob := range blobs {
		blob := blob
		wg.Go(func() error {
			defer removeGate.Done()
			err := m.c.Remove(bson.M{"key": blob.String()})
			if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
				return nil
			return err
	return wg.Err()

Beispiel #6
func (h *Host) startPeriodicImporters() {
	res, err :={
		Expression: "attr:camliNodeType:importerAccount",
		Describe: &search.DescribeRequest{
			Depth: 1,
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("periodic importer search fail: %v", err)
	if res.Describe == nil {
		log.Printf("No describe response in search result")
	for _, resBlob := range res.Blobs {
		blob := resBlob.Blob
		desBlob, ok := res.Describe.Meta[blob.String()]
		if !ok || desBlob.Permanode == nil {
		attrs := desBlob.Permanode.Attr
		if attrs.Get(attrNodeType) != nodeTypeImporterAccount {
			panic("Search result returned non-importerAccount")
		impType := attrs.Get("importerType")
		imp, ok := h.imp[impType]
		if !ok {
		ia, err := imp.account(blob)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Can't load importer account %v for regular importing: %v", blob, err)
		go ia.maybeStart()