Beispiel #1
func (p *exporter) signature(sig *types.Signature) {
	// We need the receiver information (T vs *T)
	// for methods associated with named types.
	// We do not record interface receiver types in the
	// export data because 1) the importer can derive them
	// from the interface type and 2) they create cycles
	// in the type graph.
	if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
		if _, ok := recv.Type().Underlying().(*types.Interface); !ok {
			// 1-element tuple
		} else {
			// 0-element tuple
	} else {
		// 0-element tuple
	if sig.Variadic() {
	} else {
Beispiel #2
func (tm *LLVMTypeMap) funcLLVMType(tstr string, f *types.Signature) llvm.Type {
	typ, ok := tm.types[tstr]
	if !ok {
		// If there's a receiver change the receiver to an
		// additional (first) parameter, and take the value of
		// the resulting signature instead.
		var param_types []llvm.Type
		if recv := f.Recv(); recv != nil {
			params := f.Params()
			paramvars := make([]*types.Var, int(params.Len()+1))
			paramvars[0] = recv
			for i := 0; i < int(params.Len()); i++ {
				paramvars[i+1] = params.At(i)
			params = types.NewTuple(paramvars...)
			f := types.NewSignature(nil, params, f.Results(), f.IsVariadic())
			return tm.ToLLVM(f)

		typ = llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed("")
		tm.types[tstr] = typ

		params := f.Params()
		nparams := int(params.Len())
		for i := 0; i < nparams; i++ {
			typ := params.At(i).Type()
			if f.IsVariadic() && i == nparams-1 {
				typ = types.NewSlice(typ)
			llvmtyp := tm.ToLLVM(typ)
			param_types = append(param_types, llvmtyp)

		var return_type llvm.Type
		results := f.Results()
		switch nresults := int(results.Len()); nresults {
		case 0:
			return_type = llvm.VoidType()
		case 1:
			return_type = tm.ToLLVM(results.At(0).Type())
			elements := make([]llvm.Type, nresults)
			for i := range elements {
				result := results.At(i)
				elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(result.Type())
			return_type = llvm.StructType(elements, false)

		fntyp := llvm.FunctionType(return_type, param_types, false)
		fnptrtyp := llvm.PointerType(fntyp, 0)
		i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
		elements := []llvm.Type{fnptrtyp, i8ptr} // func, closure
		typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
// changeRecv returns sig with Recv prepended to Params().
func changeRecv(sig *types.Signature) *types.Signature {
	params := sig.Params()
	n := params.Len()
	p2 := make([]*types.Var, n+1)
	p2[0] = sig.Recv()
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		p2[i+1] = params.At(i)
	return types.NewSignature(nil, nil, types.NewTuple(p2...), sig.Results(), sig.IsVariadic())
Beispiel #4
func (tm *llvmTypeMap) funcLLVMType(f *types.Signature, name string) llvm.Type {
	// If there's a receiver change the receiver to an
	// additional (first) parameter, and take the value of
	// the resulting signature instead.
	if recv := f.Recv(); recv != nil {
		params := f.Params()
		paramvars := make([]*types.Var, int(params.Len()+1))
		paramvars[0] = recv
		for i := 0; i < int(params.Len()); i++ {
			paramvars[i+1] = params.At(i)
		params = types.NewTuple(paramvars...)
		f := types.NewSignature(nil, nil, params, f.Results(), f.Variadic())
		return tm.toLLVM(f, name)

	if typ, ok := tm.types.At(f).(llvm.Type); ok {
		return typ
	typ := llvm.GlobalContext().StructCreateNamed(name)
	tm.types.Set(f, typ)

	params := f.Params()
	param_types := make([]llvm.Type, params.Len())
	for i := range param_types {
		llvmtyp := tm.ToLLVM(params.At(i).Type())
		param_types[i] = llvmtyp

	var return_type llvm.Type
	results := f.Results()
	switch nresults := int(results.Len()); nresults {
	case 0:
		return_type = llvm.VoidType()
	case 1:
		return_type = tm.ToLLVM(results.At(0).Type())
		elements := make([]llvm.Type, nresults)
		for i := range elements {
			result := results.At(i)
			elements[i] = tm.ToLLVM(result.Type())
		return_type = llvm.StructType(elements, false)

	fntyp := llvm.FunctionType(return_type, param_types, false)
	fnptrtyp := llvm.PointerType(fntyp, 0)
	i8ptr := llvm.PointerType(llvm.Int8Type(), 0)
	elements := []llvm.Type{fnptrtyp, i8ptr} // func, closure
	typ.StructSetBody(elements, false)
	return typ
Beispiel #5
func (w *Walker) writeSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *types.Signature) {
	w.writeParams(buf, sig.Params(), sig.IsVariadic())
	switch res := sig.Results(); res.Len() {
	case 0:
		// nothing to do
	case 1:
		buf.WriteByte(' ')
		w.writeType(buf, res.At(0).Type())
		buf.WriteByte(' ')
		w.writeParams(buf, res, false)
Beispiel #6
func (cdd *CDD) signature(sig *types.Signature, recv bool, pnames int) (res results, params string) {
	params = "("
	res = cdd.results(sig.Results())
	if r := sig.Recv(); r != nil && recv {
		typ, dim, acds := cdd.TypeStr(r.Type())
		res.acds = append(res.acds, acds...)
		var pname string
		switch pnames {
		case numNames:
			pname = "_0"
		case orgNames:
			pname = cdd.NameStr(r, true)
		if pname == "" {
			params += typ + dimFuncPtr("", dim)
		} else {
			params += typ + " " + dimFuncPtr(pname, dim)
		if sig.Params() != nil {
			params += ", "
	if p := sig.Params(); p != nil {
		for i, n := 0, p.Len(); i < n; i++ {
			if i != 0 {
				params += ", "
			v := p.At(i)
			typ, dim, acds := cdd.TypeStr(v.Type())
			res.acds = append(res.acds, acds...)
			var pname string
			switch pnames {
			case numNames:
				pname = "_" + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
			case orgNames:
				pname = cdd.NameStr(v, true)
				if pname == "_$" {
					pname = "unused" + cdd.gtc.uniqueId()
			if pname == "" {
				params += typ + dimFuncPtr("", dim)
			} else {
				params += typ + " " + dimFuncPtr(pname, dim)
	params += ")"
Beispiel #7
func (m *TypeMap) descriptorSignature(t *types.Signature, name string) TypeDebugDescriptor {
	// If there's a receiver change the receiver to an
	// additional (first) parameter, and take the value of
	// the resulting signature instead.
	if recv := t.Recv(); recv != nil {
		params := t.Params()
		paramvars := make([]*types.Var, int(params.Len()+1))
		paramvars[0] = recv
		for i := 0; i < int(params.Len()); i++ {
			paramvars[i+1] = params.At(i)
		params = types.NewTuple(paramvars...)
		t := types.NewSignature(nil, nil, params, t.Results(), t.Variadic())
		return m.typeDebugDescriptor(t, name)
	if dt, ok := m.m.At(t).(TypeDebugDescriptor); ok {
		return dt

	var returnType DebugDescriptor
	var paramTypes []DebugDescriptor
	if results := t.Results(); results.Len() == 1 {
		returnType = m.TypeDebugDescriptor(results.At(0).Type())
	} else if results != nil {
		fields := make([]DebugDescriptor, results.Len())
		for i := range fields {
			fields[i] = m.TypeDebugDescriptor(results.At(i).Type())
		returnType = NewStructCompositeType(fields)
	if params := t.Params(); params != nil && params.Len() > 0 {
		paramTypes = make([]DebugDescriptor, params.Len())
		for i := range paramTypes {
			paramTypes[i] = m.TypeDebugDescriptor(params.At(i).Type())
	ct := NewStructCompositeType([]DebugDescriptor{
		NewSubroutineCompositeType(returnType, paramTypes),
	ct.Name = name
	m.m.Set(t, ct)
	return ct
Beispiel #8
func (p *printer) writeSignatureInternal(this *types.Package, sig *types.Signature, visited []types.Type) {
	p.writeTuple(this, sig.Params(), sig.Variadic(), visited)

	res := sig.Results()
	n := res.Len()
	if n == 0 {
		// no result

	p.print(" ")
	if n == 1 && res.At(0).Name() == "" {
		// single unnamed result
		p.writeTypeInternal(this, res.At(0).Type(), visited)

	// multiple or named result(s)
	p.writeTuple(this, res, false, visited)
Beispiel #9
func (tm *TypeMap) funcRuntimeType(f *types.Signature) (global, ptr llvm.Value) {
	rtype := tm.makeRtype(f, reflect.Func)
	funcType := llvm.ConstNull(tm.runtime.funcType.llvm)
	global, ptr = tm.makeRuntimeTypeGlobal(funcType, typeString(f))
	tm.types.Set(f, runtimeTypeInfo{global, ptr})
	funcType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(funcType, rtype, []uint32{0})
	// dotdotdot
	if f.Variadic() {
		variadic := llvm.ConstInt(llvm.Int1Type(), 1, false)
		funcType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(funcType, variadic, []uint32{1})
	// in
	intypes := tm.rtypeSlice(f.Params())
	funcType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(funcType, intypes, []uint32{2})
	// out
	outtypes := tm.rtypeSlice(f.Results())
	funcType = llvm.ConstInsertValue(funcType, outtypes, []uint32{3})
	return global, ptr
Beispiel #10
func (v funcTypeVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
	var sig *types.Signature
	var noderecv *ast.FieldList
	var astfunc *ast.FuncType

	switch node := node.(type) {
	case *ast.FuncDecl:
		sig = v.objects[node.Name].Type().(*types.Signature)
		astfunc = node.Type
		noderecv = node.Recv
	case *ast.FuncLit:
		sig = v.exprtypes[node].Type.(*types.Signature)
		astfunc = node.Type
		return v

	// go/types creates a separate types.Var for
	// internal and external usage. We need to
	// associate them at the object data level.
	paramIdents := fieldlistIdents(astfunc.Params)
	resultIdents := fieldlistIdents(astfunc.Results)
	if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
		id := fieldlistIdents(noderecv)[0]
		if obj, ok := v.objects[id]; ok {
			v.objectdata[recv] = v.objectdata[obj]
	for i, id := range paramIdents {
		if obj, ok := v.objects[id]; ok {
			v.objectdata[sig.Params().At(i)] = v.objectdata[obj]
	for i, id := range resultIdents {
		if obj, ok := v.objects[id]; ok {
			v.objectdata[sig.Results().At(i)] = v.objectdata[obj]
	return v
Beispiel #11
// writeSignature writes to w the signature sig in declaration syntax.
// Derived from types.Signature.String().
func writeSignature(w io.Writer, name string, sig *types.Signature, params []*Parameter) {
	io.WriteString(w, "func ")
	if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
		io.WriteString(w, "(")
		if n := params[0].Name(); n != "" {
			io.WriteString(w, n)
			io.WriteString(w, " ")
		io.WriteString(w, params[0].Type().String())
		io.WriteString(w, ") ")
		params = params[1:]
	io.WriteString(w, name)
	io.WriteString(w, "(")
	for i, v := range params {
		if i > 0 {
			io.WriteString(w, ", ")
		io.WriteString(w, v.Name())
		io.WriteString(w, " ")
		if sig.IsVariadic() && i == len(params)-1 {
			io.WriteString(w, "...")
			io.WriteString(w, v.Type().Underlying().(*types.Slice).Elem().String())
		} else {
			io.WriteString(w, v.Type().String())
	io.WriteString(w, ")")
	if n := sig.Results().Len(); n > 0 {
		io.WriteString(w, " ")
		r := sig.Results()
		if n == 1 && r.At(0).Name() == "" {
			io.WriteString(w, r.At(0).Type().String())
		} else {
			io.WriteString(w, r.String())
Beispiel #12
func (p *exporter) signature(sig *types.Signature) {
	// TODO(gri) We only need to record the receiver type
	//           for interface methods if we flatten them
	//           out. If we track embedded types instead,
	//           the information is already present.
	// We do need the receiver information (T vs *T)
	// for methods associated with named types.
	if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
		// 1-element tuple
	} else {
		// 0-element tuple
	if sig.Variadic() {
	} else {
Beispiel #13
func (ts *TypeStringer) writeSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *types.Signature) {
	if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
		ts.writeType(buf, recv.Type())
		buf.WriteByte(' ')

	ts.writeParams(buf, sig.Params(), sig.IsVariadic())
	if sig.Results().Len() == 0 {
		// no result

	buf.WriteByte(' ')
	if sig.Results().Len() == 1 {
		// single unnamed result
		ts.writeType(buf, sig.Results().At(0).Type())

	// multiple or named result(s)
	ts.writeParams(buf, sig.Results(), false)
Beispiel #14
func (ts *TypeStringer) writeSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *types.Signature, unique bool) {
	if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
		if _, ok := recv.Type().Underlying().(*types.Interface); !ok {
			ts.writeType(buf, recv.Type(), unique)
			buf.WriteByte(' ')

	ts.writeParams(buf, sig.Params(), sig.IsVariadic(), unique)
	if sig.Results().Len() == 0 {
		// no result

	buf.WriteByte(' ')
	if sig.Results().Len() == 1 {
		// single unnamed result
		ts.writeType(buf, sig.Results().At(0).Type(), unique)

	// multiple or named result(s)
	ts.writeParams(buf, sig.Results(), false, unique)
Beispiel #15
func changeRecv(s *types.Signature, recv *types.Var) *types.Signature {
	return types.NewSignature(nil, recv, s.Params(), s.Results(), s.Variadic())
Beispiel #16
func (c *PkgContext) translateFunctionBody(stmts []ast.Stmt, sig *types.Signature) {
	c.funcVarNames = nil

	body := c.CatchOutput(func() {
		var resultNames []ast.Expr
		if sig != nil && sig.Results().Len() != 0 && sig.Results().At(0).Name() != "" {
			resultNames = make([]ast.Expr, sig.Results().Len())
			for i := 0; i < sig.Results().Len(); i++ {
				result := sig.Results().At(i)
				name := result.Name()
				if result.Name() == "_" {
					name = "result"
				id := ast.NewIdent(name)[id] = result.Type()[id] = result
				c.Printf("%s = %s;", c.translateExpr(id), c.zeroValue(result.Type()))
				resultNames[i] = id

		if sig != nil {
			s := c.functionSig
			defer func() { c.functionSig = s }()
			c.functionSig = sig
		r := c.resultNames
		defer func() { c.resultNames = r }()
		c.resultNames = resultNames
		p := c.postLoopStmt
		defer func() { c.postLoopStmt = p }()
		c.postLoopStmt = make(map[string]ast.Stmt)

		v := HasDeferVisitor{}
		ast.Walk(&v, &ast.BlockStmt{List: stmts})
		switch v.hasDefer {
		case true:
			c.Printf("var Go$deferred = [];")
			c.Printf("try {")
			c.Indent(func() {
			c.Printf("} catch(Go$err) {")
			c.Indent(func() {
				c.Printf("if (Go$err.constructor !== Go$Panic) { Go$err = Go$wrapJavaScriptError(Go$err); }")
				c.Printf("Go$errorStack.push({ frame: Go$getStackDepth(), error: Go$err });")
				if sig != nil && sig.Results().Len() != 0 && resultNames == nil {
					zeros := make([]string, sig.Results().Len())
					for i := range zeros {
						zeros[i] = c.zeroValue(sig.Results().At(i).Type())
					c.Printf("return %s;", strings.Join(zeros, ", "))
			c.Printf("} finally {")
			c.Indent(func() {
				if resultNames != nil {
					c.translateStmt(&ast.ReturnStmt{}, "")
		case false:

	if len(c.funcVarNames) != 0 {
		c.Printf("var %s;", strings.Join(c.funcVarNames, ", "))